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E3 2014

Started by DonValentino, April 12, 2014, 02:19:10 PM

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I sold them because they're rare games now :/
I never found the drive to actually finish either of them.


Quote from: maelstrom. on April 27, 2014, 07:06:41 PMPokemon comes from the words pocket monster.

This argument has nothing to do with Pokemon games on consoles lol
Just as Digimon comes from digital monsters because that's what they are, Pokemon comes from pocket monsters because you can carry them in your pocket inside their pokeballs. xD

I liked Pokemon Colosseum and XD and always wanted a main pokemon game like that. Also, remakes could be done for consoles and next entries for portable systems, it doesn't really change things. :P

Quote from: fingerz on April 27, 2014, 03:16:13 PMNoooooooooo, main series Pokemon is handheld ONLY. If it goes to Wii U, Pokemon is dead to me forever.  >:(

Not quite sure why you hate the Wii U so much... X_X


Fine. I thought I saw that as a reason somewhere, like some guy saying "Pokemon are called pocket monsters because you could carry the game around in your pocket, as that was the orriginal purpose. If we made it on consoles we would lose that and the original vision" or something like that. But some from game freak explains here that it is the portability that makes the 3DS the best system for Pokemon. And, if the Wii U were portable, it would have 3DS games also.


I'm just saying it'd be nice, I'm not saying they actually said they will, which they didn't.

I just hope we don't only get Great Detective Pikachu. x_x


Quote from: Echo on April 27, 2014, 07:08:56 PMBecause Gamefreak's bad at learning to develop for new hardware in 3D. See: X/Y's framerates during battles.
Quote from: fingerz on April 27, 2014, 08:24:18 PMThey've still got to prove that they can even make a Pokemon game in 3D. :P

Right, because not having done something successfully yet is a reason to never do it at all.

Quote from: maelstrom. on April 27, 2014, 07:06:41 PMPokemon comes from the words pocket monster. It was created for handhelds and will stay on handhelds.

Yeah, that description's referring to the monsters, not the game systems, haha. You know, because they fit into tiny balls and whatnot.

Quote from: maelstrom. on April 28, 2014, 06:41:36 AMBut some from game freak explains here that it is the portability that makes the 3DS the best system for Pokemon.

I acknowledge that game freak has this opinion on the subject. Of course they do, if they haven't developed a main series pokemon game for home console yet. That doesn't mean that it isn't possible to make a successful main series game for a home console. It just means that they acknowledge the difficulties involved and aren't willing to tackle them at the moment. To argue that there could be no benefits gained by putting the game onto a more powerful system means arguing that there are no benefits to be gained from those systems in the first place.

Quote from: DonValentino on April 28, 2014, 11:03:29 AMI'm just saying it'd be nice, I'm not saying they actually said they will, which they didn't.

Yeah, this.

Quote from: Echo on April 27, 2014, 07:08:56 PMBut for real, main series games have a huge multiplayer aspect, which is just better suited for handhelds. With consoles, you'd be limited to online connections.

First of all, don't undersell online connections, considering how ridiculously many people use them almost exclusively for multiplayer on the current games. Second, I can imagine a few workarounds for the "in-person" aspect; namely, make it possible to "log in" to access your trainer's team/PC, and for battling, use the gamepad to maintain the "fog of war" aspect. Maybe this wouldn't be perfect, but then again, I'm not a professional by any means. All I'm saying is, "handheld is better for multiplayer, no objections" is such a limited, apathetic way to consider something that might contribute some major improvements to a series.


It was **alright** back then, but boy o boy I made the mistake of replaying

Maybe you'll understand what I mean if you just watch a bit of this.  Careful not to get cut BY THE EDGES

me irl


So Level-5 just renewed its patent on Dark Chronicle(Dark Cloud 2) for reasons unknown. So maybe we'll be seeing a port to the PS4/Vita, an HD remake, or(PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE) a sequel.

Hoping E3 will give more news.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, dark cloud 2 was the cheesiest fucking thing ever with an awful plot but idgaf I love it anyways, I'm excited



Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on April 28, 2014, 02:04:43 PMMaybe you'll understand what I mean if you just watch a bit of this.  Careful not to get cut BY THE EDGES

That explosion at the end still makes me laugh.

