
See you space cowboy...

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Chat logs

Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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[2:01 PM] yugi: Hi kaiba
[2:02 PM] kaiba: please excuse me as i passionately try to beat you in a children's card game


guest-1155918 entered the room.
[10:46 PM] guest-1155918 left the room.
[10:46 PM] blueflower1: What
[10:46 PM] blueflower1: Unfair
[10:47 PM] guest-1155981 entered the room.
[10:47 PM] guest-1155981 left the room.
[10:47 PM] guest-1156002 entered the room.
[10:47 PM] guest-1156002 left the room.
[10:52 PM] guest-1156146 entered the room.
[10:52 PM] guest-1156146 left the room.

OK, really. Whoever is doing this, please stop. It makes me feel horrible.  :(
Bulbear! Blueflower999


[10:12:33 PM] Jub: sex
[10:12:37 PM] Jordan Knapp: sex
[10:12:41 PM] Jub: sex sex sex
[10:12:43 PM] Jordan Knapp: sex sex
[10:12:46 PM] Jordan Knapp: sex
[10:12:46 PM] Jub: SEX
[10:12:51 PM] Jordan Knapp: SEXXXXX
[10:12:51 PM] Jub: sex sex
[10:12:52 PM] Jordan Knapp: sex
[10:12:53 PM] Jub: sex
[10:13:05 PM] Jordan Knapp: sex
[10:13:09 PM] Jordan Knapp: SEX
[10:13:09 PM] Jub: sex?
[10:13:11 PM] Jordan Knapp: sex!
[10:13:17 PM] Jordan Knapp: sex~
[10:13:23 PM] Jub: Sex.
[10:13:32 PM] Jordan Knapp: Sex....
[10:13:34 PM] Jordan Knapp: Sex....?
[10:13:36 PM] Jub: I think we're done here
[10:17:02 PM] *** Jub added Daniel Bhatti ***
[10:17:29 PM] Daniel Bhatti: sex
[10:17:43 PM] Jub: sexx
[10:17:52 PM] Jordan Knapp: seeeeex
[10:17:58 PM] Daniel Bhatti: sexexexex
[10:17:59 PM] Dude: what is this i don't even
[10:18:02 PM] Daniel Bhatti: xxx
[10:18:05 PM] Jub: sex
[10:18:17 PM] Jordan Knapp: sex+++++++++
[10:18:19 PM] Dude: wait why am i here
[10:18:34 PM] Jub: sexx
[10:18:45 PM] Daniel Bhatti: sexxx
[10:18:51 PM] Jub: sexxxx
[10:18:56 PM] Jordan Knapp: sexxxxx
[10:19:05 PM] Jub: sexxxxxx
[10:19:37 PM] Jordan Knapp: sexxxxxxx
[10:20:56 PM] Daniel Bhatti: sexxxxxxxx
[10:21:48 PM] Jub: sexxxxxxxxx
[10:22:01 PM] Jordan Knapp: sexxxxxxxxxx
[10:22:31 PM] Dude: sex.exe
[10:22:48 PM] Jordan Knapp: merry sexmas
[10:23:00 PM] Daniel Bhatti: sex-men
[10:23:07 PM] Jordan Knapp: the sex-files
[10:24:07 PM] Jordan Knapp: sex
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


