TWG LXXII: Agents of Shield (Season 1)

Started by Jub3r7, December 10, 2014, 09:19:16 AM

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You know there is nothing in that spoiler tag, Nocturne


hang on, back on a computer for a few minutes, reading right now




Okay I just skimmed over the thread.

The only option for us right now is to lynch FA. All he is doing right now is clutching at straws and trying to get Toby's alliance to mistrust each other. The actual seer would have nothing to gain from not claiming to Toby on night 1, and that is the main reason why FA is considered a wolf right now. If I turn out to be wrong and FA is actually the seer, then your not being a team player and not claiming when you're supposed to will be what loses the game for us. I don't buy this "I didn't trust Toby" junk, nobody counterclaimed Toby, so there was no reason to not trust him and possibly waste a seer to try and confirm that he is who he says he is.

Then we have Olimar who has been an avid FA supporter since the start of the day phase. After we lynch FA, Olimar should be next on the list due to this. I really hope no one claimed to him, his plan was basically to try and figure out who the specials are.

Everyone should send Toby their top seering suspicions for the night phase so he has something to work with.


yes i should say that i'm not in the alliance to olimar so that he can figure out who the specials are via process of elimation

But anyway, yeah, Firearrow is clearly not the seer. The fact that there's a red seering of him, the fact that he seered Toby despite the fact that he's confirmed to be the brutal human (someone would have counterclaimed him if he wasn't), and the fact that he pushed for an inactive lynch is way too much evidence against him. The jury's still out for whether he's human or wolf, but personially  I think he's far from human


Quote from: Jon on December 12, 2014, 10:17:38 PMhis plan was basically to try and figure out who the specials are.

Quote from: Olimar12345 on December 12, 2014, 06:15:53 PMLEARN2READ.

I was not asking for CLAIMS, I wanted to get a head count on who was actually in your alliance by counting up people who weren't in your alliance.

Seriously, guys. I am not a seasoned TWG-er like some of you. I was just trying to find a way to validate Toby's Union by seeing if there were an overwhelming number of people not a part of it. I UNDERSTAND NOW THAT IT WAS A SHITTY PLAN AND EVEN REVOKED IT AFTER AN HOUR. Nobody responded, thankfully.
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Quote from: Jon on December 12, 2014, 10:17:38 PMThe only option for us right now is to lynch FA. All he is doing right now is clutching at straws and trying to get Toby's alliance to mistrust each other. The actual seer would have nothing to gain from not claiming to Toby on night 1, and that is the main reason why FA is considered a wolf right now. If I turn out to be wrong and FA is actually the seer, then your not being a team player and not claiming when you're supposed to will be what loses the game for us. I don't buy this "I didn't trust Toby" junk, nobody counterclaimed Toby, so there was no reason to not trust him and possibly waste a seer to try and confirm that he is who he says he is.

People: Says something
Me: Responds
People: Says the same thing

I'm done arguing in circles. I've already explained why I claimed the way I did. I'll say this for the third time though, Toby is cherry picking. You guys can ignore the fact that I PMed literally the second I got my seeing result, the fact that the other seer has done nothing to prove his humanity, and even the fact that all these "human would never do that" are just as equally "wolf would never do that."

There isn't a valid reason to lynch me today. Can we PLEASE not do this until D2, where atleast we know if the wolves end up with the revive or not?

Since fank wants me to voice my opinion on other lynch candidates, I'm going to say you right now are a much better one than me. You've contributed absolutely nothing to the discussion besides baseless ranting about me (that bs reaction test, and now your just vomiting up a bunch of stuff that's already been discussed) while completely ignoring the issue at hand (the risk involved with lynching me.) Even most of the people who completely supports my lynch understand how bad it is if I flip blue (masons die, we lose lynches, if wolves get revive it may as well be gg.) Despite everything that's been said, as evidence by your first line, you have absolutely no heed for this.

Jon because it's a hell of a lot better vote than Mashi right now. Blueflower I've got my eye on you still.

And fank, the guy who I either though was wolf or blue is NoS. He comes running to me saying he's the traitor and I should tell him all my "wolf partners" then he goes running back to Toby and leads the charge towards my lynch. I have no idea what to think, because every action he does contradicts itself. If he genuinely thinks I'm a wolf, as an openly claimed traitor he'd be trying to help me. Either he's a wolf working with the fake seer, or he's an idiotic human/PR trying to get MVP by finding out all 3 wolves from me. I want to lynch him so bad, but I don't want to risk him being a mason. I'll probably seer him tonight if I live.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: FireArrow on December 12, 2014, 11:42:49 PMThere isn't a valid reason to lynch me today. Can we PLEASE not do this until D2, where atleast we know if the wolves end up with the revive or not?

[07:50:35] <jon>   we seered him red, he never claimed until day 1, he seered toby blue night 1 apparently and he wants to lynch all the inactives on day 1

I'm sorry but no matter what your defenses are, that is too many coincidences for a human to make. Let me put it this way, there is nothing that anyone else has done this far that is any more suspicious than that. How is the other seer supposed to prove their humanity? Come out of hiding and claim to the thread? If something more suspicious comes up with someone else, I would consider lynching someone else, but if we let you live then there's the possibility that there's another wolf to catch the revive, and he can pass it to his allies before he dies.


I realize that you like to play it safe FireArrow but right now we have a huge advantage that we simply can't lose.  Maybe it's just my style, but I'd much rather take that risk and possibly end up way ahead of the wolves and I'm sure most other humans do too.  Again, I want to avoid the insta to give us more time to think of something but personally I feel like waiting until day 2 is going to set us really far back as I said in the chat, almost to the point where it's not worth waiting- especially because if you are the seer there's a very strong chance we can get you back.
Reviver seed+cardfilp=100% seering for you+Toby knows wolf identity.

Also, it's possible that the people in the alliance don't actually know the identity of the masons (still unlikely, but possible) in which case the masons will probably not be wolfed.



Quote from: Olimar12345 on December 12, 2014, 10:30:07 PMSeriously, guys. I am not a seasoned TWG-er like some of you. I was just trying to find a way to validate Toby's Union by seeing if there were an overwhelming number of people not a part of it. I UNDERSTAND NOW THAT IT WAS A SHITTY PLAN AND EVEN REVOKED IT AFTER AN HOUR. Nobody responded, thankfully.
Oh really?
21:13   noc   Hey so since you've pretty much given a bucket full of wolf tells, with only the suspicion of FA to keep it down, I'd like to claim traitor and trade a bit of info if you let me know who else is a wolf.
21:15   Olimar12345   Lovely...I make a comment to getr other humans to unite and all I hear from is a mason, fake-seer, and a traitor...
21:15   Olimar12345   worst of all is no one will believe me now...


What I mean was no one responded seriously. I did speak with FA afterwards (Fake seer), Nocturn wouldn't shut up in the chat, thinking I was a wolf (he was the traitor), and someone dangled a false mason claim in front of me as a sort of wolf-bait I am assuming. I was saying that the plan didn't work. That part is true.
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Btw, if freaking everyone knows that NoS is the traitor, why wasn't he an option for lynching? I mean, now FA is the way to go, but damn NoS would have made a safe day 1 lynch.
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Even if nocturne is the traitor, which by the way he is going around things, questioning the role of the traitor, talking about the traitor a lot, being suspicious and stuff, I presume he is; we don't want the traitor dead, he counts towards the number of humans, we just don't trust him, neglect his suspicions and use him as a player that's a human that has no good ideas.

Also, olimar, pm me the name of the 'mason' that claimed to you


You should know, seeing as how you sent them to me.
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