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The Third Annual NSM Superlatives

Started by blueflower999, November 30, 2014, 07:17:27 PM

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Quote from: blueflower999 on January 10, 2015, 06:53:14 PMRunner-up: Dude!

You know all those new members that join the site, make one or two posts, and then we never hear from them again? They're all tied up in Dude's basement. All 400 of them. There is no escape...
it's not torture if there's a 70 inch tv playing the sailor moon dub 24/7, right?




me irl



jesus christ what back alleys do they drag dub actors out of anyway

me irl


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on January 12, 2015, 04:58:53 PMjesus christ what back alleys do they drag dub actors out of anyway

A while ago, my friend thought it was be a plausible career option for her. So I'm assuming they recruit people out of high school? I read somewhere that they also recruit minor porn stars.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


You'd think with all the silly weaboos out there whose dream is to be an anime VA that they could find more than, like, 5 good ones for the whole industry.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Superlatives have been slow this week because I have mid-terms and I'm busy preparing for them. To make it up to you guys, I intended to add all the superlatives into the OP, but the 40,000 character limit was reached, so I couldn't really do that without removing something else.

Here's what I did to resolve the problem: I've removed all the nominations from the original post and posted them below in a spoiler tag so that they're not lost. All the awards will also be posted below collectively because even without the instructions there's no way everything will fit in the OP. >.< However, I added links in the OP to this set of posts to make finding them easier.

I realize it's a little early, but I thought it would be cool to vote on this throughout the month of December and then post the results after the New Year. You know, sort of like a year recap thing.

For those who are wondering, I asked the previous two hosts (Mashi and Maestro), and both agreed that it's cool if a different person does this each year, and both of them seemed to be fine with me doing it. So here I go!

General Superlatives:
Friendliest: Nebbles, Bespinben, Mario Lego Fan, Blueflower, Slow, Mashi, Fire Arrow
Nicest: Nebbles, Blueflower, K-Night, Mashi, Olimar, Bubbles, Ruto
Scariest: SFK, Wolf, Kefka, BDS, Slow, Zoroark
Sexiest: Fierce Deity, Nocturne, Slow, Winter, SFK, Jub 100% gay
Prettiest: Nebbles, Bubbles, Roz, ETF, Winter
Longest: Sipan, Maestro, SFK, Yugi, Bubbles
Most Improved: Blueflower, Zoroark, Slow, Mario Lego Fan, Nocturne
Most Changed: Yugi, Olimar, Nocturne, Mario Lego Fan,
Cutest: Nocturne, Zoroark, Bubbles, Nebbles, ETF, Waddle Bro
Smartest: Mashi, Maestro, Blueflower (?), Zoroark, Ruto
The Most A+: Mashi, Maestro, Ruto, King Sammer
Frivolousest: Mashi, Slow, Jub, King Sammer
Best LPer: Maestro, Nebbles
Calmest: Ruto, Olimar, Bloop, Mashi, Dr. P
Best Couple: Blueflower + Slow (???), Waddle Bro + Slow, Ruto + Kefka, Maestro + The Universe, Slow + NSM Guys, Fingerz + Pit
Most Likely To Be A Closet Anime Fan: Mario Lego Fan, JaMaHa, Kefka, Jompa (Rats, they figured you out, Jompa!)
Most European: JaMaHa, Waddle Bro, FSM, Dr. P
Most American: SFK, Dr. P, Olimar
Most Australian: Fingerz, Clanker, Dr. P, Deku, Yugi, Pit
Most Canadian: Roz, Shadoninja, Dr. P JDMEK5
Most Likely To Succeed: Maestro, Blueflower, Dr. P, Ruto, Mashi
Best Vocabulary: Mashi, Fierce Deity, BDS, Maestro
Best Eyes: Slow, Winter, Waddle Bro, Kman
Best Hair: Fierce Deity, Zoroark, Winter, Nebbles
Best Reviewer of Stuff: Slow, Blueflower, Maestro, Wolf, BDS
Best to Bring Home to Mom and Dad: Ruto, Waddle Bro, Nebbles, King Sammer
Best Artist: Nebbles, Ruto, Zoroark, Bubbles, Pit
Best Storyteller: K-Night, BDS, Cobraroll
Best Arranger: Bespinben, Deku, Bloop, Olimar, Fierce Deity
Best Composer: Maestro, Fierce Deity, Bloop, Slow
Cutest Friends: Slow + Blueflower, Shadowkirby + Kman, Fingerz + Pit, Maestro + Maestro, Slow + Waddle
Best Sheet Reviewer: Bespinben, Winter, Olimar, Deku
Best Moderator: Deku, JaMaHa, Winter, Bubbles, Olimar, Kefka
The Strongest: K-Night, Nocturne, SFK, Winter
Most Likely To Win Most "NSM Superlatives": Maestro, Mario Lego Fan, SFK, Slow
Most Talented: Maestro, Bespinben, Bloop, Olimar
Most Positive: Mario Lego Fan, Blueflower, Mashi, Bloop
Most Missed NSM Member: Shadoninja, Bespinben, FSM, Wariopiano, Spitllama
The Very Best, Like No One Ever Was: K-Night, Waddle Bro, Roz, Blueflower
Most Skilled Gamer: Fingerz, Waddle Bro, Roz, Yugi
Cruelest: Dude, Kefka, Slow
Most Depressing: Dude, Slow, Wolf, Harvest
Most Ridiculous: Mario Lego Fan, Zoroark, SFK, King Sammer
Best BFF: Blueflower, Slow, K-Night, Mashi
Most Random/Spontaneous: Yugi, Zoroark, SFK, Wolf
Biggest Fanboy: Slow, Blueflower, Mario Lego Fan, Yugi
Most Datable: Waddle Bro, Nocturne, Slow, Mashi
Best Not Best: Nocturne, Dude, Pianoplaya
Best Presidential Candidate For 2028: Maestro, Mario Lego Fan, Maelstrom
Best Mod Candidate For Next Tuesday: Maestro, Bubbles, Mario Lego Fan, Yugi, Fierce Deity
Most Pokemon Champion Material: Waddle Bro, Roz, K-Night, Slow
Best Ping Pong Player: Blueflower, Slow, Fire Arrow
Most Fun in Bed: SFK, Slow, Nocturne, JaMaHa
Most  ??? ??? ???: Mario Lego Fan, Nocturne, King Sammer, Wolf, BDS
Best Debater: Fierce Deity, Mario Lego Fan, BDS
Biggest Hipster: Dr. P, SFK, Nebbles, Yugi
Most Fabulous: Nebbles, Mashi, Slow, Dude, Zoroark, SFK

TWG Related Awards:
Best TWG Game
Best Human Player
Best Wolf Player
Most Improved Player
Funnest Player
Most Manipulative Player
Best Host
Best Player to Have on Your Side
Hardest Player to Read
Most Suspicious Player
Most Inactive Player
Most Unconventional Player
Most Likely To Dance With Wolves

And, just for fun, I'm going to also add this:
Best Host For Next Year's NSM Superlatives: K-Night, Zoroark, Fierce Deity, SFK, Yugi

Here's what I'm going to say in terms of rules:
  • From the time this is posted until the end of this week, you may suggest new superlatives to me via PM. Each member can suggest a maximum of two new awards, and if I deem them acceptable, they will be added to the list.
  • After this Saturday (or earlier if suggestions for new superlatives stop coming in), you may submit nominations for each category. Unless someone objects to this, I'd like to place a maximum of four entry nominations per category at the most, and in order to be eligible for voting, a member most be nominated by at least two separate people.
  • I'm fine if you vote or nominate yourself for any of the above categories, but please do so with discretion. If I see that you're voting for yourself on too many of them, I reserve the right to not count those votes.

