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[SNES] F-Zero - "Port Town"

Started by chime16, February 03, 2014, 09:07:36 AM

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Quote from: FierceDeity on February 06, 2014, 12:45:41 PMoh no, a belligerent, self-important asshole has a low opinion of our forum, what are we gonna dooooo
(I figured I should do some insulting myself so you have some actual reason to feel indignant. You're welcome.)

Literally one person who replied was actually mad about your inability to follow clearly placed instructions, and even then, if you want to lecture about empathy, try to consider it from our perspective. Many of us fulfill requests, take a significant amount of our time to transcribe and arrange video game music, for people who we do not know, will never receive anything from, and may not even like their taste in music. Whether we do it for the sake of helping others, to improve ourselves as arrangers, or even just to boost our own egos, is none of your concern. Your job, as a requester, is to make it as simple as possible for the arrangers to fulfill your request. It's literally the least you can do. I'm really not sure if you understand how this site works. We do not find sheet music to upload to this site; again, we transcribe and arrange it ourselves (partially for copyright purposes, but that's not important right now). You are currently treating each and every person who might have done this for you like absolute shit, just because one person expressed frustration over you not following instructions. Please consider this before you rant further.

Also, the fact that you have known for 11 months that this video of the sheet music exists and haven't done anything like writing it down, or getting finale and inputting it there (notepad is free), gives me a good idea of just how much effort you've really put into getting this sheet music.

Seriously, doing that would take no skill in arranging. It would hardly even take any musical knowledge; it's nothing more than seeing something and writing it down. So, sorry if I'm being a little harsh; after all, you're a guest in our forum, and we welcome anybody who supports this site and the culture that goes with it; but, if an apathetic, belligerent, entitled asshole decides he doesn't want to come back to our non-profit video game sheet music site because somebody complained that he didn't follow instructions, frankly, I could not give less of a shit.
Well said :)


Quote from: FierceDeity on February 06, 2014, 12:45:41 PMwords
Pretty much what I wanted to say, and even more .__.' I'm bad at explaining


Woah I miss this thread for one day and look what happened.

Chime16, I'm very sorry if you were offended. However, the fact remains that you need to post a youtube link. As Bloop said, it's posted in the guidelines. If you don't think its necessary, thats perfectly fine, but if an arranger comes across this thread and doesn't see an example of what the song is it only lowers your chance of getting it fulfilled.

Is this the correct song? One of the purposes of posting a link is to prevent mix-ups from happening, and to ensure that the arranger arranges the correct song

@Yugi/JDMEK5/anyone else who instigated this: I don't think you need an extensive lesson on empathy, but try to be less abrasive to new members in the future.

Why the Request board is the most hostile place lately I have no idea

edit: wow i didnt read fiercediety's thing before posting this but he did it way better than me


Quote from: Bubbles on February 06, 2014, 02:57:41 PM@Yugi/JDMEK5/anyone else who instigated this: I don't think you need an extensive lesson on empathy, but try to be less abrasive to new members in the future.
Just a note (pardon the pun!) regarding my post, that was a joke actually. I read that sentence wrong and out of context and I laughed at myself so I figured I'd just jot down what I thought might make others chuckle too. (Maybe I should've used a ":P")

So, on my part, sorry for not contributing to the request and/or possibly contributing to the rage here. I'd really like to know why/how the request board became so treacherous..
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26