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TWG LXXII: Agents of Shield (Season 1)

Started by Jub3r7, December 10, 2014, 09:19:16 AM

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ok  finished reading, and I think BF is the wolf. I'll explain once I get my answers from fank and fa.



Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on December 20, 2014, 09:01:57 PMTBH it's weird that we found all the reds so fast.  but I'm thinking FireArrow's seerings are way more random and vague than blue's are.  Also FireArrow was very insistent on my being a wolf.  If we did even accept him as the seer, how do we know he wouldn't just screw up again and mislynch the green vs the master hydra.
What i can't fathom, though, is the choice of seering blue before blue was even acknowledged as a wolf threat.  If you were a wolf you wouldn't have a reason to seer him at that particular point...

And WHY is everyone forgetting about Maelstrom
he's in this game too, it's not down to BDS or Yugi for Master Hydra 2028

And oh you know what what if the humans revived me
that'd be weird.

I dunno if anyone else feels this way but I'm still comfortable lynching FireArrow (instead of Yugi :( )because of how much of a lame duck he is.  Until we lynch one of them we'll stay in this awkward phase where we pretend we want to kill one of them and then decide to kill the traitor on one of those supposed seers' insistence...

But there's also the fact that the masons got hit.  Makes me agree with fank that the wolves were just hunting for masons and got lucky.  ergo blue not the wolf?
You're assuming I know whom the wolves are
You're also assuming that people will actually listen to this bull when you literally said the exact opposite-that blue was trying to defend ME.
Parry THAT.
QuoteWhat i can't fathom, though, is the choice of seering blue before blue was even acknowledged as a wolf threat.  If you were a wolf you wouldn't have a reason to seer him at that particular point...
-I may have been responsible for that... in chats I was giving a lot of ideas as that they may have been in toby's crew... but he also has gained human points for that scan

QuoteAnd WHY is everyone forgetting about Maelstrom
Mael was the NK

As FA stated, he made a good point that you could just be looking to lynch him... (though this can be a ploy to win my vote...)

QuoteBut there's also the fact that the masons got hit.  Makes me agree with fank that the wolves were just hunting for masons and got lucky.  ergo blue not the wolf?
... you know how ployish this is???

Anyway.. Enough stalling I've had cases its time to rattle them out.

-FA for humanity

-Chat on day 1, damm I wish I had this for a more of an explanation but Nocts grill on FA and his reaction seemed really genuine, he didn't really back down at least. FA's whole D1 play feels really human.

-Olimar's hugging to FA.
This is a point for humanity for the argument of it all being a setup, the vote is just an extra cherri on top of the sundae

-Trying to ML against person unknown
lets face it... he is trying to mislynch an unknown identity

-Seering blue
the reasons behind seering blue, well biased, are definetly human...
Fa Against humanity
-N1 not claiming... 
it was a stupid decision, and depending on the scum team, I think I can see this lot umming and ahing about wether to claim or not

-Olimars hugging,
there was a lot of defense, and being the wolf seer looking for the traitor, he was a very important role

-BDS is backing up
seems like a biased point of view on my behalf.

FA Neutral arguments
-Masons dying. Noct has somewhat of a point... that just hammering along and finally hit... although the argument of blue not sacking, given the circumstances, it called for a sack.

-Seering blue
given that I gave FA the idea of They might be in the alliance...

Blueflower For humanity
Quote from: blueflower999 on December 10, 2014, 12:43:24 PMAlso just a reminder to the wolves that false claiming to Toby is a really risky strategy in this game due to the cardflip.
take out mashi's traitor theory... would blue do this??? he is playing up huge brownie points otherwise... and it seems unnecesary to say when CCing.

Blue Against humanity
-"FA is a wolf"
Very weak reasoning... it is an easy ploy to shrug off, and seeing how he was snug he is in toby's alliance... and toby sold, it doesnt give that much of a lee way.

Neutral arguments
Quote from: blueflower999 on December 13, 2014, 08:10:22 PMAre you kidding me guys, Olimar is not a wolf. A wolf wouldn't vote for themself.
considering it is typically a human play... I dont see how this can be seen as a wolf tell, as even I was thinking that way.

I may do a case of BDS vs Yugi, but it's going to be biased to one side... (guess which one) 

Quote from: Yugi on December 21, 2014, 12:56:15 AMhey fank, did FA know who the masons were?
no we didnt say out right... these are the masons...
though I was screaming at the end of day 2 though...
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


If we mislynch this Phase, Wolves can force the game into a KitB if they want, but at the risk of losing the game if the revival is distributed to a Human.  It would actually be safest to lynch NocturneOfShadow.

I've repeated this a number of times, but my primary suspicion is on blueflower999, so if we're not going to take the safe route of lynching NocturneOfShadow, I would rather see blueglower999 lynched.


I love you guys. I've been asking you to lynch me for days in order to clear up this whole Seer issue, but now only when the entire game hinges on getting the right lynch do you actually decide to go through with it. Well done!

