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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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Damn, HugoMeister; We should have saved that thing with you and Akiro.


[18:47]   <JaMaHa>   k, friend went to bed
[18:47]   <JaMaHa>   I'll leave as well
[18:48]   <Harvest>   ._.
[18:48]   <Nintendude73>   Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyylemonadeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye
[18:48]   <Harvest>   But we're your friends toooo.
[18:48]   <JaMaHa>   True
[18:48]   <JaMaHa>   But
[18:48]   <Harvest>   We're liek your best buddies in the whole wide worlds.
[18:48]   <JaMaHa>   You aren't too talkative
[18:48]   <JaMaHa>   She was
[18:48]   <Harvest>   we are so talkative.
[18:49]   <JaMaHa>   Sure, the moment I threaten to /quit
[18:49]   <JaMaHa>   "Oh no, don't leave. We want to talk with you!"
[18:49]   <Harvest>   Woah, there are GIRLS in Finland!?
[18:49]   <JaMaHa>   ..yes
[18:49]   <Harvest>   Learn something new everyday.
[18:49]   <JaMaHa>   Considering that approximately 50% of the human population are female
[18:50]   <JaMaHa>   It's quite likely that a few of them live in Finland as well
[18:50]   <Nintendude73>   I learned that it IS possible for a single person to produce an entire trashcan full of tissues
[18:50]   <Harvest>   I didn't know Finland was populated with humans :S
[18:50]   <Nintendude73>   I thought it was mostly jaguars and Kenyans
[18:50]   <JaMaHa>   Damn you, non-Finns
[18:50]   <Harvest>   And some of those singing chipmunks.
[18:51]   <JaMaHa>   Those we have, yeah
[18:51]   <Nintendude73>   Damn those chipmunks...
[18:51]   <Nintendude73>   They make a fun noise when you hit them with a steamroller though
[18:51]   <JaMaHa>   What the hell are chipmunks anyway?
[18:52]   <Nintendude73>
[18:52]   <Nintendude73>   Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[18:52]   <Harvest>   I heard there was tech people hiding out in the Finnish mountains.
[18:52]   <JaMaHa>   That looks like a squirrel
[18:52]   <Nintendude73>   It's smaller
[18:52]   <JaMaHa>   News flash: There aren't any mountains in Finland
[18:52]   <Harvest>   They like to have three syllable names.
[18:53]   <Harvest>   Oh really?
[18:53]   <Harvest>   What about the underground mountains!
[18:53]   <JaMaHa>   The underground mountains?
[18:53]   <Harvest>   We know your location.
[18:53]   <Harvest>   Yes, in the caverns.
[18:53]   <Harvest>
[18:54]   <Harvest>   Those are real singing chipmunks.
[18:54]   <JaMaHa>   Oh wait
[18:54]   <Harvest>   Undiscovered until 1958.
[18:54]   <Harvest>   When one of the last real Finns stumble upon a nest of them.
[18:54]   <Harvest>   He was eaten alive.
[18:54]   <JaMaHa>   Apparently the finnish word for "chipmunk" is "pikkuorava"
[18:54]   <JaMaHa>   Which means
[18:54]   <JaMaHa>   "small squirrel"
[18:56]   <Harvest>   We know who you are.
[18:56]   <Harvest>   You're just lucky we don't report you.
[18:56]   <JaMaHa>   What?
[18:56]   <Harvest>   Oh yes, the likely "What?" response.
[18:56]   <Harvest>   Act as if you're not the leader of a CULT!
[18:57]   <JaMaHa>   A cult?
[18:57]   <Harvest>   You are just full of likely responses aren't you?
[18:57]   <JaMaHa>   I am?
[18:57]   <Harvest>   You have remarkable will power.
[18:57]   <Harvest>   I suppose that's common in CULT LEADERS!
[18:58]   <JaMaHa>   Um
[18:58]   <JaMaHa>   <<
[18:58]   <JaMaHa>   >>
[18:58]   * JaMaHa   flees
[18:59]   <Zeta>   Knickers.
[18:59]   <Harvest>   Is that what you've been feeding those poor souls you call your "followers"?
[18:59]   <Harvest>   Blame everything on Canada?