12:22      *** Yugisan joined #TWGNSM
Topic set by bird on Mon Jan 21 2013 13:52:07 GMT+1100 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
12:23   sheikah   Go away yugi
12:23   Yugisan   no
12:23   Maestro   And ignored.
12:24   Maestro   Yay, you find me interesting.
12:24   Lori_Danger   I do, actually! "D
12:24   Lori_Danger   *
12:24   Yugisan   ?
12:25   sheikah   do you find me interesting Lori?
12:25   Lori_Danger   I like the  emoticon on here because it looks like a sun. And yes, I find you quite interesting. And friendly C:
12:25   Yugisan   am i interesting??????????????/
12:25   sheikah   why thank you kindly milady
12:26   Lori_Danger   Yes you are, Yugi. There's not anyone in here at the moment that isn't interesting.
12:27   Maestro   You should join the forum, we are a colorful bunch.
12:27   Lori_Danger   The other rooms; however, weren't that interesting.
12:27   sheikah   some more colorful than others
12:27   Yugisan   and completly non racist
12:27   Maestro   Some black, some white.
12:27   sheikah   take that however you want
12:28   Lori_Danger   I honestly don't know if I would have the attention span to, well pay attention to a forum.
12:28   Lori_Danger   You only have black and white?
12:28   Lori_Danger   That's not very colorful. Or Asain.
12:28   Lori_Danger   *Asian
12:28   Maestro   It was a play on colors.
12:28   sheikah   twas a joke
12:28   Yugisan   what about brown
12:28   Yugisan   or peach
12:29   Lori_Danger   I know, so was the Asian thing 
12:29   Maestro   Oh-ho!
12:29   Maestro   You'll fit right in.
12:29   Maestro   And it's ok, most of the members don't have a great attention span.
12:29   Maestro   It's a pretty frivolous place.
12:29   sheikah   HOORAY FOR FRIVOLITY!
12:30   Lori_Danger   I just glanced at that and thought it said hooray for ravioli
12:30   sheikah   I like that too
12:31   Maestro   What's not to love?
12:31   Lori_Danger   Well it depends. Is it canned ravioli or home made? 'Cause I've never had the homemade, but the canned is nasty.
12:32   Maestro   Home made
12:32   Lori_Danger   *home made
12:32   Maestro   Way better.
12:32   Lori_Danger   I don't even know what happened there XD
12:32   Maestro   Plus if you like Zelda, we got Music!
12:32   Maestro   It's kind of our specialty.
12:33   Yugisan   what about final fantasy
12:33   Maestro   That too.
12:33   Maestro   Altough FF needs more love.
12:33   Lori_Danger   You know, that's the entire reason I clicked the link but I've yet to listen to any because I got distracted with the chat.
12:33   sheikah   eh, that happens
12:34   Lori_Danger   I love listening to Zelda music when I'm in the car. It always makes me feel like I am on an Adventure.
12:36   Maestro   It's as if that jerk in the mustang is Ganon!
12:38   Lori_Danger   Exactly!
12:39   Lori_Danger   That reminds me, I used to know a girl who looked a lot like Zelda from Twilight Princess.
12:39   Lori_Danger   I was so disappointed when she turned out to be two faced.
12:39   sheikah   that's... not sure of a word for that, what do you mean 2 faced?
12:40   Yugisan   ?
12:40   Maestro   She had 2 literal faces.
12:40   Maestro   One good, the other evil.
12:40   Lori_Danger   No, though that would have been quite cool.
12:40   Maestro   Made dating really difficult.
12:40   Yugisan   DC Twoface?
12:41   Maestro   One would be very kind, while the other would just swear at her date all night.
12:41   Lori_Danger   Basically she went to my school and I befriended her, and everyone thought she was really sweet, but then I added her on facebook and discovered that she talked shit about all of her "friends" on there pretty much 24/7 and did nothing but bitch about how she hated all of us.
12:42   Lori_Danger   I couldn't even make myself think she was hot anymore D;