And there you have it! If any of the above seems unreasonable, let me know and I can change it.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Awards Part 1
Third Annual Superlative Winners:


Winner: Bespinben!

After two long, agonizing years of absence, the traveling Bespinben returns to grace NSM with more friendly Pokemon Mystery Dungeon discussions and sexy fedora/monocle selfies. If you need further proof that Bespinben is adored by our community, go look at the plethora of people that posted "welcome back!" in his arrangement thread after his long hiatus. Glad to have you back, man! Keep being friendly.  :)

Runner-up: Blueflower!

I realize that I post a lot of stupid things sometimes and I had a pretty rocky time on this site for a year or two (some of you may say that I still have a rocky time here, in which case I'd reply that you're right!), but one thing that I always try to do regardless of my lack of intellect or social skills is to try to be nice to people. So I'm happy that some of you think that I do a good job at it, and I'm very appreciative.  :D


Winner: Nebbles!

Hmm, where exactly to begin with Nebbles? For like the two of you who don't know, Nebbles is a lovely lady who's been on the forum for about as long as I have, and is easily among the most pleasant people on the forum. Now, the thing about the "Nicest" category is that it received more nominations than any other because NSM is generally a pretty nice community, so Nebbles winning a victory here is a testament to her character. She's especially friendly towards her adoring Tumblr community, and everyone should follow her if you haven't already!! Just don't get on her bad side, or she'll snap your neck.

Runner-up: Blueflower!

Heh, I'm flattered. Thanks guys, this means a lot. A lot of other people really deserved to be voted for other than me though, so I'll just quickly list some other top candidates.

Honorable Mentions: Ruto, K-Night, Bubbles, and Olimar

I've had the opportunity to talk to all four of you in the past, particularly in the Tinychat, and I have no objections to these votes. Ruto is a very calm and intelligent person that's easy to talk to. K-Night is similarly pleasant and is among my personal favorite people on the forum. Bubbles and Olimar are both great moderators who use their power kindly and effectively.

tl;dr: NSM is a nice community. There are a lot of people who could have gotten the award, and there were a lot of other people that were nominated not listed here.

Winner: Kefka

Kefka is so scary that I dressed as him for Halloween this year and I didn't get any candy because no one opened their doors.

Runner-up: Slow

It was a dark and stormy night when Slow received the most terrifying message telepathically from far away. This message was a warning from a Concerned Humble Farmer Citizen, instructing him to warn others of the incoming cow shortage crisis.

He hasn't been the same since.

Honorable Mentions: SFK

Not gonna lie, sometimes I'm pretty terrified reading some of SFK's posts. His avatar is pretty freaky too.


Winner: Nocturne!

I think we can all agree that Nocturne posting that selfie of himself a few weeks ago was the best decision he ever made on the forums. Not only is he now an annoying Werewolf Game player, he's a sexy annoying Werewolf Game player. Unfortunately, because I'm the one straight guy on NSM's 100% gay community, I can't really offer a detailed analysis of his sexiness. Sorry!

Runner-up: Fierce Deity!

You know, I had forgotten that Fierce actually posted a selfie of himself a while ago! Not entirely sure what's so attractive about him, though. Maybe it's the metal gauntlet with the spikes that you guys are into.


Winner: Nebbles!

Nebbles is ridiculously pretty. Anyone who says otherwise is lying and needs to reevaluate their lifestyle choices and the Face to the Name thread.

Runner-up: Winter!

Hey, weren't we supposed to dye your hair some color via a poll in the Interview Topic?

Honorable Mention: Roz!

I didn't remember what you looked like, Roz, so I searched and searched in the Face to the Name thread, and all the pictures of you that I found are broken links now.  :(

I'll just take everyone's word for it and say that you're probably super pretty!!!

Winner: Sipan!

Bow to the longest winner ever.

Runner-up: Bubbles!

Bow to the longest girl ever.

Honorable Mention: Yugi!

Bow to the longest Zork player ever.

Most Improved
Winner: Mario Lego Fan!

I think the biggest issue with you that people took was your way of expressing your opinions. Recently you've gotten better at expressing them in a less offensive way, and considering that you contribute a lot to the site arrangement-wise, I don't think most people think ill of you anymore. At least, that's my perspective anyway. I never really minded you too much in the first place considering that I was significantly worse.  :D Speaking of which...

Runner-up: Blueflower!

I still cringe when I read my old and new posts. Somethings that I put up a week ago I read them and wonder what I was thinking. But I'm glad you guys think I'm getting better. That's all that matters.  :D

Honorable Mention: Zoroark!

Wait, Zoroark has improved? Really? I mean, he was never bad! I don't know what's up with this, I liked Zoroark from the beginning. I guess he's just improving and becoming even better then!!

Most Changed
Winner: Mario Lego Fan!

I guess this just goes back to what I said in the previous entry. You haven't changed as much I think as your ways of interacting with the forum has. Actually, this is sort of a hard category to write for because "changed" can mean so many things. So I don't even really know what people mean when they vote for you for this. But whatever, you've improved a lot and that's what's important!

Runner-up: Nocturne!

Yeah, looking at the difference between your two most recent selfies really is a pretty big change. We go from sexy Nocturne to... I don't know, whatever that thing is.

Winner: Nebbles!

Nebbles is totes adorbs. Especially with various objects in the background of her selfies. Ooh look, a picture frame!

Runner-up: Zoroark!

Super hawt Asian twink kid.

Winner: Mashi!

Mashi is easily not only the smartest person on the forums, but also probably the smartest person I know. Things I've learned from Mashi include, but are not limited two, the fact that a triangle can have three right angles, the 17th Doctor will be a woman (yes, he's so smart he can even see a few years into the future!), and Melancholy is the best show ever conceived. Also, he's always the wolf because that's just the way Mashi is.

Runner-up: Ruto!

