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Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

Started by Waddle Bro, May 07, 2014, 07:53:33 AM

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Progress so far:


Team After Beating First Gym
Boatswain the Marshtomp (Level 16)
Dotly the Seedot (Level 12)
Lilly-Belle the Poochyena (Level 12)
Zila the Zigzagoon (Level 10)
X-Kitty the Skitty (Level 8- filler so that Dotly's Beat Up is stronger)

Team After Beating Second Gym
Boatswain the Marshtomp (Level 19)- Trainer and tank; needs better physical moves.
Dotly the Nuzleaf (Level 16)- MVP; can 2HKO pretty much everything.
Lilly-Belle the Poochyena (Level 16)- Might get better when she evolves.
Akuta the Makuhita (Level 13)- In training.
Ida the Abra (Level 12)- In training.
Zila the Zigzagoon (Level 10)- Let's be honest: I only have him for Pickup.


Going towards Mauville.

Reached Mauville. Taught Boatswain Water Pledge; I guess I won't be using physical moves just yet...

Team After Beating Third Gym
Boatswain the Marshtomp (Level 25)- Trainer and tank; needs better physical moves.
Dotly the Nuzleaf (Level 21)- Powerful Physical-move user; can 2HKO pretty much everything.
Lilly-Belle the Mightyena (Level 20)- Support against Bug and Grass types; a little bit better than before.
Akuta the Makuhita (Level 20)- Fighting-type support.
Ida the Kadabra (Level 20)- Powerful Special-move user; needs more moves.
Zila the Zigzagoon (Level 13)- HM Slave and Pickup 'mon. I might evolve him eventually.


Reached Fallarbor Town.

Beat Maxie at Mt. Chimney.

Reached Lavaridge Town.


Team After Beating Fourth Gym
Boatswain the Marshtomp (Level 30)- NOW I AM BECOME BOSUN, DESTROYER OF ALL THINGS
Dotly the Nuzleaf (Level 30)- If Boatswain can't kill it, Dotly can!!! ; 2HKOs pretty much everything.
Ida the Kadabra (Level 26)- Kills things with its Special moves; needs more type variety.
Lilly-Belle the Mightyena (Level 24)- Support against Bug and Grass types; a little bit better than before.
Akuta the Hariyama (Level 24)- Fighting-type support.
Zila the Linoone (Level 20)- HM Slave and Pickup 'mon. Might not get any higher than Level 20.

I really like how they offer to "teleport" you to various locations after you do certain things- it removes the tediousness of backtracking.

Team After Beating Fifth Gym
Boatswain the Marshtomp (Level 32)- NOW I AM BECOME BOSUN, DESTROYER OF ALL THINGS
Dotly the Nuzleaf (Level 31)- If Boatswain can't kill it, Dotly can!!! ; 2HKOs pretty much everything.
Akuta the Hariyama (Level 31)- Fighting-type support; I'm sensing a "Triad of Pain" forming here.
Ida the Kadabra (Level 27)- Kills things with its Special moves, but is very frail; needs more type variety.
Lilly-Belle the Mightyena (Level 26)- Support against Bug and Grass types; a little bit better than before.
Zila the Linoone (Level 20)- HM Slave and Pickup 'mon. Might not get any higher than Level 20.

Got a Leaf Stone. OH YEAH.

Caught a Latios with a Rash nature and 30-31/31/10-13/30-31/30-31/24-26 IVs. This is satisfactory for me; I'm not going to keep soft-resetting.

Decided to dawdle a bit before the Weather Institute and grind. A lot. Boatswain evolved and all my team (except Zila) is above Level 30; Winona is going to be EASY.


Dotly burned through May's team.

Reached Fortree.

Explored the Scorched Slab; it's nice that they expanded it so much!

Team After Beating Sixth Gym
Boatswain the Swampert (Level 39)- NOW I AM BECOME BOSUN, DESTROYER OF ALL THINGS
Dotly the Shiftry (Level 38)- If Boatswain can't kill it, Dotly can!!! ; Swords Dance + Beat Up kills things.
Akuta the Hariyama (Level 35)- Fighting-type support.
Ida the Kadabra (Level 35)- Kills things with its Special moves, but is very frail; now she can kill Dark-types with Dazzling Gleam.
Lilly-Belle the Mightyena (Level 34)- Support against Bug and Grass types; a little bit better than before.
Zila the Linoone (Level 20)- HM Slave and Pickup 'mon. Might not get any higher than Level 20.