12:42   sheikah   wow, that's aweful
12:42   Maestro   Wow, that's common.
12:42   sheikah   never said it wasnt
12:42   sheikah   still sucks to see it
12:42   Maestro   I know, I just wanted to say something too.
12:43   sheikah   thats fine
12:43   Lori_Danger   You're right though, it is common. That's why I usually hate people.
12:43   Lori_Danger   Congradulations, I don't ate you guys
12:43   Lori_Danger   *hate
12:43   Maestro   Oh, that's not good.
12:44   Maestro   That correction means you have, in fact, "ate" us.
12:44   Maestro   My name ain't Jonah.
12:44   Maestro   I don't go in no whale!
12:44   Lori_Danger   Nah, but I am secretly Jabu Jabu.
12:44   Yugisan   Your name is Zach
12:45   Yugisan   And I am secretly Kefka
12:45   sheikah   can I be princess Ruto then?
12:45   Maestro   I'm Maestro!
12:45   sheikah   or Link!
12:45   Maestro   *Exit Theme*
12:45   sheikah   there are so many sex jokes I could make here
12:46   Maestro   "and then theyall sexed"
12:46   Maestro   The End.
12:46   Lori_Danger   Wait, make some because I'm not seeing any potential ones and i am curious O:
12:46   Lori_Danger   Usually I'm the first to turn something into a sex joke.
12:46   Maestro   I'm actually writing a Zelda Fanfic where every character ever has sex.
12:46   Maestro   Like, all the time.
12:47   Maestro   "Need the mastersword?
12:47   Maestro   Sex.
12:47   Lori_Danger   Haha that sounds pretty hilarious, honestly.
12:47   sheikah   well, you are jabu jabu, I'm Link, and I'd like to explore your insides
12:47   Yugisan   But the Goron are a all male race.
12:47   Maestro   Trying the defeat Ganon?
12:47   Maestro   Sex.
12:47   Yugisan   RAPE FIGHER!!!!
12:47   Maestro   Stuck in the Water Temple?
12:47   sheikah   sex
12:47   Lori_Danger   Sex
12:47   Maestro   Sex then drown.
12:47   Lori_Danger   Oh you beat me to it
12:48   Yugisan   necrophilia
12:48   sheikah   Maestro   Sex then drown.    Oh
12:48   Maestro   Need to rescue Zelda?
12:48   Yugisan   sex
12:48   Maestro   Prepare to have lots of Sex to do it.
12:48   sheikah   have sex with all the hot female sages
12:48   Maestro   Zelda is a chaste woman.
12:48   sheikah   and Malon
12:49   Maestro   How dare you soil her pure image with such filfth.
12:49   sheikah   and the Cuckoo lady
12:49   sheikah   she really likes cocks
12:49   sheikah   
12:49   Lori_Danger   I used to read so much Link/Sheik fanfiction.
12:50   sheikah   that sounds hot
12:50   Lori_Danger   It usually was. Ocassionally I would run across a badly written one, but that was just usually a chance to lol.
12:51   Maestro   Oh, Link would totally sex Sheik.
12:51   Maestro   That dude's just asking for a good dicking.
12:51   Lori_Danger   Especially in those pants. :9
12:52   sheikah   *sexual eyebrow movement*
12:52   Maestro   Link and Dark Link?
12:52   Maestro   Technically, it's masturbation.
12:52   sheikah   OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!
12:52   Lori_Danger   Aww man you beat me to the joke
12:53   sheikah
12:53   sheikah   totes relevant
12:54   Maestro   "and then they kiss"
12:54   Maestro   -JonTron
12:55   Lori_Danger   Lolol so true though.
12:56   Lori_Danger   Link X Zelda is my OTP for the Zelda universe, and I take it seriously. I have only eve rthought about Link possibly being shipped with two other people, and that's Sheik, and Girahim.
12:56   Maestro   I'm going to call it "The Great Deku Orgy"
12:56   Maestro   It will sell for millions of internet bucks.
12:57   Maestro   And I will be elected king of the YouTube.
12:57   sheikah   so $4.69 US dollars
12:57   Lori_Danger   I'm working on beating Skyward Sword right now because I jsut now have access to a Wii, and I'm not ver y far, but the cut scene for the first fight with Girahim is purely fanservice.