Quote from: FierceDeity on April 28, 2014, 11:48:57 AMFirst of all, don't undersell online connections, considering how ridiculously many people use them almost exclusively for multiplayer on the current games.

Yeah, but generally multiplayer console games should focus on local play first, with online play being supplemental. For Pokemon in particular, every new installment introduced new ways to interact with people in-person, whether it was with friends and family, or even strangers you passed by on the street or sat across from on the bus. This includes innovations like Gen 3's Union Room feature with the Wireless Adapter, Gen 5's C-Gear, Entralink, Key Trading and the like, and even now with the whole Passersby and O-Power mechanics.

Gen 5 focused on a lot of features that involve meeting people in real life, and Gen 6 struck more of a balance between in-person and online interactions, but they both developed and encouraged personal interactions with other players. Switching to Wii U would cut half of that potential out by being online only (you don't have as many opportunities to meet new people by playing a game at home, for example), and would feel like a step back in what the series has been building up so far.

Keep in mind that that's just my personal taste for what I appreciate most in the series. If you want to see stuff like expansive caves similar to the Seafoam or Whirl Islands done in 3D and in a bigger scope, or scenes like the giant death flower thing in Geosenge Town in glorious HD, that's cool, but it wouldn't be as big of a selling point for me as much as potential features that made more use of things like Streetpass and other things that a portable system allows.

QuoteI can imagine a few workarounds for the "in-person" aspect; namely, make it possible to "log in" to access your trainer's team/PC, and for battling, use the gamepad to maintain the "fog of war" aspect. Maybe this wouldn't be perfect, but then again, I'm not a professional by any means.

Eh, battling wouldn't be a problem. The gamepad would be great to utilize, like you suggested, and they've had setups before for games like Pokemon Stadium, where you just press combinations of buttons to pick moves without showing your opponent.

The "log in" idea is where I have an issue. Like, sure, they could adapt Pokebank or utilize the Game Sync accounts or something for this, but then there'd be too much reliance on internet connection. I'm pretty sure there are quite a few regions that don't get Nintendo Network or Pokebank service already, and not to mention just not having good internet in general, so that would screw them even more since it'd be mandatory rather than an optional feature. Not to mention VGC tournaments and the like would be more of a pain to setup. >_>

And internet aside, they'd have to consider families sharing consoles and such. Like, think about siblings that would want to play with each other. Having to share a save file and account would be awful, but letting one console have multiple save files/accounts and being able to trade with itself would allow exploitation of the system, so they'd have to give that some thought.

QuoteAll I'm saying is, "handheld is better for multiplayer, no objections" is such a limited, apathetic way to consider something that might contribute some major improvements to a series.

I'm not saying it's not "possible" to have a home console Pokemon game or not, but my problem's that there would have to be "workarounds" in the first place. To put it another way, why should Game Freak waste time and effort thinking up ways to integrate more multiplayer features for the Wii U, when the 3DS works naturally in offering those same multiplayer features, in addition to more opportunities for personal interaction with others by being a portable system?

If a developer wanted to make a game with motion controls, for instance, then they would rather develop for the Wii U than the 3DS, right? Likewise, Pokemon's direction fosters a huge social aspect, and the 3DS just naturally has more potential for that sort of thing, so I think it makes more sense to have the main games that feature trading and other multiplayer mechanics on the 3DS.

I wouldn't be opposed to another side-game like Colosseum for the Wii U, or even a case of "Pokemon Z for 3DS" and "Pokemon Z for Wii U," but I'd like the main games to stay on portable systems so that they can continue to elaborate on the social features. There are plenty of other adventure/RPG series that I like and could make good use of the Wii U, but few with a multiplayer scene that I enjoy as much as Pokemon's, so that's why I would care more for a portable Pokemon game than a home console one.

Quote from: SuperFireKirby on April 28, 2014, 02:25:41 PMSo Level-5 just renewed its patent on Dark Chronicle(Dark Cloud 2) for reasons unknown. So maybe we'll be seeing a port to the PS4/Vita, an HD remake, or(PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE) a sequel.

Hoping E3 will give more news.



LOL Ghirahim themes.


the music almost makes it worth bearing the cheesiness


Hahahahahaha the "Guardians Awaken" theme when Reggie shows up is the best part