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[SNES] F-Zero - "Port Town"

Started by chime16, February 03, 2014, 09:07:36 AM

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I've looked far and wide on the internet for sheet music for this song and as far as I know it doesn't exist. So.... yeah, if anyone has sheets here [so far I'm pretty sure no one has posted any on here, I used the search thingy to search for "f-zero, port, town" and found no sheets for this song.

anyway. if you've got the sheets let me know. it'd be much appreciated. Meanwhile, I'm going go continue this slow process of teaching myself to play by ear.


Please add a youtube link to the song so arrangers know exactly what you want


Why can't people read the page that says PLEASE READ THIS in all caps when they enter the board?

Is NSM illiterate?


Yugi, how many times have I told you to play nice with the others?


Quote from: chime16 on February 03, 2014, 09:07:36 AM...this song and as far as I know it doesn't exist.
There's illiteracy.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Quote from: chime16 on February 03, 2014, 09:07:36 AMI've looked far and wide on the internet for sheet music for this song and as far as I know it doesn't exist.

Context is important. He didn't say that the youtube link doesn't exist. (assuming that's what you were referring to)

Also, a quick google search came up with this, so the sheet music definitely exists, too XD doesn't mean someone can't take this up, if we don't have it on our site, since it'd be good to have it and we can't just copy this arrangement, but still :P


You guys done jerking yourselves off?
Feeling superior and smug enough yet?
anyway, my first impression of this forum isn't too terribly high.

I mention I'm looking for a song and everyone flips the fuck out!!! Oh my fuckin' god your world is going to end cause I didn't post a youtube link to the song I was looking for!?!?! Oh noooooooooooooooooo.... you've met a horrible fate. SNES is an acronym that's a secret to everyone. Certainly not something well known...

A side note: The guy in the comments on that video asking for the sheet music files [so he can print them out on a sheet of paper and not look at a computer screen] is actually ME. The guy who posted the video with the sheet music is the arranger for the sheets in the video... But really that's here nor there.

So, back to the point.
First off, fuck all of you who, instead of being helpful, decided to jerk yourself off on how superior you are. But I guess this is how life works when you live in your mother's basement and... Okay, I'm done with that.

Also illiterate would mean that I can't read or write, not that I do a poor job of it and occasionally display that I'm human and prone to error like the rest of the world and make a typo or grammatical error.

So, if you guys are done acting like assholes and feel like being friendly, helpful, or something that's not being an asshole, I'm looking for a way to translate that song into a sheet of paper I can place in front of my piano.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 03, 2014, 01:30:47 PMYugi, how many times have I told you to play nice with the others?
I apologize if this comment was offending to you.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 06, 2014, 09:15:21 AMI apologize if this comment was offending to you.

....I do appreciate sarcasm.
I did overlook your comment during the shit storm of bullshit.

Hi, how're you? I'm Nick.


...You do realize you're the one coming over as an asshole, instead of everyone else here? By now, my first impression of you can't be much higher than yours of this forum ._.

First off, the youtube link is to make it for us arrangers easier to get to the song directly. The topic title is to keep stuff organized for the moderators and everyone else related to requests.

I don't think Yugi was referring to a typo, either. I guess he was sarcastic, anyway, you should appreciate that.

We usually take our time to arrange sheets for requesters like you, but you're not off to a great start right now ,__,


Quote from: Bloop on February 06, 2014, 09:50:36 AM...You do realize you're the one coming over as an asshole, instead of everyone else here? By now, my first impression of you can't be much higher than you think of this forum ._.

First of, the youtube link is to make it for us arrangers easier to get to the song directly. The topic title is to keep stuff organized for the moderators and everyone else related to requests.

I don't think Yugi was referring to a typo, either. I guess he was sarcastic, anyway, you should appreciate that.

We usually take our time to arrange sheets for requesters like you, but you're not off to a great start right now ,__,

Let's see here.
I went and looked for the sheets I was requesting before I requested it and found nothing. Check.

