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TWG 73: Curses!

Started by FireArrow, January 09, 2015, 09:06:33 PM

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Mr. Tanooki Suit

alsoway ouldcay omeonesay easeplay ointpay emay inway etahy irectionday ofway ethay MNSay GTWay atroomchay? :3


Quote from: FireArrow on January 11, 2015, 08:51:24 PMI can't resist the tilde. :3

Chatrooms are now open. If people start using it as a sanctuary from their curses though, I'll close it again.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


oh someone already did wow
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 11, 2015, 08:54:20 PMBubbles; Godkills are instant, yes, but in this case the godkill happens at the end of the phase.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 11, 2015, 08:48:21 PMYup yugi and I are along the same lines of thinking.
Best case scenario at this point is we vote for Tanooki.
hy ould ou ote or im f e's robably oing o ie nyways?

And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I was going to not point this out until I had more evidence. But since everyone already called out Tanooki for it, I might as well.

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 11, 2015, 03:54:51 PMy urse s ctually eeming retty ild ompared o he thers.
BDS also admitted he had a curse in this post a while back. So if he isn't dead either that means hello wolves BDS and Tanooki


Also noting that there is no benefit for a human to fake a curse, as it only causes confusion and more trouble for the humans.


Quote from: Bubbles on January 11, 2015, 09:00:14 PMBDS also admitted he had a curse in this post a while back. So if he isn't dead either that means hello wolves BDS and Tanooki
Quote2. You are not allowed to talk about how many (if any) or what kind of curses you have/what it does. Doing so will result in a godkill at the end of the phase. (This will be at my discretion to avoid loopholes, so ask for clarification if needed.)
o, t houldn't.  elieve- nd ope- he equirements or he odkill re ifferent han erely entioning urses. f nything, he olves ouldn't other aking urses nless hey ad o.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

Mr. Tanooki Suit

iway ouldway ikelay otay ointpay outway atthay ifway eferingray otay itway ikelay atthay isway orthyway ofway odkillgay enthay atthay isway away itbay arshhay!! :O


"How many (if any)" still counts as mentioning one exists, since that is that same as saying you have one curse


The "if any" part is the most important
Guys I think we have a ringer here.
This might actually work out in our favor, but it also might not.  I'm still firmly convinced the best thing we can do is vote4Tanooki2015


No it is not the best thing. Tanooki is dead if he is human. BDS is dead if he is human. If either survives they are a wolf. Vote for someone who isn't already condemned.


*** TheWalkingRedead joined #twgnsm
Yugikun   who just joined
Yugikun   you are one of my underlings and I demand to know your name
Anookitay   EthayAlkingwayEdeadray assupway?~

TheWalkingRedead thought this was one of those inactive channels
Yugikun   lol
Anookitay   isthay isway away oppinghay annelchay onighttay
16:24   Nocturne   o no
16:24   Nocturne   this is a hopping channel tonight
16:24   JUB   no, tanooki, it is a skipping channel
16:24   TheWalkingRedead   A what???
16:24   JUB   there shall be no hopping in this courtroom tonight
16:24   Yugikun   This is basically a chat for a forum game
16:24   Yugikun   You know what mafia is?
16:25   Nocturne   Hey guys
16:25   Nocturne   Zinc is still here
16:25   Nocturne   remember him?
16:25      TheWalkingRedead begs Zinc to explain
16:25   JUB   who is zinc
16:25   JUB   I mean, I've seen him around
16:25   Nocturne   zinc is this random guy who pretends to be a girl
16:25   TheWalkingRedead   Zinc is the love of my life
16:25   JUB   wait is zink from llf
16:25   Nocturne   he's been in here since last TWG
16:25   Nocturne   no
16:25   Nocturne   Zinc is from mibbit
16:25   JUB   ah
16:25   Nocturne   he just sits on the channels
JUB   magical
16:26   Nocturne   Please please please
16:26   TheWalkingRedead   Zinc is female...
16:26   Nocturne   vote tanooki
16:26   JUB   actually by magical i mean creepy
16:26   JUB   because sitting on channels is the only way to watch everything
16:26   JUB   everything
16:26   JUB   zinc confirmed 4 nasa
16:26   Yugikun   its denny
16:26   JUB   well, magic is magic
16:26   Yugikun   he likes to watych

TheWalkingRedead is sooo confused...
16:27   Nocturne   just leave man
16:27   Nocturne   just leave man
16:27   Nocturne   if you can't handle it you can hop to another channel
16:27   Nocturne   simple as that!

16:28   TheWalkingRedead   I'm on like every channel on this server


16:32   TheWalkingRedead   Anookitay: speak English!!!


TheWalkingRedead   Why does this channel even exist...