12:57   Lori_Danger   *just
12:57   Lori_Danger   Though of course, I am not complaining.
12:58   sheikah   good game, I haven't beat the last boss yet though, I promiss I wont spoiler anything
12:58   Yugisan   Highschool of the dead.
12:58   Maestro   They sex.
12:58   sheikah   mostly cause I havent played in a year
12:58   Maestro   Spoiler: They sex.
12:58   sheikah   ...yeah
12:58   Maestro   It's the Zelda they don't want you to know about.
12:59   Maestro   The Zelda we don't deserve.
12:59      *** Lori_Danger quit (Ping timeout)
12:59   sheikah   NOOOOOOO!!!!!!
13:00   Yugisan   It was maestro in the consevetory with the Revolver
13:00   Maestro   It must've gotten too hot.
13:00   Maestro   Not everybody can handle the hot Goron on Goron action.
13:00   sheikah   Especially in those hot springs from twilight princess
13:03      *** Lori_Danger joined #TWGNSM
13:04   Lori_Danger   My wifi quit again. ;_;
13:04   sheikah   hate it when that happens
13:04   Maestro   Aww, you missed Gorons Gone Wild.
13:04   Yugisan   Maestro is the worst murderer
13:06   Lori_Danger   But I really wanted to see Gorons Gone WIld. :<
13:07   sheikah   *** Lori_Danger quit (Ping timeout) 20:59   sheikah   NOOOOOOO!!!!!! 21:00   Yugisan   It was maestro in the consevetory with the Revolver 21:00   Maestro   It must've gotten too hot. 21:00   Maestro   Not everybody can handle the hot Goron on Goron action. 21:00   sheikah   Especially in those hot springs from twilight princess 21:03      *** Lori_Danger joined #TWGNSM
13:07   Lori_Danger   Maybe I can still catch Sheikahs gone wild. ;D
13:07   sheikah   hey now
13:07   sheikah   I'm the last one, so this could get weird
13:08   Lori_Danger   I've seen/done weirder.
13:08   Yugisan   fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap
13:08   sheikah   oh-ho? do tell
13:08   Yugisan   fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap
13:08   Yugisan   fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap
13:09   Yugisan   fap
13:09   Lori_Danger   A real lady never does-weird-things and tells.
13:09   sheikah   aw gross Yugi, its all over the carpet now
13:09   Yugisan   yesssssssssssssssss
13:09   Lori_Danger   Fap is such a better word than schlick.
13:10   sheikah   schlick just sounds nasty
13:10   Lori_Danger   It really kind of does.
13:10   sheikah   kinda like the word "moist"
13:10   Lori_Danger   Yes!
13:10   Yugisan    fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap
13:11   Lori_Danger   Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap
13:11   Yugisan   fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap
13:11   Yugisan   fap
13:11   Yugisan   fapfapfap
13:11   Yugisan   fapfap
13:11   Yugisan   fapfapfap
13:11   Yugisan   fap
13:11   sheikah   I am not cleaning up after you this time
13:11   sheikah   not after what happened last time
13:11   Maestro   Woahwoahwoah!
13:12   Maestro   I leave for five minutes, and you're just going at it!
13:12   sheikah   yeah, that tends to happen from time to time
13:12   Lori_Danger   Don't worry, we were thinking about you.
13:12   Maestro   I didn't even leave the driveway, but you just couldn't wait to lose the pants and break out the lotion.
13:13   Maestro   And you didn't even think to invite me.
13:13   Maestro   That's it.
13:13   Maestro   No smut for you.
13:13   Lori_Danger   Well, this has been super fun, but I think I'm gonna go take a nap.
13:13   Yugisan   fap
13:13   Yugisan   I mean NOOOOOOOOOOOO
13:13   Lori_Danger   It wice nice meeting you all!
13:14   sheikah   Nice meeting you too Lori
13:14   Maestro   This was highly inappropriate.
13:14   Maestro   Let's do it again sometime.
13:14   Yugisan   Should I post this in chat logs?
13:14   sheikah   Stop by NSM sometime and say Hi