Reached Lilycove. Beat May.

I'm at Mt. Pyre and I'm highly considering switching out Lilly-Belle; Mightyena isn't really that strong, and Fire Fang- although it was useful earlier in the game- is made useless by the fact that Dotly can destroy any Grass-type with both Hurricane and Beat Up; additionally, I need somebody with Fly, given that Ida's Teleport has only limited usefulness (and I'd like to replace it with Shadow Ball).

Training Pingu the Wingull.


Training Pingu the Pelipper.


Went through Team Magma headquarters.


Team After Beating Seventh Gym
Boatswain the Swampert (Level 46)- NOW I AM BECOME BOSUN, DESTROYER OF ALL THINGS
Dotly the Shiftry (Level 45)- If Boatswain can't kill it, Dotly can!!! ; Swords Dance + Beat Up kills things.
Akuta the Hariyama (Level 43)- Fighting-type support.
Ida the Kadabra (Level 42)- Kills things with its Special moves, but is very frail; has a good moveset in Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Secret Power, and Psychic.
Pingu the Pelipper (Level 38)- Mostly for Fly.
Zila the Linoone (Level 20)- HM Slave and Pickup 'mon. Might not get any higher than Level 20.

I got rid of Boatswain's Surf and replaced it with Dive, then taught Pingu Surf. Now, all I need to do is find the TM for Earthquake.

Going to fight Groudon.


Caught Groudon in a Premier Ball. Cool. Pingu really helped out in the battle.


Team After Beating Eigth Gym
Boatswain the Swampert (Level 47)- NOW I AM BECOME BOSUN, DESTROYER OF ALL THINGS
Dotly the Shiftry (Level 47)- If Boatswain can't kill it, Dotly can!!! ; Swords Dance + Beat Up kills things.
Akuta the Hariyama (Level 43)- Fighting-type support.
Ida the Kadabra (Level 43)- Kills things with its Special moves, but is very frail; has a good moveset in Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Secret Power, and Psychic.
Pingu the Pelipper (Level 40)- Mostly for Fly.
Zila the Linoone (Level 20)- HM Slave and Pickup 'mon. Might not get any higher than Level 20.

Flying with Latios is so wonderful.


I've been doing some more training, and got through Victory Road (I like how they updated it and the trainers in it).


I caught a Ho-Oh with 5 31 IVs (missing only defense), but a Sassy nature (I was hoping for an Adamant nature, but then again, it isn't Regenerator and I probably won't be using it anyway, as I use Showdown for battling)... and caught it in a Pokeball.


Caught a Suicine with a Calm Nature and 4 31 IVs (HP/Def/SpA/SpD, with Speed being 29, and Atk being 25). Pretty good. Now for Entei/Raikou.

Caught an Entei with an Adamant Nature and 4 31 IVs (Atk/SpA/SpD/Spe, with HP being 17 and Def being 19). Now for Raikou.

Caught Raikou with pretty much perfect IVs (bar SpA). JOLLY NATURE. Too bad.


Ready for the Elite 4! Here we go!

Contrary to all logic, I put Ida up first.

Turn 1: Mightyena. Mega Evolved into Mega Alakazam. Mightyena used Sucker Punch. Ida takes it like a boss, with 68/134 HP left. Ida uses Dazzling Gleam, OHKO'ing Mightyena.
Turn 2: Sidney sends out Sharpedo. Ida uses Dazzling Gleam, OHKO'ing Sharpedo.
Turn 3: Sidney sends out Absol. Ida uses Dazzling Gleam, OHKO'ing Absol.
Turn 4: Sidney sends out Shiftry. Ida uses Dazzling Gleam, OHKO'ing Shiftry. Ida grew to Level 54. Ida now has 70/136 HP left.
Turn 5: Sidney sends out Cacturne. Ida uses Dazzling Gleam, OHKO'ing Cacturne.


This time, it was Dotly's turn to destroy do battle.

