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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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[1/14/2016 2:42:13 PM] iategreaterbraix: why does language exist
[1/14/2016 2:42:20 PM] mastersuperfan: ...because we need to communicate???
[1/14/2016 2:42:45 PM] iategreaterbraix: i like being alone without any communication with anybody
[1/14/2016 2:43:08 PM] mastersuperfan: explain why you're typing in this chat then
[1/14/2016 2:44:53 PM] iategreaterbraix: Boredom is a thing
[1/14/2016 2:45:00 PM | Edited 2:45:07 PM] Benjamin Persinger: I should just be able to say my name over and over to communicate, varying inflection, intonation, and syllabic stress to articulate certain ideas.
[1/14/2016 2:45:23 PM] mastersuperfan: braix braix braixen braixen braaaaaaaix
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


bén bespin beeeeeeen Ben bEEESpin bessssssepiN! ben.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


That was extremely vulgar!!!! Do you talk to your piano with that mouth!
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 06, 2016, 08:24:53 AMThat was extremely vulgar!!!! Do you talk to your piano with that mouth!
I dont talk to my piano, do you?
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


I sing while i play it. Does that count?
When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.

E. Gadd Industries

Where is the chatroom? Also, I didn't know Zeta was in it!
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



It was irc back in the day, no one uses it anymore afaik...

Don't know what happened to it anyway so just use something like Skype or whatever.


[2/19/16, 7:54:03 PM] Blueflower999: Bulbapedia just tweeted this
[2/19/16, 7:54:05 PM] Blueflower999: "Today, Tyrantrump called for a boycott of SilphCo, demanding access to trainers' private information on the PokéGear"
[2/19/16, 7:54:16 PM] Dudeman: Pffffffffff
[2/19/16, 7:54:20 PM] Dudeman: Tyrantrump
[2/19/16, 7:54:43 PM] Dudeman: what's next, bernie sandshrew
[2/19/16, 7:54:55 PM] Blueflower999: Brock Obama
[2/19/16, 7:55:03 PM] Dudeman: asnow
[2/19/16, 7:55:51 PM] Dudeman: Octillery Clinton
[2/19/16, 7:56:17 PM] Blueflower999: oh gosh
[2/19/16, 7:56:24 PM] Dudeman: (I am very proud of that one XD)
[2/19/16, 7:56:33 PM] Dudeman: (literally no other pokemon fits)
[2/19/16, 7:57:15 PM] Dudeman: Ted-ta Cruelz
[2/19/16, 7:57:43 PM] Blueflower999: stop thinking of these before me
[2/19/16, 7:57:49 PM] Dudeman: Malamarco Rubio
[2/19/16, 7:57:56 PM] Blueflower999: UGH
[2/19/16, 7:57:58 PM] Blueflower999: AWFUL
[2/19/16, 7:58:48 PM] Blueflower999: George Patrati
[2/19/16, 7:59:03 PM] Dudeman: Basculindsey Graham
[2/19/16, 8:00:09 PM] Blueflower999: I HAVE THE BEST ONE
[2/19/16, 8:00:15 PM] Blueflower999: ARE YOU READY
[2/19/16, 8:00:24 PM] Dudeman: I sincerely hope it's not the one I was just thinking up
[2/19/16, 8:00:29 PM] Blueflower999: alright you go first
[2/19/16, 8:00:34 PM] Dudeman: Carly Nidorina
[2/19/16, 8:00:40 PM] Blueflower999: Mike Shuckabee
[2/19/16, 8:00:48 PM] Dudeman: Oh good lord
[2/19/16, 8:01:10 PM] Dudeman: That's it I'm gone
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


[2/22/16, 9:01:12 PM] mastersuperfan: hmmm what about a Fire Emblem / Ace Attorney crossover
[2/22/16, 9:01:16 PM] mastersuperfan: oh wait murder happens all the time
[2/22/16, 9:01:18 PM] mastersuperfan: and nobody gives a shit
[2/22/16, 9:01:40 PM] Nebbles: "AHA! YOU MURDERED THEM!" "uhh yeah their blood's on my lance"
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.

