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TWG LXXII: Agents of Shield (Season 1)

Started by Jub3r7, December 10, 2014, 09:19:16 AM

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Quote from: FireArrow on December 12, 2014, 06:18:01 AMAs of right now, Blueflower, MLF, mashi, possibly yugi. None have contributed to the discussion at hand, any posts they may have made were either arbitrary or them defending themselves. I'd also like to harp on Toby for leading the alliance, yet keeping it completely disjointed from the thread - you should at least try to input some opinion instead of playing god. Maelstrom likewise.

@Noct, You sorta claimed to the thread that you were red (the "I thought I could pretend to be a miller") and when I asked you about it, you said something along the lines of it being a brilliant plan. Honestly, I can't really pull any information from it other than I have no idea what's going on in your head.
Oh, that lol.  That was just what could have been a REALLY bad mistake on my part.  I said if I had a red role I would have claimed miller lol because I thought the miller got a pm,  Maelstrom told me otherwise
Maybe I said it in a really weird way, I haven't had much sleep in the last couple days haha but maybe the reason you can't pull info from it is because there is no info in it?? ;)
You know when you're playing chess and you like make up possible moves for the next 3 turns?  Same way, except when I was planning the wolves' moves I thought it was possible that the regular wolf would claim as miller and seer wolf would claim seer.  No joke I would have claimed miller to toby lol.  So I'm glad I'm not a wolf because this game woulda been really lame for me :P

Current leans
Toby human(duh)
Me human(duh)
tst human (see earlier way out there idea in the thread that bds commented on)
Maelstrom human
Olimar human
FireArrow human(way to blow it fank >:( )
Jon looks more humanish than wolfish but not as human as the others
blueflower suspicious
fank suspicious
mashi ???
Yugi ???
MLF ???
And right now I think it may be possible for BDS to be a wolf from what I've seen him play, but I'll withhold judgement on that just yet.
For now Mashi though

Quote from: FireArrow on December 12, 2014, 06:26:23 AMI apologize toby if its just timezone.  :P
have you tried to pm him about it at all :P  usually those work though time zones xD

Quote from: Jon on December 12, 2014, 06:32:48 AMIt is timezones, he is in the same timezone as me. The update was at 3-4 am now, he said he would be online after school and it's 2.30 pm now. He will be online in a few hours.
darn it woman stop posting stuff I'm trying to get a decent thought out and y'all keep interrupting.


Quote from: Jon on December 12, 2014, 06:32:48 AMIt is timezones, he is in the same timezone as me. The update was at 3-4 am now, he said he would be online after school and it's 2.30 pm now. He will be online in a few hours.

I see, right when I go to school (6:45 AM right now.) >_>
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Double post sorry, but Nocturne, I really wouldn't recommend voting for anyone till toby gets back.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Tell that to mael lol he literally voted like right when day phase started
Just following your plan boss


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on December 12, 2014, 07:02:15 AMTell that to mael lol he literally voted like right when day phase started
Just following your plan boss
Woops. I guess I'll change it later.


I disagree with maels speedy veiled reason vote aswell. I mean, I appreciate you helping with that plan I told you about, but I'd like to hear toby's and maels reason for lynching you.

You know what, what the hell, Mashi, I can always change it later.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


not being able to edit my grammar sucks so hard .-.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Okay, sorry for being late, was sleeping and had school, I sent out a few PM's and joined the chat for a bit in the morning and let people know I'd post later, but I didn't have any time to read the actual thread or make a post!

Okay so as for Maelstrom, I presume this is what his vote is based on and I don't really see any reason why he couldn't post it for himself but the other night Mael and Nocturne had a chat on mibbit and interrogated each other and this is what I got from Mael:
Quote from: maelstrom. on December 11, 2014, 09:59:15 AMI'm still a human, but I don't think Noct is.
A note, in the past, I have played like a wolf, so don't immediately suspect me.
Nocturne has indirectly claimed traitor, and I master wolf under his annoying pressure, hoping to get him to say something. He asked for predictions, and I gave him some random stuff, mainly about wolfing jon, or you, but that  was not likely
Here's a chat log link