Turn 1: Dusclops. Dotly uses Beat Up, OHKO'ing Dusclops, hitting 4 times.
Turn 2: Phoebe sends out Dusknoir. Dotly uses Beat Up, OHKO'ing Dusknoir, hitting 5 times.
Turn 3: Phoebe sends out Sableye. Sableye uses Fake Out. Dotly flinched.
Turn 4: Dotly uses Beat Up, OHKO'ing Sableye, hitting 5 times. Sableye cowers in utter despair.
Turn 5: Phoebe sends out Banette. Dotly uses Beat Up, OHKO'ing Banette, hitting 2 times. Dotly grew to level 58.
Turn 6: Phoebe sends out Banette. Dotly uses Beat Up, OHKO'ing Banette, hitting 3 times.

DEMOLISHED. Dotly's rampage was so fierce that it, in fact, causes an earthquake promptly at the end of the battle, at 5:24 AM. Dotly doesn't even know Earthquake. That'a boy.

Akuta's up to bat and he's pretty angry. :-\

Turn 1: Glalie. Akuta uses Fake Out. Glalie uses Hail. Akuta has his Safety Goggles on, so he doesn't care one little bit.
Turn 2: Glalie uses Ice Shard. Akuta is not phased. Akuta uses Close Combat, OHKO'ing Glalie.
Turn 3: Glacia sends out Froslass. Froslass uses Confuse Ray. Akuta uses Knock Off, reducing Froslass to low health.
Turn 4: Glalie uses a Full Restore. I use a Full Heal.
Turn 5: I switch out to Ida. Froslass uses Blizzard, reducing Ida to 16/136 HP.
Turn 6: Ida Mega Evolves, gaining Snow Cloak. Ida uses Shadow Ball, OHKO'ing Froslass.
Turn 7: Glacia sends out Froslass. Ida uses Shadow Ball, OHKO'ing Froslass.
Turn 8: Glacia sends out Walrein. I switch out to Akuta. Akuta uses Fake Out. Walrein flinches.
Turn 9: Walrein uses Sheer Cold (!?!?), OHKO'ing Akuta. I switch out to Dotly. Dotly's not happy.
Turn 10: Dotly uses Leaf Blade, OHKO'ing Walrein.
Turn 11: Glacia sends out Glalie. Dotly uses Beat Up, reducing Glalie to just below 50%. Glalie uses Hail. Dotly is damaged by the Hail.
Turn 12: Dotly uses Beat Up, finishing Glalie.

That went... worse than expected. Now's my time to heal. Dotly gets a Super Potion, Ida gets a Hyper Potion. Akuta gets a Revive and a Hyper Potion.

Pingu is up, and hesitant. Oops.

Turn 1: Altaria. Altaria uses Dragon Pulse, reducing Pingu to 105/166 HP. Pingu uses Ice Beam, reducing Altaria to under 25% HP.
Turn 2: Drake uses a Full Restore. Pingu uses Ice Beam.
Turn 3: Altaria uses Dragon Pulse, reducing Pingu to 50/166 HP. Pingu uses Ice Beam, finishing Altaria.
Turn 4: Drake sends out Salamence. I switch to Ida. Ida Mega Evolves, gaining Intimidate. Ida uses Dazzling Gleam, OHKO'ing Salamence.
Turn 5: Drake sends out Flygon. Ida uses Dazzling Gleam, OHKO'ing Flygon. Ida grew to level 55.
Turn 6: Drake sends out Flygon. Ida uses Dazzling Gleam, OHKO'ing Flygon.
Turn 7: Drake sends out Kingdra. Ida uses Dazzling Gleam, OHKO'ing Kingdra.

Note to self: Do not use Pingu for battling. Note to self: do not use Pingu. Switch Pingu out as soon as I get a Sharpedo.

Boatswain is up, and ready for battle. He will not fail me.

