
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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TWG 67: The Werewolf Game? More Like The Werewolf DEAD!!! Post Game

Started by Mashi, June 03, 2014, 08:19:10 PM

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Awards/Point Distribution/Player Analysis will be up tomorrow.

The_Subjective_Thought has won!
Olimar12345 has won!
fank009 has won!
davy has won!
BlackDragonSlayer has won!
K-NiGhT has won!

Player Analysis:

BlackDragonSlayer - You were frivolous and that's cool.  If the revival and redistribution didn't occur, you probably would have won as Mashi; so good job, I think!!!  Hilarious that you ended up dying at the end though.
The_Subjective_Thought - Flawlessly frivolous performance. MVP
Olimar12345 - Odd, but useful vigi choices.  Not that it mattered, since you totally steamrolled the Reroll and one the game shortly afterwards. Runner Up
Yugi - So close!!!  Probably should have given you a seering power or something similar, but you did okay, for the most part.  I think you probably could have snooped for Roles earlier in the game like Olimar12345 after redistribution, but you survived for a while, which was the important part of your Role.  Shame you didn't survive long enough!
NocturneOfShadow - You were gone for most of the game and then the redistribution occurred and then you were hilariously lynched, thereby reviving everyone else, which was a big game changer.  If you weren't lynched, you probably would have won!
Dude - Wish you had tried more!!!  Your fate was sealed as Mashi after the redistribution when NocturneOfShadow was lynched, thus reviving everyone and leading to more victories.
Waddle Bro - Main reason you lost was because you were lynched Day 1.  And when you were revived, it was impossible to win with Olimar12345 and co. trying to end the game.  Better luck next time!
fank009 - You did it!!!  Also lol at choosing Yugi for three straight Night Phases.
davy - Died Night 1 and hilariously won anyway.
K-NiGhT - You were gone for a lot of the game due to real life, sadly (don't you know TWG is superior???).  You won though; so hooray!!!


I Was Playing in This Game! (100 Points) - BlackDragonSlayer, The_Subjective_Thought, Olimar12345, Yugi, NocturneOfShadow, Dude, Waddle Bro, fank009, davy, K-NiGhT
Most Use of the Word Frivolous (900 Points) - The_Subjective_Thought
Second Most (100 Points) - BlackDragonSlayer
Died Night 1 (200 Points) - davy
Died Day 1 (200 Points) - Waddle Bro
First to Win (500 Points) - The_Subjective_Thought
Won in the First Place (250 Points) - Olimar12345, fank009, davy, BlackDragonSlayer, K-NiGhT
1000 Points Divided Among Winners (200 Points Each) - Olimar12345, fank009, davy, BlackDragonSlayer, K-NiGhT
Had a Quote (50 Points per Quote per Section) - Yugi (3), Dude (3), The_Subjective_Thought (4), K-NiGhT (2), fank009 (2), davy (1), Olimar12345 (1), BlackDragonSlayer (2), Waddle Bro (1), NocturneOfShadow (1)
Sent in the Correct List on His First Try (500 Points) - Olimar12345

Quote Section:

Quote from: Yugi on May 16, 2014, 05:33:06 PM*noctorne of shadow

dumbass me

Quote from: Dude on May 16, 2014, 05:37:23 PMyou still misspelled it though.



Quote from: The_Subjective_Thought on May 16, 2014, 05:50:35 PMYugi, engineering as many people to win as possible is not fun.

This game must be about conflict, despair, frivolous-ness, large amounts of cake, and above all mashi making an absolute mess of TWG.

Quote from: Yugi on May 16, 2014, 05:52:18 PMscrew fun i have money


Quote from: K-NiGhT on May 16, 2014, 06:31:57 PMI can't even begin to follow this...


Quote from: fank009 on May 17, 2014, 12:43:32 AMshats fired.
putting money on yugi being a role contradictory to davys plan.
(Id also put money on being n1 vig)


Quote from: davy on May 17, 2014, 02:21:09 AMThe main problem I have with your plan is that it removes competition from this game. This game is interesting as long as all players try to achieve their own win condition rather then trying to get as much players as possible to win.

Basicly: what TOST (the original subjective thought) said.

Well other me, if you want my "subjective thoughts" on that matter, I will objectively say that having objectively only subjective thoughts is a subject I thought I would never objectively have to deal with, and while on the subject of subjective thoughts I thought you would cooperate with my subjective thoughts so that I would reach my subjectively thought objective, but your subjective thought made you object, which is a subject for thought.


Quote from: fank009 on May 17, 2014, 04:22:29 AMyou didnt say frivilous here.


Quote from: Olimar12345 on May 17, 2014, 11:29:24 PMTime to do my signature TWG move: sit back and do nothing until things get moar interesting.


Quote from: Dude on May 18, 2014, 12:22:22 AMftfy

how hard is it to color a name

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on May 18, 2014, 12:24:08 AMColoring names is racist. :-X


Quote from: Waddle Bro on May 19, 2014, 04:09:19 AMAnyways, I'd personally lynch Vermverm. REROLL


Quote from: K-NiGhT on May 19, 2014, 08:50:15 AMAnyway, you guys are missing an easy way for all of us to win. And that is by...