I didn't really think anything of it other than the fact that Nocturne ALSO sent me a PM, accusing Mael of being suspicious too, the thing that was even weirder was the logs I got from him:
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on December 11, 2014, 09:59:45 AMNot sure what to do with this, so here ya go.  I didn't want to post to the thread yet in case he's actually a human and still just playing wolfishly.  What did he claim to you?
09:38   Maelstrom_   Here
09:39   Maelstrom_   Is anyone else?
09:41   Maelstrom_   nope.
09:46   Maelstrom_   hello.....?
09:55   Nocturne   hi
09:55      --- Nocturne is back
09:55   Nocturne   was playing a craptastic game of league
09:56      Nocturne pokes Maelstrom_
09:56      *** Nocturne is now known as Nick
09:56      *** Nick is now known as Hey
09:56      Hey ! Listen !
09:56      Hey ! Listen !
09:58      Hey ! Listen !
09:59      Hey ! Listen !
10:11      Hey ! LISTEN
10:14   Maelstrom_   And I'm back.
10:14   Maelstrom_   Oops
10:14   Maelstrom_   Go away, navi
10:14   Maelstrom_   Or, should i say, ivan
10:18   Hey   wat
10:18   Hey   oh
10:18   Hey   lol
10:18      *** Hey is now known as Nock
10:18      *** Nock is now known as Noct
10:19   Maelstrom_   idk why, but I was reading/playing the Umineko demo epilogue instead of doing schoolwork.
10:19   Noct   I don't have schoolwork, tomorrow's last day of semester
10:20   Maelstrom_   I've got a final today
10:20   Maelstrom_   At 2:30
10:20   Maelstrom_   I'm too confident
10:20   Noct   but I'm going to piano lessons and work in a few hours
10:20   Maelstrom_   Where do you work?
10:20   Noct   uh
10:20   Maelstrom_   idk just wondering
10:20   Noct   I work at a movie theater and at walmart
10:21   Maelstrom_   Ah
10:21   Noct   I just don't like telling people I work at walmart then I remembered I don't actually know you in real life
10:21   Maelstrom_   Ah
10:23   Noct   Somebody flipping blue is best shot for revive
10:23   Noct   brb
10:24   Maelstrom_   Yep
10:27   Noct   Toby dying removes the brutal
10:29   Maelstrom_   yep
10:31   Maelstrom_   Will the wolves go for it?
10:32   Maelstrom_   One of them would die, but another human would need to clam, and be exposed because of that.
10:34   Noct   not till later I don't think
10:35   Maelstrom_   Until they control the lynch vote?
10:35   Maelstrom_   Would one of them still die that way?
10:37   Noct   it would be random
10:37   Maelstrom_   You mean it would be random which one of them dies
10:37   Noct   with luck by late game the wolves could end on day phase
10:37   Noct   but it's not likely
10:38   Noct   toby will probably stay alive the whole game
10:39   Maelstrom_   5 humans need to die before the wolves control the lynch vote. Looks like it could be a long game....
10:39   Noct   naw
10:39   Maelstrom_   It depends who gets lynched in the day phases
10:39   Noct   even with 13 players, several people can die each night
10:39   Noct   balances out that way
10:40   Maelstrom_   Only one person can die each night, except for the brutal.
10:42   Noct   fitzsimmons
10:42   Maelstrom_   Ah
10:43   Maelstrom_   But that's only once.
10:44   Noct   it still accelerates it
10:44   Maelstrom_   Yep
10:46   Maelstrom_   Any wolf who finds himself in danger of being revealed will claim one of those two.
10:46   Maelstrom_   Guarenteed
10:46   Maelstrom_   And he'll name a random human as his partner, so if he gets killed, his partner will be killed right afterwards
10:46   Maelstrom_   Unless the partner denies it
10:47   Noct   ah but they'll have claimed to toby
10:47   Maelstrom_   No.