[18:59]   <Harvest>   A likely story.
[18:59]   <Harvest>   We destroyed the dancing peanuts decades ago.
[18:59]   <JaMaHa>   No!
[18:59]   <Harvest>   You're ignorant if you think they are still here.
[18:59]   <JaMaHa>   NOT MY PEANUTS!
[18:59]   <Harvest>   You must have us confused with Mexico's jumping beans.
[19:00]   <Harvest>   A likely mistake.
[19:00]   <JaMaHa>   No, never
[19:00]   <Harvest>   Mr. CULT LEADER!
[19:00]   <JaMaHa>   I have nothing to do with Mexico
[19:00]   <JaMaHa>   Well
[19:00]   <Harvest>   Oh really?
[19:00]   <JaMaHa>   Since you know everything so well
[19:00]   <JaMaHa>   What kind of cult do I lead?
[19:00]   <Harvest>   What about the records I have of three visits to the capital city?
[19:00]   <Harvest>   With suspicious bank records?
[19:00]   <JaMaHa>   I don't even know what MEXICO'S CAPITAL IS!
[19:01]   <Harvest>   And a string of cult-related murders in Mexico around the time of your visits?
[19:01]   <Harvest>   I have you cornered!
[19:01]   <Harvest>   I've been waiting for this day.
[19:01]   <Harvest>   Mr. CULT LEADER!
[19:01]   <JaMaHa>   You have no proof
[19:01]   <Harvest>   Oh I have plenty of proof,
[19:01]   <JaMaHa>   And if I'm going down, someone else is going to take my place
[19:02]   <JaMaHa>   My legacy will live
[19:02]   <JaMaHa>   I'll become a legend
[19:02]   <Harvest>   Oh no, we plan to take it all down.
[19:02]   <Harvest>   ALL OF THE CHIPMUNKS WILL BURN!
[19:02]   <JaMaHa>   The chipmunks?
[19:02]   <JaMaHa>   I don't care about the chipmunks
[19:02]   <Harvest>   [18:54] <JaMaHa> Apparently the finnish word for "chipmunk" is "pikkuorava"
[19:02]   <Harvest>   You gave yourself away there.
[19:03]   <JaMaHa>   How so?
[19:03]   <Harvest>   You have a chipmunk fascination.
[19:03]   <JaMaHa>   That's not true
[19:03]   <Harvest>   You're trying to make a human-chipmunk hybrid!
[19:03]   <JaMaHa>   Ew
[19:03]   <Harvest>   Just like the ones in 1958!
[19:03]   <JaMaHa>   1958?
[19:04]   <Harvest>   [18:54] <Harvest> Those are real singing chipmunks.
[19:04]   <JaMaHa>   Oh right
[19:04]   <Harvest>   [18:54] <Harvest> Undiscovered until 1958
[19:04]   <JaMaHa>   Man, my memory sucks
[19:04]   <Harvest>   They were created by someone.
[19:04]   <Zeta>   Memory = minge-bible.
[19:04]   <Harvest>   You've found their technology!
[19:04]   <Harvest>   You plan to use it against the world!
[19:04]   <Harvest>   Especially Mexico!
[19:04]   <JaMaHa>   Curses
[19:05]   <JaMaHa>   My plan has been found
[19:05]   <Harvest>   You've been using Mexican DNA!
[19:05]   * Harvest   calls the UN
[19:05]   <JaMaHa>   I would never use Mexican DNA
[19:05]   <Harvest>   You bastards are going down.
[19:05]   <JaMaHa>   Never
[19:06]   <Harvest>   It'll take little persuasion to get the Russians and the Swedes to invade.
[19:06]   <JaMaHa>   Lol, Swedes
[19:06]   <JaMaHa>   Those guys couldn't invade anything
[19:06]   <Harvest>   We'll also get Denmark to blockade the ports
[19:06]   <Harvest>   It'll be the Winter War of 1937 all over again.
[19:07]   * Harvest   hopes he guessed the year right.
[19:07]   <Harvest>   Damn.
[19:07]   <Harvest>   1939!
[19:07]   <JaMaHa>   Ha
[19:07]   <Harvest>   This time, you wont have any chance.
[19:07]   <JaMaHa>   Oh yes, we will
[19:07]   <Harvest>   With Russia's power, and Sweden's intelligence.
[19:07]   <Harvest>   You will go down.
[19:07]   <JaMaHa>   Because /I/ will join t---
[19:08]   <JaMaHa>   Sweden? Intelligence?
[19:08]   <JaMaHa>   HAHA
[19:08]   <JaMaHa>   Yawn
[19:08]   <JaMaHa>   Tired
[19:08]   <JaMaHa>   I'll just retire to my cave
[19:09]   |<--   JaMaHa has left (Q:- I'll be back!)