Then when I made my request I did my best to be really precise and make it easy to know what I was looking for. Check.

Do you REALLY need the youtube link to the song I'm requesting? Nope!!! Would it be useful? Yes. Do human errors happy? Yes.

Some one is flipping the fuck out on me cause I made a minor error and I'M THE ASSHOLE?! Go fuck yourself dude.


Also you're NOT BETTER THAN ME because you can arrange sheets and I can't YET.

Stop for a second and look at it from my perspective... try this whole empathy thing out [you seem to lack it].

I posted looking for sheet music and followed to a T what is requested of me to do when making a request except for ONE MINOR DETAIL. I just missed ONE THING.

Instead of hearing someone politely or calmly mention that I should post the youtube link I'm getting a barrage of insults thrown my way and being told I'm an illiterate moron.

How the fuck do you think I'm going to view the forum when this is how they act over one minor detail. They don't stop and say "hey you just missed one thing, but that's cool. Just post that there." Also the request form doesn't say to google the sheets nor to even search the site [odd... I would think this would be something someone would do] and yet I did this anyway. and people are still giving me shit for one minor detail...

But I'm the asshole?
I think I got it. Shit's fucking backwards around here. Biting someone's head off over somethign benign and petty means they're the asshole, not you.


Who's the one raging about everyone and everything around here? The "Guide to Making a Proper Request" is there so every request is clear and organized, being it the request itself or the forum itself.

Also, you are the only one insulting right now ._. You are 'flipping the fuck out' over people who were just being calm and nice.

EDIT: I had a time were I couldn't arrange too. Bubbles asked politely AND calmly that you should post a youtube link. The barrage of insults in this thread are under the name chime16.

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on May 27, 2009, 08:30:03 AMBEFORE YOU MAKE A REQUEST!
Please use the forum search feature to make sure that it hasn't already been arranged!  There is a chance that the person has not submitted it for the update yet, or is still waiting for the update.  You should also check the In Progress Topic to see if somebody is already at work on the song.
It is there.


oh no, a belligerent, self-important asshole has a low opinion of our forum, what are we gonna dooooo
(I figured I should do some insulting myself so you have some actual reason to feel indignant. You're welcome.)

Literally one person who replied was actually mad about your inability to follow clearly placed instructions, and even then, if you want to lecture about empathy, try to consider it from our perspective. Many of us fulfill requests, take a significant amount of our time to transcribe and arrange video game music, for people who we do not know, will never receive anything from, and may not even like their taste in music. Whether we do it for the sake of helping others, to improve ourselves as arrangers, or even just to boost our own egos, is none of your concern. Your job, as a requester, is to make it as simple as possible for the arrangers to fulfill your request. It's literally the least you can do. I'm really not sure if you understand how this site works. We do not find sheet music to upload to this site; again, we transcribe and arrange it ourselves (partially for copyright purposes, but that's not important right now). You are currently treating each and every person who might have done this for you like absolute shit, just because one person expressed frustration over you not following instructions. Please consider this before you rant further.

Also, the fact that you have known for 11 months that this video of the sheet music exists and haven't done anything like writing it down, or getting finale and inputting it there (notepad is free), gives me a good idea of just how much effort you've really put into getting this sheet music.

Seriously, doing that would take no skill in arranging. It would hardly even take any musical knowledge; it's nothing more than seeing something and writing it down. So, sorry if I'm being a little harsh; after all, you're a guest in our forum, and we welcome anybody who supports this site and the culture that goes with it; but, if an apathetic, belligerent, entitled asshole decides he doesn't want to come back to our non-profit video game sheet music site because somebody complained that he didn't follow instructions, frankly, I could not give less of a shit.


Well I've never heard the song before but if you give me a youtube link to your preferred soundtrack I'll add it to my queue; I can't work on it at the moment because I'm completing Coconut Mall.