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TWG LXXII: Agents of Shield (Season 1)

Started by Jub3r7, December 10, 2014, 09:19:16 AM

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I'm preparing a very basic suspicion list. Will be in the chat while I do so.
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Logs when I can extract them from the tablet.
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


I'd prefer a blueflower lynch, but I have nothing wrong with bandwagoning noct.  Waiting for things to clear up bit.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Here are my current thoughts:

1. Mashi
I have learned to be weary of mashi. He's always up to something, but so far this game I've got nothing from him.

2. NocturneOfShadow
Quite active and helpful in the chat this far. No real reason to suspect him yet.
3. fank009
Where have you been? I'm used to reading more from you. That might be a little odd, idk.
4. FireArrow
You jumped to the "inactive sacrifice" first, and like you said in the chat, I don't know why that's a bad thing, seeing as how it's always a formidable option. Reaction test wise, you held your own fine I thought.

5. BlackDragonSlayer
Acting pretty normal atm. No current leans.

6. Yugi
Acting pretty normal atm. No current leans.

7. The_Subjective_Thought
Rip indeed. A lucky guess to the wolves, really, since you hardly posted.

8. Toby
Wasn't quite sure of your intentions, post sending my claim. However, you seem to have formed a union between the "confirmed" members, and that should be greatly helpful as we go on.

9. Olimar12345
I sent in my claim (Toby can verify) but was not put in an alliance. Most likely because there have been multiple claims for my role, as implied here:
Quote from: Toby on December 11, 2014, 02:51:44 PMAn alliance between the people I know are human.
I could be a good lynch vote to confirm suspicions on others claiming my role, though at the risk of losing a member (though we do have that revive...).

10. mariolegofan
Do you even twg? If he's new here, I doubt he'd have too big a role, as to not overload him. Probably a "vanilla."

11. maelstrom
He hasn't posted very much but we see here that he is not in an alliance as well. This little back-and-fourth between him and Toby also implies that he did send in a claim. Similar thoughts here as I had about myself. Spontaneous vote again NoS was odd, but I suppose I have to pm Toby for more info on that matter.

12. Jon
You're quite quick to cause commotion, don't know how good that is. No other real thoughts about you yet.

13. blueflower999
Acting pretty normal atm. No current leans.

Edit/ ninjad twice!
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Lol what was intended as a suspicion list actually just turned out to be a general "thoughts" list. Upon collecting my thoughts thus far, I realized that I have no real suspicions :S (this isn't good...)
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: fank009 on December 11, 2014, 09:45:28 PMnoct
Logs when I can extract them from the tablet.

Sorry for the triple post, but will this be before the lynch? Would like to see said logs. Also, you're playing on a tablet?
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: Olimar12345 on December 11, 2014, 10:07:11 PMSorry for the triple post, but will this be before the lynch? Would like to see said logs. Also, you're playing on a tablet?
Will aim to put them out yeah, unless someone beats me to the punch.
For now also.
And to answer why I haven't been posting much, I have been chatting a bit. Just not a lot on n1 to talk about fmpov
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: fank009 on December 11, 2014, 10:15:09 PMWill aim to put them out yeah, unless someone beats me to the punch.
For now also.
And to answer why I haven't been posting much, I have been chatting a bit. Just not a lot on n1 to talk about fmpov

You'll have to do it, I lost all my logs.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


@FireArrow: who would you consider inactive targets that are worth lynching?


Quote from: FireArrow on December 11, 2014, 10:35:07 PMYou'll have to do it, I lost all my logs.
Speaking about lost logs :/

the gist of it was that noct was telling that he seer'd
(strangely I didn't lose all the logs and did get some PM logs...)
FA logs
(fank009) So, I got a message from you???
(FireArrow) ..?
(FireArrow) No
(FireArrow) I thought NoS sent you one.
(fank009) He did,
(fank009) Asking if I got one from you
(FireArrow) No, was there something you wanted me to send you?
[18:38] (fank009) ... Nothing really just gathering information...
[18:38] (fank009) And have you  honestly not ol
[18:39] (fank009) Played since game of doors?
[18:39] (FireArrow) Yeah lol
[18:39] (FireArrow) I'm slowly picking up on the stuff I used to know
[18:40] (FireArrow) By D2 I should be fine
[18:47] (FireArrow) Did NoS send you the log between us?
[18:48] (fank009) ...
[18:48] (fank009) Not yet
[18:48] (FireArrow) Basically
[18:48] (FireArrow) he thinks I'm a wolf
[18:48] (FireArrow) and he claimed to be traitor
[18:48] (FireArrow) and he's trying to get my parters
[18:48] (fank009) Like I said...
[18:49] (FireArrow) It sounded like he was pretending to be the traitor tho
[18:49] (fank009) He's telling that you were a seering
[18:49] (FireArrow) Wait did he? He keeps avoiding the question
[18:50] (FireArrow) I think he's just really close in the alliance with toby
[18:50] (FireArrow) but not a seer himself
[18:50] (fank009) ...
[18:50] (FireArrow) Did I miss something?
[18:50] (fank009) So you think he's a mason buddy
[18:50] (fank009) Not really
[18:51] (FireArrow) NoS was never seered
[18:51] (FireArrow) I have no idea what color he is
[18:51] (fank009) ...
[18:51] (fank009) ....
[18:51] (FireArrow) Oh wait
[18:51] (FireArrow) yeah the thread >_>
[18:51] (FireArrow) Yeah he's probably a wolf nvm
[18:52] (FireArrow) he said in our chat that that was a "brilliant plan" or something
[18:52] (FireArrow) but he never said what the plan was

logs with Noct
(Nocturne) yo
(fank009) Hey...
(Nocturne) so fa says he sent you a pm
(Nocturne) did you get one from him
(fank009) I need to check context...
[18:54] (Nocturne) btw just kidding about the pm
[18:54] (Nocturne) just a reaction test
[18:55] (Nocturne) I am pretty sure FA is human at this point though, his reaction was a lot better than maelstroms

I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


I pick the worst time to come in and make a post So... just some thoughts on some of the posts that have been made...

Quote from: mariolegofan on December 10, 2014, 01:52:45 the wolves silently watch with their drooling mouths hanging wide open....
Considering what was going on at that time... wolves are doing what now???

Quote from: FireArrow on December 11, 2014, 05:09:20 PMWith that being said, can we lynch an inactive please. NSM TWG is so predictable, the wolves just play inactive until later because everyone just rush lynches suspicious (almost always human) players.
Depends on the wolves... and, isnt it a bit early to lynch inactives?

Quote from: FireArrow on December 11, 2014, 07:04:18 PMWorst case: We lynch a useless human (PRs will be impossible to mislynch due to the alliance.)
but then you'll be pointing out with a big neon sign... "THIS PERSON'S IN THE ALIANCE"
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


FA and fank I already pm'd out the logs I got so don't look at me :P

[18:49] (FireArrow) Wait did he? He keeps avoiding the question
[18:50] (FireArrow) I think he's just really close in the alliance with toby
[18:50] (FireArrow) but not a seer himself
[18:50] (fank009) ...
[18:50] (FireArrow) Did I miss something?
[18:50] (fank009) So you think he's a mason buddy
[18:50] (fank009) Not really
[18:51] (FireArrow) NoS was never seered
[18:51] (FireArrow) I have no idea what color he is
[18:51] (fank009) ...
[18:51] (fank009) ....
[18:51] (FireArrow) Oh wait
[18:51] (FireArrow) yeah the thread >_>
[18:51] (FireArrow) Yeah he's probably a wolf nvm
[18:52] (FireArrow) he said in our chat that that was a "brilliant plan" or something
[18:52] (FireArrow) but he never said what the plan was

Clarify?  What plan


Quote from: Jon on December 12, 2014, 12:09:25 AM@FireArrow: who would you consider inactive targets that are worth lynching?

As of right now, Blueflower, MLF, mashi, possibly yugi. None have contributed to the discussion at hand, any posts they may have made were either arbitrary or them defending themselves. I'd also like to harp on Toby for leading the alliance, yet keeping it completely disjointed from the thread - you should at least try to input some opinion instead of playing god. Maelstrom likewise.

@Noct, You sorta claimed to the thread that you were red (the "I thought I could pretend to be a miller") and when I asked you about it, you said something along the lines of it being a brilliant plan. Honestly, I can't really pull any information from it other than I have no idea what's going on in your head.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I apologize toby if its just timezone.  :P
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


It is timezones, he is in the same timezone as me. The update was at 3-4 am now, he said he would be online after school and it's 2.30 pm now. He will be online in a few hours.