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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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Maestro is saving the day. yay maestro.  ;D
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


woe is me.
i honestly don't know now. i won't act stupid and try to kill myself again, but i really dont know what to do.
depression, i really hate you right now so much, if you were a person, i wouldn't hesitate to kill you
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


Quote from: mayastarr041 on August 29, 2015, 08:19:22 PM*sigh*
woe is me.
i honestly don't know now. i won't act stupid and try to kill myself again, but i really dont know what to do.
depression, i really hate you right now so much, if you were a person, i wouldn't hesitate to kill you

maybe go see a therapist?
no like legitimately it helped a ton for me


I hate professionals. They are extremely...what's the word, snoopy.
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


when I went to a therapist at my school she was really friendly and easy to just chat with.  She didn't even have her degree yet, she was just an intern


Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on August 29, 2015, 08:09:31 PM[8:08 PM] danielle: maya, just ignore it
I think the best solution is to not take him seriously. He's obviously thriving off of people making a fuss about him.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


The need for a chat space is clear, yet I, nor any of the other active mods/staff have any power there due to an apparent oversight in it's creation/management. As such it's in a sort of limbo as an unofficial chat room.

In the meantime I've created a Skype room for idle chit-chat until we can get this matter fixed. This way you guys can still talk in real time with one another and I and other staff can moderate or at least keep an eye on things. It will be considered an extension of NSM, and will be a temporary place until we can get a long-term chat room in place. I and other staff here will have mod powers there, so there'll be plenty of eyes watching. You can only join by a chat moderator approving you. (Really just ask.) Right now myself and Latios are the only two mods at the moment, so just message us either here through PM or by Skype if you want to join.

This is considered to be an extension of the forums and the rules here will also apply to the Skype room as well. Have fun.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: mayastarr041 on August 29, 2015, 08:26:18 PMI hate professionals. They are extremely...what's the word, snoopy.

... yes, they kind of have to be in order to help you
but ummm going on antidepressants was one of the best things I did so


[10:36:30 PM] Carson Keenan: Tuesday doesn't end for 25 hours and 24 minutes. Heck, it hasn't even started yet.
[10:36:48 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Maybe not for you.
[10:36:56 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: For me it ended 3 days ago.
[10:36:57 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: Yeah, agreed
[10:37:10 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: Maestro is a time traveler, remember?
[10:37:12 PM] Carson Keenan: I know, Almighty Maestro...
[10:37:13 PM] Jordan: Tuesday was last week.
[10:37:19 PM] Jordan: I distinctly remember.
[10:37:26 PM] Carson Keenan: Tuesday, 9/1.
[10:37:32 PM] Latios212: That was like
[10:37:33 PM] Latios212: Next year
[10:37:37 PM] Carson Keenan: (/2015)
[10:37:59 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: Maestro was the one that stopped 9\11. Remember that guy who saved everyone?
[10:38:43 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: That wasn't me.
[10:38:59 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: Then who was it?....
[10:39:12 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: Maestro is the only one who has god's powers...
[10:39:27 PM] Carson Keenan: That's what you think...
[10:39:34 PM] Carson Keenan: And don't call them God's powers.
[10:39:39 PM] Carson Keenan: They are His powers.
[10:39:48 PM] Jordan: Oh dear.
[10:40:07 PM] Carson Keenan: What...?
[10:40:24 PM] Carson Keenan: Am I about to get Maestroasted?
[10:40:34 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: RULE ONE NO RELIGIOUS DEBATES THIS WILL NOT BE DISCUSSED
[10:40:36 PM] Jordan: I'm dying that's perfect
[10:40:42 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: The Maestro Mythos is alive and well.
[10:40:57 PM] Jordan: Every time maestro says something on the forums I'm going to say maestroasted
[10:41:05 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: Ha
[10:41:13 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Oh, absolutely.
[10:41:15 PM] Carson Keenan: Yay! I made a thing!

[10:44:03 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: So, Carson, I see (the special) is on tiny chat, that means he isn't helping the story... :(
[10:44:16 PM] Carson Keenan: Yea, it also means he has a life.
[10:44:41 PM] Carson Keenan: Whoa, maybe too harsh...
[10:45:02 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: No, I really don't have a life. I understand.
[10:45:25 PM] Carson Keenan: That's not what I was trying to say...
[10:45:41 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: Oh? What did you mean?
[10:45:43 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Aren't you 14?
[10:45:50 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: You can't have a life at that age.
[10:45:52 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: 15
[10:46:03 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Lives don't start until 17.
[10:46:04 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: I'm almost 16, even. In june
[10:46:08 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: Okay
[10:46:30 PM] Carson Keenan: Is that why Carbon 14 only has a half-life?
[10:46:57 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: Well, it's been pretty interesting so far. Had a bunch of different weird stuff happen in the last few months.
[10:47:17 PM] Carson Keenan: Well, that joke just backfired...
[10:47:28 PM] Latios212: I GETTED IT
[10:47:39 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: "getted"?
[10:47:45 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: I'm out
[10:47:47 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: I don't get it...explanation?
[10:47:48 PM] *** Zachary "Maestro" Loy has left ***
[10:47:55 PM] Carson Keenan: Latios, WHY?
[10:47:58 PM] Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U.: NUU MAESTRO WHY
[10:48:03 PM] Jordan: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA
[10:48:08 PM] Jordan: THAT WAS AN EXIT
[10:48:27 PM] *** Danielle Amethyst Elizabeth Krystal Robyn U. has renamed this conversation to "THAT was an exit" ***
[10:48:41 PM] Jordan: I'm dying
[10:49:09 PM] Carson Keenan: Go back to remedial English, Latios.
[10:49:34 PM] Carson Keenan: Your intentional bad grammar is not appreciated here.

Maestro in Skype is fun.
"I'm always here to help. Except when I'm not." ~Latios212

"If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable." ~Donald J. Trump

Piano player


I like slow's Tangled reference


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Hey, how do you do that and add our conversation here? Cool though!
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


Quote from: ThatGamer on August 31, 2015, 08:14:17 PMHey, how do you do that and add our conversation here? Cool though!

Select, copy, paste.
"I'm always here to help. Except when I'm not." ~Latios212

"If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable." ~Donald J. Trump

Piano player


[8/31/2015 11:57:32 PM] Dudeman: I thought my cow left for a while.
[8/31/2015 11:57:38 PM] Dudeman: But I was misteaken.
[8/31/2015 11:58:00 PM] *** Maestro removed Dudeman from this conversation. ***
[8/31/2015 11:58:43 PM] Maelstrom: ............
[8/31/2015 11:58:55 PM] Latios212: That joke was well done.
[8/31/2015 11:59:15 PM | Edited 11:59:26 PM] Maelstrom: It was bad and he should feel bad
[8/31/2015 11:59:22 PM] *** Latios212 added Dudeman ***
[12:00:10 AM] Dudeman: Would an apology be accepted if I offered one?
[12:00:37 AM] Dudeman: Because this is a rare occasion.
[12:00:47 AM] *** Maestro removed Dudeman from this conversation. ***
[12:01:05 AM] Maestro: Criminally bad punning will not be accepted.
[12:01:46 AM] *** Latios212 added Dudeman ***
[12:01:58 AM] Dudeman: You guys just don't appreciate my jokes.
[12:02:10 AM] Dudeman: Cow puns are a rare medium well-done.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Maybe you guys shouldn't post real names on the forum ._.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.