E. Gadd Industries

There are no words to describe what I just witnessed...
[7:49:43 PM] BrainyLucario: Why U have to be a salty steak, Braix?
[7:50:28 PM] iategreaterbraix: salt on steak actually is pretty good though
[7:51:02 PM] BrainyLucario: You have a whole cup of salt on you, though
[7:51:39 PM] Benjamin Persinger: looks like we'll need a ton of steak to go with that salt
[7:52:12 PM] BrainyLucario: First Annual NSM Barbecue time!
[7:52:40 PM] BrainyLucario: Who's grilling?
[7:52:54 PM] iategreaterbraix: guess
[7:53:13 PM] BrainyLucario: Kanye West?
[7:54:44 PM] BrainyLucario: you ruined the cookout, Dudeman!
[7:55:10 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: If he keeps doing that we just won't invite him to anything.
[7:55:47 PM] BrainyLucario: First the Beach Party, and now this! Honestly......
[7:56:12 PM] Dudeman: ...what beach party?
[7:56:34 PM] Dudeman: I didn't drink myself into a stupor, did I?
[7:57:00 PM] BrainyLucario: Yes, you did.
[7:57:14 PM] Dudeman: Welp. That explains the annoying memory gap from two weeks ago.
[7:59:04 PM] BrainyLucario: It was horrifying. You demanded us to call you Mr. Doctor Professor Captain Dudeman and kept air thrusting the punch bowl
[7:59:41 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Said punch bowl you brought with you and was empty.
[8:00:04 PM] Dudeman: "Mister Doctor Professor Captain"?!
[8:00:22 PM] Dudeman: Man. Guess I really was out of it.
[8:00:27 PM] *** iategreaterbraix added The Mario Pianist ***
[8:00:49 PM] Dudeman: I forgot to use "President."
[8:02:26 PM] BrainyLucario: You also attempted to arrest a squirrel for shouting "Deez nuts" and everyone knows squirrels can't talk. You didn't even use handcuffs, you used two pudding cups
[8:02:39 PM] The Mario Pianist: Wow.
[8:02:54 PM] The Mario Pianist: I would love to know the context of the previous 2 messages.
[8:03:01 PM] Dudeman: Dude. I would have commended the squirrel for its use of a meme.
[8:03:13 PM] The Mario Pianist: Thanks Braix btw
[8:03:18 PM] BrainyLucario: Exactly.....
[8:03:21 PM] Dudeman: TMP, I passed out drunk after the beach party two weeks ago.
[8:03:27 PM] Dudeman: Apparently I did...some stuff.
[8:03:38 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: That wasn't the worst of it.
[8:03:47 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: But that's my leverage to keep.
[8:03:53 PM] Dudeman: Oh come on.
[8:03:54 PM] The Mario Pianist: Ah, of course.
[8:04:01 PM] Dudeman: ...
[8:04:06 PM] Dudeman: did I say john cena
[8:04:12 PM] The Mario Pianist: Pfffft
[8:04:24 PM] BrainyLucario: I think you called him your waifu
[8:04:24 PM] The Mario Pianist: You do that sober.
[8:04:32 PM] Dudeman: oh god
[8:04:41 PM] Dudeman: no one was supposed to know about that
[8:05:03 PM] The Mario Pianist: "Oops"
[8:05:06 PM] Dudeman: I think I have to go burn some...magazines...
[8:06:13 PM] BrainyLucario: There was also the incident with called him your boy-toy......(shudders)
[8:06:23 PM] Dudeman: ._.
[8:06:30 PM] Dudeman: latios I need you to deconfirm
[8:06:52 PM] Dudeman: Like, it's not like we're that close or anything.
[8:06:58 PM] Dudeman: It was definitely just the booze talking.
[8:07:28 PM] The Mario Pianist: Oh, that's what he was talking about yesterday.
[8:07:35 PM] Dudeman: ...wat
[8:07:42 PM] The Mario Pianist: Now it makes sense.
[8:07:45 PM] Dudeman: ...
[8:07:47 PM] Dudeman: wat
[8:07:50 PM] Dudeman: Latios
[8:07:58 PM] Dudeman: you are in big trouble young man
[8:10:39 PM] Dudeman: Okay, I have a prepared statement on the matter. Ahem...
[8:10:59 PM] Dudeman: "I did not have sexual relations with that Pokémon."
[8:11:02 PM] Dudeman: ...wait.
[8:11:03 PM] Dudeman: Oops.
[8:11:06 PM] Dudeman: That's the wrong one.
[8:11:13 PM] Dudeman: Ah, here it is.
[8:11:16 PM] Dudeman: "I blame Maestro."
[8:11:47 PM] Latios212: .
[8:12:28 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Why would I conspire to destroy such a lowly creature?
[8:12:35 PM] BrainyLucario: I think you attempted to fight Maestro for stealing your hot dog. You took your shirt off and kept shouting Let's-a go! Like Mario does...
[8:12:51 PM] Dudeman: Maestro, he's got to be lying at this point. Right?