Anyone majoring in the sciences has to be smart, so of course Ruto's no exception. Ruto's forte is posting long and well thought-out arguments that may or may not include a Simpsons gif.

The Most A+
Winner: Mashi!

Fun fact: Mashi has gotten an A+++++++++ on every test he's ever taken. All the schools that he's attended have had to revise their grading system to accommodate his vast intellect and desire for nine pluses.

Runner-up: Ruto!

Well, what do you know, Ruto apparently gets her fair share of A+++++++++s too. We should have a duel of knowledge between Mashi and Ruto to see who can earn the most pluses after their As.

Winner: Mashi!

Yeah, this is why I call these three the "Mashi awards" because he's the obvious candidate to win all three! Mashi, did you plan this when writing up the original list of awards two years ago? How frivolous of you.

Runner-up: King Sammer!


Honorable Mention: Jub!

Jubert is incredibly frivolous. But not quite BLEHBLUHBGHLBHGBLUHBGHUH frivolous. That would just be insulting. Instead, Jubby-boy has started his own little card game on NSM where he predicts people's fortunes or whatever. How frivolous indeed!

Best LPer
Winner: Maestro!

All aboard Romp Airlines! Next stop, YouTube domination!

Runner-up: Nebbles!

The competition was pretty close considering that Invader Nebu hasn't uploaded a video in a while. Still though, her LPs are awesome, so she managed to acquire a substantial amount of votes regardless. We miss your videos, Nebbles!!!

Winner: Ruto!

See, Waddle? Your nominations did make a difference after all, because they gave Ruto her second nomination and then she ended up winning!!!

Anyway, Ruto is super calm and collected. In fact, she's so calm that reading her posts is like taking some sort of weird drug. It almost makes me forget her aggravating older sister or all the creepy perverts that try to hit on her.

Runner-up: Mashi!

Mashi is also very calm, which is a great advantage in TWG to hide the fact that he's always the wolf and always plotting some dastardly scheme!

Best Couple
Winner: Fingerz and Pit!

And NO, I didn't even need to pick this from a tie or rig the votes or anything. It won all by itself! Why? Because you two are super cute together, that's why!

Runner-up: Ruto and Kefka!

The calmest member and the scariest member getting hitched? Seems like an interesting combination. Kefka sweetie, you might need to work a little harder to scare your fiance. Maybe buy some new masks or something!

Honorable Mention: Maestro + The Universe

Because who would say no to being in a couple with Maestro? No one, that's who. Which is why he gets the whole Universe. Every single little bit of it. Well, except for Fingerz, Pit, Ruto, and Kefka. They can stay. Everyone else, get ready for the thrill of your life!

Most Likely to Be a Closet Anime Fan
Winner: Jompa

I honestly couldn't believe it when I say it nominated. JOMPA, of all people, an ANIME FAN? It just couldn't be true. But then again, enough of you voted for him for me to realize that I had apparently not realized his big secret. You ready, everyone?

Jompa likes anime.

Runner-up: Mario Lego Closet Anime Fan!

MLF is clearly into anime. He just doesn't want to admit it. I mean, if they made a Paper Mario anime, he'd totally be into that sort of kinky stuff.

Honorable Mention: JaMaHa

While not doing a hundred push-ups a minute, JaMaHa doesn't mind some hardcore anime. Preferably ones that are as manly as he is.

Most European
Winner: JaMaHa!

When not serving as a knight in the army of his local lord, JaMaHa enjoys eating croissants and drinking vodka. Always with the vodka. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Where'd he get the vodka? By beating the crap out of Russia with his pinky finger, that's how. No one screws with the Fins unless you want Sergeant JaMaHa to tail-slap you.

Runner-up: Waddle Bro!

Waddle isn't quite old enough to be a knight yet, so he's just in the squire stage. He spends much of his time out farming in the fields, hoping that one day he, too, can save... someone trapped at the top of his local castle. And drink some vodka with them.

Honorable Mention: Dr. P!

Dr. P was clearly the candidate for the most European of us with one fatal exception: He drinks too much coffee. Needs more vodka.

Most American
Winner: Dr. P!

Derp over here may not pass well as European, but coffee is all the rage here in America. Sometimes Dr. P even drinks coffee while riding shirtless on his motorcycle. His favorite outfits include black-rimmed sunglasses and muscle shirts because he is the force of FREEDOM.

Runner-up: SFK!

Super American Kirby does one thing exceedingly well: Merica. What, that doesn't make sense? Too bad, Merica doesn't care. And neither does SFK. Merica!

Honorable Mention: Olimar!

In all honesty, Olimar represents what America is truly about: wearing cowboy hats and roping cattle on the open plains of Texas. Yeehaw!

Most Australian
Winner: Yugi!

Australia is an exotic place. I hear the people there ride to school on kangaroos. They also apparently put Vegemite on their crocodile sandwiches and wash it all down with some good ol' beer. Yugi seems to be into that kinda life, so that's why he stays down there in the desert with the other three mates in Australia. Hey, at least you get to have koalas as pets.

Runner-up: Pit!

Pit isn't into riding to school on a kangaroo. She usually takes an emu, which are surprisingly a lot faster and have just as much kicking power. They lack as comfy of a seat, but they're also lower maintenance. No one likes taking their kangaroo into the kangaroo repair shop.

Most Canadian
Winner: Roz!

O Canada, where to begin? Truth be told, Canadia sounds like it's just aboot as weird as Australia, and I'm not sure how I feel aboot that. Roz, however, doesn't seem to mind. Like everyone in Canada, Roz is a professional ice hockey player and enjoys eating fake Canadian-style bacon with syrup on it. She has a pet polar bear, which could easily beat up Yugi's transportation kangaroo and Pit's low-maintenance emu. Also, the polar bear somehow learned to speak French. What's that aboot?

Runner-up: JDMEK!

JDMEK's favorite food is syrup on snow, which is just aboot the cheapest thing you can buy because both rain from the sky every day. He needs to brush up on his ice hockey and French before he can become a full member of Canadian "society", though. That and he's having some trouble paying off his igloo mortgage.

Most Likely to Succeed
Winner: Maestro!

Of course Maestro wins this! With his aspirations to become the greatest composer ever, moderator of NSM forums, and President of the Universe, who could possibly suck more seed than him? In fact, I hear rumors that anyone who votes for him for President in the 2028 election will be provided a free seed to suck courtesy of Maestro Enterprises™. That's how dedicated our future leader is, folks.

Runner-up: Dr. P!

If drinking a lot of coffee in life is the key to success... well... looks like I have some dietary changes to make. Here's to the future CEO of Starbucks!

Best Vocabulary
Winner: Mashi!

