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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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I know, but seriously, he's here. I just saw a post of his. (Assuming it's the same one)
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


Quote from: ThatGamer on January 05, 2015, 08:45:36 PMI know, but seriously, he's here. I just saw a post of his. (Assuming it's the same one)

Do you want to be permabanned? Because this is how you get permabanned.

me irl


lel thatgamer u made another thread too
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


No way! I never want to get permabanned! What did I do? Mentioned King Sammers?
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


Don't pretend to be clever and read the last post of that thread.

me irl


What? It's not me, I swear! What proof can I give?
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


A response was sent via PM as it contains personal information.  This line of discussion is now concluded.  Back to logs please.

me irl


Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


Wait nvm I figured it out.
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


lol btw dude its Sammer not Sammers
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


A feature on tinychat allows a mod to autoban based on a word used by any user. I thought I'd try it out.

[10:58 PM] ruto: yeah I thought up of a word
[10:58 PM] notdude: rut los too
[10:58 PM] notshado: ps3 and 360 hd remaster yeah
[10:58 PM] ruto: and found out how to remove it
[10:58 PM] ruto: so guess away

[10:58 PM] fsm: nick
[10:58 PM] kefka: wat
[10:58 PM] notdude: penal
[10:58 PM] fsm: kefka
[10:58 PM] notshado: I could totally stream it
[10:58 PM] kefka: wat
[10:58 PM] notshado: somehow
[10:58 PM] fsm: bee
[10:58 PM] notdude: um
[10:58 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: did dude leave or was he bannt
[10:58 PM] kefka: wat
[10:58 PM] notdude: hahahaha
[10:58 PM] notdude: no
[10:58 PM] fsm: ruto told me to guess a word
[10:59 PM] kefka: oh
[10:59 PM] notdude: i just stopped brodcasting
[10:59 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: oh
[10:59 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: xd
[10:59 PM] kefka: flanders
[10:59 PM] kefka: aw
[10:59 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: aids
[10:59 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: oh is that not ok
[10:59 PM] fsm: biology
[10:59 PM] notdude: ades
[10:59 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: sry
[10:59 PM] notdude: idk
[10:59 PM] fsm: hicks
[10:59 PM] notdude: saria
[10:59 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: ruto
[10:59 PM] notdude: ching
[10:59 PM] fsm: ruto who has been the closest so far
[11:00 PM] notdude: chingchonglinglongtingtong
[11:00 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: so it has to be more than 3 letters right
[11:00 PM] ruto: yeah more than 3 letters
[11:00 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: fuck
[11:00 PM] ruto: nothing yet
[11:00 PM] notdude: um
[11:00 PM] notdude: link
[11:00 PM] fsm: hints
[11:00 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: 1st hint pls
[11:00 PM] notdude: darunia
[11:00 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: zelda
[11:00 PM] notdude: um
[11:00 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: is my favorite pokemon
[11:01 PM] ruto: okay if you've been banned someone tell me so I know for sure
[11:01 PM] notdude: i forgot the rest
[11:01 PM] kefka: linky
[11:01 PM] notdude: of the sages
[11:01 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: hans
[11:01 PM] fsm: dahans
[11:01 PM] notdude: nabooru
[11:01 PM] fsm: hansi
[11:01 PM] notdude: um
[11:01 PM] ruto: I can't believe no one has guessed it yet
[11:01 PM] kefka: lol hansi a ban word
[11:01 PM] ruto: XD
[11:01 PM] notdude: hansi
[11:01 PM] notdude: lol
[11:01 PM] notdude: aww
[11:01 PM] notdude: hmm
[11:02 PM] notshado: +
[11:02 PM] notdude: hansel
[11:02 PM] fsm: communism
[11:02 PM] kefka: ^should be a ban word
[11:02 PM] fsm: mitt romney
[11:02 PM] notdude: socialism
[11:02 PM] ruto: it's also not bear
[11:02 PM] notdude: burr
[11:02 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: daaaaaaaaaaaaaa bears
[11:02 PM] fsm: beee
[11:02 PM] ruto: hahaha because I also have to think of words I don't say
[11:02 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: kek
[11:02 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: keke
[11:02 PM] fsm: ruto who has been closest
[11:03 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: what does it start with
[11:03 PM] ruto: if I tell you you'd all know
[11:03 PM] ruto: xD
[11:03 PM] ruto: the first letter
[11:03 PM] notdude: is
[11:03 PM] ruto: I guess fuck would be the closest
[11:03 PM] ruto: but
[11:03 PM] notdude: buck
[11:03 PM] fsm: wank
[11:03 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: duck
[11:03 PM] notdude: luck
[11:03 PM] fsm: jack
[11:03 PM] notdude: stuck
[11:03 PM] notdude: puck
[11:03 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: does it start with c
[11:03 PM] notdude: cuck
[11:03 PM] fsm: cock
[11:03 PM] notdude: cluck
[11:03 PM] ruto: now everyone is so close
[11:04 PM] ruto: XD
[11:04 PM] fsm: conservatives
[11:04 PM] notdude: quack
[11:04 PM] fsm: dank
[11:04 PM] ruto: waiting to see how it works
[11:04 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: d4nk
[11:04 PM] notdude: dick
notdude was banned by ruto (ruto) (auto banned)
[11:04 PM] ruto: we have a winner!
[11:04 PM] bubbles: :o
[11:04 PM] fsm: :o
[11:04 PM] kdashnightbutwithalternatingcaps: REALLY
[11:04 PM] fsm: i'm so bad
[11:05 PM] ruto: okay
[11:05 PM] fiercedeity: i like how that's one of the words somebody guessed before you decided it
[11:05 PM] ruto: now how do I unban dude
[11:05 PM] fsm: lmao

