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The Second Annual NSM Superlatives

Started by MaestroUGC, January 26, 2014, 09:31:10 PM

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Ok, I'm going to end the votes now. I'll get them all tallied up and start presenting the winners this Sunday.

Get hyped.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.




Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Going to start posting the results in a bit. I'll be doing a few at a time for the entire night. I'll also be in the TinyChat for happy fun times incase you want to mock the winners with me.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


And welcome to the Second Annual NSM Awards! I'm your host, Maestro.

I'm going to keep things brief. Not because of time constraints, but because I don't like to focus on things that aren't about me.

Opening Speech: The year 2013 happened.

And here are our first awards, which I have dubbed the
Yearbook Awards:

Most Positive:
Who is the one person who you just cannot get down? - mariolegofan!

This guy burst onto the forums some time ago and has since burst into our hearts with his unique brand of cheeriness and can-do attitude.

I think he's faking it.

Our first award is tie between SlowPokemon and Ruto!

Yes, the two friendliest people on the entire site. I cannot think of a more apt duo than these two.

Well, I can, but I didn't vote, so there you go.

The award goes to - Mashi!

Mashi is a cool dude, and always has something nice to say about anything and anyone he talks to. I once remember a time when he talked a guy down from a ledge by complimenting his climbing skills for getting up there in the first place.

What? That didn't happen?

As if there was any other - JaMaHA!

It really must take some serious muscle to wield that BanHammertm with such zeal and confidence. And he served some time in the armed forces too? Ladies if you aren't swooning for this hunk of a man, you better start.

I'd swoon but I prefer my men to be more technically inclined rather than a blob of strength.

And who among us has the biggest brain? - Ruto!

Ruto is sooper smert and has big brain to. She knows how to science and fact check and all sorts of other smart stuff things she do.

I, on the other hand, am only a humble musician who knows how to Google, which isn't sciencing.

Best Eyes:
And who has all of us gazing into their eyes and getting lost in their vast wonder?


Who the f*** is that?

The scariest person on NSM is Kefkaticfanatic.

Don't tell him I said that.

And last but not least -
Most Talented:
Who's the most talented person of all?

It's me, Maestro!

I'd like to thank the Academy and my Peers for giving me this illustrious honor and all I have to say is this:

"I'm glad you all could be here to bask in my greatness. Man, what I would do the be in your place so I can watch my self be the most talented person of time in person. But alas, I cannot. So I must be content with my talent and be comforted in the fact that my talent is of such a high caliber that all others who would so wish to reach it must first find some way to ascend their plane of existence to even reach two levels below my own greatness.

Thank you."

Stay tuned for more stuff.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


And now for the NSM Glamour Awards:

Waddle Bro and Bubbles!

There must be something inherently cute about double consonants, that's the only reason why I can think of as to why I didn't even get nominated for this award.

For shame, NSM. For shame.

And the prettiest person around is - Nebbles!

If you asked me who I thought was the prettiest person on this site, I'd say me. Of course that goes without saying, so I guess Nebbles is a good second according to the voting public.

And the one person who sends all our pants a quiver and makes our naughty bits tingle with anticipation of their hawt-ness?

MM, Nebbles, Bubbles, Slow and SuperFireKirby

Man, that is one super-sexy orgy right there. The only thing it's missing is me, but then that would be a crime against humanity.

Why? Because it's a crime to have such sexy times with an acknowledged celebritypending and show people how wrong they've been doing it for millions of years.

Most Dateable:
This is the person whom you'll will drop everything in an instant for chance to buy them dinner.


Personally I think I'm more dateable, but people keep telling me I'm "aloof" and "unapproachable".

It's not my fault you aren't good enough to ask me out.

Best to Bring Home to Mom and Dad:
And the future Mr./Mrs. NSM is - SuperFireKirby

And I must say, Mom, he is quite the catch. A gentleman and a scholar, too!

Plus I hear he's got a massive [censored].

And finally:
Best Couple:
Which two (or more) lovebirds just make you go "aww"?

Fingerz + Pit0010, Kman + Shadowkirby

Talk about some matches mined, refined, and produced into a fine commercial product in heaven. Imagine if they want on a double date?

Imagine if I went with them? What? I'll have you know I'm a great mood setter for the sexy times.

Even more still to come:
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


*clap clap clap*

So talented!

Also, just a suggestion, but I would personally recommend underlining or italicizing the names of the winners.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Too much effort.

I only focus on my awards.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Where am I ;_;
Holding out until the TWG awards.  I ROCKED that game man!


Cute and sexy? I didn't know that was possible :P

I'll take my award and leave quickly before you realize you counted the votes wrong but seriously thanks guys




Prettiest and sexiest? Damn, I'm touched. You guys are the best.

Maestro, your comments really are the best.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


The next group of Awards I like the refer to as the
NSM Technical Awards of Greatness

In honor of those who make this site run as smoothly as it does.

Interpret that as you will.

Best Sheet Reviewer:
This is a job that deserves a lot of praise, so let us heap a some bolded text on them like a medal of honor.


This man is probably single handedly responsible for the largest and fastest improvement of quality on the site in a long time. It's too bad he vanished before he could accept the award.

So I'll take it on his behalf.

Best Moderator:
Moderators are important in a forum because they keep us in line and make sure everybody has a good time.


Bubbles - for keeping or forums, and our hearts, clean and organized.

Well, our forums anyway.

Best Updater:
These are the folks who work behind the scenes and make sure NSM stays afloat amidst a sea of cat pictures and [censored].

And the best of the bunch? JaMaHa

Our lord and master.

Please don't ban me.

Best Arranger:
Arrangements are the life blood of NSM, and the arrangers stand in a class all their own. Mainly because they're the reason this site even exists.

And the one of those who people agree is the tops? DekuTrombonist

Personally I think I should've one this one, but "I don't submit to the site" and that disqualifies me.

I think you just wanted a level playing field.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Here's another batch of
Yearbook Awards:

This is the one who you never want to catch on a bda day. Or a good day. Or even at night.


Don't hurt me, lest you incur my own wrath.

Biggest Fanboy:
This guy loves things almost as much as I love Beethoven.

Which is a lot.

I'm talking full on [oh dear god why would you even do that] right in the butt.


That thing you like is the best thing!

Most Depressing:
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.

MasterProx, Slow

Such a downer, man...

There is a certain kind of patience that goes on to be able to put up with all of the nonsense that goes on here.


I wish you peace and many moons of tranquility.

Most Ridiculous:
I consider myself a no nonsense guy some I'm just going to present this award and move on.


Best Vocabulary:
Person talks good, gets award.


Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.