Yeah, that was weird to the max.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


But a good weird, right?
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


fsm: Mash just remember one thing
fsm: guitars get all the chicks
msf: :o
fsm: it's a law of physics


Yes, but there's a 90% chance that will make you a douchebag, so be extra good at it!
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 10, 2013, 08:18:24 PMYes, but there's a 90% chance that will make you a douchebag, so be extra good at it!

Quantum Field Theory
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


[7:16:36 PM] Jordan Knapp: who/what is "erichgoeckeritz"
[7:16:44 PM] Nick Morello: what.
[7:17:10 PM] Ruto: XD
[7:17:10 PM] Jordan Knapp: that's what it says for me
[7:17:14 PM] Nick Morello: rofl
[7:17:57 PM] erichgoeckeritz: Erich Goeckeritz is a secret entity
[7:18:05 PM] Nick Morello: need to know basis
[7:18:06 PM] Nick Morello: sorry chap
[7:18:16 PM] manio: he's a secret to everybody
[7:18:18 PM] Jordan Knapp: I understand. Top secret.
[7:18:25 PM] Jordan Knapp: / hides
[7:18:32 PM] erichgoeckeritz: Raised in the labs of JaMaHa's sauna
[7:18:42 PM] erichgoeckeritz: Only let out to see the sun once a year
[7:18:44 PM] erichgoeckeritz: HE IS A MONSTER
[7:19:47 PM] Jordan Knapp: ....yes....well....
[7:21:47 PM] Jordan Knapp: XD CONCERTO
[7:21:53 PM] Jordan Knapp: what is that username
[7:21:53 PM] Jordan Knapp: like
[7:21:54 PM] Jordan Knapp: what
[7:22:07 PM] Nick Morello: heres a hint
[7:22:08 PM] Nick Morello: 4:17:45 PM erichgoeckeritz
Erich Goeckeritz is a secret entity
[7:22:08 PM] Jordan Knapp: I have  never heard of that name
[7:22:21 PM] Jordan Knapp: thx
[7:22:42 PM] Ruto: yeah tell me about it I can't even stalk it
[7:22:45 PM] Nick Morello:
[7:22:58 PM] Jordan Knapp: lol
[7:24:01 PM] Erich goeckeritz: 117 seems about right
[7:24:04 PM] Nick Morello: amusing
[7:24:09 PM] Erich goeckeritz: Seems like maybe there should be a bit more
[7:24:11 PM] Nick Morello: .38% of people with my last name are asian
[7:24:12 PM] Erich goeckeritz: Oh 2000
[7:24:27 PM] Jordan Knapp: lol
[7:24:40 PM] Jordan Knapp: Marry an Asian, the percentage will go up!!
[7:24:57 PM] Erich goeckeritz: Ruuuutoooo
[7:25:01 PM] Nick Morello: *cough*
[7:25:03 PM] Ruto: ohh crap
[7:25:08 PM] Jordan Knapp: oops.
[7:25:10 PM] Erich goeckeritz: : D
[7:25:17 PM] manio: penis
[7:25:18 PM] Nick Morello: aish
[7:25:22 PM] Nick Morello: get away
[7:25:35 PM] manio: why did my message not sent
[7:25:38 PM] manio: but THIS has
[7:25:53 PM] Jordan Knapp: it was probably your hearts desire
[7:26:12 PM] manio: i said
[7:26:13 PM] manio: [01:17:03] Nick Morello: rofl
[01:17:46] Erich goeckeritz: Erich Goeckeritz is a secret entity
[01:18:05] manio: he's a secret to everybody
[7:26:18 PM] manio: but it never sent ;(
[7:26:22 PM] Ruto: xD
[7:26:34 PM] Nick Morello:
[7:28:54 PM] Daniel: what happened
[7:29:44 PM] Jordan Knapp: a secret entity appeared and made slow the butt of a joke, then ruto and kefka/concerto almost got married but were interrupted by manio desiring penis
[7:29:54 PM] Jordan Knapp: then kefka stabs something repeatedly
[7:29:58 PM] Jordan Knapp: i think i got the gist of it
[7:30:11 PM] manio: xD
[7:30:29 PM] Daniel: interesting
[7:31:13 PM] Ruto: xD
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


