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TWG LXXII: Agents of Shield (Season 1)

Started by Jub3r7, December 10, 2014, 09:19:16 AM

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Night 4 is over.

TWG LXXII: Agents of Shield (Season 1)

Role list, item, gimmick
1. Master Hydra - Seered green.
2. Hydra
3. The Clairvoyant - Seer.

4. Traitor.
5. Agent Coulson - Miller.
6. Skye - Seer.

7. Agent May - Brutal human: When wolfed, random wolf dies.
8. Agent Fitz - knows Simmons! When Fitz dies, Simmons dies.
9. Agent Simmons - knows Fitz! When Simmons dies, Fitz dies.
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human
13. Human

GH-325: Given to a random player during night phase 2, can be passed along or used to bring a dead player back to life.
50% chance of appearing a second time in night phase 3, 25% n4, etc.

Cardflip: role reveal upon death

*story goes here*

1. Mashi
2. NocturneOfShadow
3. fank009
4. FireArrow
5. BlackDragonSlayer
6. Yugi
7. The_Subjective_Thought
8. Toby
9. Olimar12345
10. mariolegofan
11. maelstrom
12. Jon
13. blueflower999

maelstrom has been snuffed out. NocturneOfShadow is alive again.
So is fank009! But not Jon though. He lost too much oxygen at the bottom of the ocean, he's out of commission.
Day 4 ends on Sunday, 12/21/14, 11:30 PM EST.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


god fucking dammit wolves i actually want to die


Are you kidding me noc is back? >_>

For what it's worth, Mashi is red. Kinda forgot to change my seering after blueflower was confirmed to have false results.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Oh, and blueflower because it's effing time to get this over with.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department






aklsfnalegfj alsfk awlfk awlfnawl jn



I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


so clears...
Clear humans

Clear traitor



So, a Q to the 4 not cleared...
Who is the Wolf in the other CC?
preferably prefer reasons why
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: FireArrow on December 19, 2014, 10:24:39 PMAre you kidding me noc is back? >_>

For what it's worth, Mashi is red. Kinda forgot to change my seering after blueflower was confirmed to have false results.
Jub admitted he messed up the results


Because every reason put on blue, seems to be because of the fact I told him to do it and none of you care or something


Okay, why in the world did the wolves actually revive me over Olimar?  Genuinely confused about this.
Also now that I probably won't be dying until wolves win (it WILL happen)


Don't follow how more than two people could possibly have been revived.  Olimar12345 was revived Night 2, so why were NocturneOfShadow and fank009 revived Night 3?  Am I missing something?


Quote from: FireArrow on December 15, 2014, 09:01:12 PMRight now I'm 90% certain that the wolf team is Olimar, Blueflower, and Nocturne. Le reasoning below:

My main reason for thinking this is based on one line of thought: Whoever the wolf team is, they want me lynched day 1. If they're the ones who false claimed seer, they'll know I'm the real seer, so they won't be undecided in their votes. Also, They have no reason to pretend to be ambivalent because not only are they voting for a very suspicious person, they'll be voting alongside Toby, preventing any possible suspicion they could get by tunnel visioning me.

Now, let's look at the 3 people (besides Toby) who follow this logic: Blueflower, NoS, and MLF. Mlf is a confirmed human, so that leaves these 2.

Blueflower: voted me once and never changed it.
NoS: kept his vote on me until past the phase ended, then randomly changed to olimar at the last second even though I'd still be in the majority. (This could be him trying to distance himself from olimar.)

Note: not counting NoS's votes pre-toby.

I do have a bit more:

This is what first gave me a wolf lean on blue. It makes him look human by talking down the wolves, however, the fact is so obvious that he doesn't actually do any damage to his team by saying this. I also find it ironic that the wolves did end up doing this, so this could be blueflower preplanning and dropping evidence to point away from him (e.g. if blueflower thought false claiming was a bad idea, why would he or his team member's do it?)

Really, blueflower hasn't done much, so that's the only thing I have on him (besides him obviously not paying full attention to the thread.)

