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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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No.  It's not.  Please learn to read.

me irl


[20:54:54]   <Davey>   Omg.
[20:54:59]   <Davey>   Is this seriously a rickroll.
[20:55:01]   <Davey>   :(
[20:55:07]   <Davey>   I wanted to play the game :O
[20:55:14]   <MasterPenguin>   :P
[20:55:18]   <Dude>   :P
[20:55:20]   <Davey>   No seriously
[20:55:22]   <Davey>   Is it a rickroll.
[20:55:22]   <MasterPenguin>   You just got rickrolled on a SNES game
[20:55:27]   <Davey>   Fuck you MP
[20:55:29]   <Davey>   FUCK YOU
[20:55:31]   <MasterPenguin>   :|
[20:55:31]   <Davey>   GOD
[20:55:33]   |<--   Davey has left (Q:- ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920])



Wrydryn:  There is no need for 2 sigs.

And yay, Banjo. :)

me irl



<Qew>Hugo, this'll tell you how to write a sexy sex scene
* Savvy-Saucelooks at the sexy words section.
<HugoMeister>i dont need help writing sexy...the what?*
 HugoMeister looks XD
<Qew>Hugo, carefullthat site is filled with middle aged women
<HugoMeister>"names for the naughty parts"
[14:45]* HugoMeisterso clicks
<HugoMeister>this is the wrongest thing to read while listening to mary poppoins
<Qew>that’ so wrong!!
<Qew>Hugo, it's even more wrong because they're all like 45 year old women
<HugoMeister>i know
<Qew>yeah lol, ewww
<Savvy-Sauce>I swear the Natasha Bedingfield song "Pocket Full of Sunshine" is really about female masturbation.
<HugoMeister>i wouldnt be suprised if my mum was one of these people <_<
<Savvy-Sauce>Vulcanize the whoopee stickIn the ham walletCattle prod the oyster ditchWith the lap rocketBatter dip the cranny ax[14:50]In the gut lockerRetrofit the pudding hatchOoh la laWith the boink swatter9_9
<Qew>.....what have I done?
<HugoMeister>just remember: A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down
<Savvy-Sauce>Marinate the nether rod | In the squish mitten
<Qew>see, I told you, everything's a sex metaphor
<Savvy-Sauce>Power drill the yippee bog|With the dude piston
<HugoMeister>the squish mitten XD
<Savvy-Sauce>Pressure wash the quiver bone|In the bitch wrinkle
<HugoMeister>Dude milk :D
<Savvy-Sauce>Second: I just remembered a game a friend and I used to play. It was the insinuation game and it was a lot of fun. One starts off with "I'll ___ his ___" and the other replies in the same fashion. You could use her as well.Ex. "I'll tune his piano""I'll raise his mainsail.""I'll wax his car" .....and so on......
<Qew>mm I was right >_> middle aged women
<HugoMeister>mary poppinsjust taught methe RAUNCHIEST SEX EUPHEMISM
<HugoMeister>"The robin feather his nest has very little time to rest"*feathering
* Qewheaddesks
<HugoMeister>i love you mary poppins
<HugoMeister>"they take a little nip from every flower that they sip
<HugoMeister>omg mary poppinsgodblessyoumadame
<HugoMeister>"In every job that must be done there is an element of fun, find that element, and SNAP the jobs a game
<HugoMeister>mary poppins is my sex idol

I repeat... WHAT HAVE I DONE?!


[20:03]   <PianoMasta7>   It sucks
[20:03]   <Zeta>   it = flid-desk
[20:03]   <Gamer4250>   PianoMasta7: just like your mom
[20:03]   <PianoMasta7>   ^ ^ ^

me irl


Get the fuckin timestamps, faggot, Gamer.

I was talking to Zeta...

Just leave NSM Gamer, no one likes you.

And you want NSM to do, is die...You can't deny it...
You only want NSM to die, and never come back...
We wish you would die and never come back...


No, Pm7, that's provoking him. Just stop now, and maybe I don't have to be here to pick up the pieces.


Quote from: PianoMasta7 on November 22, 2008, 08:17:09 PMGet the fuckin timestamps, faggot, Gamer.

I was talking to Zeta...

Just leave NSM Gamer, no one likes you.

And you want NSM to do, is die...You can't deny it...
You only want NSM to die, and never come back...
We wish you would die and never come back...

Wow, I never realized you were emo.
Go cry, emo kid.

me irl


No offense PMS, but that did sound kinda emo... :-\


[15:42]   <Gamer4250>   Did you guys hear how Nintendo is ABANDONING their old red logo and permanently replacing it with the grey one?
[15:42]   <MasterPenguin>   Okay, quick story
[15:42]   <MasterPenguin>   Akiro told off NSM & Jama
[15:42]   <MasterPenguin>   I told off GMW & Akiro
[15:42]   <MasterPenguin>   I'm now banned

What a douche ::)

I told you all: nobody like him, he is a bastard.

me irl


You're not too popular yourself.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


But insult Masterpenguin and JaMaHa?

I would never stoop to that level.

me irl


[21:19:55]   <Sauce>   I wish my family could travel more :\
[21:20:04]   <HugoMeister>   i wish i like...
[21:20:06]   <HugoMeister>   could
[21:20:10]   <HugoMeister>   leave the house sometimes
[21:20:11]   <Sauce>   ...
[21:20:24]   <Sauce>   What's stopping you?
[21:20:30]   <HugoMeister>   plenty of things
[21:20:47]   <Nakah>   The door is
[21:20:52]   <starpikachu>   lol
[21:21:07]   <HugoMeister>   i just cant figure out which way it swings :P
[21:21:20]   <Nakah>   kick it down