10:47   Noct   fitz/simmons should have claimed to toby
10:47   Maelstrom_   Wati
10:47   Maelstrom_   Yeah.
10:47   Maelstrom_   I'm sure the wolves falsely claimed to toby, as well.
10:48   Maelstrom_   Probably and named humans
10:48   Noct   nah
10:48   Maelstrom_   b/c toby can't seer
10:48   Noct   I think jon is actually the seer
10:48   Maelstrom_   ....
10:48   Noct   and this is just my train of though
10:48   Noct   t
10:48   Maelstrom_   Oh, great
10:48   Noct   I think jon's the seer because toby seems to think he is
10:49   Noct   therefore jon must've claimed to toby
10:49   Noct   so
10:49   Maelstrom_   or jon might be one of two people who claimed seer to toby
10:49   Noct   It depends on if the wolves believe jon to be the seer or not
10:49   Noct   because the wolf seer has to claim miller
10:49   Noct   it's a cardflip game, remember?
10:50   Maelstrom_   It would be crazy if all the wolves claimed seer to toby, and sent conflicting seer results each night
10:50   Maelstrom_   And didn't kill the real seer
10:50   Noct   lol
10:50   Noct   that's actually not a bad plan
10:50   Noct   I'll let my partn...
10:50   Noct   never mind
10:50   Maelstrom_   But if the seer dies, game over
10:50   Maelstrom_   Too risky
10:51   Noct   there are 4 red roles
10:51   Noct   3 playing for wolf team 1 playing for human team
10:51   Maelstrom_   Only half are wolves
10:51   Noct   traitor wins when wolves win
10:51   Noct   wow that alliteration
10:51   Maelstrom_   But if all wolves die, traitor looses
10:51   Maelstrom_   lol
10:53   Noct   not sure if traitor counts as a human...
10:53   Maelstrom_   Then why is it grouped with the humans?
10:54   Noct   because he was on the human team then he betrayed them
10:54   Noct   brb
10:54   Maelstrom_   But..
10:55   Noct   Sided with the wolves, but doesn't know who they are, and doesn't count towards wolf victory. Seer'd orange.
10:55   Noct   by liggy
10:55   Maelstrom_   Red
10:55   Maelstrom_   I think
10:55   Maelstrom_   At least in this game
10:55   Noct   red/orange same thing
10:55   Maelstrom_   whtvr
10:55   Noct   both used to describe wolf roles
10:55   Noct   orange is for special wolf roles iirc
10:56   Maelstrom_   In specific games
10:56   Maelstrom_   All red in this one
10:56   Noct   so I guess jon's seering move wasn't a good one
10:57   Maelstrom_   Who did he seer?
10:57   Noct   idk if he's even the seer
10:57   Maelstrom_   what move did he make
10:57   Noct   claiming seer
10:57   Maelstrom_   .....
10:58   Maelstrom_   What
10:58   Maelstrom_   What is that bad?
10:58   Maelstrom_   *why\
10:58   Maelstrom_   *why
10:58   Noct   jon claims seer>toby claims brutal human>creates alliance>toby knows if jon is the seer or not>if jon's the seer wolves can kill him then claim human>if jon's not the seer wolves HAVE to claim miller
10:59   Maelstrom_   Oh.
10:59   Maelstrom_   Did he say he was the seer publicly?
10:59   Noct   yes
10:59   Maelstrom_   ouch
10:59   Maelstrom_   I thought he was joking11:00   Maelstrom_   But idk if he knows what he's doing
11:00   Noct   he does have experience on LLF
11:00   Maelstrom_   Oh
11:00   Maelstrom_   I don't have that
11:00   Maelstrom_   Which is completely obvious
11:00   Noct   last time I saw toby he seemed to think jon was the seer so I also think jon is the seer
11:01   Noct   because toby's holding all the cards right now
11:01   Maelstrom_   And maybe some of those cards are duds
11:01   Maelstrom_   If everyone but the wolves clam, then it's obvious who the wolves are
11:01   Noct   4 of those cards are almost for certain fake claims
