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TWG LXX: Village of Masks- A Classic Mafia

Started by mikey, August 20, 2014, 09:20:31 AM

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It doesn't seem as if anybody else has any more to say, and I might not be back by the time the phase ends, so:

And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I have literally no defence that will stop you from killing me.  :( If I was you I'd kill me. But I'm human, despite the evidence otherwise. Just remember that.


Maelstrom. was lynched.  It is now Night 3.  Night 3 ends at 9:00 PM on August 28.

1. Mashi
2. Yugi
3. BlackDragonSlayer
4. maelstrom.
5. Bubbles
6. Dude
7. The_Subjective_Thought
8. fank009

Mashi burst into they mayor's room, gasping for air.
"Mayor!  I have good reason to believe that the culprit is maelstrom. !"
"Oh?  What did you see?"
"Well, I was out in the streets last night, and I saw a dark figure running from the church.  I didn't manage to catch him, but the only person I saw out last night was maelstrom. !"
"Hmmn, that is pretty suspicious.  Well, let's lynch him!"
"What?  Shouldn't we, I don't know, vote first or something?"
"Ahahaha!  Of course!"
The mayor gathered the villagers in the town hall.
"Greetings... Huh, I... Kind of thought there would be more of us.  Oh well!  Hehehe!"
"..." The crowd sighed.
"Anyhoo, let's get this show on the road.  So, I have 5 names in here,  whichever one I pull out is the one we can lynch!"
"But mayor, weren't we supposed to vote?"
"Ah-yes.  I'll get to that.  But for now, Mashi, tell us what you saw last night."
"Well, I was out in the streets last night, and I saw a dark figure running from the church.  I didn't manage to catch him, but the only person I saw out last night was maelstrom. !"
The crowd gave an audible gasp and turned to maelstrom.
"I have nothing to say except that you MUST be mistaken!" he cried.
"I told you we wouldn't need to vote!"
NocturneOfShadow grabbed maelstrom. and hauled him off.

He was never heard from again...


Tonight, either bubbles or BDS will die.

I foresee it.  :o


I swear I don't know how I'm forgetting like this board is so active now that everyone's dead

Mashi has been killed!  It is now Day 3.  Day 3 ends August 29 at 9:00 PM because the remaining villagers don't need much time.
Bubbles was seered

1. Mashi
2. Yugi

3. BlackDragonSlayer
4. maelstrom.
5. Bubbles
6. Dude
7. The_Subjective_Thought
8. fank009



wow ok this game is a lot shorter than i thought

Ughh I'm leaning more towards Dude because it makes more sense if maelstrom was the wolf we lynched but there's no way he'd wolf Mashi

I need to think this over


Damnit the mafia guy didn't fall for my plan.
Mashi was like the one person I knew was human.

Let's just see what happens.
BDS as he didn't vote for mael the first time and only voted for him the second time after he was doomed to die.


Quote from: Dude on August 29, 2014, 03:29:46 PMBDS as he didn't vote for mael the first time and only voted for him the second time after he was doomed to die.
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on August 25, 2014, 07:06:25 PMDuring the Day, I was really on the fence concerning Yugi vs. Maelstrom, but after seeing how the lynch went, I'm more suspicious of Maelstrom now.

On the first day, I wasn't really sure which of Yugi/Maelstrom was a wolf, if either of them either was a wolf (now we know that one of them was).

Also, the only reason I waited to vote for Maelstrom so late is because I didn't want there to be an early insta (since I thought there was going to be more discussion... which there wasn't). Keep in mind that I brought up my suspicion on Maelstrom before Mashi did, and fully intended to vote for him earlier in the phase had you not voted when you did.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



So done anyway.

Bubbles, just either kill me or him or do something just someone insta I want to play a game that's interesting.


I'm probably going to regret doing this (inb4 Bubbles wolf), but:

And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



I would wait this out but I'll probably forget and a kit'b would be pretty funny not good so I guess BDS. Dude would have admitted he was a wolf if he wanted the game to end. Also BDS's "inb4" doesn't really make sense because if I was the wolf I could've already instad him with dudes vote.

*crosses fingers*


Quote from: Bubbles on August 29, 2014, 04:28:15 PMAlso BDS's "inb4" doesn't really make sense because if I was the wolf I could've already instad him with dudes vote.
You weren't online when Dude voted.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



I suppose that would be considered an insta?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber