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Started by FireArrow, January 23, 2015, 11:42:46 PM

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Wolves win. Role reveal + Curse reveal yay. Not gonna bother with analysis, sorry guise. Note to Maelstrom, Blueflower, MLF (and partially Yugi): Your lack of participation was just lame. Not cool booboo.

1. maelstrom
You have received: Bad Translator Curse

You must run everything you say through this. Do not change any settings.
This curse is lifted if you have the second most votes at the end of a day phase.
2. davy
You got wolfed night one, sorry man. :[
3. NocturneOfShadow
You have received: Grammar Nazi Curse

You must point out at least 2 grammar or spelling mistakes each phase.
After pointing out a mistake, if the person makes it again you gain a permanent vote on you.
If there are no grammar/spelling errors in an entire phase this curse is lifted. If there is one you only need to point out 1.
You have received: Like Curse

You must use the word "like" in every sentence.
If every other player says the word like in a phase you cannot be lynch or wolfed. If no other players say it, you receive a strike.
4. fank009
You have received: Punny Curse

All of your posts/PMs must contain a pun.
You have received: Alphabet Curse

You must use every letter of the alphabet in each of your posts/PMs.
You have received: Name Reverse Curse

You must refer to people as some witty ironic version of their name (i.e. FireArrow --> WaterSpear.)
Once you chose a name for someone, you cannot change it. Votes must also be cast with these names.
If someone asks you to clarify who you mean, you cannot respond.
Ex: FireArrow --> WaterArrow isn't sufficent.
You have received: Anime Curse

You may not use the words wolf or human (or anything synonymous, i.e. scum, villager, mafia, etc.)
Rather, you must use the words "baka" and "kawaii."
This includes other forms of the word such as wolfy.
Ex: "FireArrow is probably a wolf" --> "FireArrow is probably Baka."
5. Yugi
You have received: Selfie Curse

You must post a selfie per phase (it does not have to be of you, as long as you claim it's you.)
You must regard this selfie with much narcissism.
Everytime someone calls you attractive (or any other adjective with positive connotation), your vote permanently goes up by 0.1.
6. Olimar12345
You have received: The Sexy Curse

The only adjective you may use is sexy.
Ex: "FireArrow is acting really wolfy." --> "FireArrow is acting really sexy."
You have received: Wabbit Cuwse

You must change all "r"s to "w".
Ex: "Reread what I wrote" --> "Wewead what I wwote."
You have received: Dictionary Curse

You can only use words that have already been said in the main TWG thread.
This resets every phase; so if for example it is day phase 2, you cannot use words from night phase 2.
If no one has posted yet, you cannot post.

Words said in the chat room will no add to your word bank.
7. Jub3r7
You have received: Early Bird Curse

You must cast your vote during the night phase rather than the day phase. The vote will carry on to the next day phase and cannot be changed once the night phase is over.
This Curse does not apply for the first day you have it.
You have received: Mood Swingin' Curse

Every post in the thread (no PMs) must noticeably alternate between optomistic/happy and pesimistic/sad. This change in mood must be articulated by an emoticon.
Ex: "Let's vote FireArrow! He's surely a wolf! :]]]]" <-> "Just vote FirArrow. We're gonna lose anyways. >;["
8. BlackDragonSlayer
You have received: This isn't Japanese Curse

You must put all your verbs at the beginning of your sentence.

"He is a wolf." --> "Is he a wolf."
"I like pie." --> "Like I pie."
"He ran and jumped" --> "Run jumped he and."
"I really think he is a wolf because he voted me" --> "Think is voted I really he a wolf because he me."
You have received: Capital Curse

You must omit the first letter of every word. You must type in complete lower case as well.
Ex. "Vote for me!" --> "ote or e!"
You have received: Bidoof Curse

You must post a different picture of the pokemon bidoof in all of your posts (not PMs.)

If someone says the word bidoof, their vote will count as -1 against all players except you (in which it still counts as whatever it normally was before.)
9. blueflower999
You have received: Southern Curse

You must type with an extremely exaggerated and stereotypical American Southern Accent.