11:01   Noct   I wonder what the traitor would claim
11:01   Maelstrom_   Probs not all human claims
11:01   Noct   probably just miller
11:02   Maelstrom_   You can't claim miller
11:02   Maelstrom_   You don't know
11:02   Maelstrom_   Nobody knows
11:02   Noct   okay lol
11:03   Noct   welp I totally misread that
11:03   Noct   wolves can't claim miller lol
11:03   Noct   thought there was a miller pm man I'm so bad xD
11:04   Maelstrom_   It's called a miller because he doesn't know
11:05   Noct   well I'm glad I didn't get a red role because I woulda been screwed over by toby lol
11:05   Noct   I legit would have claimed miller
11:05   Noct   >.>
11:05   Maelstrom_   lol
11:05   Maelstrom_   *hah
11:05   Maelstrom_   *haha
11:06   Noct   so are you the regular hydra member or the seer
11:06   Maelstrom_   Me?
11:06   Noct   no, I'm talking to jon.
11:06   Maelstrom_   I'm a nobody
11:06   Maelstrom_   *Huma
11:06   Maelstrom_   *Human
11:06   Maelstrom_   woops
11:06   Maelstrom_   erase that
11:06   Noct   *o*
11:06   Maelstrom_   idc
11:07   Maelstrom_   I'm still
11:07   Maelstrom_   Yeah
11:07   Maelstrom_   You can stop now
11:08   Noct   it's fine dude I'm the traitor, you can tell me!
11:08   Maelstrom_   wat
11:08   Maelstrom_   really?
11:08   Noct   I just want to know who you're seering is all
11:08   Maelstrom_   You're kidding
11:08   Maelstrom_   what
11:09   Noct   Such wolf tells
11:09   Maelstrom_   You know jon has been idle for 11 hours, right?
11:09   Maelstrom_   *10 hours, 47 minutes
11:09   Noct   lol
11:09   Noct   HEY
11:09   Noct   COME OVER HER
11:09   Noct   HERE
11:09   Noct   JON CAN'T SEE US HERE
11:12   Maelstrom_   GOT IT
11:12   Maelstrom_   NOT SEER
11:12   Maelstrom_   PROBS
11:13   Maelstrom_   Did you know you an PM yourself?
11:13   Maelstrom_   It's werid
11:13   Noct   lol
11:13   Noct   really?
11:13   Noct   so
11:13   Maelstrom_   so...
11:13   Noct   I currently have our entire chat copy pasted and ready to post to the thread
11:13   Maelstrom_   so...
11:13   Noct   spill or die
11:14   Maelstrom_   You know I play like a wolf, right?
11:14   Noct   yep
11:14   Maelstrom_   And I've been a human every game so far, right?
11:14   Noct   which is why I want more info
11:14   Noct   before I post to the thread
11:14   Maelstrom_   I need info on you too...
11:14   Noct   I hosted 1 game
11:15   Noct   I got better at TWG
11:15   Noct   the end
11:15   Maelstrom_   lol
11:15   Maelstrom_   haha -- mlf
11:15   Noct   >.>
11:15   Maelstrom_   Guess what
11:15   Noct   you're a wolf
11:15   Maelstrom_   I'm a human again.
11:15   Noct   okay how about this
11:15   Maelstrom_   How about what
11:16   Noct   you tell me who one of the wolf partners is
11:16   Maelstrom_   uhhhh.....
11:16   Noct   since they're obviously the seer
11:16   Maelstrom_   I'm seriously not a wolf.
11:16   Noct   we can lynch them and spare you
11:16   Noct   
11:16   Maelstrom_   Seriouly
11:17   Maelstrom_   We don't want another TWG 69
11:17   Noct   just know that what I post to the chat will make you look VERY susp
11:17   Maelstrom_
11:17   Maelstrom_   Which means you are looking wolfish
11:18   Noct   lol
11:18   Noct   I guess i'll pm it to toby first
11:18   Noct   see what he thinks
11:18   Noct   unless you claim wolf right now
11:18   Maelstrom_   I can't
11:19   Noct   in which case I will not post anything to the thread
11:19   Maelstrom_   Why do you want me to claim wolf?
11:19   Noct   so that I can post it to the thread
11:19   Maelstrom_   B/c you are a traitor and want to connect with the wolves