[8:13:11 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: He is, I have no need to steal anything from anyone.
[8:13:16 PM] Dudeman: Thank you.
[8:13:20 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: You gave it to me.
[8:13:28 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: And attempted to take it back.
[8:13:30 PM] Dudeman: Besides, I would have yelled "FOR EVERLASTING PEACE" as I charged him.
[8:13:35 PM] Dudeman: Oh.
[8:13:47 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: How's your arm, by the way?
[8:14:00 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Have your nerves healed?
[8:14:19 PM] Dudeman: I still can't feel the region above and below my elbow.
[8:14:22 PM] Dudeman: Left arm.
[8:14:53 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Yeah, that's to be expected.
[8:15:08 PM] Dudeman: Also my pinky is still missing.
[8:15:19 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: A reminder.
[8:15:25 PM] BrainyLucario: I have that
[8:15:29 PM] Dudeman: ...crap, did I loan it to you?
[8:15:41 PM] BrainyLucario: Nope.
[8:15:48 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: I gave it to him.
[8:16:07 PM] Dudeman: ...did I loan it to you?
[8:16:14 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: The fact it was still intact was slightly impressive.
[8:16:32 PM] Dudeman: Ooo! Did I place interest on it?
[8:16:43 PM] Dudeman: Can I get an extra finger back?
[8:16:49 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: No.
[8:16:54 PM] Dudeman: Shit.
[8:17:03 PM] BrainyLucario: I had it stuffed...BTW
[8:17:42 PM] Dudeman: Ah, no big deal. I was just using it for decoration anyway.
[8:17:56 PM] BrainyLucario: I use it as a necklace now
[8:18:03 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: It serves you right for presuming to touch me.
[8:18:35 PM] Dudeman: Hey, it's not my fault that you look delicious.
[8:18:50 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Consider yourself lucky the reattachment surgery was successful.
[8:19:12 PM] BrainyLucario: Is your leg back on right?
[8:19:24 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: I had nothing to do with that.
[8:19:35 PM] Dudeman: ...welp. That would explain my goat-ish gait.
[8:19:41 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: You got into a fight with a passing truck.
[8:19:42 PM] Dudeman: Er, satyr.
[8:19:47 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: You lost.
[8:19:52 PM] Dudeman: Satyrical.
[8:20:31 PM] Dudeman: Hold on, excuse me for a moment, but Latios didn't actually deconfirm my statement.
[8:20:37 PM | Edited 8:20:57 PM] BrainyLucario: Didn't he also have an "incident" with Olimar?
[8:20:56 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: It was more "at" Olimar.
[8:21:19 PM] Dudeman: Sort out my crimes while I go eat dinner.
[8:21:47 PM] BrainyLucario: what the heck did we just talk about?
[8:22:28 PM] iategreaterbraix: imaginary events
[8:22:45 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Mostly imaginary.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


[10:22:00 PM] Ruto: well I don't care what they read actually
[10:22:14 PM] Ruto: it's not going to make me get banned for saying stuff here
[10:22:27 PM] Altissimo: nope
[10:22:31 PM] Ruto: and I'm not going to be any less bitchy because some kids whined
[10:23:00 PM] Ruto: they can suck it because their teachers complain about them too
[10:23:03 PM] Ruto: they just don't hear it
[10:23:16 PM] Altissimo: im tempted to post that log right there
[10:23:26 PM] Ruto: yeahhhh the awkward moment where you can read your old teachers' facebook comments about some of their students
[10:23:48 PM] Ruto: go ahead lol


Lol I think half the people here ignore the other half. It's not just because of the age gap, but something else. Good luck with life, or as FSM said...the military. There actually is a better way to deal with tough decisions/reality but trying to explain it turns into an essay.

*resumes texting a specific picture of manio to everyone*

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.



[9:11:42 PM] Altissimo: i am a master tooter

me irl