Mashi's vocabulary is expansive. Although his most common everyday words of choice are "OFC," "ya," and "frivolous." Just don't get him started on a scientific or mathematics discussion, or his vast knowledge will quickly lose you. Yeah, Mashi probably sleeps on the dictionary every night.

Runner-up: Fierce Deity!

In order to make such compelling arguments and tl;dr posts over in other threads, Fierce of course has to use language that isn't overly redundant. After a few thousand sentences that use the same words over and over, they become over-used. Therefore, to write the novellas that he posts, Fierce needs to keep a thesaurus over by his computer to make sure he doesn't overuse the same word over and over and over. That's why his vocabulary is overwhelming.

Whew, glad that's over.

Honorable Mention: Maestro!

Similarly to Fierce Deity, Maestro has to keep his expansive vocabulary up to date for his upcoming speeches. Particularly the ones that he makes to run for Presidency and for receiving these prestigious awards. I doubt Maestro uses a thesaurus though, it's probably all already stored in that brilliant mind of his.

What, did you expect me to write all of this using super-advanced words? Nah, I've made enough of a fool of myself already with these!

Best Eyes
Winner: Slow  Pokemon!

Stare into the eyes of the beautiful Slow   Pokemon and you'll immediately fall into a hypnotic trance. It's probably really handy to hypnotize people over the internet. It's a good thing he doesn't show up in the Tinychat too often, or we'd probably all be worshiping Slow's ultra sexy eyeballs. Mmm.

Runner-up: Waddle Bro!

I'm sure Slow and Waddle Bro could stare into each other's eyes all day.

...and that's as far as I'm going with that.

Best Hair
Winner: Fierce Deity!

Really? Fierce has hair? What hair?. Oh, you guys like that little blonde curly thing? Or is it the blonde mustache?

I don't know, I'm grasping at straws here. You guys don't give me anything to work with, you know that? Maybe the best hair is lack of hair. NSM has a bald people fetish or something. I wouldn't be surprised if that little blonde curl and the mustache plus the smooth, shiny top is enough to turn all you guys on. Yep, that has to be it.

Runner-up: Nebbles!

Ah, now this makes much more sense. Nebbles has a full head a gorgeous, long, flowing hair. I always wonder how much time girls like Nebbles have to put into their hair to make it look nice, but however much it is, it sure pays off!

Honorable Mentions: Winter and Zoroark!

If you haven't checked the Face to the Name thread, Winter has a nice goatee thing going for him, even if his hair isn't as long as it was previously. Zoroark, on the other hand styles his hair... interestingly. I don't know, you guys seem to like it, so who am I to judge? At least he has hair.

Best Reviewer of Stuff
Winner: Blueflower!

I really don't even deserve to win this considering that my Christmas marathon tradition thinger has sort of flopped this year because I've been taking all my time to write up these Superlatives. Whatever though, I'm just glad that somebody reads my reviews and likes them, so I thank everyone who does from the bottom of my heart.  :D

Runner-up: Slow    Pokemon!

Slowball over here is the only NSM member that I'm aware of to operate not one, but two review threads. Slow reviews both games and musical scores, and very well I might add. His soundtrack reviews are very thorough (much more so than I could ever do), and for a non-musician like me, it's really amazing how much he can say about pieces. His game reviews, though, could use some work. He only gives good reviews to games that he's played recently. Also, I'm still waiting to see what the Best Graphics of 2013 were!!!

Honorable Mention: Wolf

Wolfy started his NOT SO POPULAR game reviews about a year ago, and since then they've been getting KIND OF POPULAR. He doesn't really give games a score, doesn't really update the table of contents on the first post, and doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. But hey, I'll give him this: his reviews are entertaining, and I like his taste in games.

Best to Bring Home to a Mom and Dad
Winner: King Sammer!

Haha, very funny guys. You guys all want to introduce King Sammer to your parents so he can go BLEHBLUHBGHLBHGBLUH and then have sex so he can BLEHBLUHBGHLBHG all over you, and then marry him in the Temple of the Goddess of BLEHBLUHBGHLBHGBLUHBGHUH. Yeah, I'm starting to understand NSM's twisted fantasies now.

Runner-up: Nebbles!

I don't know why Nebbles keeps getting beaten by these joke answers, but whatever. I don't choose the winners, I just tell you about them. And break ties. Although I'm glad to see that a pretty girl like Nebbles is taking a backseat to King Sammer in NSM's ranking of attractiveness. Great community, aren't we?

Honorable Mention: Ruto!

Rutato I'm sure would be fun to introduce to my parents, if only there wasn't the issue of Mr. Scary-Pants Kefka over there looking at me through the scope of a sniper rifle. 

Best Artist
Winner: Nebbles!

Besides looking super attractive or doing Let's Plays, another one of Nebu's talents is drawing and sculpting. I re-read through her art thread, which happens to be one of the longest on the site, and she has a lot of talent. Some great Pokemon sculptures, lots of cool gijinkas, some neat sketches, and even a self portrait or two. She does it all. Unfortunately, the thread hasn't really been updated in a few years, and I'd be all in favor of Nebbles posting some new stuff there sometimes. (Plus, I hear she owes someone a Flaaffy drawing.)

Runner-up: Ruto!

Before having to read through her thread for this, I didn't know that Ruto had such a talent for this sort of thing! Seriously, I'm surprised! Normally as a scientist myself I would be more in favor of her doing science rather than making art posts, but with stuff this cool I don't really care. While not quite as long as Nebbles' thread, Ruto's has some great professional-style photography shots and sketches. My personal favorites are the pictures of flowers (heh) and her charcoal drawing of Link.

I'd be very in favor of seeing both of you bump your threads new stuff if you feel so inclined!

Best Storyteller
Winner: K-Night!

Wow, no surprise here, right? K-Night has honestly dominated the Story Telling board for as long as I can remember with two very successful hits: The Great NSM Pokemon Adventure and the Titan series (previously known as Overwatch). The Story Telling board is full of threads that had a lot of potential but sort of faded away into obscurity, either due to lack of encouragement, participation, or time. While K-Night has had a few of these such threads, The Great NSM Pokemon Adventure is by far the most popular story on the site (with an almost 100 page discussion therad) and the Titan Series is my personal favorite. Both of these very well written with really interesting plots and great characters, so hats off to you, K-Night! Looking forward to seeing whatever you might decide to write in the future.

Runner-up: Cobraroll!

Now, I'll be honest here: I'm going to assume that the people who voted for Cobraroll to win this are fans of his Emergence story, which actually wrapped up a few years ago. I haven't read such story, but by seeing the positive comments in the thread, I can venture to gather that it's pretty great. Cobra, I doubt you're reading this, but you really did write a story that people on this site like enough to vote for you even years after the story finished. And that's a wonderful thing.

Best Arranger
Winner: Bespinben!

