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TWG LXXII: Agents of Shield (Season 1)

Started by Jub3r7, December 10, 2014, 09:19:16 AM

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1. Inactive got the reviver seed
2. Wolves got the reviver seed and decided they'd rather go for a mislynch than a second lynch on olimar.
Quote from: Mashi on December 15, 2014, 12:17:56 AMThe Masons not dying could be indicative that the Wolves don't know who the Masons are, which is why it puts a lean on the theory that the Traitor was the one false claiming.  It's not strong evidence by any means, but I'm beginning to believe it's true.  That's a fair point you bring up about Wolves waiting until Night 3 if they were the ones that false claimed though, I didn't think that far ahead.  Good deduction!
Or it could mean FireArrow is still a wolf lol


I'm still surprised that mlf wasn't a wolf
I'd also like to know what Toby has to say about FA's "seering" before I vote.


Dead people can't post, PM, chat, or anything.
And yes.


Quote from: maelstrom. on December 15, 2014, 07:07:37 AMI'm still surprised that mlf wasn't a wolf
I'd also like to know what Toby has to say about FA's "seering" before I vote.
Well, if mlf was PMing Olimar about it he probably told olimar his role?  I really doubt if toby's going to say anything though.
I'm not going to question the validity of FA's seering because if it's true, with FA being the other red wolf it just means blueflower is either the traitor or the miller.  I don't think blue is Toby's seer though.  And mashi, you're almost certainly wrong about the traitor being the one to claim seer to toby!

More coming...
sOOn (tm)


You do have a point. At this point in the game, only 1/3 of red seerings will be a wolf. I hate to say this, but seering are basically useless now, as half the wolves will be seer'd green. I am curious as to who Blue is, but a FA lynch doesn't seem as bad now as when we had 3 wolves. If we kill both seers, we will probably get a wolf as well, if not at least the traitor.


Quote from: maelstrom. on December 15, 2014, 08:36:40 AMYou do have a point. At this point in the game, only 1/3 of red seerings will be a wolf. I hate to say this, but seering are basically useless now, as half the wolves will be seer'd green. I am curious as to who Blue is, but a FA lynch doesn't seem as bad now as when we had 3 wolves. If we kill both seers, we will probably get a wolf as well, if not at least the traitor.
1. I've already told you multiple times I'm the traitor!
2. Lynching the traitor is a huge waste of advantage!  You're saying you plan on lynching a confirmed human?  Even if that human isn't being particularly helpful you'll still be lynching a human.  All you're doing is making it easier for the wolves to win.  Killing confirmed traitor=killing confirmed human.


But it means there is one less person who will be seer'd red.


Quote from: maelstrom. on December 15, 2014, 09:38:05 AMBut it means there is one less person who will be seer'd red.
but if we already know that person is the traitor we DON'T NEED TO SEER THEM.


For some reason, I think you will be seer'd green




Pulling quotes from day one that might be seen in a different light now.
Quote from: FireArrow on December 11, 2014, 05:09:20 PMBlueflower I'm slightly suspicious of because he's stating something obviously true, however, looks very anti-wolf to say (does that make sense?)
Olimar's Suspicion List
Quote from: Olimar12345 on December 11, 2014, 09:57:32 PMHere are my current thoughts:

1. Mashi
I have learned to be weary of mashi. He's always up to something, but so far this game I've got nothing from him.

2. NocturneOfShadow
Quite active and helpful in the chat this far. No real reason to suspect him yet.
3. fank009
Where have you been? I'm used to reading more from you. That might be a little odd, idk.
4. FireArrow
You jumped to the "inactive sacrifice" first, and like you said in the chat, I don't know why that's a bad thing, seeing as how it's always a formidable option. Reaction test wise, you held your own fine I thought.

5. BlackDragonSlayer
Acting pretty normal atm. No current leans.

6. Yugi
Acting pretty normal atm. No current leans.

7. The_Subjective_Thought
Rip indeed. A lucky guess to the wolves, really, since you hardly posted.

8. Toby
Wasn't quite sure of your intentions, post sending my claim. However, you seem to have formed a union between the "confirmed" members, and that should be greatly helpful as we go on.

9. Olimar12345
I sent in my claim (Toby can verify) but was not put in an alliance. Most likely because there have been multiple claims for my role, as implied here: I could be a good lynch vote to confirm suspicions on others claiming my role, though at the risk of losing a member (though we do have that revive...).

10. mariolegofan
Do you even twg? If he's new here, I doubt he'd have too big a role, as to not overload him. Probably a "vanilla."

11. maelstrom
He hasn't posted very much but we see here that he is not in an alliance as well. This little back-and-fourth between him and Toby also implies that he did send in a claim. Similar thoughts here as I had about myself. Spontaneous vote again NoS was odd, but I suppose I have to pm Toby for more info on that matter.

12. Jon
You're quite quick to cause commotion, don't know how good that is. No other real thoughts about you yet.

13. blueflower999
Acting pretty normal atm. No current leans.
Quote from: fank009 on December 12, 2014, 04:23:47 AM[18:54] (Nocturne) btw just kidding about the pm
[18:54] (Nocturne) just a reaction test
[18:55] (Nocturne) I am pretty sure FA is human at this point though, his reaction was a lot better than maelstroms
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on December 12, 2014, 06:34:07 AMCurrent leans
Toby human(duh)
Me human(duh)
tst human (see earlier way out there idea in the thread that bds commented on)
Maelstrom human
Olimar human
FireArrow human(way to blow it fank >:( )
Jon looks more humanish than wolfish but not as human as the others
blueflower suspicious
fank suspicious
mashi ???
Yugi ???
MLF ???
Quote from: Olimar12345 on December 12, 2014, 02:01:06 PMPersonally, I would be willing to change my vote to someone better. FA isn't a bullet-proof candidate tbh.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on December 12, 2014, 05:52:43 PMSo I just got caught up in the thread, and damn, so many great arguments. I swear I end up changing my mind every new post that comes around, but After those last few, I am against a FireArrow lynch, at least for this phase.
Quote from: Jon on December 12, 2014, 10:17:38 PMThen we have Olimar who has been an avid FA supporter since the start of the day phase. After we lynch FA, Olimar should be next on the list due to this. I really hope no one claimed to him, his plan was basically to try and figure out who the specials are.
Mashi's long and useful post
Quote from: Mashi on December 13, 2014, 01:03:03 PMHaving a poor justification for making a hasty vote doesn't change that it's a hasty vote.  I can vote for Toby right now and change it later, but it would still be a silly thing to do, considering that he's confirmed Brutal Human.
Olimar12345's vote on you is hypocritical because I suspect he's trying to look Human by voting for you, but yet still trying to get the lynch off of you because you're Partners.  It's a desperation Wolf tactic.
And other stuff.
So, my thoughts:
Olimar was very anti-FA in the beginning, but changed when the focus shifted to him.
FA would not be wolfed if he was a seer or not, because he is lynchable.
If the wolves know who the masons are, they will not wolf them until that is all they need to ensure victory. It's just too suspicious.



Fire Arrow. There's a minute chance that I'm the miller, but I highly doubt it. Plus he should have been lynched anyway.
Bulbear! Blueflower999




Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on December 15, 2014, 07:01:28 AM1. Inactive got the reviver seed
2. Wolves got the reviver seed and decided they'd rather go for a mislynch than a second lynch on olimar.
Or it could mean FireArrow is still a wolf lol
...or it could mean that you and Blueflower are wolves together?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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