Concerto No.20 in D minor

<Akiro> did dekudude screw up some html?
<Akiro> cause the forums are slow to whatever it's cause
<Concerto> No
<Concerto> Dekudude din't touch the html
<Concerto> It's just the server
<Zeta> waCHOO *sniff*
<MasterPenguin> =]
<Akiro> Zeta, did you touch the html?
<Zeta> Yes and i'm gonna do it again 9:21 Amsterdam.
<Akiro> ._.
<Concerto> Zeta, you terrible girl
<Akiro> Zeta courtmartial Concerto
* Zeta throws concerto in the brig to await charges 
<Zeta> Concerto, you are charged with phase-shifting Tasha Yar, and plotting with a class Y planet.
<Zeta> You have been found innocent, have a nice day.
<Akiro> innocent?
<Akiro> FOOL!
<Zeta> Maybe.
<Concerto> Zeta courtmartial Akrio
-Zeta- Please specify the full nickname of someone in the channel (Couldn't find 'Akrio').
<Zeta> Who?
<Concerto> Zeta courtmartial MasterPenguin
* Zeta throws Masterpenguin in the brig to await charges 
<Zeta> Masterpenguin, you are charged with having sex with the USS Voyager, and writing a character development episode.
<Zeta> You have been found guilty, and are sentenced to degauss the entire viewscreen with a toothpick. And may God have mercy on your soul.
<Akiro> !
<Akiro> Akrio?!
<Akiro> spell it
<Akiro> A
<Akiro> K
<Akiro> I
<Zeta> Spell it... spit.
<Akiro> R
<Akiro> O
<Akiro> do it!@
<Concerto> Zeta courtmartial Akiro
* Zeta throws Akiro in the brig to await charges 
<Zeta> Akiro, you are charged with misuse of a PADD, and gross incompetence
<Zeta> You have been found innocent, have a nice day.
<Akiro> foolios
<Concerto> Whatever
*** Concerto changed topic to Ninsheetmusic.netz:: Spell it Akrio


* Tompa Dude2
<Dude> :P
<Tompa> Oops, wrong command :D
<Zeta> Idiot.
<Tompa> :(
<Dude> :')
<NickSERVD33928> ^-^
<Tompa> That one is going in the chat logs ;D

Zeta is evil :(.


*** Topic is :: I has a bucket ~Walrus
*** Channel mode is +ntr
<Zeta> Ieks, NSMGuest.
-NickServ- Your nickname is now being changed to NickSERVD7474
*** NSMGuest is now known as NickSERVD7474
<NickSERVD7474> are you all dead or something?
<Zeta> i was feeling horny
<NickSERVD7474> o.O
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Dude, you guys have such long conversations!



** NSMGuest has joined #nsm
*** NSMGuest is now known as NickSERVD20846
*** evilsqueaky has joined #nsm
<evilsqueaky> good afternoonm
*** NickSERVD20846 is now known as Neta
<Zeta> we have no time for these games##@#$#~#£%£#@
*** karterfreak is now known as Alpha
*** Alpha is now known as Beta
*** Neta is now known as Theta
*** HugoMeister is now known as Gamma
<Akiro> >_<
<MasterPenguin> >_<
<Gamer4250> noonm?
*** Gamma is now known as HugoMeister
<Theta> wtf it's the_grimace using hax!
*** PianoMasta7 has joined #nsm
<Gamer4250> -.-
*** Theta is now known as JoinTheNavy
*** HugoMeister has quit (Q:- brb)
*** NSMGuest has joined #nsm
*** NSMGuest is now known as HugoMeister
<Theta> wtf it's the_grimace using hax!
*** PianoMasta7 has joined #nsm
<Gamer4250> -.-
*** Theta is now known as JoinTheNavy
*** HugoMeister has quit (Q:- brb)
*** NSMGuest has joined #nsm
*** NSMGuest is now known as HugoMeister
*** JoinTheNavy is now known as Neta
*** Beta is now known as JoinTheArmy-ScrewTheNavy
<Zeta> we have no time for these games$£!*^*^#*@#
<Neta> we have no time for these games$£!*^*^#*@#
*** JoinTheArmy-ScrewTheNavy is now known as Beta
<Beta> we have no time for these games$£!*^*^#*@#
<PianoMasta7> ..
<PianoMasta7> ...
<PianoMasta7> I'm at the bottom of the
<HugoMeister> your last in the alphabet
*** PianoMasta7 has quit (Q:- ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox])


