Introducing Our New Submissions System

Started by The Deku Trombonist, October 15, 2014, 02:09:53 AM

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I don't think we should be so swift in getting rid of the Vetarans. Vetarans should be able to get more sheets on since they're better. So we can get more quality sheets on the site faster.


You know, now that he mentions it, what makes any of the veterans less capable of checking a sheet than a moderator? It could probably speed up the process if veterans did it in their free time. I'm not trying to delegate here, I would be willing to volunteer to check sheets if that would be helpful. But there's no reason only the mods should be checking sheets if there are veterans who by definition have a decent understanding of music theory.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


We could also get more mods?
Veteran arranger->mod


Quote from: SlowPokemon on October 17, 2014, 07:52:41 AMThe thing I like about this system is that a user who isn't on the forums can still go to the submissions board to see sheets that might be on the site in the future. In that regard it's very nice.

Well... it has always been like that, actually. I think many people have been drawn to NSM after discovering where the sheets on the main page were made, going to the sheet factory known as the Submissions board on the forums, and seeing all the cool stuff that would feature in later updates...

...or, in some cases, fall into obscurity. I especially remember this awesome Butter Building sheet from SSBB that I found on my first guest-trip into the forum. It never made it to the site. Incidents like this is one of the main reasons why I think there should be a "safety net" for finished sheets on this site, to prevent waste of good work.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Maybe VA's can be potential new updaters, but that does come with a lot of responsibility. Or like the semi-updater thing I said, but without the double-check-thing and make VA's be able to accept sheets, but not to upload them. More updaters and/or VA's results in faster arrangement checks and thus faster updates.
I personally make have free time, but I never found the motivation to check sheets. However, if can help with updating, I do have that kind of motivation I need.

The moderators want to speed up the upload process, and some of us want to keep a purpose for VA's. I think this is a pretty good way to implement both of that. If needed, VA's can be checked on how we check sheets, and if it's sufficient enough to be an "accepter" (new title?), we can be one.

(this is partly what slow said I guess. still sayin' it)
(EDIT: also what nocturne said.)



Yeah. I also think Jompa would be great as a sheet checker, but I don't think he would want to do that.
I can say that Jompa and fierce have given me the best, clearest, and most specific feedback other than an updater


Quote from: maelstrom. on October 17, 2014, 10:58:23 AMYeah. I also think Jompa would be great as a sheet checker, but I don't think he would want to do that.
Quite the opposite. Jompa told me he doesnt have time to arrange BUT would love to check sheets. Maybe he said that just about mine but I'm pretty sure he wouldnt mind checking sheets.


and I dont Fierce would mind checking. Hes very helpful and one heck of a guy :)


Quote from: Jamaha on October 17, 2014, 07:07:10 AMBy giving veteran arrangers a larger limit, we might be able to increase the updating frequency by having relatively more "easier-to-check" arrangements at the cost of possibly frustrating other arrangers who don't get to submit as much.

On the offchance that people would actually be frustrated by our increased submission limit (which is really even more balanced than our original idea for VA-only updates), I can only hope they'd consider it a fair trade-off if we were also obligated to help with updates. Despite my previously stated concerns with the idea, I'm still totally willing to do it. A benefit that I didn't mention earlier is that, unlike with individual "recommendations" we could make earlier, where people could just say "eh I'll just submit it and see what happens", arrangers would now actually have to fix the things we point out before sending it to updaters. This would certainly alleviate one of my reservations about giving feedback, as I'd no longer have to think "Is this person actually going to change anything, or will this all be for nothing?" (and yes, the latter has happened multiple times).

An idea to get around the "bogging up" I mentioned earlier considering a requirement for multiple people to give their OK on a sheet: we could give VAs a smaller checklist of things to fix, so we're not just "updaters but less final/reliable". This way, updaters wouldn't have to concern themselves with simpler things such as formatting errors and incorrect notes, and could actually spend time on things that are more complicated to fix. Granted, we could still make recommendations for those other things, but this would be more of a "note to the updaters" sort of thing.

Quote from: maelstrom. on October 17, 2014, 10:58:23 AMI can say that Jompa and fierce have given me the best, clearest, and most specific feedback other than an updater
Quote from: mariolegofan on October 17, 2014, 11:26:28 AMand I dont Fierce would mind checking. Hes very helpful and one heck of a guy :)

Oh, stop it, you ;)

Obviously nobody can speak for Jompa better than Jompa himself, but I suspect his reservation about doing this would be the monotony of dealing with transcriptions, rather than arrangements (because really, what we do for NSM are transcriptions). Ultimately though, that's for him (and the mods) to decide.


Great! I love it. Now to actually get Finale and submit the stuff I've arranged.... :D

I've made 3 or so arrangements but never got them past the "I can play it but it's not gonna get submitted" stage.


Honestly, do VA have to have a purpose? Is there anything wrong with it just being for bragging rights? The whole concept was for a completely different submission process that failed, so we don't need to feel forced to implement it into the new one.

The whole mini-modding idea is kinda silly. If they're capable of checking sheets, then make them updaters.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


I agree with Fire, and if they are capable and willing to check sheets, this new system should make it easier to have people help speed the update process along. Theoretically, if we have 2 positioned updaters who'll check more sheets regularly and frequently (let's say about 6-8 in a single sitting) and 3-4 Vets who only check 1-2 sheets a week, we should have enough people working towards updates to have them happen once every two weeks. They won't be big updates, but 10/20/30 sheets uploaded a month is a pretty good pace and easy to keep up.

More if you guys give access to check sheets to more people as time passes.

Or we can just scale back the assumed duties of updaters, since this new system requires a few less steps for their job, to be just sheet checkers and make more people updaters.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


I'm totally down with this mini-updater thing but I think any helping with the updates (by checking sheets and such) should be voluntary and not necessary for the title.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Updating seems like a pretty cool thing to do :3