11:19   Noct   why do you play so much like a wolf
11:19   Maelstrom_   idk
11:19   Maelstrom_   I'm weird
11:20   Noct   it will get you lynched
11:20   Maelstrom_   It has
11:20   Maelstrom_   Every time.
11:20   Maelstrom_   I can't stop
11:20   Noct   try hosting a game.
11:20   Maelstrom_   I don't know what I'm doing.
11:20   Maelstrom_   ^disasterwaitingtohappen
11:20   Noct   okay
11:21   Noct   you just...
11:21   Maelstrom_   .....
11:21   Maelstrom_   waiting
11:21   Noct   there are so many things you said that lead me to believe you're a wolf
11:21   Maelstrom_   Like every other game.
11:21   Noct   why else would you have come to the private chat
11:21   Noct   if you're a human you'd have nothing to hide from jon
11:21   Noct   so you're a wolf mael, sorry.
11:22   Maelstrom_   B/c you might have said somthing you wanted to hide
11:22   Noct   now either I'm the traitor or I'm not the traitor
11:22   Noct   but that's your call
11:22   Noct   11:08 Noct   it's fine dude I'm the traitor, you can tell me!
11:23   Maelstrom_   In the main thing
11:23   Maelstrom_   The only person that could view it was jon
11:23   Maelstrom_   idk if it auto-disconnects after a while
11:23   Noct   if he's idle he can see it
11:23   Noct   but since I know you're a wolf I'll help you out
11:23   Maelstrom_   If you were the traitor, I don't think you would be that stupid
11:24   Maelstrom_   *Not a wolf
11:24   Noct   if you don't want him to see we need to spam post to remove all the messages in the pm log
11:24   Noct   but just remember
11:24   Noct   I kept track of all of it
11:24   Maelstrom_   Ok.
11:24   Noct   So I'm gonna ask you 1 more time
11:25   Noct   which wolf are you
11:25   Maelstrom_   the one that's not a wolf
11:25   Noct   so you're the traitor
11:25   Noct   which wolf are you
11:25   Maelstrom_   or a traitor
11:25   Noct   and what is your seering target tonight
11:26   Maelstrom_   Me
11:26   Maelstrom_   b/c I can't seer
11:26   Noct   or because you're the master wolf
11:26   Noct   and will get seered green
11:26   Maelstrom_   true
11:27   Noct   just so you know I'm not recording any of this for about the past 5 minutes
11:27   Maelstrom_   OK
11:27   Maelstrom_   It's basicly the same thing, over and over agina
11:28   Maelstrom_   You're not getting anywhere
11:28   Noct   alright if you won't answer which wolf you are
11:28   Noct   I'm asking you this
11:28   Noct   what role am I?
11:28   Maelstrom_   Not a human special role
11:28   Maelstrom_   for sure
11:29   Maelstrom_   Either a wolf
11:29   Maelstrom_   or a human trying too hard
11:29   Maelstrom_   leaning twords the former
Nothing really in the content of the logs I found suspicious but it was how much content I got. Nocturne missed out a bunch of logs that Mael actually managed to provide me with:
12:30   Maelstrom_   what are you really?
12:30   Noct   ok
12:30   Noct   now there are 3 options
12:30   Noct   1 I post to the thread right now
12:30   Noct   2 I post to the thread when day 1 starts
12:30   Noct   3 I pm the chat log to toby
12:30   Noct   option 1, you have a chance to explain yourself
12:31   Maelstrom_   and....
12:31   Noct   option 2 is very likely to get you lynched, but it might get me lynched too for holding on to it for so long
12:31   Noct   option 3 is what a good human would do
12:31   Maelstrom_   I didn't notice the 4th option
12:31   Noct   where you claim wolf to me
12:31   Noct   right
12:32   Maelstrom_   And, I also have no way to know if you really PM'd toby or not
12:32   Noct   I have not yet PM'd toby
12:32   Noct   but I have claimed to him
