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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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w00t! All sanity is lost between the hours of 12 and 7....

[02:15:15]   <iDOWN>   Zeta, are you a gender bender?
[02:15:18]   <HugoMeister>   ROFL
[02:15:21]   <Zeta>   only because my stiffy bounced off
[02:15:25]   <HugoMeister>   ROFLMAO
[02:15:27]   <iDOWN>   xDDDDDDDD

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


[23:57]   <SuperZombie>   Zeta what is Gamer4250?
[23:57]   <Zeta>   i think it's right all along

Of course.

me irl


It's funny because she says that everytime you ask. :P


       <Davey>   Zeta give everyone my fist in their face.
   * Zeta   gives everyone my fist in their face.



Im lonely, no ones on chat and those who are aren't saying much and you get kicked from channels if you go of nsm ground, hurry to my aid, for i am dying of boredom...

Super Zombie

Quote from: Gamer4250 on August 02, 2008, 12:03:29 AM[23:57]   <SuperZombie>   Zeta what is Gamer4250?
[23:57]   <Zeta>   i think it's right all along

Of course.

 ;D Sure, you are, keep thinking that.

Also: <Gamer4250> Your point makes no sense. You think that I can't say this food is terrible because I don't know how to cook?  <PianoMasta7>   Yes

ROFLMAO This had me in stitches.  :D


Quote from: Super Zombie on August 05, 2008, 12:14:05 AM;D Sure, you are, keep thinking that.

Also: <Gamer4250> Your point makes no sense. You think that I can't say this food is terrible because I don't know how to cook?  <PianoMasta7>   Yes

ROFLMAO This had me in stitches.  :D

You're gonna be in stitches soon... jk :P


PianoMasta7>   and it's .MID not .MIDI



Uhh he's actually right...

The extension is .mid, but we call it MIDI


Wow that was the most ignorant and moronic thing I've heard today :P

You're supposed to flame for good reasons.

me irl


Quote from:   Definition
MIDI   Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIDI   Musical Instruments Digital Interface

The EXENTION is .mid, IT CAN ALSO BE SAVED AS .MIDI, IT DOESN'T MATTER. But as you can CLEARLY SEE, If it was actually .mid, then it would stand for something it doesn't. Do some research. <--- my argument win button


[23:07:22]   <Gamer4250>    join #drshnaps
[23:07:25]   <Gamer4250>   oh ok
[23:07:26]   <Gamer4250>   darn
[23:07:27]   <Zeta>   join #drshnaps... japs



[03:18:56]   <Gollum>   Gollujm
[03:18:58]   <Gollum>   Gollum
[03:19:03]   =-=   Gollum is now known as Smeagol
[03:19:08]   <Zeta>   Master, where did you go? I can't see you.
[03:19:10]   <Smeagol>   but Smeagol likes the Chuck Norris
[03:19:13]   =-=   Smeagol is now known as Gollum
[03:19:19]   <Gollum>   CHUCK NORRIS HURTS YOU
[03:19:22]   =-=   Gollum is now known as Smeagol
[03:19:26]   <Smeagol>   but he gives us food
[03:19:30]   =-=   Smeagol is now known as Gollum
[03:19:36]   <Gollum>   no my love, he taunts us with it
[03:19:42]   =-=   Gollum is now known as Smeagol
[03:19:43]   =-=   Mode #nsm +b *!* by Zeta
[03:19:44]   =-=   Smeagol was booted from #nsm by Zeta (nick flood)
[03:19:53]   <HugoMeister>   ZETA
[03:20:00]   <FireTeamDelta>   WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
[03:20:01]   =-=   Mode #nsm -b *!* by HugoMeister
[03:20:06]   <HugoMeister>   he nick flooded
[03:20:07]   <FireTeamDelta>   LOOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGGG
[03:20:10]   <FireTeamDelta>   NOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW
[03:20:11]   -->|   NSMGuest ( has joined #nsm
[03:20:12]   =-=   Mode #nsm +b *!* by Zeta
[03:20:12]   =-=   NSMGuest was booted from #nsm by Zeta (Banned: nick flood)
[03:20:15]   <FireTeamDelta>   :O
[03:20:15]   <HugoMeister>   BAD ZETA
[03:20:18]   <FireTeamDelta>   OMG!!!!!!!!
[03:20:19]   <HugoMeister>   FUCK YOU ZETA
[03:20:19]   <Zeta>   Wow.
[03:20:33]   =-=   Mode #nsm -b *!* by HugoMeister
[03:20:39]   -->|   NSMGuest ( has joined #nsm
[03:20:40]   =-=   Mode #nsm +b *!* by Zeta
[03:20:40]   =-=   NSMGuest was booted from #nsm by Zeta (Banned: nick flood)
[03:20:43]   <FireTeamDelta>   omg...
[03:20:46]   <HugoMeister>   GODDAMNIT ZETA
[03:20:48]   <FireTeamDelta>   THIS IS EPIC!!!!!!!!!
[03:20:49]   <HugoMeister>   THATS QEW
[03:20:52]   =-=   Mode #nsm -b *!* by HugoMeister
[03:20:52]   <Zeta>   I say.

Fuck you Zeta. You banned QEW, the GREATEST OF ALL CHAT PEOPLE.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


[04:55]   <Qew>   ugh... oh well, used to that by now... (all boys school)
[04:55]   <Sara>   Yeah. >.>
[04:55]   <Qew>   takes 2.5 years of just boys to make me rebel and be a girl :P




Stole this from the DSP Asylum

-!- NSMGuest [] has joined #drshnaps
<NSMGuest> lol
-!- NSMGuest is now known as onrefni
<~Sephy> JaMaHa: how the hell does NSM manage to attract even more idiots than DSP? You'd think DSP would be a lot worse
<onrefni> yeah
<onrefni> who is the idot in nsm?

me irl


<Purple1222119> !seen Purple1222119
<Zeta> Purple1222119, go look in a mirror.


<Purple1222119> Zeta courtmartial Zeta
<HugoMeister> duh
<Zeta> Duh.
<HugoMeister> ^_^
<Zeta> :)
<Purple1222119> :)
<Dude> Aww...
<HugoMeister> exact time too


<Purple1222119> Zeta courtmartial Purple1222119 with banzai
<Zeta> Purple1222119's Prison Poser!
<Zeta> Rules simple. Simply decide if you think I'll find purple1222119 innocent.
<Zeta> Place bets now! (!bet innocent and !bet guilty, one bet per person)
* Zeta throws Purple1222119 in the brig to await charges  
<Dude> !bet guilty
<HugoMeister> !bet guilty
<Purple1222119> !bet guilty
<Zeta> SNAP.
<Zeta> you want friends to laugh at you? Bet!
<Zeta> Betting ends!
* HugoMeister laughs at zeta for not betting
<Zeta> Purple1222119, you are charged with exploding Neelix, and writing a character development episode
<Zeta> You have been found innocent, have a nice day.
<HugoMeister> noooo
* Zeta laughs HugoMeister back with an arrow  
<Purple1222119> What?! How was I inoccent?


*** Brawler4Ever has quit (Q:- gl all g2g)
<Zeta> It's not my fault, it just exploded.


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Just for the record... It's betting, not voting :P