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Summer topic

Started by MetroidHunter26, May 22, 2008, 04:44:16 PM

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So what will you do? post here and lets mingle (LOL)

I plan on working and getting alot of crap and hanging out with friends!


I plan on going to great america for the 8th time :P stupid summer camp, they don't have good programs anymore


im goin to the beach, and then to arkansas (U.S.) for my cousins wedding - its... its... beautiful!


This is one of the first summer's ever with no vacation plan. :( However, I am going to the Bronx in New York for a mission trip.


idk what im doing yet
probably gonna stay home  ;)
but i need to earn my community hours for NJHS and go back to Taekwondo
and get a better mile time and exercise


I have a job, and i'll be in Virginia for 12 days in a couple weeks...that's about it

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


I'll probably get a summer job or something, volunteer at the library, and I think we're thinking about getting an RV and go places. Yeah.

me irl


i'm gonna work at my TaeKwonDo school's summer camp.

damn commies.


I'll be going with friends to Prague for a week, with my family to a Center Parcs-resort for a week, with friends to sea for a week and with colleagues to the Leipzig Games Convention for a week. Hehe. Between those trips I'll be studying Japanse, I might try Spanish as well, and try to earn as much as money as possible. ^-^


wow. you're lucky you get to travel a lot.

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


I hate traveling >__> I just don't like it...I've been to California,Wyoming,Colorado,Nevada,Arizona & were going to go to Texas and Washington soon >___>; I hate it! HATE IT! but when I'm older I'll be FREE!...wait no I won't >___>;


Quote from: Sirus on May 22, 2008, 08:04:09 PMidk what im doing yet
probably gonna stay home  ;)
but i need to earn my community hours for NJHS and go back to Taekwondo
and get a better mile time and exercise
lol i'm in njhs too =P.
anyway i'm going to disney world in about 2 weeks... then i'm siging up for tennis camp and band camp.. (i would sign up for robotics camp like last year but i was correcting the teacher on how to do stuff in the advanced class.. and that my robot kinda pwned everyone elses...oh well =/)
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<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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Quote from: Sirus on May 22, 2008, 08:04:09 PMand get a better mile time

i'm gonna try out for track team next year, so i'm gonna run every day on this bike path near my house so i can run faster for longer as well.

also, i mentioned this in another topic but i'm also gonna practice so i can do a 540 triple kick for Tae Kwon Do. he are rwo videos of 540s:

this one is two seconds long, but is the best technique

lots of kicks. idk what's up with the "only Jesus" thing at the end what with this being a TKD video, though...

damn commies.


that's amazing!  :o
you should make a video when you learn how! lol

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


yeah, i can usually get the first two kicks in, but i'm back on the ground (and usually falling over) by the third kick.

damn commies.