12:32   Maelstrom_   Claimed what
12:32   Maelstrom_   I must know
12:32   Noct   miller!
12:32   Maelstrom_   lol
12:32   Maelstrom_   wait........
12:33   Noct   wait for it...
12:33   Noct   waiiiiit foor it.....
12:33   Maelstrom_   HAHAHAHAHJAHAHA
12:33   Noct   I can literally hear you thinking
12:33   Noct   use that big brain of yours and choose the right option
12:33   Maelstrom_   I am literally laughing right now.
12:34   Noct   no pics no proof
12:34   Maelstrom_   Pics of what
12:34   Noct   you laughing
12:35   Maelstrom_   I don't lie. (much)
12:35   Noct   mael
12:35   Maelstrom_   what
12:36   Maelstrom_   wat
12:36   Maelstrom_   wut
12:36   Noct   just because you play like a wolf will not give you a free pass just because
12:36   Maelstrom_   ...
12:36   Noct   if you play like a wolf people will think you're a wolf
12:36   Noct   if you get seered green people are gonna think you're the master wolf
12:36   Maelstrom_   Sadly, yes
12:36   Maelstrom_   Yep.
12:36   Noct   so pick the proper option.
12:37   Noct   for goodness' sake mael I already know you're a wolf
12:37   Maelstrom_   Fine
12:37   Noct   don't do this man
12:37   Maelstrom_   do what
12:37   Noct   pretend otherwise
12:37   Maelstrom_   fine
12:37   Noct   now I want to know which wolf you are
12:37   Noct   and the name of a red wolf
12:38   Maelstrom_   The first, yes.
12:38   Maelstrom_   The last, no
12:38   Noct   you are not the "yes" wolf and there isn't anyone playing with the name of "no".
12:39   Maelstrom_   lol
12:39   Noct   Don't you think
12:40   Noct   never mind
12:40   Noct   with you it doesn't matter
12:40   Maelstrom_   what
12:40   Noct   doesn't matter
12:40   Maelstrom_   I MUST KNOW
12:40   Noct   not important
12:40   Maelstrom_   fine
12:41   Maelstrom_   Is that all?
12:41   Noct   well, I still don't have your role
12:42   Noct   should I just pen you down as henchwolf
12:42   Maelstrom_   No
12:42   Maelstrom_   You know why
12:43   Noct   "because you're human"
12:43   Noct   "because you're batman"
12:43   Maelstrom_   lol
12:43   Maelstrom_   lololol
12:43   Noct   "because you're the master wolf"
12:43   Maelstrom_   ^
12:43   Noct   because you're the wolf seer.
12:43   Maelstrom_   ^
12:43   Maelstrom_   wait, no
12:43   Maelstrom_   Fist one
12:43   Maelstrom_   *First
12:43   Noct   I choose to fist the seer
12:44   Maelstrom_   haha
12:44   Noct   so maelstrom this is how we'll do it
12:44   Noct   you tell me right now who you're going to wolf and you you're going to seer
12:45   Maelstrom_   Why
12:45   Noct   and I'll keep the chat log off the thread until what you have told me happens
12:45   Maelstrom_   jon will be wolfed, haven't decided who to seer yet.
12:45   Maelstrom_   Maybe you......
12:46   Noct   if for some reason your "prophecy" turns out incorrect I will submit the info to the thread and you'll go down pretty quick.
12:46   Maelstrom_   K
12:47   Maelstrom_   I will want to note, we have tossed around the idea of killing Toby. At this point, I don't think it'll happen, but, who knows, we may change our minds
12:48   Noct   PM me at 3 PM today.
12:48   Noct   that'd be 4 your time
12:49   Noct   Toby WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!!!
12:51   Maelstrom_   Sorry
12:51   Maelstrom_   3hr Calc final at 2:30
12:51   Noct   sure, sure.
12:52   Noct   if you don't come through your wolf buddies will be very angry at you for losing 1/3 of your team.
I just found it weird Nocturne would leave this out so I do have some suspicions on him, but guess what? He won't be our lynch today!

