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Arranging music for Band; what series to use?

Started by Kasplat, October 20, 2014, 05:53:11 PM

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What series should the medley be from?

Banjo & Kazooie
2 (22.2%)
Donkey Kong Country
1 (11.1%)
Paper Mario
2 (22.2%)
4 (44.4%)

Total Members Voted: 9


Hello! I am Kasplat and I have used ninsheetmusic since 2011 (and I've enjoyed it immensely). I actually do not play piano, but instead transpose the music into bass clef so that I can play it on Tuba. Anyways, my brother and I have previously arranged "Gusty Garden Galaxy" for a mini ensemble (2 clar, 1 flute, tuba, 2 trombone, 2 trumpet) along with a couple other pieces. Recently I have been given the honor of being able to compose a piece and have my high school band play it. For this I want YOUR help! I listed a few series I want to make a medley of songs from in the poll.

Also, I'm not quite sure where to say this, but thanks for all the great music! It is the main reason why I continue playing music :)

NOTE: I did not include Legend of Zelda or Mario Galaxy as an option because they both already have been played by professional orchestras.

EDIT: I'll close the poll on Friday. As of right now though, it seems I'll be pulling out the Green Greens

EDIT2: Poll is closed and its official: We are doing the Kirby musics :D Tbh I put it on at the last moment but it was interesting following the poll. The music will be posted here later when we are done with it.

The Deku Trombonist

I'm going to move this to a slightly more appropriate place...the Music board! ;)



Quote from: Kasplat on October 20, 2014, 05:53:11 PMI listed a few series I want to make a medley of songs from.
And be forewarned, you're going to get some obscure yet great stuff recommended whatever you choose.

The Deku Trombonist


Quote from: DekuTrombonist on October 20, 2014, 06:56:29 PMIn the poll up the top
Why didn't I see that.  :P
I'd say Xenoblade or Majora's Mask. But Kirby's still pretty good.


haha sorry about that, I reworded the post to make it more clear :P

The Deku Trombonist

That's a tough choice. Banjo-Kazooie is great and easy to make work and it's entertaining but it could get a bit monotonous, unless you really go wild with the arranging. Donkey Kong Country is simply amazing and there are so mamy options you could explore to bring it to life. I'm not really sure what to make of Paper Mario in a band setting. It could be really cool if you're looking for an interesting challenge. As for Kirby, well there's a great variety throughout Kirby even if you just stick to the classic tunes.

I'm not sure of the level of the band so you'd need to consider that too.


I can imagine God of War: Revenge and Redemption being played with your instrumentations... but that's just me lol. Other than that, my vote goes for Paper Mario :)
-Meloetta (ASCAP)
Composer, Arranger, and Orchestrator
...and lover of Arizona Green Tea :p


Hi :)
I'd really recommend Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie. Grant Kirkhope = Awesome :)
I dont know....I dont think I could choose between Kazooie and Tooie. Both have great music. They're equal in my mind.
Oh and Super Mario 3D World I'd also recommend. It has a LOT of Big Band and and is entertaining :)


From that list I only know Kirby's music, so do Krby :P


hey kasplat,

you know who i am hopefully. if not then you should figure it out based off my personal pronouns.
instead of just using one series (cuz i was looking at the kirby songs and theres a TON of good ones especially from the race game)
why dont WE (cough) use 1 or 2 of the best songs from each series? for example (but not limited to)
kirby: checker knights
paper mario: cortez theme
banjo: main theme song from kazooie
donkey kong country returns main title theme
again thats just an example but maybe itd be more interesting and diverse, and then people can be like "oh i remember that" or "ooh thats catchy" because honestly alot of adults will remember their old games as kids XD

please critique me on my idea and give feedback


Quote from: troubleXseven on October 22, 2014, 05:50:35 PMkirby: checker knights
If you arrange this song for band, would I be able to get a copy perhaps? I can give credit where credit is due.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


JDMEK-- Assuming we end up doing it, certainly! I just plan on adapting the piano duet on this site into a band form. I'll post all of the music we do onto the forums for anyone to see when we're done.

Trouble-- I recognize you by your username bruh :P I think it would be easier to make transitions between pieces from the same game, but it is always a possibility.


Quote from: Kasplat on October 23, 2014, 05:07:24 PMJDMEK-- Assuming we end up doing it, certainly! I just plan on adapting the piano duet on this site into a band form. I'll post all of the music we do onto the forums for anyone to see when we're done.
Delightful. Thanks.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26