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Fank looks at various pieces of video game music.

Started by fank009, January 04, 2014, 02:43:38 AM

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I like music as much as the next guy (dont we all?), (so to add something (useful) to the forum) I thought it would be a good idea to go through what I like/observe/analyze about various tracks of music.

1st up:
Dire Dire Docks/Jolly roger bay: Super mario 64 (n64) /(or alternatively SM64DS (NDS))

(Note to self: learn music terms and instruments)
Im going to state the obvious (get that out of the way) and state that water stages have some of the most peaceful/calming tones (in general, this isnt counting themes but water stages as a whole, are peaceful) and it doesnt dissapoint here, the start, the scene is set looking over the stage with a simple ascension, switching keys here and there, when you finally explore the level a bit, the melody picks up, while still keeping the simple bass from the intro. around 50 seconds in, just when you start to explore the under water depths, the bridge (thats what im calling it) kicks in, you look at the scenery and you gasp (well I did) in awe (unless your speedrunning the game, where you are up to the cave by now xD) exploring at the vast (empty) ocean(/sea)... words cant describe the feeling of serenity I feel, If I remember, in the game in the water there are more instruments, in the track, the violin kicks in at 1:10 before the 1st loop and the drums added to the mix later, getting louder and louder, While in my opinion it takes away from the serenity to it, it adds to the game feel that is mario 64.

I'll be updating this with a new song every 3-4 days or so. any suggestions put them down, but I will mainly do games that I've played 1st, depending on how good the suggestions are (and how close they meet that 1st criteria)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: fank009 on January 04, 2014, 02:43:38 AMbut I will mainly do games that I've played 1st
How about you tell us what video games you have played? Heres a good thread for it: :)


Nice idea, but your writing has a few snags to keep in mind for future entries:
1. Cut back on the parentheses. They make your reading experience choppy and usually they aren't very important: you don't need to add "at least for me" or "in my opinion" when we're reading an article by you. ;)

2. In general try to make it more objective: state your opinions as fact rather than saying "in my opinion." You seemed a bit unsure about what you were writing about, so either make sure you know it like the back of your hand or fake it. :)

3. Space it out a bit, rather than having it clumped in one bi paragraph. Even one break in that big paragraph would be a lot easier on the eyes.

4. Add more! It's not very long, and while it's your first analysis, I'm sure you could do better if you thought harder! :)

5. Basic grammar. I'm not talking about commas in every single place they need to be, or one missed letter, or anything super hard like that. What I mean is capitalize words that need capitalizing, for instance. If someone's reading this and doesn't even see that happening in many places, they're not going to credit your opinion.

The most important thing to remember is that generally, no one cares about what you're writing about (everyone, not just you). No one except your mom is going to make extra effort to read what you've written, so you need to make something that's interesting and easy to read. If it's too choppy an experience, your reader will eventually just give up.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Thanks for the tips slow, gotta try find a balance between good writing and my style (lets face it, my writing style is rubbish (too many years on the internet))
But yeah, I'll look onto those tips for future reviews (maybe review my writing style (you're doing it again fank :/))
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


The only way to get better at anything is practice, and that includes writing! ;)
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Yes, not everybody can be naturally great at everything like I am.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.



Sorry, but you just can't pull it off like maestro  ;D


I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Yeah, if you wanna be more like maestro just mess up the names, add an excessive amount of curse words and separate every line with a return.


lets carry along that water theme shall we?

Swimming: Super mario world (SNES)

ah, the support is so soothing not as fine as dire dire docks, but still gives of that watery serenade, and speaking about serenade, the melody, just adds it, and with the watery scene... and the beautiful serenading.... melody...  just makes me ... want... to...
this piece would be one of the best mario water stages there, IF it didnt use that main theme :/. It goes nicely with the backing, and fits nicely with the gameplay, though it takes away from the mystery and wonder that is in mario water levels, and instead turs it more into a dreamers paradise. But I digress.
There is still that point though, of the same music being slightly remixed and being used over and over, WHY Miyamoto :/ hearing one track over and over and over again, even though it sounds lovely in its renditions, does start to make it tiresome, so glad you didnt do it for Super mario brothers (even though that was a 4 track game :/)
Why, Do you allow it :/. Id rather here 5 good tracks instead of 24 remixes on the same song :/

(afterword: I'll be adding a little teaser to the next piece of music somewhere in the review :P)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Quote from: fank009 on January 07, 2014, 12:39:46 AMserenade
Quote from: fank009 on January 07, 2014, 12:39:46 AMserenade
Quote from: fank009 on January 07, 2014, 12:39:46 AMserenading
I think you mean "Waltz". And you probably don't want to use the same word that often.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


Today's review- Yoshi's Story

Ok, so I told a lie this week. there's not 24 renditions (it feels like it :/) There's 15. 15 remixes of the same basic melody. And I thought 5-6 were bad? (I never sat there and counted for Super mario world). Why tokata... I personally dont mind the remixes, And I'll prolly hear only like 6 of them in any one time. but still... WHY, other games at the time can have somewhat differing sound tracks.... (tries to think...)

anyway, for those who thought I would be doing a soundtrack review, think again. There is one piece that does stand out for me.
Come back to me (jungle hut)- Yoshi's story (N64)
This track is so personal, I dont know why Im trying to convert my words into thoughts. (though thats the idea of this thread, to show my feelings/thoughts on a said song) As I mentioned before, the same melody heard through out the game, what makes this stand out for me, is the reggae style(?) backing giving out by the guitar. The track by itself isnt very special, but traversing it with bamboo structure and the huts, and coming out of a boss fight, it lightens the already mood lighter, makes you relax, and keeps you calm for the rest of the challenge ahead.

Being a speedrunner of this game, It comes at the right time, to somewhat "slow down" the run, calm my beat, and be in the right frame of mind for the rest of the road ahead. (though every speedrunners dream piece of OST (and anyone's favourite who beats this game. is

As I stated, the melody is stale, it doesnt matter how many instruments you use in each remix, it's still stale, its the different backing to each track that makes it bearable, and in some cases (like this one loveable)

Any game with yoshi as the star gets so much slack :/ but thats an argument for another day.

Foreword:Now that todays review is out of the way, a few announcements.
1: I still would like those requests (you want me to just talk from my experiences? like I can't cater to all tastes in music?
2: I'll be honest, I need some help. Im not as music literate as some of you here (If you havent guessed), and would like some help for the reviews, mainly the terminology, what instruments are playing and so forth (I do have some knowledge, but it isnt extensive). send me a PM if you can help.

I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


I'm sure this has nothing to do with my Let's Play....
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.