These music related categories are going to be very difficult for me to judge seeing as I'm not a musician, but even I have a lot of respect for Bespinben and his arrangements. Bespinben has been arranging since shortly after he joined the site in the summer of 2011, and has since contributed a whole slew of Pokemon arrangements to the site. The bulk of these arrangements appear to be from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, which I'm pretty sure is one of the community's favorite Pokemon spin-offs. After his two year absence, Bespinben's arranging talents haven't diminished at all, and he now arranges songs from the Gates to Infinity game that came out after his hiatus.

Runner-up: Fierce Deity!

Fierce has only been on the site for about a year and a half, but has already cemented his place in my mind as one of the best musicians on the site. His arrangements are always top notch, and I find myself agreeing with his taste in music more often than not. Here's looking forward to whatever he may arrange in the future!

Honorable Mention: Deku!

I'll begin this with a little story. Before I made an account on the NSM forums, I lurked on the main site and listened to a lot of the arrangements, and one of my favorite arrangers on the site was always Deku Trombonist, even though I had no idea who he or she was at the time. All I knew was that their arrangements were always very good and I enjoyed listening to them. Fast forward to today, where Deku is very active in critiquing arrangements, helping out other arrangers, and making updates on the site happen. Who knows how we'd function without him?

Best Composer
Winner: Maestro!

Because I know absolutely nothing about music, you could easily play some of Maestro's compositions for me and I wouldn't be able to distinguish between them and the works of great classical composers. I can't critique his work from a musical standpoint, and I can't even say whether I like it or not. What I can tell you, though, is that anyone who writes pieces and calls them things like "Symphony Number 4 "Civility" in C Minor, Op. 22" and "Symphony Number 1 in F Minor" has to know what they're talking about. Maestro truly lives up to his name.

Runner-up: Fierce Deity!

Back in November of 2013, Fierce posted a thread with three of his home-made compositions. While the thread hasn't exactly taken off like Maestro's has, there's still some pretty cool-looking pieces over there, and you guys should go take a look!

Honorable Mention: Bloop!

Bloopity Bloop has written a *crapton* of compositions. He even updates fairly regularly with more work of his, and a lot of the songs he has even have lyrics with them, which is really cool! O_o You can tell that he really pours his heart out into this work (as a lot of you do!), and that's really evident in the words that he puts to his music.

Cutest Friends
Winner: Slow       Pokemon + Blueflower!

Hm, what can I say to sum up Slow and myself's friendship? Hm, that's a toughie. Slow is hella awesome and I love him and all, but what about our relationship is "cute", exactly? I don't see it. I'm not even really aware of how much our friendship is visible to other people on this forum considering that most of our conversations take place on Skype. So how is it even possible to judge the cuteness of our bromance?

Maybe it's the eyes. Yep, it's definitely Slow's eyes. They tend to do that to people.

Runner-up: Maestro + Maestro!

I love NSM. No, I really do. The fact that this wins over people like Pit + Fingerz and Slow + Waddle really amazes me. I mean, it could be worse. Thank God ThatGamer joined after the nomination process was over or else we'd see things like "ThatGamer + King Sammer" and crap like that. You know what is really interesting about this award though? The fact that I can't tell if it's referring to Maestro's narcissism or the fact that he's growing a duplicate of himself in his basement to run as his vice president in 2028. Probably both.

Honorable Mention: Shadowkirby + Kman!

Aha! Now here's something legitimate. Shadowkriby and Cwoman69 have been best buds for as long as I can remember. If memory serves, I think Shadow even introduced Kman to the forums in the first place. I suppose there aren't many people to choose for friends up at the North Pole, but these two are pretty similar interest-wise as far as I can tell. Plus, they're both great guys, and that's all that really matters. Cheers!

Best Sheet Reviewer
Winner: Olimar!

Oh no, not another music category that I can't relate to! Oh well, at least this one's pretty obvious: Olimar has definitely done a fantastic job in reviewing sheets. Constantly offering helpful criticisms of arrangements, Olimar becoming an updater and a staff member was a great idea on the part of... whoever's idea that was. He even had this awesome Live Feedback Thread (which isn't going on anymore?) that would allow people to get live critiques of their pieces in the Tinychat. It worked very well and was incredibly helpful to some of the newer arrangers to get their sheets accepted quickly. Olimar definitely knows his stuff and knows how to get stuff done.

Runner-up: Deku!

Deku and Olimar are a great team, and they're the ones I usually see critiquing sheets in the submission threads. Until last night, I didn't notice that Deku was actually promoted to be an Administrator (previously the only one was JaMaHa), so now he's essentially the second in command below our Supreme Overlord. Anyway, Deku knows a ton about music and always does a great job of updating the database and submissions systems. Yay! Trombone!

Honorable Mention: Bespinben!

The newest addition to the staff of NinSheetMusic, Bespinben posted a small update back in November to prove that, yes, he can navigate the new semi-automated updating system!! I don't want to sound like a broken record here, so let's just say that Bespinben knows a ton about music that I can't even relate to, he's a super cool guy that helps people out with their sheets, and I'm sure does stuff behind the scenes to help out with updating the site!

Best Moderator
Winner: Bubbles!

Wait, Bubbles is a moderator?! It feels like just yesterday that he/she joined the site, and over a year after myself, I might add. Bubbles has been managing the request board since Shadoninja left the position, and while she had very large shoes to fill, she's been doing a pretty good job of it. It could still use a lot of cleaning up, sure, but nothing is too much for Bubs. Just make sure you follow the golden 3 rules:

1. Don't mess with Bubbles
2. Post your request with a YouTube link
3. Don't mess with Bubbles

Runner-up: Olimar!

As I said above, making Olimar an updater was a genius idea on the part of the staff (hey, it worked out a lot better than making Shadowkirby an updater). I suppose technically speaking neither Bubbles nor Olimar are "moderators", so many the next person who does the NSM Superlatives should change this category to "Best Staff Member" or something like that. Anyway, there's not really much I can say that I didn't say above already. Olimar rocks as a moderator, and anyone who disagrees will have their face being eaten by a Bulborb in his signature.

Honorable Mention: Deku!

Alright, now here's a real moderator. Technically an administrator, but I guess that's like a super-ultra-omega moderator. Deku Trombonist, along with Winter, has posted the vast majority of the updates on the site, so therefore he's also responsible for much of the goodness and success that NSM has as a whole. He might not be as pimpsteresque as the other Deku, but he's still pretty great.

Bulbear! Blueflower999


I'll edit more into this post as they're completed.

Awards Part 2
The Strongest
Winner: K-Night!

K-Night is pretty strong. Have you seen those muscles? He flexes them every time he writes something genius like Overwatch or The Great NSM Pokemon Adventure. He also once lifted up everything in his home town in Iowa with one hand: a tumbleweed and a Blue Bunny ice cream cone. Can any of you claim that? I didn't think so.