Ex. Hey ya'll, let's get down n' dirty I say and vote for that cow horned mule FireArrow over thar!
You have received: Fank's Curse

Your posts/PMs must contain at least four ellipsis (the three dots (...).)
These ellipsis cannot be used consecutively - there must be words in between them.
"I vote FireArrow. ... ... ... ..." Is a nono.
"... I ... vote ... FireArrow ..." Is ok.
10. Bubbles
You have received: OCD Curse

All the sentences in your PMs/Posts must all have the same number of words.
You have received: Mathtastic Curse

Each day phase you must use the following symbols at least twice per phase: '+' '-' '='
Additionally, if someone ever uses the word "math" you cannot vote for them that phase.
11. The_Subjective_Thought
You have received: Obedience Curse

If someone gives you a direct order, you must obey it, even if it would result in you getting godkilled (though nothing that breaks TWG or forum rules.)
You can ignore general orders.

Ex. redflower111 says: "[insert your name or abbreviation of your name], vote for pinkflower333." You now need to vote for pinkflower.
redflower111 says: "Everyone vote for pinkflower333!" You can ignore this.
You have received: True Love's Curse

You must express your undying love for a randomly chosen player each phase (day and night.) If said player doesn't respond to your confession your vote is worth 0.
When this player dies, you grief. This makes your vote count as -1 for the rest of the game.
Player: BlackDragonSlayer
12. Dude
You have received: Desu Curse

All words that are 4 letters or less must be replaced by the word "desu."
You have received: Polyglot curse

You must google translate all your posts into a different language, you cannot reuse the same language until all have been used once.
13. mariolegofan
Absolutely nothing.
14. Mr. Tanooki Suit
You have received: Piggy Curse

You must now speak in pig-latin for all your posts/PMs. (Pig-latin is moving the first letter of every word to the back, then adding -ay the end.)
Ex: "I'm not the wolf!" --> "'Miay otnay hetay olfay!"

This curse is lifted if every remaining living player has said the word "potato." (You may ask people to do so, but of course in pig-latin and still following rule 2.)
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Yeah, I'm also kinda upset that people didn't really participate since I really liked this game (also wolves, not cool that you wolfed me right after I said how much I was enjoying myself!!)

I tried to push my curses to the side and keep them unimportant. Regardless of how that made me seem suspicion wise, I'm pretty proud of myself :P


Quote from: FireArrow on January 23, 2015, 11:42:46 PM
You have received: Fank's Curse

Your posts/PMs must contain at least four ellipsis (the three dots (...).)
These ellipsis cannot be used consecutively - there must be words in between them.
"I vote FireArrow. ... ... ... ..." Is a nono.
"... I ... vote ... FireArrow ..." Is ok.
MVP =FA. even if he didnt play he gets mvp for this :D

Quote from: Bubbles on January 23, 2015, 11:59:02 PMYeah, I'm also kinda upset that people didn't really participate since I really liked this game (also wolves, not cool that you wolfed me right after I said how much I was enjoying myself!!)

I tried to push my curses to the side and keep them unimportant. Regardless of how that made me seem suspicion wise, I'm pretty proud of myself :P
-so many people disinterested actually did kill it for the humans. lynching for curses didnt help. (my own curses didnt help xD)
although they weren't too bad, note the restriction that I couldnt say x=y
I tried to be witty in my names...
Noct: nocturne-symphony, Shadow-night, need I say more
BDS: Lizard, not dragon, I don't do that tongue thing ;)
Blue: looked for a blue flower, than the no escape was basically a salute to 999
Dude: I was going to chuck a I wanna be the guy joke in there...
Mr tanooki suit: Mario 3, the tanooki suit turns to a statue
Bubbles: suds... self explanitory:
Olimar: pikmin 2, you play as louie
MLF was one of the hardest, and just went along FA's suggestion
Juber: the hardest, just went with juber the hutt

seemed to be way too much focus on curses (and the effect of them), than any scum hunting... I tried my best to somewhat get stuff going, but had to get around my curses

I feel like something similar, where my natural style of play is just too dodgy... I think its good that it keeps me in check, but still... Meta should have cleared me day 3. I think something last year was said was that my cunning was scary. if anything it still is, but eh thats a burden I have to bear....
I still have that unorthodoxness, and maybe when people get around that, they will probably start listening to me :/
BDS, I dont know what it was, I dont know how many times I hinted that you were a user lean... I guess thats soemthing i have to work on...