Turn 1: Skamory. Mega Evolved into Mega Swampert. Skarmory uses Spikes. Boatswain uses Waterfall.
Turn 2: Skarmory uses Toxic. Boatswain uses Waterfall.
Turn 3: Steven uses a Full Restore. Boatswain uses Waterfall.
Turn 4: Skarmory uses Aerial Ace. Boatswain uses Waterfall.
Turn 5: Skarmory uses Aerial Ace. Boatswain uses Waterfall, finishing Skarmory. Boatswain grew to level 59.
Turn 6: Steven sends out Cradily. I switch out to Akuta. Cradily uses Confuse Ray. Akuta hurts himself in confusion.
Turn 7: Cradily uses Giga Drain. Akuta uses Close Combat, OHKO'ing Cradily.
Turn 8: Steven sends out Claydol. I switch to Pingu. I use a Full Restore on Boatswain. Claydol uses Light Screen.
Turn 9: I take a risk and switch to Ida. Claydol uses Extrasensory.
Turn 10: Ida uses Shadow Ball. Claydol uses Earth Power, dealing a Critical Hit.
Turn 11: I use a Hyper Potion on Ida. Claydol uses Earth Power.
Turn 12: I use Shadow Ball, KO'ing Claydol with a Critical Hit. Ida grows to level 56. Light Screen wears off.
Turn 13: Steven sends out Armaldo. I switch to Boatswain. Boatswain uses Waterfall, OHKO'ing Armaldo.
Turn 14: Steven sends out Aggron. I switch to Akuta. Akuta uses Fake Out. Aggron Flinches.
Turn 15: Aggron uses Iron Tail, fainting Akuta. I switch to Boatswain.
Turn 16: I use a Revive on Akuta just to spite Steven. Aggron uses Earthquake. lol
Turn 17: Boatswain uses Earthquake, KO'ing Aggron.
Turn 18: Steven sends out Metagross. I switch to Dotly. Metagross Mega Evolves. Dotly uses Swords Dance. Metagross uses Giga Impact, KO'ing Dotly. ._.
Turn 19: Boatswain uses Earthquake while Metagross recharges, doing about 75% damage.
Turn 20: Steven uses a Full Restore. Boatswain uses Earthquake, doing about 75% damage.
Turn 21: Metagross uses Giga Impact, leaving Boatswain with 4 (!) HP. Boatswain uses Earthquake, defeating Metagross.

It would've been awesome if Dotly had been able to KO Metagross, but I really should have expected it to use Giga Impact and just went straight to Beat Up.

Team Rankings (based on performance in Elite Four battles):
1st: Ida the Mega Killer
2nd: Boatswain the Mega Destroyer
3rd: Dotly the Destructor
4th: Akuta the Unfortunate Fainter
5th: Pingu the Non-Seaworthy
6th: Zila, Who Gave Absolutely No Effort

Wait a minute... are the credits customized to what team you used? :o Pretty neat!

But Wait, There's More!
Rival battle at the end! I just beat the Champion... do they seriously expect/hope to beat me?

Turn 1: Swellow. Mega Evolved into Mega Swampert. Swellow used Aerial Ace (attempting to mirror Skarmory, apparently). Boatswain OHKO's with Waterfall.
Turn 2: May sends out Magcargo. Boatswain OHKO's with Earthquake.
Turn 3: May sends out Wailord. I switch to Dotly. Dotly uses Leaf Blade, OHKO'ing Wailord.
Turn 4: May sends out Raichu. I switch to Boatswain. Raichu uses Quick Attack. Boatswain OHKO's with Earthquake.
Turn 5: May sends out Sceptile. I switch to Dotly. Sceptile Mega Evolves. Unfortunately, that cannot save it from Dotly's built-up anger. Dotly OHKO's with Beat Up, hitting 6 times with the fury of its entire life- from its time as a helpless Seedot, when it itself was Beat Up and bullied, to the very moment when Metagross fainted it. Sceptile collapsed on the ground... fainted? ???

Team Summary
Swampert (Boatswain)
Level: 59
Nature: Calm
Ability: Torrent
Item: Swampertite
Moveset: Rock Slide, Take Down, Waterfall, Earthquake

Shiftry (Dotly)
Level: 58
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Early Bird
Item: Black Glasses
Moveset: Beat Up, Hurricane, Swords Dance, Leaf Blade

Alakazam (Ida)
Level: 56
Nature: Quirky
Ability: Synchronize
Item: Alakazite
Moveset: Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Secret Power, Psychic

Hariyama (Akuta)
Level: 53
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Guts
Item: Safety Goggles
Moveset: Close Combat, Return, Knock Off, Fake Out

Pelipper (Pingu)
Level: 51
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: Mystic Water
Moveset: Roost, Fly, Surf, Ice Beam

Linoone (Zila)
Level: 30
Nature: Naive
Ability: Pickup
Item: N/A
Moveset: Rock Smash, Strength, Cut, Pin Missile

Delta Episode time!

Dotly annihilated Zinnia with a Swords Dance-boosted Beat Up. Kekeke.

Boatswain still managed to OHKO all the Mightyena in the Horde Battle.

Dotly and Ida cut through Wallace's team easily.