Runner-up: SFK!

I wasn't exactly sure why SFK won this until recently. In my mind I always pictured him as a 12 year old that cries in the corner whenever he sees a bug. But now, I know the truth. And you want to know what the hard, painful reality of Super Cutter Kirby is?

The Hard, Painful Truth

This is what he looks like. No, not Roosevelt. The thinger on the left. Whatever that is.

Honorable Mentions: Nocturne and Winter!

Nocturne clearly got votes because of his super sexy fake muscles in his pictures recently. Winter because putting up with the jerks at Taco Bell takes a lot of strength. Something tells me SFK-zilla can beat both of you in an arm-wrestling contest though. At the same time.

Most Likely To Win Most "NSM Superlatives"
Winner: Maestro!

Welp, no surprise here. Unfortunately for him, he's not hosting, so he has no way of rigging the results. >:D

In all seriousness though, I haven't actually calculated who the winner is yet. So we'll get to that on the last entry of these. It could very well be Maestro, though.

Runner-up: Slow          Pokemon!

If Slow got one award for every space I've put in the middle of his name, he'd win. No questions asked. I nominate the awards "Slowest" and "Spaciest Name" for next year's NSM Superlatives.

Little does he know, Slow wins a share in the greatest award of all...

Most Talented
Winner: Maestro!

In a site full of incredibly talented people, Maestro's talent shines through. A game and movie reviewer, a Let's Player, an arranger, a composer, a classical-music discussionist, and essentially the Ruler of the Cosmos, Maestro does it all. The only problem with this post is that I've probably forgotten about 2,000 things that he's done, and he'll probably call me out on it. Have mercy, oh terrible one!

Runner-up: Olimar!

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: Olimar knows his music. His arrangement thread is full of glorious pieces from great video games that I'm personally a huge fan of(Cave Story and Pikmin in particular), and on top of all this, he manages to moderate submissions as well. I've seen him make quality arrangements in virtually no time at all, and coming from someone who can't recognize notes or write out a tune, this is ridiculously impressive. All hail Olimar and his musical prowess!

Honorable Mentions: Bespinben and Bloop!

You two are both very similar to Olimar and easily could have also won the Runner-up position. Bespinben is a marvelous arranger and Bloop makes excellent original compositions as well as arrangements. Out of all the people on this site who have a knack for music, you four are definitely up there as among the greatest. And as talents tend to do, you'll all probably be even better in a couple of years, so I look forward to seeing the results of that.  :D

Most Positive
Winner: Mario Lego Fan!

Mario Lego Fan always seems to keep his head high, even in the worst of situations. I probably shouldn't talk about this, but he was recently banned for something that may or may not have been his fault. I was shocked when I spoke with him in the Tinychat and didn't find someone who was upset and beaten down like I would have been in the same situation. Instead, he was committed to coming back full-swing, improving himself, and doing better in the future. And that's all that really matters. Mario Lego Fan, you're personally very inspiring to me because of how positive you always manage to be, even when times are rough. Speaking of which...

Runner-up: Blueflower!

I try to be a positive and happy guy on here, even if I don't always feel that way. I don't feel like I'm really deserving of this though because I switch back and forth between optimism and pessimism on the inside, and recently my actions on the forum towards a certain member have been anything but positive. Although I'm glad to see that some of you think I'm doing a good job, so thank you guys!

Most Missed NSM Member
Winner: Shadoninja!

Shado was an obvious choice for this award. He did so much for the forum as an arranger and the request board moderator, and then one day suddenly decided to leave. Thankfully, he's been dropping by periodically in recent times, and he actually might even read this. Shado, it's your choice whether to come back fully or to only stop in once in a while, but just know that we all miss you and would be accepting of you if you ever decided to return!  :D

Runner-up: Spitllama!

I honestly have no idea where Spitllama went. If someone knows, I'd appreciate you telling me! Anyway, Spit was one of the more active members on the forum for quite a while. He joined in 2008 and posted quite a bit up until this summer, when he disappeared. Maybe he either got too busy with his personal life or just forgot about the site, but either way, I hope that one day he might come back as well.

Honorable Mention: Wariopiano!

Now, I know what you're all thinking. And no, it's not confirmed that Wariopiano and Mario Lego Fan are the same person. So until there's actual evidence of that, I'm going to say he's innocent until proven guilty. I personally have my doubts because their posting styles aren't very much alike. Anyway, Wariopiano was largely active from the time he registered in the spring of 2012 up until January of 2013 where he made a farewell topic. He visited briefly back in December of this year, and while others might not be too accepting of him, I'd be very happy if he decided to return one day.

The Very Best, Like No One Ever Was
Winner: K-Night!

K-Night is simply the best. He's great at Pokemon, a super nice guy, a very talented writer, and just all around awesome and fun to talk to. He can even sing and play assorted instruments! According to him, he'll also be doing a Let's Play soon on his YouTube channel, and you should all totally watch it!

Runner-up: Waddle Bro!

Waddle Bro is easily, along with Roz, the best competitive Pokemon player on the site. I have a passive interest in competitive myself, but he has the talent for it. No one on Showdown gets in Waddle's way and lives to tell the tale. He crushes his opponents without mercy by using powerhouse Pokemon like Awesome-Face Spiritomb and Waddle Dee.

Honorable Mention: Blueflower!


And that's all I have to say about that.

Most Skilled Gamer
Winner: Fingerz!

Fingerz won the overwhelming majority in this for some reason. He was nominated by nearly everyone and also received most of the votes. Maybe it's because he beat Super Mario 3D Land without dying. Or maybe it's because he's always posting these impressive Mario Kart times and Smash Bros records. Either way, Fingerz knows his games. I just wish he'd learn to play some console games once in a while, though.  ;)

Runner-up: Yugi!

Yugi beats Mega Man games, which is p impressive because I've been playing for years and haven't beaten most of them. He also beat Shovel Knight apparently which is supposedly really difficult as well. However, the most difficult game of all didn't even phase Yugi: Zork. What the f*** is a leaflet?

Honorable Mentions: Waddle Bro and Roz!

Ah yes, the two Pokemon masters of NinSheetMusic. You know, I'm sure you've battled a lot, but have you ever determined which one of you is better? I'd be curious to know. There is one thing I'm sure of, though: Roz's Link could beat Waddle Bro's Awesome-Face Spiritomb any day.

Winner: Slow Pokemon!

In some of my wildest fantasies, Slow ties me to a table and ruthlessly beats me to the brink of death with a ping pong paddle. But he's not that cruel in actuality... right?

Runner-up: Dude!

You know all those new members that join the site, make one or two posts, and then we never hear from them again? They're all tied up in Dude's basement. All 400 of them. There is no escape...

Honorable Mention: Kefka!