Simply killing TWG itself.

That or just lynch Mashi


Quote from: The_Subjective_Thought on May 21, 2014, 12:53:18 AMThat which we call frivolous by any other name would be as silly.

Quote from: Yugi on May 22, 2014, 02:57:37 PMI think I'll vote NoS today, since he's been active on othee parts of the forum, but hasn't posted in the TWG yet.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on May 23, 2014, 05:43:45 AMI claim Dude.  His spirit has obviously been channelled to me.

Quote from: Dude on May 23, 2014, 07:20:57 AMgross


Quote from: The_Subjective_Thought on May 24, 2014, 07:59:51 PMoink


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on May 24, 2014, 08:00:08 PMmoo


Quote from: The_Subjective_Thought on May 27, 2014, 10:56:12 PMI've still won right?


The bullshit that I pulled wasn't in vain?





And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Oh, right, forgot to post winners.  Let me edit that in quickly.


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Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


olimar12345, what are you talking about he totally did???

nope not like i forgot to edit the post to add that not at all


idk what i was talking about...prolly sometihng time dilation related

Also, gg everyone, and great hosting, mashi. I had fun (at least until we couldn't end it! d:)
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!




I don't actually care because I won but why didn't my get-out-of-vigi-free card trigger?

Glad to see my Shakespeare re-imagining make it into the quotes selection!
Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


Waddle Bro

eww long posts eww

I didn't expect to be revived, so claiming my role as a last-ditch effort to save myself backfired and messed up my plans of false-claiming of BDS, thus getting Bird claim to me and lynching him. Although props for K-NiGhT for actually realizing what's going on and removing his vote because he was the only one who realized people were lynching me for the wrong reason and actually did something!

I don't get why Fank tried to get me lynched Day 1, when there was an unmistakably large chance I could've actually been Bird. Seemed like a dumb risk I don't see myself taking. Worked well for him, so that's cool!

Although a small complaint about my role, you should've given Wolf some kind of a power, like a vigi guarding power that prevents Bird and BDS targeting that person or like a seering power.
My point is, sending a guy without powers against a guy with a killing power seems kinda unfair! I don't mind though, was fun. :]

Quote from: davyI wonder why you're hating so much on my last game for dragging on so long (while you weren't even a player), and now decide to drag this game on while there's no gain for you.
There was always a chance for bluff, meaning I had a chance to win. Also I recommend not being butthurt about old shiz and move on!

Thanks for hosting this fun game, Mashi B]

Quote from: Mashi on May 16, 2014, 05:06:34 PMWaddle Bro, more like Waddle WOLF!!!

And by Waddle WOLF!!!, I actually mean you're wolf.
Quote from: Waddle Bro on May 16, 2014, 11:52:18 PMI thought I was gonna be told my identity :(
Quote from: Mashi on May 17, 2014, 12:08:19 AMI did.

You're wolf.

It's the 7th Role on the list!
Quote from: Waddle Bro on May 17, 2014, 01:08:39 AMoh


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Yeah, a few of the Roles definitely needed some tweaking, but overall, I'm fairly impressed by how balanced the game was, especially considering I made it as a complete joke.

I did screw up a total of three times, my major blunder being that I neglected to consider vermilionvermin's power, considering he had already won, but I don't think I did anything game changing.  There probably would need to be more incentive to not lynching vermilionvermin, Mashi would need to be slightly weakened, Bird and Mashi's win conditions would probably be better suited if they weren't redistributed, etc.  I might actually host another game like this in the future, but with revisions and it being definitely balanced, haha.

I'm happy that many of you had fun though.  An idea that I wish I had implemented was permitting for dead Players to talk and potentially achieve their win conditions, but that would complicate Roles like Mashi and NocturneOfShadow and I opted not to.

I'll work on the rest of Post Game tonight!  Player Analyses will be short, but I'll try to still be informative.  It was fun hosting and I'm glad everyone had fun too!


Quote from: Waddle Bro on June 04, 2014, 06:15:28 AMI don't get why Fank tried to get me lynched Day 1, when there was an unmistakably large chance I could've actually been Bird. Seemed like a dumb risk I don't see myself taking. Worked well for him, so that's cool!

Well seeing I missed, I needed to pull something out of the hat, I wanted to gain control of the vote, to gain trust for the future, I always had TST as a backup though...  If I wanted to shuffle win cons... (Psst mashi, you should have a rule, people who have lost arent allowed to have their conditions shuffled) It was mainly for votes, but after Our chat, and outing me, it became clear one of two things, one, you werent bird, two, you didnt trust me. I was hoping for a double bluff at the beginning, with people seeing the contradiction in my claim (no one did). the fact that our roles werent friendly, I stayed on you, and I had a good argument on my side with you being a front runner for bird (regardless of my alignment).

I'll post more thoughts later, I liked the idea of the game, I dont think people really saw it for what it was, There were "wolves" per say, and you could argue that bird/Noct/BDS were a team (you could argue the other way) but everyone was just worried in getting as many people to win as possible, that they didnt really "play the game" so to say. (I must say, from my biased point of view, the only TWG elements of the game belonged to yours truly/waddle and olimar (TST you dont count, you play the same game every time you want to be lynched))
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