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Dart's Arrangements (5/31)

Started by Dart, May 31, 2008, 10:17:43 AM

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None, yet.


[NES] Mega Man 3 - <a href="">"Get Weapon"</a> - Dart - Accepted. :) Oh, it's in queue...  Oh well.

Well, I'm not really an arranger. However, I was looking on the site one day for the sheet music to Mega Man 3 - Get Weapon, and could not find it. I love that track so much I decided I would just make it myself.

All I really did was take an MIDI of it and simplify it to the point I felt it was decent enough to play on the piano.  So, it's not a grand-creative arrangement by any means. But, I would love some critical feedback before I put this up for submission (or am I supposed to put it up for submission and get feedback then? haha).  I was a little unsure of the key signature, G Major seemed right from looking at it, but I still feel I used a lot of flats and it may be too messy.

Thanks!  Oh, and Hi! :P


In some of the measures, like Measures 5,8,and 10, the notes are stuck together. Just place a note over one of the notes in the measure to fix it; the notes will separate into a more readable form.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!


Nice job, but like Brawler said, some notes are stuck together.

And here's some pointless advice: forums don't use HTML code.


I didn't realize until too late that that song was in the queue only, but I'm accepting it anyway because it's well done.  I fixed the note stuck together problem, and if you do decide to arrange again, make sure to follow the sheet format.