Everyone knows that nocturne claims to be the traitor, and anyone with a brain knows that it's not true. Not convinced, read these:

(Yes, all of these are after Toby revealed to the thread that he claimed traitor.)
The first one is particularly hilarious, the next few show him obviously playing on the sides of the humans even though he's claimed traitor, the last one is him talking about the traitor in third person. It should be also noted, he's twisted into thinking I'm a wolf, considering he non stop bugs me on mibbit about 'revealing my partners' so we can start a 'wolf alliance.' If he's so certain I'm a wolf, why would he be pushing for my lynch? If he thinks I'm human (trying to get me lynched as the traitor), why would he be sending me private messages on mibbit about me revealing my partners?

All this does is proves he's not the traitor, he could still be a wolf or a mason though (his actions make no sense from the perspective of a human.) As for him being a mason, there's holes in that theory:

1. Toby brought up the fact that he was the "traitor."
2. Unless he's stupid, Toby wouldn't tell anyone in his alliance to follow his accusations like little ducklings, which NoS did.
3. I did a reaction test on Toby and told him that I knew NoS was a miller - Toby preceded to scoff me for being an idiot. Don't have the logs, but fank can be my witness (unless you weren't paying attention.)

None of these 3 things are all that solid, however, the idea of him being a wolf has absolutely no holes. Oh, and also this log:
16:45   fire   ...and who claimed to you? //referring to him saying a wolf claimed to him.
16:46   fire   And why do you need the other wolf to claim to you, wouldn't s/he just tell you his/her partner?
16:47   Nocturne   it might have been a false claim thouh
16:47   Nocturne   who'a youe paetner
16:47   fire   my partner is patrick
16:47   fire   we cook all the krabby patties
16:48   fire   Nocturne, you wanna know a secret?
16:48   fire   Olimar is a wolf.
16:49   Nocturne   whaahahanaat
16:50   Nocturne   I thought he was a traiseemoner
16:50   fire   That was all part of our plan
16:50   fire   You would think he's your traiseemoner partner
16:50   fire   and tell us everyone in the alliance
16:51   fire   because traiseemoner's have the ability to talk to the dead
16:51   fire   that name sucks though
16:51   fire   where did the moner come from? >_>
16:51   Nocturne   trai=traitor
16:51   Nocturne   see=seer
16:51   Nocturne   mon=mason
16:52   fire   Shouldn't it be Traiseeson?
16:52   Nocturne   er=idk part mason part seer part traitor
16:52   Nocturne   that sounds worse though
16:52   fire   but it's the proper name
16:52   fire   just like reviver seed
16:52   Nocturne   at least digimon names sound SORT of cool
16:52   Nocturne   lol
16:52   Nocturne   BDS so on my case in the chat
16:52   Nocturne   *thread
16:52   Nocturne   go read
16:52   fire   I saw
16:53   fire   you've been figures out noc
16:53   fire   You're actually a traiseemonoolf
16:53   Nocturne   traiseemonanolf
16:53   Nocturne   human+wolf
16:53   fire   oh of course
16:54   fank009   ...
16:54   fank009   hey FA...
16:54   Nocturne   It's like the 5 parts of exodia
16:54   fank009   toby has interesting logic...
16:54   fank009   you are the more powerful wolf...
16:54   Nocturne   that's one way to put it
16:54   fank009   yet olimar tried to lynch you?
16:54   fire   He just has something against me tbh
16:54   fire   He would die a little bit on the inside if I was the real seer
16:55   Nocturne   dang I wish I had killed you FA //important stuff starts here
16:55   Nocturne   but instead I wanted a KitB
16:55   fire're vote was on me when the phase ended
16:55   fire   unless you mean you wished you wolfed me >_>
16:56   Nocturne   I was keeping it tied
16:56   fire   you're*
16:56   Nocturne   GO LOOK AT THE CHAT WOMAN
16:56   fire   The change to olimar didn't count
16:56   Nocturne   AND BY CHAT I MEAN THREAD
16:56   Nocturne   AND BY... yeah the rest is pretty much literal
16:56   Nocturne   WAIT
16:56   Nocturne   BY WOMAN I MEAN MAN
16:56   fire   excuse u
16:56   Nocturne   almost missed one
16:57   fire   ?
16:57   Nocturne   what do u mean the change to olimar didn't count
