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TWG 67: The Werewolf Game? More Like The Werewolf DEAD!!!

Started by Mashi, May 16, 2014, 04:58:43 PM

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oorrrrr you could just

follow the plan i just posted a page ago


Quote from: Yugi on May 16, 2014, 05:32:42 PMOkay, so when I signed up for this game, I tried to think of a way the game could go where as many people could win as possible, so I guess I'll mention it here.

Vermilionvermin should claim, so that we can lynch him, causing him to win. If people have objections to having win conditions randomised, feel free to voice them. Dude should also claim, and have people claim to him, so that he can win as well. We could also lynch him if we really feel like it, so that vermverm can be revived, and so that olimar has a chance of winning?

From what I see, my plan would have

Will definatly win:

Will probably win:
TST potentially
Mashi potentially
Bird if we leave him until the last 2

Would probably not win by this
Noctourne of Shadow

What do you think of this plan?


shats fired.
putting money on yugi being a role contradictory to davys plan.
(Id also put money on being n1 vig)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: davy on May 16, 2014, 11:41:48 PMSorry Mashi, I know you want your own role to win, but I'm TST so I'm going to make as much players as possible win.

That's a claim by the way.

I'm going to help bird to victory, so he should claim to me. BDS should as well because he can win together with bird. As we are going to prevent yugi's victory, nocturne of shadows should also claim. Finally, verm should claim so that we can assure his victory during the final day phase while keeping bird's victory condition to himself.

How's life me?

Good? Okay.

Anyway, your despicable plan to have as many people win as possible won't work against this version of yourself, I shall fight against it in the name of the frivolous and the pure.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


Quote from: The_Subjective_Thought on May 17, 2014, 12:51:36 AMI shall fight against it in the name of the frivolous and the pure.
fight megaman, for everlasting peace


Quote from: Yugi on May 17, 2014, 12:06:20 AMoorrrrr you could just

follow the plan i just posted a page ago

The main problem I have with your plan is that it removes competition from this game. This game is interesting as long as all players try to achieve their own win condition rather then trying to get as much players as possible to win.

Basicly: what TOST (the original subjective thought) said.

Quote from: The_Subjective_Thought on May 17, 2014, 12:51:36 AMHow's life me?

Well other me, if you want my "subjective thoughts" on that matter, I will objectively say that having objectively only subjective thoughts is a subject I thought I would never objectively have to deal with, and while on the subject of subjective thoughts I thought you would cooperate with my subjective thoughts so that I would reach my subjectively thought objective, but your subjective thought made you object, which is a subject for thought.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game

Waddle Bro

If I get vigi'd I won't play TWG until the game n. 100 if the person who vigi'd me is playing. I dare you to try to call my bluff. I'm here to have fun for once :(

I know from previous games that Davy is a sneaky and kinky shit who lies like remember that dungeon with the doors he had well that was his basement
"lynch" meant a different thing in that game just saying
I wouldn't even trust Davy to peel my banana if I was playing Kimble in a retirement home.

So here's a better shenanigan.

Bird and BDS claim to Davy, then Bird blackmails him the BDS claim for a slight hope of survival through negotiation with a vigi threat and then they kill him anyways. :D There's one of the two predictions BDS needs to send in to win and Bird to become invincible and win the game. How awesome would that be? I'd say preeeeetty swell.
If he turns out to be Dude(like I strongly think he is, because he needs the roles), we know he's not going to let Verm be lynched, assuming he claims to him, because of the win condition re-roll. He'd either sell him out to Bird and BDS, if he'd happen to be the real TST, because then they'd double-vigi target him twice and game over for Vermverm and he loses :(.

Dude needs early-game claims.

tl;dr Bird, vigi Davy and BDS predict that, if he lives we know he's most likely Dude and we can go from there, knowing that he's a liar that who you shouldn't claim to
Don't claim to Davy frivolous


Quote from: Waddle Bro on May 17, 2014, 02:27:03 AMWaddle, waddle, waddle.

Waddle thinks in ways that are far to complex for a frivolous mind like mine.

Imma gonna lynch waddle, claim to davy, vigi bird and predict BDS.

Oh, and give cookies to Dude.

Because cookies.

And Dude.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Frivolous is only worth bonus points.

