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The Third Annual NSM Superlatives

Started by blueflower999, November 30, 2014, 07:17:27 PM

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Waddle Bro

Although I don't agree with how the nominations were handled because they made it feel like your average senior year award ceremony where it feels like the same people win and get nominated for everything, I really like how you decided to add Honourable Mentions to some of the categories!!! You're doing a fantastic job with this, blueflower!


Quote from: Waddle Bro on December 31, 2014, 05:57:31 PMAlthough I don't agree with how the nominations were handled because they made it feel like your average senior year award ceremony where it feels like the same people win and get nominated for everything, I really like how you decided to add Honourable Mentions to some of the categories!!! You're doing a fantastic job with this, blueflower!

Well, that's mostly a problem with the community, not the actual superlatives.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


yeah some people are just too good at stuff
screw them


Quote from: Waddle Bro on December 31, 2014, 05:57:31 PMAlthough I don't agree with how the nominations were handled because they made it feel like your average senior year award ceremony where it feels like the same people win and get nominated for everything

Out of curiosity, how would you rather it have been done? Because I don't really see how single nominations qualifying people would change that at all, and last I remember that was your suggestion :/


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on December 31, 2014, 08:40:01 PMyeah some people are just too good at stuff
screw them

stop being hot nos
and stop being annoying
it makes people vote for you in those categories
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I don't agree with how the nominations just stopped.

I suppose that means I win the rest, but I wanted an earned victory! Not a de facto win, or one by default.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


There's got to be a better way everything gets handled for the 4th Annual Superlatives!

There is always something better to be done after every year anyways!

Waddle Bro

Quote from: FierceDeity on December 31, 2014, 09:27:26 PMOut of curiosity, how would you rather it have been done? Because I don't really see how single nominations qualifying people would change that at all, and last I remember that was your suggestion :/
I'd rather have the host pick people who feel fit to be nominated in the categories, and he could balance it out. I mean, it's just nominations and you might not realize it immediately, but it boosts people's self-confidence and makes you feel good about yourself when you see you've been nominated for like the cutest, even if you wouldn't win the category!

tl;dr Suggesting people to be nominated > voting for people to be nominated imo


We weren't really voting for the nominations since there weren't any clear winners. And to have the host pick people, it might end up being subjective, but that is just a possibility.

I say we have an organized process for submitting names and voting using a system and providing clear parameters for deadlines and such. (Which I can create, because I like doing this kind of stuff)


I think DrP is offering to host the Fourth Annual NSM Superlatives.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Speaking of superlatives:
where are they


Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


ohnoez D:
They were just getting better :(


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 01, 2015, 11:06:32 AMSpeaking of superlatives:
where are they
Right here, silly! And now I present to you...

Four Awards That I Am Entirely Unfit To Judge Because I Know Nothing About Art, Writing, or Music!!!


Best Artist
Winner: Nebbles!

Besides looking super attractive or doing Let's Plays, another one of Nebu's talents is drawing and sculpting. I re-read through her art thread, which happens to be one of the longest on the site, and she has a lot of talent. Some great Pokemon sculptures, lots of cool gijinkas, some neat sketches, and even a self portrait or two. She does it all. Unfortunately, the thread hasn't really been updated in a few years, and I'd be all in favor of Nebbles posting some new stuff there sometimes. (Plus, I hear she owes someone a Flaaffy drawing.)

Runner-up: Ruto!

Before having to read through her thread for this, I didn't know that Ruto had such a talent for this sort of thing! Seriously, I'm surprised! Normally as a scientist myself I would be more in favor of her doing science rather than making art posts, but with stuff this cool I don't really care. While not quite as long as Nebbles' thread, Ruto's has some great professional-style photography shots and sketches. My personal favorites are the pictures of flowers (heh) and her charcoal drawing of Link.

I'd be very in favor of seeing both of you bump your threads new stuff if you feel so inclined!

Best Storyteller
Winner: K-Night!

Wow, no surprise here, right? K-Night has honestly dominated the Story Telling board for as long as I can remember with two very successful hits: The Great NSM Pokemon Adventure and the Titan series (previously known as Overwatch). The Story Telling board is full of threads that had a lot of potential but sort of faded away into obscurity, either due to lack of encouragement, participation, or time. While K-Night has had a few of these such threads, The Great NSM Pokemon Adventure is by far the most popular story on the site (with an almost 100 page discussion therad) and the Titan Series is my personal favorite. Both of these very well written with really interesting plots and great characters, so hats off to you, K-Night! Looking forward to seeing whatever you might decide to write in the future.

Runner-up: Cobraroll!

Now, I'll be honest here: I'm going to assume that the people who voted for Cobraroll to win this are fans of his Emergence story, which actually wrapped up a few years ago. I haven't read such story, but by seeing the positive comments in the thread, I can venture to gather that it's pretty great. Cobra, I doubt you're reading this, but you really did write a story that people on this site like enough to vote for you even years after the story finished. And that's a wonderful thing.

Best Arranger
Winner: Bespinben!

These music related categories are going to be very difficult for me to judge seeing as I'm not a musician, but even I have a lot of respect for Bespinben and his arrangements. Bespinben has been arranging since shortly after he joined the site in the summer of 2011, and has since contributed a whole slew of Pokemon arrangements to the site. The bulk of these arrangements appear to be from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, which I'm pretty sure is one of the community's favorite Pokemon spin-offs. After his two year absence, Bespinben's arranging talents haven't diminished at all, and he now arranges songs from the Gates to Infinity game that came out after his hiatus.

Runner-up: Fierce Deity!

Fierce has only been on the site for about a year and a half, but has already cemented his place in my mind as one of the best musicians on the site. His arrangements are always top notch, and I find myself agreeing with his taste in music more often than not. Here's looking forward to whatever he may arrange in the future!

Honorable Mention: Deku!

I'll begin this with a little story. Before I made an account on the NSM forums, I lurked on the main site and listened to a lot of the arrangements, and one of my favorite arrangers on the site was always Deku Trombonist, even though I had no idea who he or she was at the time. All I knew was that their arrangements were always very good and I enjoyed listening to them. Fast forward to today, where Deku is very active in critiquing arrangements, helping out other arrangers, and making updates on the site happen. Who knows how we'd function without him?

Best Composer
Winner: Maestro!

Because I know absolutely nothing about music, you could easily play some of Maestro's compositions for me and I wouldn't be able to distinguish between them and the works of great classical composers. I can't critique his work from a musical standpoint, and I can't even say whether I like it or not. What I can tell you, though, is that anyone who writes pieces and calls them things like "Symphony Number 4 "Civility" in C Minor, Op. 22" and "Symphony Number 1 in F Minor" has to know what they're talking about. Maestro truly lives up to his name.

Runner-up: Fierce Deity!

Back in November of 2013, Fierce posted a thread with three of his home-made compositions. While the thread hasn't exactly taken off like Maestro's has, there's still some pretty cool-looking pieces over there, and you guys should go take a look!

Honorable Mention: Bloop!

Bloopity Bloop has written a *crapton* of compositions. He even updates fairly regularly with more work of his, and a lot of the songs he has even have lyrics with them, which is really cool! O_o You can tell that he really pours his heart out into this work (as a lot of you do!), and that's really evident in the words that he puts to his music.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


yay *clapclapclap*
congratulations to everyone that won something from that person that's entirely unfit to judge because he knows nothing about art, writing, or music
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.