I didn't bother resetting for Rayquaza, but I KO'd Deoxys so I could catch it later.


From Here On Will Be Considered Postgame

My, my... the professor seems to be getting himself in a lot of trouble lately. For Johto starter, I picked Chikorita, and for the Unova starter, I picked Tepig.

Caught Cresselia.

Safari Zone is free now!?! :o


I flinched Heatran twice with Rock Slide and then caught it with my first Ultra Ball, thus escaping the battle unphased. 8)


I am in the process of farming Liechi Berries. Thank you, Secret Base Pals!




I have chosen Maestro the Baltoy to be my Contest Champion. Plucking him from Route 111, I immediately began training him for his destiny.

Maestro beat the Coolness Master Rank Contest.

Maestro beat the Beauty Master Rank Contest. Nothing can stop it.


Maestro beat the Cuteness Master Rank Contest.

Maestro beat the Cleverness Master Rank Contest. The end is near.

Maestro beat the Toughness Master Rank Contest. I CAN FEEL THE POWER.


Beat Lisia. Great job, Maestro the Indomitable.


Got Gold Rank today in my Secret Base.

Mega Stones Collected:
Charizardite X
Charizardite Y
Mewtwonite X
Mewtwonite Y
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: SlowPokemon on December 27, 2014, 04:15:30 PMI caught it in a Poké Ball.
Ditto. Deoxys too.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on December 27, 2014, 05:44:55 PMReally?  Shoot,I used my master ball
They'll never force you to use a master ball. As long as you get enough tries, a Poké Ball will always do.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on December 29, 2014, 08:32:36 PMProgress so far:


Team After Beating First Gym
Boatswain the Marshtomp (Level 16)
Dotly the Seedot (Level 12)
Lilly-Belle the Poochyena (Level 12)
Zila the Zigzagoon (Level 10)
X-Kitty the Skitty (Level 8- filler so that Dotly's Beat Up is stronger)

Team After Beating Second Gym
Boatswain the Marshtomp (Level 19)- Trainer and tank; needs better physical moves.
Dotly the Nuzleaf (Level 16)- MVP; can 2HKO pretty much everything.
Lilly-Belle the Poochyena (Level 16)- Might get better when she evolves.
Akuta the Makuhita (Level 13)- In training.
Ida the Abra (Level 12)- In training.
Zila the Zigzagoon (Level 10)- Let's be honest: I only have him for Pickup.


Going towards Mauville.

Reached Mauville. Taught Boatswain Water Pledge; I guess I won't be using physical moves just yet...

Team After Beating Third Gym
Boatswain the Marshtomp (Level 25)- Trainer and tank; needs better physical moves.
Dotly the Nuzleaf (Level 21)- Powerful Physical-move user; can 2HKO pretty much everything.
Lilly-Belle the Mightyena (Level 20)- Support against Bug and Grass types; a little bit better than before.
Akuta the Makuhita (Level 20)- Fighting-type support.
Ida the Kadabra (Level 20)- Powerful Special-move user; needs more moves.
Zila the Zigzagoon (Level 13)- HM Slave and Pickup 'mon. I might evolve him eventually.

Ha, you don't give those nicknames to pokemon you trade, right?

I also don't evolve my Pokemon for an extra challenge...

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Hahaha! Oh, I nickname ALL my Pokemon so anyone unfortunate enough to receive one has to live with it. :P

For example, a Swirlix called Likindix. ^^
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Sometimes I wonder why nintendo even bothers trying to censor anything


I couldn't name my wingull cockadoodle


Quote from: Bubbles on November 22, 2014, 08:56:17 AMAnd thanks to the blocked words for pokemon nicknames, I just learned that I wasn't up to date on my racial slurs when I tried to name my Zigzagoon "coon". Thanks!


Quote from: Ruto on December 29, 2014, 10:08:06 PMHa, you don't give those nicknames to pokemon you trade, right?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


So after a bit of online detective work (sorry for the pun that will soon become all too painfully obvious) it appears that Game Freak put that adorable little screwup Looker from Platinum into ORAS as well.
For no reason.  Can't do anything with him.  He just gives you an Audinite and runs.


bro where u been he was in black/white and x/y too
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.




I love Looker, those X/Y missions were the best part about the entire game
Birdo for Smash


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I'm not even exaggerating, imo they were the best parts about X&Y.
Birdo for Smash