Plus, if I had to argue for bonus points then I would point to the fact that any kind of meta is in itself frivolous.

Likewise in my previous post without Frivolous I would argue that simply mentioning Mashi by name is saying frivolous, because Mashi=Frivolous.

Or I could just say that first mistake was a warning and second mistake a mere continuation of the post before it.

Or I was being frivolous by not mentioning frivolousness.

fank what have you done im heading deeper down the rabbit

Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 10, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
descendite monte vos quidquid plantavi te et propter Deum ante vos satus puto scribere!


Quote from: Waddle Bro on May 17, 2014, 02:27:03 AMIf I get vigi'd I won't play TWG until the game n. 100 if the person who vigi'd me is playing. I dare you to try to call my bluff. I'm here to have fun for once :(

Damn, why am I not the vigi this game.  :P

Quote from: Waddle Bro on May 17, 2014, 02:27:03 AMI know from previous games that Davy is a sneaky and kinky shit who lies like remember that dungeon with the doors he had well that was his basement
"lynch" meant a different thing in that game just saying
I wouldn't even trust Davy to peel my banana if I was playing Kimble in a retirement home.

So here's a better shenanigan.

Bird and BDS claim to Davy, then Bird blackmails him the BDS claim for a slight hope of survival through negotiation with a vigi threat and then they kill him anyways. :D There's one of the two predictions BDS needs to send in to win and Bird to become invincible and win the game. How awesome would that be? I'd say preeeeetty swell.
If he turns out to be Dude(like I strongly think he is, because he needs the roles), we know he's not going to let Verm be lynched, assuming he claims to him, because of the win condition re-roll. He'd either sell him out to Bird and BDS, if he'd happen to be the real TST, because then they'd double-vigi target him twice and game over for Vermverm and he loses :(.

Dude needs early-game claims.

tl;dr Bird, vigi Davy and BDS predict that, if he lives we know he's most likely Dude and we can go from there, knowing that he's a liar that who you shouldn't claim to
Don't claim to Davy frivolous

Waddle, if I am Dude, my actions don't make sense.

1: I wouldn't claim publicly because of the target I would become. I would feel much safer fake claiming privately.
2: I wouldn't claim to be TST if I were Dude because the vigi strategy you posted above could be used to find me out. I would have probably claimed Yugi because he is also immune to vigi's.

Also, you're not getting my idea with verm. I don't want verm lynched regardless of wheter I am TST or not (and for all you know, I could be eighter) because it will change my victory regardless of my role. I want verm to survive untill the last two (bird being the other one) and then let bird lynch him meaning both of them would get their victory.

Finally if you still don't believe I'm TST that means you believe there is an other player who is actually TST, which means I would/will be counterclaimed. So if you're really that BDS (that means paranoid) we could have all players claim "not TST" untill everyone has said they're not TST. It's and 48 hour night phase, so we still have plenty of time.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Quote from: davy on May 17, 2014, 04:59:28 AMWaddle, if I am Dude, my actions don't make sense.

1: I wouldn't claim publicly because of the target I would become. I would feel much safer fake claiming privately.
2: I wouldn't claim to be TST if I were Dude because the vigi strategy you posted above could be used to find me out. I would have probably claimed Yugi because he is also immune to vigi's.

interesting thought on that dude stratergy there davy,
dude is really a neutral party in all this, (believe it or not there are sides in this game.) he doesnt really point as a threat to bird (at night) or anyone else (for the lynch, - those who need to lynch people) unless they are ratted out.

I wouldnt mind a dude claim, as I don't see him as a threat to the well being, but it all ends up being, do you really trust person A to not screw you over?

at this point of time, bird determines practically who wins and who doesnt (if s/he stays alive). It could all go wrong for one person, just because someone else doesn't like them.

so, having a look at the game so far,
Yugi looks like he's got a roll that he wants to be rerolled,
Davy, as TST can be a fine N1 vig target, (though a part of me doesn't like that idea)
Waddle is NOT dude,
TST/BDS look like they are one of Verm/mashi, though verm is vig'd, davy would need dude to win... (unless olimar counts as verm wasny lynched...)

I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


So Yugi's plan doesn't see Nocturne and BDS winning, and Davy's plan does...correct?
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Well Nocturne can still win if Yugi doesn't, it would just be much harder.