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TWG 63: Second Chances

Started by Bird, January 07, 2014, 05:31:59 PM

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We don't need him. That's all I'll say.


I'll be in the chat.  I'd like to talk to Dude if possible.


Hrm. A bit different reasoning from me, but since Nocturne voted as well, I think I might hold off voting for Verm a little bit (to avoid an accidental bandwagon), at least until other people are discussed.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I get the weird feeling of a Dude and Nocturne wolf partnership happening. Both votes for Verm without much reasoning strikes me as odd.

And who killed Greg?
i never get to play with my master of twg why do you kill him

Mashi claimed Assassin and until we know more, I'd rather not revive a possible wolf.

I honestly don't know how active I'm going to be able to be since I'm starting to question my new 'virus protector', but I'll try be as active as I can!


After chatting to verm and keeping in mind my earlier discussion on the basics of TWG with greg, I'm recalling my vote on verm for now.  I haven't seen Kman and knight play before but they both seem terribly bored.  In a chat with Olimar stating that Knight it always like this, and given Toby's sudden appearance, I'll vote for Kman or JDMEK5... not sure which yet.


My phone keeps disconnecting me from the chat :(


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 10, 2014, 04:37:41 PMAfter chatting to verm and keeping in mind my earlier discussion on the basics of TWG with greg, I'm recalling my vote on verm for now.  I haven't seen Kman and knight play before but they both seem terribly bored.  In a chat with Olimar stating that Knight it always like this, and given Toby's sudden appearance, I'll vote for Kman or JDMEK5... not sure which yet.
Just wondering, but did anybody save the chatlog so that it can be posted here?
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Haha I've been talking so much that it's long gone, but for all intents and purposes:
Nocturne: Knight seems like a bored human
Olimar12345: he's always like that
Nocturne: oh.


so the only reason you vote for verm is because he gave a logical reason for mashi possibly being human or even a special.

Dude. That's uber sketch to me.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: K-NiGhT on January 10, 2014, 06:45:42 PMso the only reason you vote for verm is because he gave a logical reason for mashi possibly being human or even a special.

Dude. That's uber sketch to me.

It really isn't.  The only reason you vote for dude is because he doesn't give a reason?  Maybe he just didn't give it.  Anyway after some chatting with certain people I'm putting a lynch vote on JDMEK5 (bet you didn't know he was in game)  whether this is a safety or a lynch vote is up to you guys.  I don't care either way.


Quote from: K-NiGhT on January 10, 2014, 06:45:42 PMso the only reason you vote for verm is because he gave a logical reason for mashi possibly being human or even a special.

Dude. That's uber sketch to me.
a logical explanation????

Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 10, 2014, 02:13:23 PMI'd rather see Mashi revived.  Keep in mind that at least one of those two deaths (probably both, but at least one) was done by the Megakillers.  I think it's much less likely that TST had Mashi offed so early.  Mashi strikes me more as a wolf target.  Mashi also did this sort of thing before in 2fool4skool and he was a human then.  I think it's likely he's a human now!

I don't know about lynching, though.  I'll do some interrogation tonight!
Let me point out the swiss cheese that is verms theory (in this post)

remember those megakillers? if the target dies, they die... so with 3 deaths, and TST mangled, we can assume he was the wolf's target. and that mashi AND greg were shot by the mega killers.

we need to take into account dude's actions... (to somewhat understand) Dude wants greg > mashi. no way in hell is Mashi > greg... someone comes in, and says mashi was probably the wolf kill (that flawed logic), and wants mashi > greg... and you have one part of a valid vote.
While I dont know what dude is thinking, I do have my own theory, I don't trust many people here with a 3inch pole, verm can more than easily be setting up to bring his partner back who was (unexpectantly) killed. under the guise, of him being a wolf kill.

In my opinion verms explanation is flawed, and dude's vote is somewhat decent. making your counter vote argument invalid.

it doesnt help your case in the fact that dude is an easy target to argue as being a wolf.

isn't that right K-night?

Greg for the save me vote cause We had a good chat session yesterday and among other things. (like verm wanting mashi back)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Okay, I've been going through the thread, nitpicking through several posts, feeling the need to acknowledge certain things. Here goes:

Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 08, 2014, 02:16:49 AMDid your role PM phrase this portion of the role list differently?
This was very clever on Verm's part by trying to play on TST's n00bishness by implying that he was a wolf due to the several questions he had on a specific role. It's a shame that TST didn't quite pick up what Verm was doing, and so he didn't get the trick, but it was a longshot, anyway.

Quote from: Mashi on January 08, 2014, 05:31:17 AMI am the Wolf Assassin, the other two Wolves should claim to me so we can do stuff and then win!!!
I have sufficient reason to believe that this was possibly true. I will get to this later.

