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New Sheet Idea(s)

Started by Sebastian, December 06, 2014, 02:57:07 PM

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So I was thinking. This idea came to me just a few minutes ago. Is there anyway we could bend the rules a little so that instead of having just one set of standards for formatting, we could have 2 or even more?
I'm referring to the formatting (Title, Composer, Arranger, Game Name, etc.)
Like we could have Standard (what we have now) and Fancy (Maybe Cursive Writing for the title instead of "Bold" 24) Idk, something......Fancy :)
Just an idea. Some people use a lot of cool fonts and stuff like that on other sites. Just seems like ours is a little plain. I'm not suggesting that everyone gets to pick there own fonts, sizes, etc. I just think it'd be cool 2 have maybe 2 choices.
What do you guys think? :)
Updaters? Jamaha?



Way too much work for something so insignificant.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: Olimar12345 on December 06, 2014, 02:58:30 PMNo.

Way too much work for something so insignificant.
I could come up with some ideas and send them to you?
Oh and what is significant?


Different fonts
That'll look too distracting 2 me
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


If you have two different formats then people will eventually start picking between them and mixing them up, making formatting an even bigger nightmare.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!




Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I'll try say this nice. But to the Updaters/Mods mostly.
Quote from: mariolegofan on December 06, 2014, 04:08:13 PMMay I be blunt?
Here goes: I I don't have a voice here. And everytime I speak up or put a new idea out there this happens:
Quote from: Olimar12345 on December 06, 2014, 02:58:30 PMNo.
Nothing but "NO." It justs rude. It makes me feel angry. The Updaters/Mods are a very little % of our population and they get to pick everything and do what THEY want? I'm not saying I dont like the things they've done. The New Updating System, New Site Layout, Bespinben as new updater, etc. I'm VERY thankful for those things! :) Great Job! ......but....I would like my voice heard too. And my ideas considered as well. Not just "NO!" I feel like a fly on the wall. "MLF has an idea, Olimar." "O brother, just brush him off!" Thats's how I feel.
Thanks for letting me blunt. And whatever you guys decide for future improvements, no matter how much I agree or disagree, Im with you! But, please consider my/our ideas as well :)
No hard feelings! :)


I can kinda understand why you feel that way, but rest assured, it's the content, not the creator, that they take issue with. The updaters already have to deal with a shitload of people messing up the formatting, and this would only serve to complicate the process. There are too many considerations involved in this, and overall it would do nothing to improve the experience of visitors to our site. Not to further shoot down your idea when you're already clearly offended about it, but it's just not practical.

Please don't turn this into an "updaters versus everyone else" thing. They read your idea. They thought about it. They realized quickly that it wouldn't be practical. End of story. They have taken many of our ideas into consideration before, and have actually implemented many on the site. Sorry if I'm being too "blunt", but you seem to be taking their aversion to this idea to mean much more than it actually does.

Waddle Bro

Trying to put this as simple as I can for you to understand:

Ideas require effort to become reality.

Effort requires motivation.

You might not realize it, but to make your ideas reality, it would require unneeded effort from others.

That's why you should understand that people lack the motivation.



Quote from: FierceDeity on December 06, 2014, 04:55:45 PMI can kinda understand why you feel that way, but rest assured, it's the content, not the creator, that they take issue with. The updaters already have to deal with a shitload of people messing up the formatting, and this would only serve to complicate the process. There are too many considerations involved in this, and overall it would do nothing to improve the experience of visitors to our site. Not to further shoot down your idea when you're already clearly offended about it, but it's just not practical.

Please don't turn this into an "updaters versus everyone else" thing. They read your idea. They thought about it. They realized quickly that it wouldn't be practical. End of story. They have taken many of our ideas into consideration before, and have actually implemented many on the site. Sorry if I'm being too "blunt", but you seem to be taking their aversion to this idea to mean much more than it actually does.
I understand :)
Thank you wise fierce :)


I can see where you're coming from with this and on paper it sounds like it's not a bad idea, but I'm willing to bet that this was made for a reason.  Maestro gave a decent reason but there's probably a bit more to it.  It may be that since our goal at NSM is clarity and accuracy we don't want a font that may be nearly illegible or have bad kerning(keming?) and let's face it, being able to use more than a few fonts would severely hinder that.  Sure it would look really cool, but we're not trying to make the sheet music look pretty like me.
Quote from: mariolegofan on December 06, 2014, 02:57:07 PMSome people use a lot of cool fonts and stuff like that on other sites.
This could be why other sites aren't used as much??  I'm not trying to shoot you down mlf - on the contrary I think that a little creativity with sheet music is awesome.  But it's not really what we want.  Sure in your own time you could make some nice looking sheets, maybe Olimar would be okay with you making a thread with "cool looking sheet music".  But having arrangers be able to change the font and sizing and color of the titles would make them really hard to read, and that would just sort of cancel out the reasons we have guidelines for making sheet music(that I myself am still having trouble getting the hang of haha).  Hopefully you can think of something more doable though!

And jeez fierce you gotta stop typing up paradise lost before I can even complete a simple sentence.