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TWG 73: Curses!

Started by FireArrow, January 09, 2015, 09:06:33 PM

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Nocturne... I'm pretty sure quoting the host equates to an instant ban from TWG...

So unless you made up those quotes... (and even if you did, it's still not a smart idea), you might be in trouble...
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on January 15, 2015, 05:37:18 PMNocturne... I'm pretty sure quoting the host equates to an instant ban from TWG...

So unless you made up those quotes... (and even if you did, it's still not a smart idea), you might be in trouble...
Is it any different from copy pasting?  Pretty sure firearrow said it was okay to tell people what a curse was once it was lifted, and since I accidentally broke the like curse at least once and likely twice I don't see what the difference is there.


Telling people what a curse is and quoting/screencaping PMs from a host are two very different things...

The later is illegal... Go read the TWG rules thread... I think it results in a banning...
Bulbear! Blueflower999


    You have received: Grammar Nazi Curse

    You must point out at least 2 grammar or spelling mistakes each phase.
    After pointing out a mistake, if the person makes it again you gain a permanent vote on you.
    If there are no grammar/spelling errors in an entire phase this curse is lifted. If there is one you only need to point out 1.

    You have received: Like Curse

    You must use the word "like" in every sentence.
    You cannot be lynched  or wolfed during a phase where every player has said the word "like." If no other player says the word like in a phase, you receive a strike.

    You may ask people to say it as long as you don't break rule 2 (and use the word "like" :3.)

    sorry dude rng keeps giving you annoying curses

And if I do it like this?


Eh the guide says something about explicit permission from a host


The way I see it, you'we a dead man eithew way. You've basically confiwmed youw death (that is, if you awen't god killed, we'll lynch you next phase). The only question now is if youw death is a good thing fow the humans...
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It's not, but I hate my curses and seriously can't play with them, as you could probably see.


boohoo twy having synesthesia and editing text. I bet someone with those conditions would have a woughew time.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!



Wow guys let's do this. There's no way we can lose!  ;D ;D ;D

Especially with all this nocturne stuff going on. Actually, that's not so great, but we can turn it around if we figure out the way other players interacted with nocturne!
Personally, I suspect Olimar12345 based on his readiness to lynch people, but I could be mistaken! :D
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


I looked at that on wikipedia and it made no sense ._.
Anyway, Bubbles is trying to get y'all to lynch a human.  Sure, let's do it!  Honestly, at this point I'm a better lynch than he is (and recommend it).  MARIOLEGOFAN IS VERY LIKELY A HUMAN.
Bubbles said she never takes charge but anyone could agree that she's definitely taking a leading role during this game.  (I was trying to but it was too hard.)  After day 2 every active player has shown some signs of a curse- except bubbles.  This isn't certain doom, but it is decent evidence pointing to her being a wolf.  I was in the past actually more suspicious of Mael then fank but somehow I switched the two up in my mind, so there's that.  She still hasn't given any reasons to lynch MLF (other than "he's a human") so I don't know why you guys are even listening.  When there are 13 players in the game lynching an inactive is such a bad idea.  While it's a good idea to follow your curse as a wolf, you can also choose to completely ignore it.  As a human, either bubbles has an invisible curse like mine or she's completely curse-free- both of which unlikely.  I was able to show both my curses, the first one by reminding everyone to use proper grammar (blue seemed to completely not pick up on this somehow and thought I was being shallow or something idk) and the second one saying LIKE every single sentence.  I NEVER say like.  Bubbles, if you can post in a way that shows any possible curses then I'll switch my vote off you, but for now in my mind you have plenty of evidence against you.

I also believe 1 of the three people involved in day 1's fiasco was probably a wolf.  The reason for this being with FA calling it a strike rather than godkill, with a 15 player game 3 humans (we thought there would be 2) are almost inconsequential as we could salvage one with a lynch vote and not lose so many mislynches.  However, if one was a wolf, then we would immediately know.  That would be good reason for a host to NOT kill all three.

FA, I won't blame you, I'll blame  Everyone else's curses look like a good idea and tons of fun.

Yes, fank.  You were slowly killing me with your improper grammar.  ::)  Technically I could have posted and corrected my own grammar but you guys all started posting before I woke up and was unable to.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 15, 2015, 07:12:11 PMFA, I won't blame you, I'll blame  Everyone else's curses look like a good idea and tons of fun.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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Quote from: FireArrow on January 12, 2015, 09:03:57 AMYou can't quote the pm, but you can type it out word for word if you want.


Quote from: Jub3r7 on January 15, 2015, 07:11:41 PMPersonally, I suspect Olimar12345 based on his readiness to lynch people, but I could be mistaken! :D

Let me just clawify, if this is the post you wewe refewwing to:

Quote from: Olimar12345 on January 15, 2015, 06:37:25 PMThe way I see it, you'we a dead man eithew way. You've basically confiwmed youw death (that is, if you awen't god killed, we'll lynch you next phase). The only question now is if youw death is a good thing fow the humans...

Think about it, if he doesn't die now then he's obviously a wolf, and a wolf sounds like a gweat futuwe lynch option to me.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!