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NinSheetMelee: NSM's SSB4 tournament

Started by Jamaha, December 30, 2014, 07:09:04 AM

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Hey, I take my casuality veeeeeeery seriously.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


How's this sound: About 9:00 tonight (EST), no excuses


Sure I'll be on.  But if you can do it any earlier I'd recommend that, I'm free right now too.


Ehhhhh. I've got school I have to do.  :(


bro we can just fight for like 5-10 minutes right now lol


mael bb are you there?  It's almost time and you haven't even accepted the Wii U request yet


I don't get home til 8:40 and I may need to warm up.


Alright well I'm all warmed up so I'll be waiting


My brother rage quit from online so I can't play for ten minutes


Well then.... I'm ready when you are....


Fate doesn't want us to have this match  ::)
EDIT: it's just about over.

Sheesh, my brother rage quit like 2 hours ago.  Nintendo really hates that apparently


I beat mael 2-0
first game: Shadow toon link vs shulk
How did you like them boomerang grabs :P
I seriously underestimated the range of shulk's sword though.  Other than that it was pretty evenly balanced with me coming just out on top.

second game:  Mr. Saturn print ness vs shulk


Hey jamaha are you GMT +2?  I'm free all day today if that would translate into a late night smash fight (dat rhyme) for you.


3DS Tournament Update!

Echo (Marth) - 2
davy (Falco, Robin) - 0

So first off, I dunno if it was our internet connections, Nintendo's servers, or some higher power messing with us, but something just didn't want davy and I to have our match. >_> Still, we persevered, and after maybe an hour of pushing through countless disconnections, we finally managed to finish our battles! So just for that, I have to say I'm proud of davy for proving that he ain't no quitter.

Anyways, here's how the match went:

Round 1: Battlefield - Marth VS Falco

A classic matchup ever since the release of Melee. Marth had to dance through a relentless laser barrage from Falco, while Falco had to avoid getting juggled by Marth's swordplay. Davy unfortunately had an early death from a failed recovery (likely due to lag), so I decided to even things out by giving up one of my stocks as well. I soon realized that I had made a VERY BIG MISTAKE as Falco immediately proceeded to wreck me with an amazing Side-B spike off the edge. Although things didn't look too good for Marth after that, some fortunate tipped Side Smash attacks allowed Marth to make a comeback.

Round 2: Prism Tower - Marth VS Robin

For the next round Davy tried to tip the scales by picking Robin. It was a showdown of generations, with the original Fire Emblem hero pitted against the latest one, and what better stage for these two dashing swordsmen than the gorgeous Prism Tower? The fight was fairly close at the start, with Robin down a stock and Marth at high percentage. But before Robin could even things up

"ERROR: Disconnected from the server"

We decided the best way to go about this was to re-do the battle, only with Robin down a stock while hitting Marth for about the same damage. Things were going well with this plan, until

"ERROR: Disconnected from the server"

But whatever, we decided to try one more time while getting our damages back to what they were. Unfortunately for me, the last hit davy did to get me to the right damage also sent me flying way too far off the map to recover. >_> Regardless, Marth's old-school tipped Smashes proved to outdo Robin's newfangled flashy thunder sword attacks, and so Marth came out on top once again.

Anyways, gg davy, and hopefully it goes smoother next time if we ever play again.