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TWG 69: You Were Expecting A Sexual Innuendo, But It Was I, Dio!!!

Started by Mashi, July 31, 2014, 09:15:47 AM

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Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 08, 2014, 09:28:01 PMOkay now I kinda want to die just so you all can see my awesome will.
btw half expecting BDS and Liggy to have fooled you all and funnygirl not be a wolf
but sadly not
nocturne last wolf
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Update will probably be late.  Phase still ends at the same time, however.


Night 3 has ended!  Bird has been wolfed!  It is now Day 3.  Day 3 ends August 11th, 2014 at 11:59PM EDT.

Bird was One-shot Bulletproof with a Gun.

Quote from: Bird's Willit was nighthawk

1. Bird
2. Bubbles
3. maelstrom.
4. Olimar12345
5. BlackDragonSlayer
6. vermilionvermin
7. fank009
8. Funnygurl555
9. Dude
10. davy
11. NocturneofShadow
12. Liggy



I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Yes? Considering we're 2/2 in lynchings, we had a pretty good chance of finding the wolf. Even if he shot blindly with no reasoning, there was still a 20% chance the wolf would be hit.

I have a question about the traitor. Since there's only one wolf left, in order to win would the traitor have to survive until the end of the game and count as one of the wolves or would they die and win after the game is over?


As far as win conditions are concerned, Traitors count towards the Humans.  Wolves win the game if it becomes literally impossible for Humans to win through some method other than a series of KitBs.



Quote from: Mashi on August 10, 2014, 12:34:29 PMAs far as win conditions are concerned, Traitors count towards the Humans.  Wolves win the game if it becomes literally impossible for Humans to win through some method other than a series of KitBs.
Ban every player from the forums except a confirmed human.

Wolves can't win, gg.


While I'm still not good enough at this game to explain my reasonings for what I'm thinking, at this point I'm leaning towards fank or maelstrom.  Me, Liggy, and BDS will naturally be cleared, and of the 4 left, I think Bubbles is most likely to be human.  Davy hasn't made his characteristically long posts, although with this particular game there isn't much reason to.
I know I'm leaving this kinda brief but whatever I'll like try to be in the chat sometime tomorrow


Why you? BDS and Liggy claimed masons, but why would you be cleared?


Quote from: maelstrom. on August 10, 2014, 02:57:09 PMWhy you? BDS and Liggy claimed masons, but why would you be cleared?

Mael, from everybodys point of view, they are human, so they are cleared in their eyes.
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Suspicion list time:

davy - Has some minor (and admittedly circumstantial) things against him.  The first one I feel like noting, is that Olimar ( a wolf) voted for him fairly early in Day 1, and then after Davy pointed out that he was voted, voted for Funnygurl555 (another wolf).  I don't think Olimar would switch his vote from a random human to a wolf partner within the first day of the game.  Especially telling, because Olimar voted for Funnygurl before some people (such as Bird!) even knew she was playing, which shows that he was definitely considering his wolf partners as potential targets.  Also, with as little offense to Olimar and Yugi as possible, the setup choices for this game were really, really well picked, and I'm not sure if it's something that they would see by themselves.

Nocturne - Seems legitimately confused about everything.  I'd say he's probably the most likely to be traitor, as his actions make little sense coming from a human and even less coming from a wolf.

Bubbles - I have seen very little from.  The only thing she has going for her is that I'm not sure if Maestro would be disinterested with the game if he was a wolf, but then again I wouldn't put it past Maestro to sign up for a game he didn't want to play.

Fank - Is really an enigma.  I do give him enough credit to come up with the role choices, however when  he was giving his human leans Day 1, the only wolf on there was Funnygurl555, which was his weakest lean!  I figure if he was a wolf, he'd probably put another one higher up!

Maelstrom - Seems somewhat confused as well, but nice enough.  These last three are probably all +1/-1 right now.