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TWG LXXII: Agents of Shield (Season 1)

Started by Jub3r7, December 10, 2014, 09:19:16 AM

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Quote from: Jon on December 16, 2014, 08:30:09 PMNos is gonna flip green I bet.
you mean me and yugi are gonna flip green


Day 2 is over.

TWG LXXII: Agents of Shield (Season 1)

Role list, item, gimmick
1. Master Hydra - Seered green.
2. Hydra
3. The Clairvoyant - Seer.

4. Traitor.
5. Agent Coulson - Miller.
6. Skye - Seer.

7. Agent May - Brutal human: When wolfed, random wolf dies.
8. Agent Fitz - knows Simmons! When Fitz dies, Simmons dies.
9. Agent Simmons - knows Fitz! When Simmons dies, Fitz dies.
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human
13. Human

GH-325: Given to a random player during night phase 2, can be passed along or used to bring a dead player back to life.
50% chance of appearing a second time in night phase 3, 25% n4, etc.

Cardflip: role reveal upon death

*story goes here*

1. Mashi
2. NocturneOfShadow
3. fank009
4. FireArrow
5. BlackDragonSlayer
6. Yugi
7. The_Subjective_Thought
8. Toby
9. Olimar12345
10. mariolegofan
11. maelstrom
12. Jon
13. blueflower999

NocturneOfShadow, the traitor, has been lynched.
Night 2 ends on Wednesday, 12/17/14, 11:30 PM EST.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


ignoring noc being the most annoying traitor to ever exist

This means blueflower has to be a wolf.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on December 16, 2014, 08:33:58 PM you mean me and yugi are gonna flip green
fuck off don't include me in your bullshit

also are you serious guys, why did you vote for the traitor


Why did you guys listen to a wolf and lynch the traitor?

Well done. Kept him alive another day.


Quote from: Toby on December 16, 2014, 11:38:55 PMWhy did you guys listen to a wolf and lynch the traitor?

Usually, somebody who screams "I AM THE TRAITOR" for all to hear isn't the traitor.

If he were a wolf, you would be applauding us right now. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: FireArrow on December 16, 2014, 06:21:21 PMEhh, BDS brings up a good point. Nocturne

It really all depends on if Mashi being red is made up or not. If blueflower's right, then he's the wolf seer. If blueflower's wrong, then he's the traitor. If blueflower is the traitor, that would explain him "revealing" to the thread his identity.

I can confirm this by seering mashi tonight, so blueflower would make a better day 3 lynch fmpov right now.

Unless you didn't actually seer him, I thought you had already revealed his 'identity'?

Blueflower claimed because unless you lied, the wolves seered him meaning that the wolves know who the real seer is, why should we let the wolves know this information but not the other humans?

Stop picking out stuff that stand out and trying to turn it around and make it suspicious.


Also nocturne was the dumbest lynch I've ever seen, you have a 50% chance to kill a wolf, so what do you do? Lynch the guy who's been talking about a traitor all game, then when gets called on it, be's the most useless human ever, because we know he can't fool us anymore


I'd be applauding just like the time you guys lynched the wolf olimar too early?

Don't you think if a wolf was pretending to be a traitor, the might, idk maybe pick the wolf that's the same colour as a traitor? But wait only the wolf seer is that colour now and he's either Blueflower or firearrow...


Quote from: Toby on December 17, 2014, 12:08:38 AMDon't you think if a wolf was pretending to be a traitor, the might, idk maybe pick the wolf that's the same colour as a traitor? But wait only the wolf seer is that colour now and he's either Blueflower or firearrow...
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Toby, you are seriously misjudging the NocturneOfShadow lynch.

First of all, you've failed as an alliance leader given your activity.  Don't castigate others for making independent decisions as compensation for your lack of leadership.  Simply saying "Do such and such," isn't being a leader, it's being authoritarian.

Second, I think you're certainly falling victim to hindsight bias.  You act as if it were a clear cut case that NocturneOfShadow was the Traitor.  It wasn't.

Third, you act as if lynching the Traitor was actually a bad thing.  Chances are that, given his behaviour, the Wolves would not have wolfed him and potentially even seered him.  And considering he isn't likely to die during a Night Phase, he's basically a Day Wolf, so getting rid of him may as well be equivalent to lynching a Wolf.  I doubt it was NocturneOfShadow's intention, but lynching the Traitor is still a great lynch.

Fourth, there was not a 50% chance of killing a Wolf.  And even then, but your logic, there would be a 50% chance of killing the Seer.  It's a high risk-high reward lynch and people opted for a low risk-medium reward one, how can you blame them?

Fifth, again, your logic of it being a 50% chance of killing a Wolf.  Many people (myself included) believed that blueflower999 was potentially the Traitor.  So they opted to lynch whom they believed was a Wolf.  Why is that such a terrible thing?

Sixth, are you legitimately mad that we lynched a Wolf Day 1?  Really?  When a number of Humans believed that FireArrow is potentially our real Seer?

FireArrow, I think a seering on me would be wasteful at this point.  Chances are that blueflower999 was sincere and I'm the Miller, so I think it would be more suitable for you to seer someone like BlackDragonSlayer.