   <evilsqueaky>   SKIN CANCER
   <evilsqueaky>   SKIN CANCER
   <Zeta>   ow my eyes :(
   <evilsqueaky>   I'M
   <evilsqueaky>   GOING
   <evilsqueaky>   TO
   <evilsqueaky>   ......................................................
   <evilsqueaky>   ....................................................
   <evilsqueaky>   ....................................................
   <Dude>   ...
   <evilsqueaky>   ....................................................
   <evilsqueaky>   ....................................................
   <evilsqueaky>   ....................................................
   <evilsqueaky>   DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   <Zeta>   Hurrah. (lol)
   <evilsqueaky>   AMDNFGNASLNDFLNGLnlgnlKDNGLlnglkNLDNGLlgnDNFGLnlgnDLFLngldflgkNLDNG
   <evilsqueaky>   g
   <evilsqueaky>   DFGd
   <Dude>   XD
   <evilsqueaky>   fgDFG
   <evilsqueaky>   MALFUNCTION!!!
   <evilsqueaky>   MALFUNCTION!!!
   <evilsqueaky>   MALFUNCTION!!!
   <evilsqueaky>   MALFUNCTION!!!
   <Zeta>   blimey
   <Dude>   More like HYPER!
   * evilsqueaky   is dead
   <Dude>   :P


Quote<Gamer4250>   wow dude
   <Gamer4250>   silence is not acceptable
   <razer84>   Zeta courtmartial Gamer4250
   * Zeta   throws Gamer4250 in the brig to await charges
   <Gamer4250>   oh fuck you
   <Gamer4250>   I was about to do it to Dude
   <Zeta>   shut up, you clit-lighthouse
   <Gamer4250>   XD

me irl


<DavidHauffe> zeta, kill dude
* Zeta forces dude to shop at Budgens 
<HugoMeister> LOL
<DavidHauffe> YES
<Dude> NOOO!!!
<HugoMeister> NOT BUDGENS!!!!
<DavidHauffe> *maniacal laugh*
<Zeta> They had a vote for the mingingest place on earth. It was won by Budgens.
* Dude dies in a corner

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Oh Dude...

[19:18]   <Dude>   It's funny that I'm not upset yet
[19:18]   <Dude>   Which is wierd...

[19:18]   <Dude>   Maybe it's the fact that Harvest is already dead inside
[19:18]   <Dude>   OOOOH!!!
[19:18]   <Harvest>   /cough

[19:18]   <Harvest>   What makes you think I'm dead inside?
[19:19]   <Dude>   I don't just think, I KNOW

[19:19]   <Dude>   I have a 6th sense
[19:19]   <Dude>   I can tell what a person is feeling
[19:19]   <Harvest>   Just because you're emo doesn't mean you can sense other emos.

[19:19]   <Dude>   Once I get to know someone
[19:20]   <Harvest>   Well thats funny, because you don't know me.

[19:20]   <Harvest>   All you know of me is the internet personality I have placed in front of you.
[19:20]   <Harvest>   You know nothing of the real me.
[19:20]   <Dude>   Treu
[19:20]   <Dude>   I know enough
[19:21]   <Dude>   You're probably just like me in a certain way...
[19:21]   <Harvest>   So you think I'm emo now?

19:21]   <Harvest>   No, Dude, I don't cry in my room, my parents don't beat me, and I have friends.

[19:22]   <Dude>   dude, now I'm pissed
[19:22]   <Harvest>   haha
[19:22]   <Zeta>   Your magical love adventure begins now.
[19:22]   <Harvest>   I've crossed the anger barrier.