Im suprised TST wasn't lynched sooner... seeing how long he could talk legibly
Noct had a good game- mod kill, Im praying that you make it through mate...

maybe I am missing something, how everyone jumps on the smallest things, (curses in this case)

(there was soemthing else I wanted to say...)

the curses to some degree were fun... some curses were just downright stupid.

Why is it all the good games get plagued by inactivity :/

(I'm sure there is something else I wanted to say...)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: FireArrow on January 23, 2015, 11:42:46 PM
You have received: Southern Curse

You must type with an extremely exaggerated and stereotypical American Southern Accent.

Ex. Hey ya'll, let's get down n' dirty I say and vote for that cow horned mule FireArrow over thar!
10/10 best curse

Also, as I said in the chat, if a similar game is done in the future, it might be a good idea to separate the curses into three different categories (such as grammar curse, vote/specific word curse, and fatal curse), and only allow people to have up to one of each curse at a time (that way, people aren't completely unable to speak after getting 2 or 3 curses).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


So, yeah.

It's only now going back through the thread I realised I did not actually play this well. I attempted to throw too many people under the bus too obviously.

Curses remain a kind of interesting idea for me considering I didn't have to follow mine and didn't get any really post affecting ones.

Jub, please I'm still super curious about what you were going on about with the fake curse and the pm to Yugi.

Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


I was not active simply because I could not engage myself with this game. I knew I wouldn't, which is why I didn't vote for it. The curses were too random and hindered communication too much. In addition, they did strange things with the lynch vote. Not to mention that no one could discuss them or plan around them very easily. It felt very unbalanced and just felt like a poorly designed game. (No offence FA)


Quote from: Maelstrom on January 24, 2015, 07:44:21 AMI was not active simply because I could not engage myself with this game. I knew I wouldn't, which is why I didn't vote for it. The curses were too random and hindered communication too much. In addition, they did strange things with the lynch vote. Not to mention that no one could discuss them or plan around them very easily. It felt very unbalanced and just felt like a poorly designed game. (No offence FA)

Which is why you should of dropped out night 1 (or in the 24 hour phase before I posted it.) While rerolling would of been a hassle, it's better than you ruining it for the people who wanted to play. I'm gonna assume you didn't know you were allowed to do this.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department



Bad luck for Davy and I.
Every TWG I play I either get killed the first night/day or am just a plain human. In this case, I dont get a curse.
Feels like everyone hates me


Maybe because you never posted........



It was super easy to pin you on inactivity so ya sry


tl;dr - bubbles jub3r7 and doodle were the best


Quote from: The_Subjective_Thought on January 24, 2015, 02:44:06 AMSo, yeah.

It's only now going back through the thread I realised I did not actually play this well. I attempted to throw too many people under the bus too obviously.

Curses remain a kind of interesting idea for me considering I didn't have to follow mine and didn't get any really post affecting ones.

Jub, please I'm still super curious about what you were going on about with the fake curse and the pm to Yugi.
I can explain this one- it wasn't a curse, he was disguising a message with the first letter of every word-which you figured out.  He then used the letters he thought of to categorize curses as typos.  His first typo was the letter "b".  I'm just disappointed at how hard it was to say what I wanted to without getting godkilled (which happened because I forgot like a few times, then I just gave up and said as much as I could-not much though :/ )

Also curses that kill you are no fun, if we continue this I wouldn't want stuff like that.


All curses can kill you. I added extra negative effects to yours because without them... well they'd be really dumb.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department