I heard a rumor once that Kefka beats up people with a stick. I have a tough time believing that though because a banhammer seems to work just fine. Maybe a stick is only when he's feeling merciful.

Most Depressing
Winner: Wolf  :'(

You know who depresses me? Wolf does. All his posts just make me tear up. Especially that time he posted about his explosive diarrhea. Real tear-jerking stuff like that. If you've ever read any of his reviews, you know what I'm talking about. Lots of sad, sad games that can't manage to please him anymore. He can't even seem to enjoy being a crabagenius or a crab scientist or whatever. What a very sad life he must live. It just brings me to tears...

Runner-up: Harvest   :(

Now I'll be honest here, I never got to know Harvest all that well. Looking back through his few posts in the past couple of years... mostly consist of yeast infections and complaining about his girlfriend. Life can sure be depressing sometimes. How he can be so depressed while having a girlfriend is beyond me because I've never had one. Sounds painful though. Especially with real-world problems like this one.

Honorable Mention: Dude  :-\

Unlike the other two there's a chance Dude will actually read this post, so I don't know how to go about making fun of him winning this award. I guess he posts depressing stuff sometimes, but not really anything I can poke fun at because a lot of it's serious. So there you go Dude, I guess you win this award for legitimately posting meaningful depressing stuff.

Most Ridiculous
Winner: King Sammer!


Runner-up: Mario Lego Fan!

While not quite BLEHBLUHBGHLBHGBLUHBGHUHBLEHBLUHBGHLBHGBLUHBGHUH worthy, Mario Lego Fan is totes cray cray. Don't believe me? He's hatched a scheme to become a mod and take over the website. His first step was to give himself a customized title, and then he would use it to impersonate JaMaHa and rule the world. What, that doesn't make sense? Of course it doesn't, he's ridiculous.

Honorable Mention: SFK!

Go find any post made by SFK that uses capital letters (which is a lot of them) and read it. I guarantee you it'll be the most ridiculous thing you've read all day. He single-handedly has kept the insanity levels of this site at a high for seven years and I love him for it.

Best BFF
Winner: Blueflower!

I guess the saying is true: I really am my own best friend. Thanks to everyone who voted for me for this.  :D

Runner-up (a.k.a. the person who should have actually won it): Mashi!

Mashi is the most bestest BFF. I know personally because he indulges me in my ridiculously weird conversations and questions. He's also super nice, so even if a lot of other people on the forum are being mean to you, Mashi is always great to have a conversation with! Just don't bash Melancholy and you'll get along fine.

Honorable Menion: Slow Pokemon!

How someone can be both the most cruel and the best BFF is beyond me, but I guess it makes sense. Sometimes it's good to have friends that are brutally honest. Sometimes it's good to have friends that tell you what they're really thinking as opposed to lying to make you feel better. And sometimes it's good to have friends that beat you with a ping pong paddle.

Most Random/Spontaneous
Winner: Wolf!

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wut? Wut? Wut? Well ima in the bathroom oh god here it goes BOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!

Runner-up: Yugi!

Yugi always manages to post the weirdest pictures, videos, and comments to pretty much everything. For example, here is what he left on my Steam wall a couple years ago:

╔════════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════════════════╗
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong black woman ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don't need no functioning liver ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
╚════════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ════════════════════════════╝

Personally, I think him and SFK should have a duel to determine who posts the most weird, yet strangely entertaining nonsense on the forums.

Biggest Fanboy
Winner: Blueflower!

Wow, here's an award I feel I actually deserve! Friends have told me that I'm "passionate about the little things," and I think that fits my personality pretty accurately. If I love something, I really freaking love it, and I'll defend it to the death. If I hate something, I really freaking hate it, and I'll go on for hours about how awful it is. It's just part of who I am, and I guess that makes me both a huge fanboy and a pain to talk to sometimes. So I apologize if I've annoyed or offended anyone with my passion in the past!

Runner-up: Slow Pokemon!

Ah yes, Slow Pokemon. No one else in this world has convinced me to play so many games through sheer passion as this man. Despite what his name might imply, Pokemon hasn't been Slow Pikmin's favorite video game franchise for quite some time now. If you want to talk Layton, Ace Attorney, Zero Escape, Mario, or Danganronpa with anyone, Slow's your guy. Speaking from personal experience, though, the conversation might go on for a while!

Honorable Mention: Mario Lego Fanboy!

Who in the world could be a bigger fanboy than Mario Lego Fanboy? As both a huge fan of Mario (and Legos, I presume), Mario Lego Fan has graced our forums these past few years with many arrangements from Paper Mario games. Rumor has it that he's also a closet anime fan, but only time will tell on that one...

Most Datable
Winner: Waddle Bro!

Everyone on NSM would love to date Waddle Bro. What's not to love? He always has a great grin on his face, super sexy glasses on, and you could even talk Pokemon with him for hours upon hours. Sounds like my kinda date. Too bad he's already taken by... IDK, lots of other people on the forum. Yeah, the cutie sure gets around.

Runner-up: Mashi!

A date wish Mashi would hands down be the most interesting experience of anyone's life. He's obviously the most totes adorbs person on the entire forum, so who wouldn't take this opportunity? Probably someone that's worried of being obliterated by his sheer intellect.

Best Not Best
Winner: Nocturne!

Knowing Nocturne, he's probably proud of this. Congratulations buddy, you're simultaneously one of the most loved and most hated person on the forums! I don't know how you do it, but it's worked out well for you. Congratulations.  :D

Runner-up: Pianoplaya!

Anyone want to explain to me who this is? They have zero posts on the forum so I guess that makes them among the several hundred "best not best" members.

Best Presidential Candidate For 2028
Winner: Maestro!

All hail our future president, Maestro! Seeing how he got all of the electoral vote in the state of NSM, I'd say he has no problem winning in the primaries in 2028. Shigeru Miyamoto might give him a run for his money in taking over the world, though.

Runner-up: Maelstrom!

So, does this make Maelstrom Maestro's vice president running mate? Nah, probably not. It is nice to come in second place though. Maybe you'll have a chance in 2032, Maelstrom! Nah, probably not.

Honorable Mention: Mario Lego Fan!

Mario Lego Fan is the running candidate in 2028 for the Paper Mario Party. Whether he wins or not is up to luck, money, and stars. But mostly luck.

Best Mod Candidate For Next Tuesday
Winner: Maestro!

Next Tuesday: NSM
2028: The United States
2036: The World!!!!!!!!11!!1!

Runner-up: Fierce Deity!

With Fierce Deity as moderator, we will begin every day with the pledge to George Foreman and end it with the Foreman Anthem. Yeah, the future sure does look bright and juicy.

Honorable Mention: Mario Lego Fan!