Quote from: FireArrow on December 20, 2014, 09:33:57 PMOh, just remembered this too:
Nocturne of Shadow has cardflipped and revived, so the wolves would have contacted him by now. That being said, he's pushing a lynch on me. If this isn't proof blueflower's the wolf I don't know what is.
I don't see this as a valid point. Considering that you've done nothing but complain the whole game about how annoying Nocturne was, I doubt you'd trust him with your identities as wolves.

Quote from: FireArrow on December 21, 2014, 12:26:27 AMOh yeah, and blueflower is much more compatible with olimar than I am. I swear, these things will keep randomly coming back to me.
Don't know what this means.

Quote from: Yugi on December 21, 2014, 02:18:43 AMok  finished reading, and I think BF is the wolf. I'll explain once I get my answers from fank and fa.
Go ahead and do this so I can defend myself, if you please.

Quote from: fank009 on December 21, 2014, 02:45:40 AM-"FA is a wolf"
You're forgetting that I don't need logic to vote for Fire Arrow because I know with 100% certainty that he's a wolf, and he could say the same thing to me. I don't have to justify my vote if I don't want to, although I suppose doing that would make me look more human, I don't really see the point.

The only thing I really need to use logic for is to defend myself from your attacks, which is hard to do considering how weak these allegations are.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: Yugi on December 21, 2014, 01:20:43 AMFA: When was the last time you played TWG in any format?

The last game I played was game of doors.
Well technically it was BDS's Umbra game, but that doesn't really count since the game ended almost immediately.

I haven't played TWG outside of NSM once I started on NSM. Before I played real time scripted mafia on PO, but I'm not sure how much that can apply to the metagame here.

And no, I never knew the masons. The only PM Toby sent me the entire game was "Seer Yugi."
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: blueflower999 on December 21, 2014, 11:19:58 AMI love you guys. I've been asking you to lynch me for days in order to clear up this whole Seer issue, but now only when the entire game hinges on getting the right lynch do you actually decide to go through with it. Well done!

We didn't lynch you day 2 because we thought Mashi was right that you were the traitor. We didn't lynch you day 3 because why the hell would we when Olimar's alive? It's definitely safer now if we lynched NoS, if you'd rather do that?

QuoteI don't see this as a valid point. Considering that you've done nothing but complain the whole game about how annoying Nocturne was, I doubt you'd trust him with your identities as wolves.


QuoteDon't know what this means.

It should be very clear. Olimar being my wolf partner is much less likely than him being yours.

QuoteYou're forgetting that I don't need logic to vote for Fire Arrow because I know with 100% certainty that he's a wolf, and he could say the same thing to me. I don't have to justify my vote if I don't want to, although I suppose doing that would make me look more human, I don't really see the point.

You need logic to convince everyone else, hence why I haven't just been going "I know blue's the wolf because I'm not!" You're making the same mistake Toby did - people aren't puppets, they think for themselves.

QuoteThe only thing I really need to use logic for is to defend myself from your attacks, which is hard to do considering how weak these allegations are.

If they were weak then it would be pretty easy.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


The fact is, though, that I am the traitor and you all knew it.
But you're right that I should be helping the wolves instead of the humans...


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on December 21, 2014, 11:59:27 AMThe fact is, though, that I am the traitor and you all knew it.
But you're right that I should be helping the wolves instead of the humans...
Isn't this basically a confession that I'm human and Fire Arrow is a wolf? Fire, your logic doesn't stand anymore.  :P
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: blueflower999 on December 21, 2014, 12:28:14 PMIsn't this basically a confession that I'm human and Fire Arrow is a wolf? Fire, your logic doesn't stand anymore.  :P
2:29 is moi


Why FireArrow is the real seer, and blueflower is a wolf
  • Made the really weird posts that I quoted on pages 39-40. These tie in to the other reasons.
  • Apparently, FA wasn't told about the masons, so if blueflower was told, he could have chosen to not wolf them night two to implicate FA more, and considering that the last wolf is either me or BDS, one of us could have come up with the idea and shared it with him
  • Even though it was against a red seering, defense wasn't convincing, being "you're a wolf, I shouldn't listen to you" rather than bringing up actual points.
  • Every point that mashi brought up
  • While the seerings have been helpful, they seem too convinient for everyone. On players that were considered suspicious to Toby, you came up with two red seerings, seeming like a way to an easy lynch of both.
  • fank, who was the less obvious special out of him and Jon, looked like he was the one wolfed. This to me seems more like the alliance was infiltrated than a random wolfing to me; especially givin the fact that everybody was saying "if both masons die then other seer is a wolf" (meaning that the wolfing could be delayed a day so that suspicion was off the other wolf)

I'll produce more points later.


Also, just because Noctorne voted for BF doesn't mean that he's not a wolf. It could easily be reverse psycology.


Quote from: Yugi on December 21, 2014, 01:20:48 PMAlso, just because Noctorne voted for BF doesn't mean that he's not a wolf. It could easily be reverse psycology.


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department



There now it's 3 for FireArrow(blueflower,Nocturne,toby)
3 for blueflower999(firearrow, Mashi, Yugi)