I'll play SCII later, and I've cleared the list so far because we can't talk about Charles Dickens or Cockney accents with it in place.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Was chatting with a friend when he said he had some news for me. We got distracted with something else, so I asked him about it again. Then I started guessing when he took to long to respond.

Maestro: So this news?
Maestro: You got a job offer and you're moving.
Maestro: You're getting married.
Maestro: You won the lottery.
Maestro: You finally got a car with your lottery winnings.
Maestro: And you're using it to move away.
Maestro: And get married.
Maestro: And buy out the rest of your degree.
Maestro: To get that sweet job in Kentucky.
PandAxl: ...why do i bother saying things
Maestro: You didn't say I was wrong.
Maestro: Therefore.
Maestro: I am right.
Maestro: QED
PandAxl: i'm just... i'm just gonna go back to not answering you
Maestro: Well, I'll find out anyway.
Maestro: So...
Maestro: Oh I know!
Maestro: You're pregnant.
Maestro: With Jesus' baby.
Maestro: And he shall be named Carl.
PandAxl: you don't know how much i'm sighing
Maestro: You haven't passed out.
Maestro: So not enough!
Maestro: Waitwaitwaitwait.
Maestro: Your dad came back from the dead.
Maestro: And he told you that he's not really your dad.
Maestro: And that your dad is actually superstar Rick James.
Maestro: And you're going to going on an epic quest to reunite with him.
Maestro: Father and Son, together at last!
Maestro: I can keep going.
PandAxl: yeah i know
PandAxl: i'm just letting it happen

Maestro: It turns out that you're actually an alien from Xenar III.
Maestro: And you were brought here to destroy mankind.
Maestro: But you crash landed, forgot about your mission, and came to love us all.
Maestro: Except Hitler.
Maestro: Cause he was a dick.
Maestro: And you hit your head and remembered your whole mission.
Maestro: And you were conflicted on whether or not you should carry it out.
Maestro: But when the fleet arrived you stood up to your leaders and told them "This is my home now."
Maestro: And used your alien powers to blow them up.
Maestro: And saved the galaxy from an evil tyrant.
Maestro: But all at the cost that you couldn't save the one you loved most.
Maestro: Evelynn.
Maestro: And as you mourned you realized it is your job to protect this world.
Maestro: And so you christened yourself "The Alien Avenger" and got a sweet cape.
Maestro: And now you fight crime at night while being a student in the day.
Maestro: Like Spider Man but real.
Maestro: And you lived happily ever after, knowing everyone on Earth is safe.
Maestro: Except for Hitler.
Maestro: Fuck Hitler.
Maestro: The End
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


[12:57:24 AM] Blueflower999: I need to go to bed nowwww
[12:58:00 AM] Saria: DONT
[12:58:06 AM] Saria: INSTEAD,
[12:58:11 AM] Saria: SLEEP ON A FLOWER BED
[12:58:24 AM] Blueflower999: what is your obsession with my name

proud of this pun

[1:33:46 AM] Blueflower999: don't chew on meh D:
[1:33:55 AM] Saria: i'll chew your ear first
[1:34:03 AM] Blueflower999: yum
[1:34:23 AM] Saria: then i'll rip your roots
[1:34:29 AM] Saria: crush your stem
[1:34:55 AM] Blueflower999: saria calm down
[1:35:00 AM] Blueflower999: is this your deformed torture fantasy
[1:36:22 AM] Blueflower999: you are literally the most terrifying girl

that's so funny blueflower is scared of little girls like me
Quote from: Slow
Quote from: manio
I love taking wiener schnitzel in my mouth
Quote from: Kefka
cooperating anal
Quote from: ZeldaFanmy dream is to get a quote in someone's sig someday