So I appear to have lost contact with NSM group on Skype.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


[10:49:38 PM] Kefka: blargh
[10:49:44 PM] Kefka: always have to remember to use freaking j in this class
[10:49:48 PM] Kefka: for imaginary unit..
[10:50:34 PM] Ruto: jjjjjjjj

- -


[11:36:39 PM] Ruto: J forgot so gjve me a second and J'll check
[11:36:44 PM] Ruto: ha see what I did there

(_ _|||)

me irl


[8:04:55 PM] Daniel: C6H12O6
[8:05:06 PM] Jordan Knapp: gluuuuuuuuuuuuuucose
[8:05:58 PM] Daniel: ;)
[8:07:43 PM] Jordan Knapp: oh
[8:07:46 PM] Jordan Knapp: it's kinky glucose
[8:08:05 PM] Jordan Knapp: "heeeyy plants why don't you come over here and produce me all day long ;)"
[8:08:05 PM] Daniel: lol
[8:08:44 PM] Jordan Knapp: "did I say produce because I meant SEDUCE"
[8:09:18 PM] Daniel: A+
[8:09:26 PM] Daniel: hey slowpokemon
[8:09:31 PM] Daniel: let me plant some kisses on you
[8:09:47 PM] Daniel: ill root you up and lift you off your feet
[8:10:20 PM] Jordan Knapp: let's get all up in your chlorophyll on the floor-ophyll
[8:10:56 PM | Edited 8:11:30 PM] Daniel: i think this is the point where we stop making plant puns and just start making out gratuitously
[8:11:12 PM] Jordan Knapp: *makes out*
[8:11:21 PM] Daniel: *makes out*
[8:13:11 PM] Ruto: XD
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


15:55      *** Yugi joined #twgnsm
Topic set by bird on Mon Jan 21 2013 13:52:07 GMT+1100 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
15:55   Yugi   Hello other me
15:56   Fox   Hello
15:56   Yugi   Seen any good movies lately?
15:56   Fox   I saw that Truman show movie lately
15:56   Fox   It was good.
15:57   Yugi   Isn't it that movie where the guy discovers he's in a TV Show?
15:57   Fox   Yes
15:57   Fox   Not as good as layton though
15:57   Yugi   wait a minute
15:58   Yugi   I hate layton
15:58   Yugi   YOU'RE NOT ME.
15:58   Fox   LOOK IN MY EYES
15:58   Fox   YOU KNOW IT.
15:58   Yugi   YOU LIE
15:59   Yugi   YOU ARE NOT ME
16:00   Fox   fuck you
16:00   Yugi   fuck you
16:00   Fox   fuck you
16:00   Yugi   fuck you
16:00   Fox   fuck you
16:00   Yugi   fuck you
16:00   Fox   FUCK YOU!
16:00   Yugi   FUCK YOU!
16:01   Fox   I HATE YTOU
16:01   Fox   I'M LEAVING
16:01      *** Fox quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
16:01   Yugi   Good riddance
16:04      *** Fox joined #twgnsm
16:04   Fox   Also your're weeb shit
16:04   Fox   and you like hentai
16:04   Fox   so there
16:04   Fox   I SAID IT.
16:04   Yugi   Hey.
16:04   Yugi   Hey.
16:04   Yugi   Hey.
16:04   Yugi   I am a lot of Shit.
16:04   Yugi   But I am not weeb shit.
16:05   Fox   HAHAHAHHA
16:05   Fox   HAHAHHA
16:05   Fox   AHHAH
16:05   Yugi   *FUCK YOU!*
16:06   Fox   FUCK YOU
16:08   Yugi   I HATE YOU OTHER ME
16:08   Yugi   GO DIE IN A DITCH
16:08   Fox   GLADLY!
16:08      *** Fox quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
16:09   Yugi   ...
16:09   Yugi   I hate other me.