Last night I had 3 people who I was waiting to get claims from and I had to PM, 2 will remain anonymous from now, but one, Firearrow, who responded to me, striked me as very odd:
Quote from: FireArrow on December 11, 2014, 12:59:45 PMI'd prefer not to claim until day 1, hope your OK with that.

When I asked why he wouldn't claim even though it was pretty evident no one was going to counter claim me as everyone had seen my claim and everyone had seen my last warning telling everyone to claim, I didn't get a reply until the phase was over,
Quote from: FireArrow on December 11, 2014, 04:59:28 PMSorry, I just wanted to seer you before claiming.

I'm Skye
So even after I announced to the thread I was gonna make the alliance an hour before phase ended, the guy who potentially would have been part of the alliance decided to pretty much allow a wolf to walk in, makes sense? A wolf wouldn't worry about a wolf walking into the alliance and ruining the plans. After I found out FireArrow wasn't gonna claim till day 1, I was pretty confident that this son of a gun was a wolf, possibly with the other two poops that didn't claim yet, I asked to get this biscuit seered! What happened?

FireArrow (this is a vote) is Red.


Obviously the first one to claim is telling the truth.
Thanks for telling the thread, if not today, I'm dead tonight.
I wanted to seer you before I claimed, I really don't see why that means I was letting a wolf walk in when I could very well be walking into a wolf.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


You didn't make any objections to my legitimacy in the thread or the chat, you didn't tell the thread that you didn't think we should claim yet so all I can believe is that you wanted to delay, it looks to me like you were just trying to buy time by pretending that you wanted 'proof' before claiming. Even when I said an alliance was set up you still didn't claim.

If I died last night an alliance would have been made without you, I said an alliance was going to be set up before night ended.


Quote from: FireArrow on December 12, 2014, 07:45:00 AM:/
Obviously the first one to claim is telling the truth.
Thanks for telling the thread, if not today, I'm dead tonight.
I wanted to seer you before I claimed, I really don't see why that means I was letting a wolf walk in when I could very well be walking into a wolf.
except a toby seering is ridiculously easy to make up.  The real may would have counterclaimed a LONG time ago, so I'd say this is pretty solid evidence.  The fact that you claimed skye is proof that you're not the miller (because as I found out the miller doesn't know he's red lol) and the fact that you "seered" toby probably means you're just the regular wolf; (I might be making stuff up here lol) but if you were the seering wolf you probably would have claimed seer a lot earlier, having the power to back it up.  Oh, I guess you could be the traitor too lol
;( I wish it didn't have to end this way mate

Quote from: FireArrow on December 12, 2014, 07:45:00 AM:/
Obviously the first one to claim is telling the truth.
Thanks for telling the thread, if not today, I'm dead tonight.
I wanted to seer you before I claimed, I really don't see why that means I was letting a wolf walk in when I could very well be walking into a wolf.
wait a second.  You were seered red and you think you're going to die tonight if you don't get lynched?


Shit, I'm confused. So Toby knows a seer (anonymous), that see'd FA red, and FA claims to be a seer that claimed to Toby second, after seer-ing Toby safe? Let me put it his way:

Toby's  anonymous seer
-said they seer'd FA red
-claimed to Toby first

-seer'd Toby safe
-claimed to Toby second

Is this correct?
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Fire arrow claimed far after the alliance was even set up, but mostly yes.  Toby had skye seer firearrow after his saying "I'd prefer not to claim until day 1, hope your OK with that."
Also firearrow never actually told us the result of the seering soooo


FireArrow, despite having no objections in the thread, in the chat, or in PM, to claim to me, wanted to wait till Day1 to claim to me, even after he knew an alliance was set up (implying that there is a seer since I didn't show any signs of missing a seer claim).

He thought it was okay for everyone to claim to me, but not for him to claim to me.


Firearrow's reasons make sense, but not in this game. If there would be a counterclaim for May, then it should have come out night one, and soon after the initial claim. (Unless May is mlf, in which case, we're all screwed) And, it would be quite bad for the wolves to counterclaim in the first place, as it would lead to loss of 1/3 of the wolves' team. It would be counterproductive to wait until day one to claim, and not seer someone else suspicious. If toby got someone to seer Firearrow, then Firearrow is obviously not the seer. Or that seer is a wolf who knew what Firearrow was and didn't have to seer them.
tl;dr: Firearrow is either a wolf, or a seer with poor decision-making skills and the supposed seer is a wolf
Or toby is a wolf.....