16:57   fire   Jub didn't count votes past the time cut off
16:57   fire   so it was a kitb
16:57   fire   So you saying "you wish you killed me"
16:57   fire   makes absolutely no sense
16:58   fire   unless either a) you're a wolf, or b) you didn't know that
16:58   Nocturne   at 11:30
16:58   Nocturne   when phase was supposed to end
16:58   fire   PST yes //I did not mean PST >_>
16:58   Nocturne   my vote was on firearrow
16:58   fire   yes
16:58   Nocturne   then olimar voted firearrow
16:58   Nocturne   and I switched my vote in response to olimar
16:58   fire   16:55 Nocturne   dang I wish I had killed you FA 16:55 Nocturne   but instead I wanted a KitB
16:58   fire   ^what do you mean by that?
16:59   fank009   I'll be afk...
16:59   fank009   ish
16:59   fire   bai
16:59   fire   The only possible explanations to it are:
16:59   Nocturne   Stop counting votes at 12:30. Sorry for any inconvenience.
16:59   Nocturne   oh okay lol
16:59   Nocturne   but wait
17:00   Nocturne   then FA would have been lynched
17:00   fire   You miscounted
17:00   fire   it was
17:00   fire   a
17:00   fire   kitb
17:00   Nocturne   then olimar switched votes at 11:31
17:00   fire   Yes
17:00   fire   1 minute after the phase ended
17:00   Nocturne   JUB SAID 12:30
17:00   fire   timezones
17:00   Nocturne   WHAT IS GOING ON
17:00   Nocturne   He needs to be more specific
17:00   fire   tru
17:01   fire   This is wolfy
17:01   fire   might post in thread
17:01   Nocturne   you do realize a "nocturne 4 wolf" push will just make you look more like a wolf
17:02   fire   I'm not concerned with whether or not people assume I'm a wolf
17:02   fire   Your defense is even more wolfy dude .-.
17:03   Nocturne   If toby says I'm the traitor then by George I'm the traitor
17:03   Nocturne   !!!
17:03   fire   toby also says I'm the wolf
17:04   fire   So of all people, you should know I wouldn't be the one to trust his opinion on people
17:04   fire   especially a claim that can't be proven
17:04   Nocturne   But I'm the traitor
17:04   Nocturne   so we gotta stick this out together
17:04   Nocturne   oh and I guess we gotta kill fank
17:04   Nocturne   NO WITNESSES
17:04   fire   
17:05   fire   If you are the traitor/a human, you're just as terrible at it as I'd be a terrible wolf
17:05   Nocturne   Never been traitor before, sorry
17:06   fire   Claiming traitor actually seems like a good strategy for a wolf now that I think about it
17:06   Nocturne   alright, I'm going to send you a SUPER PRIVATE MESSAGE
17:06   Nocturne   yeah, it actually is
17:06   Nocturne   you have an excuse for being red
17:06   fire   and the real traitor would never counter claim
17:07   Nocturne   and it prevents you from getting lynched
17:07   Nocturne   the only problem is if you do it too early you'll just get wolfed
17:07   fire would a wolf get wolfed
17:08   Nocturne   oh I mean a traitor would usually get wolfed
17:10   fire   So I can either assume you're: a semi intelligent wolf
17:10   fire   or a stupid traitor
17:10   fire   or a semi intelligent mson
17:10   Nocturne   or a genius traiseemoner
17:10   fire   traimasolf confirmed
17:10   Nocturne   BAM

To clarify:
Apparently Nocturne wished he would of killed me. When I asked him to clarify, he meant not changing his vote to olimar. This is incorrect on 2 accounts because a) I was still the majority after NoS changed to olimar, and b) Jub wasn't counting votes then anyways (yes, this log was after jub updated.)

It's entirely possible NoS simply goofed up on both those facts, however, his defense is just... .-.
17:01   Nocturne   you do realize a "nocturne 4 wolf" push will just make you look more like a wolf

17:03   Nocturne   If toby says I'm the traitor then by George I'm the traitor
17:03   Nocturne   !!!

I'd still prefer to lynch blue because he's red. While I do have good evidence against NoS, it's all theoretical.

Oh, and a rant against Toby:
Can I point out how stupid your conjecture that Nocturne is the traitor and I'm the wolf is. Those two things are mutually exclusive! Oh, and how olimar was trying to "protect me" as the "more powerful wolf" even though he changed the KitB to be in his favor without any way of knowing that Jub wouldn't count it.