[19:23]   <Harvest>   hahaha
[19:24]   <Harvest>   I'll get right on that.
[19:24]   <PianoMasta7>   Who? Harvest?
[19:24]   <Dude>   Ya
[19:24]   <Dude>   You better
[19:24]   <PianoMasta7>   I AGREE DUDE
[19:24]   <Dude>   :)
[19:24]   |<--   ZeldaFan-afk has left (Q:- NSM Chatroom)
[19:24]   <Dude>   Thx PMS
[19:24]   <PianoMasta7>   lol
[19:24]   <Harvest>   :P
[19:24]   <Dude>   See Harvest?
[19:24]   <Dude>   I DO have friends

[19:24]   <Harvest>   HAHAHAHA
[19:24]   <Dude>   More than you...
[19:24]   <Harvest>   I didn't mean internet friends!
[19:25]   <Harvest>   They don't count!

[19:25]   <Dude>   How many internet friends do YOU have?

[19:25]   <Harvest>   Ooooh! An internet friends contest!
[19:25]   <Harvest>   Why the fuck would that matter?

[19:27]   <Harvest>   Dude, you just sunk to a new low I didn't even know existed.

Beethoven II

<Zuvx> Zeta courtmartial Fawke
<Fawke> Zeta courtmartial Fawke $null Fawke $null Fawke courtmartial Zeta Fawke $null Fawke courtmartial
* Zeta throws Fawke in the brig to await charges  
<Fawke> no u
<Zeta> Duh.

Man that was funny!


Quote from: Harvest on April 22, 2008, 04:37:30 PMOh Dude...

[19:18]   <Dude>   It's funny that I'm not upset yet
[19:18]   <Dude>   Which is wierd...

[19:18]   <Dude>   Maybe it's the fact that Harvest is already dead inside
[19:18]   <Dude>   OOOOH!!!
[19:18]   <Harvest>   /cough

[19:18]   <Harvest>   What makes you think I'm dead inside?
[19:19]   <Dude>   I don't just think, I KNOW

[19:19]   <Dude>   I have a 6th sense
[19:19]   <Dude>   I can tell what a person is feeling
[19:19]   <Harvest>   Just because you're emo doesn't mean you can sense other emos.

[19:19]   <Dude>   Once I get to know someone
[19:20]   <Harvest>   Well thats funny, because you don't know me.

[19:20]   <Harvest>   All you know of me is the internet personality I have placed in front of you.
[19:20]   <Harvest>   You know nothing of the real me.
[19:20]   <Dude>   Treu
[19:20]   <Dude>   I know enough
[19:21]   <Dude>   You're probably just like me in a certain way...
[19:21]   <Harvest>   So you think I'm emo now?

19:21]   <Harvest>   No, Dude, I don't cry in my room, my parents don't beat me, and I have friends.

[19:22]   <Dude>   dude, now I'm pissed
[19:22]   <Harvest>   haha
[19:22]   <Zeta>   Your magical love adventure begins now.
[19:22]   <Harvest>   I've crossed the anger barrier.

[19:23]   <Harvest>   hahaha
[19:24]   <Harvest>   I'll get right on that.
[19:24]   <PianoMasta7>   Who? Harvest?
[19:24]   <Dude>   Ya
[19:24]   <Dude>   You better
[19:24]   <PianoMasta7>   I AGREE DUDE
[19:24]   <Dude>   :)
[19:24]   |<--   ZeldaFan-afk has left (Q:- NSM Chatroom)
[19:24]   <Dude>   Thx PMS
[19:24]   <PianoMasta7>   lol
[19:24]   <Harvest>   :P
[19:24]   <Dude>   See Harvest?
[19:24]   <Dude>   I DO have friends

[19:24]   <Harvest>   HAHAHAHA
[19:24]   <Dude>   More than you...
[19:24]   <Harvest>   I didn't mean internet friends!
[19:25]   <Harvest>   They don't count!

[19:25]   <Dude>   How many internet friends do YOU have?

[19:25]   <Harvest>   Ooooh! An internet friends contest!
[19:25]   <Harvest>   Why the fuck would that matter?

[19:27]   <Harvest>   Dude, you just sunk to a new low I didn't even know existed.

And you wonder why I hate you, Harvest. Jesus Christ you couldn't be any more of a dick than you already are. T_T
Deleting account.

EDIT: Wait a minute... So Harvest can treat me like shit and doesn't get banned, but I make a topic and I get banned?!?! That is seriously fucked up...



Just delete the account.

Stop making new accounts.


I wonder how many Dude_Temps we'll be seeing ::)

me irl