Oh gosh, imagine this for a second. Mario Lego Fan as a moderator means he could force people to stop debating with him before the debate even starts! It's genius! JaMaHa, promote him immediately.

Most Pokemon Champion Material
Winner: Waddle Bro!

Ah yes, no one can beat Waddle at singles in Pokemon. Waddle's brother FSM and I always used to go at it on Showdown, but I don't recall if Waddle and I have ever fought. His skill is in a different league entirely from me, so that's probably why. The only thing he has left to learn is that Metal Sound Heatran is the most OP set since Sturdy/Shell Bell/Endeavor Aron.

Runner-up: K-Night!

Personally I'd list K-Night as Smash Bros Champion Material as well, but he sure knows a lot about Pokemon as well. Try going up against him and his Gangsta Sandslash and I guarantee you things will not end well.

Honorable Mention: Roz!

The queen of doubles honestly should have gotten a lot more votes than she did. Roz, you need to edumacate these youngsters on what it really means to be Pokemon Champion Material!

Best Ping Pong Player
Winner: Blueflower!

This was no competition, I'm clearly the best traditional tabletop racquet-based games. Don't believe me? Challenge me to a game of ping pong, and you'll be crushed to smithereens. I could even take on two people at once by myself. In about three weeks, I will be hosting the Valentine's Day Ping Pong Tournament, which is the most important tournament of the year. Anyone who would like to participate can PM me, but I guarantee your downfall will be a direct result of my mad ping pong skills. Challengers are still welcome, though, because I've been bored lately and I need a chance to show off.

Runner-up: Fire Arrow!

Fire Arrow's not nearly as good at ping pong as I am, but I suppose he's good in his own right. After all, he did learn from the best. His backhand is strong, he's got good reflexes, and he was a strong contender in the Christmas Ping Pong Tournament. Will he be going for the gold in February? Absolutely. Will he make it there? Not a chance, unless I sprain my wrist in a 2-on-1 match. Yeah, not likely.

Honorable Mention: Slow Pokemon!

Slow Ping Pong over here is my current project. My protégé, if you will. Slow might be better than me at pretty much everything else, but we're still working on his ping pong skills. That being said, he has come a long way. The one problem is that Slow's brother apparently thinks that he's some sort of ping pong champion or something, and might be a challenger to the patented Blueflower-Ultimate-Ping-Pong-Spike technique. Nah.

Most Fun In Bed
Winner: SFK!

Seeing as how half of SFK's posts are at least partially in all capitals, I don't think my ears would survive this ordeal intact. I'd have an eargasm, if you will.

Runner-up: JaMaHa!

yes jamaha. order me around like you do in the military. oh i like that. mmmmmm

Honorable Mention: Slow Pokemon!

I'm not going through my sexual fantasies with Slow Pokemon again here. Although I've been considering adding a shovel to our Ping Pong Sex setup.

Most ??? ??? ???
Winner: King Sammer!

A big welcome back to our long-departed savior of the forums-- Oh wait, he left again didn't he? What even is this post??? Yeah, I don't even know what to say.  ???

Runner-up: Mario Lego Fan!

MLF's posts have been significantly less  ??? lately. He's made a lot of  ??? posts in the past, but he's not talking about explosive diarrhea or anything, so I suppose we can put the past behind us. Am I right? Guys?  ??? ??? ???

Honorable Mention: Wolf!

Definitely my candidate for the most  ??? ??? ???, Wolf's posts often make little-to-no sense, and that's what I absolutely love about him. Wolf makes games like The Person Below Me game that much more entertaining.

Best Debater
Winner: Fierce Deity!

Yeah, no one can really debate this. Although I guess maybe he could. Anyway, Fierce got nominated by nearly every person who nominated someone, which really shows how much skill he has in rhetoric. He's the king of tl;dr, and his arguments can usually go on until a moderator forces it to stop. Fierce doesn't back down. You mess with Fierce, you get a Fierce Deity and a whole crapton of text in your face.

Runner-up: Mario Lego Fan!

Yep, I'm just going to leave this here. MLF doesn't really make huge, long posts like Fierce does, but I give him props for standing up for his beliefs even when everyone else seems to be against him. You still need to watch what you post sometimes, buddy, but I admire your passion.

Honorable Mention: BDS!

Black Dragon Slayer has become infamous for starting ridiculous debates recently. Put him and Fierce Deity in a room together and they'd probably go for hours or until they ran out of air to breathe.

Biggest Hipster
Winner: Dr. P!

Yep, our favorite coffee-drinkin' and cigarette-smokin' redneck is, by overwhelming opinion, the biggest hipster on the forums. Always keeping up with the latest trends, fashion, and tax-related... things. Hmm, that's interesting. I wonder what state he lives in?

Oh. Well that explains it all.

Runner-up: SFK!

I'm not even really sure what to say here, honestly! SFK is such an uber hipster and you've all clearly caught on to it. He's so up to date with pop culture that he used to be a n00btuber like you, but then he #took #an #arrow #in #the #knee.

Most Fabulous
Winner: Nebbles!

Ghost Queen Nebbles is fantabulously fabulous, and you all can't say anything otherwise. What could be more fabulous than red hair, a Robin cosplay, and a boatload of Pokemon plushies and other assorted Nintendo-related merchandise? Nothing, that's what. Nebbles almost won a spot in the Hipster category, but the fabulous category suits her much better. Besides, have you seen the selfies that she posts? Fabulousss~

Runner-up: SFK!

Welp, I guess SFK is a fabulous hipster. He's also uber American and fun in bed, and I guess a lot of other things. He sure finds his way around. I wonder how many pieces of assorted Nintendo-related merchandise he has.

Honorable Mentions: Slow and Mashi!

I also award Slow the dropped "Most Likely To Be An Ice Fairy" award. Why? Because he's just that fabulous, that's why. Also, Mashi pretends a problem doesn't exist to solve it, and bends the laws of math and physics to his whim.

Best Host For Next Year's NSM Superlatives
Let me preface this by saying that I'm all in favor of any of the following three people hosting. They're all great and I feel like all of them could do a great job, significantly better than I did at least!

Winner: K-Night!

Please don't make every award a novel or we'll be here until 2016

Runner-up: Fierce Deity!

Please don't make every award a tl;dr or we'll be here until 2017

Honorable Mention: Zoroark!

Please don't make every award 1264 lines long or we'll be here until 1,264,523,903
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Reserved just in case I need more space.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Hey, I forgot I was the sexiest person on here  8)


Too bad Tapatalk doesn't load spoiler tags.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Ya this is why people make 'reserved' posts ;)

me irl


Quote from: braixen1264 on January 14, 2015, 03:00:31 PMToo bad Tapatalk doesn't load spoiler tags.
that's why 0/10 people prefer tapatalk

honestly a phone's web browser is easier to use than tapatalk and you get more features.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*