Quote from: fank009 on January 08, 2014, 12:10:31 PMAnd Mashi should die anyway.
Taken slightly out of context, and with less smilies, but suspicious nonetheless.  Whether for a goofy reason or a precarious one, its possible Fank may have been behind it, or even that someone could be placing him under suspicion through this method.

Quote from: The_Subjective_Thought on January 09, 2014, 12:08:51 AMI think the medium claiming is a bad idea in that they will most likely be killed.

The fact the wolves have two kills to utilise as well as the lack of guard powers means it's practically suicide.

We could potentially resurrect the medium through use of the vote however they will likely be killed again the next night.
Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 09, 2014, 12:23:27 AMThe medium should still claim.  Yeah, we'll lose the Medium's power after Night 1, assuming his corpse gets mangled.

I'm willing to sacrifice that small, small chance of a medium having any huge impact on the game for an alliance and a guarantee that the vigis and seerings are used well.  We're talking about two killings controlled by humans in a game with four specials, not to mention however many seerings we get off.  I think it's fair to sacrifice the medium, which is by far the least useful of the four specials, for an alliance.
Quote from: The_Subjective_Thought on January 09, 2014, 12:30:23 AMFine.
You've convinced me.
I'm the Medium.
Quote from: The_Subjective_Thought on January 09, 2014, 02:09:12 PMGetting an alliance up is really the most beneficial thing I can do.
Everyone knows by now that TST claimed Medium to the thread, and by now it should also be obvious that he failed quite miserably in his effort (or lack of effort) to patch up a human alliance. Verm's plan to sacrifice the Medium for the sake of the alliance would have worked marvelously had TST picked up his game quick enough. I had a similar plan in my head before he claimed, but was too scared to put my foot forward and take action. In hindsight, with TST's failure, I surely would have succeeded to an extent.

Now that I've laid all this information out on the table, I'd like to take this time to announce that
I am the Seer.

During the night phase, I seered Mashi red, meaning that he is either an Angel or a wolf. I mentioned this to Dude privately in the irc, which is why he didn't want mashi to be revived at all, and decided to revive Greg instead. Whether Mashi is Angel or Wolf, I'd rather we leave them both in the ground, because I don't have enough evidence to consider one over the other. Yes, Greg has higher odds of being human, but I'd rather not take that chance. I'm deducing that Verm's wish to see Mashi alive is what angered Dude and Nocturne, as well.

Everyone please pm me claiming your role so I can establish a properly functioning alliance with the three days we have left until next Day phase.

Quote from: Toby on January 08, 2014, 11:20:39 AMI'd suggest a Mashi seering if there are no better options

Side Note:
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 10, 2014, 04:37:41 PMI'm recalling my vote on verm for now.
For this, it's best you write in bold "No vote" or something similar until you change your vote, otherwise it'll stick with vermillionvermin.

EDIT: Ninja'd.

Quote from: fank009 on January 10, 2014, 07:11:13 PMremember those megakillers? if the target dies, they die...
Wrong. The Megakillers live. It's only if they fail to kill on either night that they die, not if they succeed in killing. They are powerless following night 2.

Okay that's it.
Party Hard!


Quote from: Kman96 on January 10, 2014, 07:16:08 PMNow that I've laid all this information out on the table, I'd like to take this time to announce that
I am the Seer.
Um, um, what. Let me repeat that, louder. UM, UM, WHAT!?!?

You're sacrificing yourself this early in the game (remember: there's no guardian, and a wolf corpse mangler), when there are TWO Megakillers (that become powerless after Night 2), whom I assume claimed to TST, and thus know you (assuming all of you claimed, and TST responded to you).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 10, 2014, 07:26:25 PMYou're sacrificing yourself this early in the game (remember: there's no guardian, and a wolf corpse mangler), when there are TWO Megakillers (that become powerless after Night 2), whom I assume claimed to TST, and thus know you (assuming all of you claimed, and TST responded to you).

Because confirmed humans are better than a seer who never gives an accurate result as to whether someone is human or not (- blue xD)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: fank009 on January 10, 2014, 07:51:05 PMBecause confirmed humans are better than a seer who never gives an accurate result as to whether someone is human or not (- blue xD)
Three living confirmed humans > Two living confirmed humans who know that everybody claimed "Human." :P

That is, unless nobody claimed to TST, in which case, poor TST. :P

You're also forgetting that the seer "Can sacrifice seering for one night phase to find out how many wolves are left in the game," which is extremely useful late-game (which is when the seer/specials should publicly claim, or when they're in danger of being lynched).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber