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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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[9:31:08 PM] Raymondbl: good night!
[9:31:20 PM] Raymondbl: :)
[9:31:45 PM] Nanz: i hope you have dreams you enjoy, whether they are sexual or not
[9:32:11 PM] Saria: have adventurous, yet non-sexual dreams*
[9:35:37 PM] Ruto: ohh well i'm sure he'll manage
[9:35:50 PM] Mashi: have sexual, yet non-adventurous dreams
[9:36:49 PM] Ruto: D:
[9:36:58 PM] Ruto: ohh wow that sounds awful XD
[9:37:09 PM] Mashi: they sound great
[9:37:11 PM] Mashi: totes
[9:37:16 PM] Mashi: right manio
[9:37:18 PM] Mashi: is he asleep
[9:37:23 PM] Mashi: manio says yes in his sleep
Quote from: Slow
Quote from: manio
I love taking wiener schnitzel in my mouth
Quote from: Kefka
cooperating anal
Quote from: ZeldaFanmy dream is to get a quote in someone's sig someday


me irl


-->|   K-NiGhT ( has joined #TWGNSM
[23:13]   universe-X   back
[23:13]   Maestro   Sheikah placed a vote for Verm.
[23:13]   universe-X   Why?
[23:13]   Maestro   He doesn't trust him.
[23:14]   Maestro   He thinks that Verm has placed himself as a leader and is playing all of us.
[23:17]   Vera   the secret is that k-night is the wuff
[23:17]   Vera   and he is playing all of us
[23:17]   Vera   !!!
[23:17]   universe-X   I was thinking along the same lines
[23:18]   universe-X   k-night how dare u
[23:18]   Maestro   You see this?
[23:18]   Maestro   This is my shocked face.
[23:18]   Maestro   ...
[23:18]   Vera   Hahahahahaha.
[23:18]   Vera   Maestro has best shocked face.


Quote from: Mashi on August 12, 2012, 08:20:20 PM-->|   K-NiGhT ( has joined #TWGNSM
[23:13]   universe-X   back
[23:13]   Maestro   Sheikah placed a vote for Verm.
[23:13]   universe-X   Why?
[23:13]   Maestro   He doesn't trust him.
[23:14]   Maestro   He thinks that Verm has placed himself as a leader and is playing all of us.
[23:17]   Vera   the secret is that k-night is the wuff
[23:17]   Vera   and he is playing all of us
[23:17]   Vera   !!!
[23:17]   universe-X   I was thinking along the same lines
[23:18]   universe-X   k-night how dare u
[23:18]   Maestro   You see this?
[23:18]   Maestro   This is my shocked face.
[23:18]   Maestro   ...
[23:18]   Vera   Hahahahahaha.
[23:18]   Vera   Maestro has best shocked face.

That's TOTALLY not true.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: Saria on August 12, 2012, 06:55:51 PM[9:31:08 PM] Raymondbl: good night!
[9:31:20 PM] Raymondbl: :)
[9:31:45 PM] Nanz: i hope you have dreams you enjoy, whether they are sexual or not
[9:32:11 PM] Saria: have adventurous, yet non-sexual dreams*
[9:35:37 PM] Ruto: ohh well i'm sure he'll manage
[9:35:50 PM] Mashi: have sexual, yet non-adventurous dreams
[9:36:49 PM] Ruto: D:
[9:36:58 PM] Ruto: ohh wow that sounds awful XD
[9:37:09 PM] Mashi: they sound great
[9:37:11 PM] Mashi: totes
[9:37:16 PM] Mashi: right manio
[9:37:18 PM] Mashi: is he asleep
[9:37:23 PM] Mashi: manio says yes in his sleep

Lol I can't wait to show that to him when he wakes up xD

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


You guys are stealing my line!!!!!!! I'm a little bit okay with that, though.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


They were doing that with respect to you, not to plagiarize you! (Correct me if I'm wrong)
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Of course. Have adventurous, yet non-sexual dreams!

Inspired by a certain person's "Have good nightmares."
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


"Have good nightmares."
-Shadoninja (AZN BRO)
Quote from: Slow
Quote from: manio
I love taking wiener schnitzel in my mouth
Quote from: Kefka
cooperating anal
Quote from: ZeldaFanmy dream is to get a quote in someone's sig someday


12:53 -!- Zeta [] has joined #NinSheetMusic
12:53 -!- mode/#NinSheetMusic [+o Zeta] by JaMaHa
12:53 <@Zeta> Cheers.


Suddenly, I have a reason to come back. :D



It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


A conversation between me and MaestroUGC.

ALERT: Spoilers ;)

21:12      *** Kman96 joined #TWGNSM
21:13   Kman96   OMG
21:13   Kman96   hello.
21:15   Maestro-Host   Hi.
21:17   Maestro-Host   I think Vera's busy not procrastinating anymore.
21:18   Maestro-Host   So, Kman, are you enjoying the game thus far?
21:19   Kman96   yes
21:20   Maestro-Host   Good, because I'm fairly certain people here won't enjoy my other games.
21:20   Kman96   Oh god, what are you planning?
21:20   Kman96   I've been planning a few more TWG's.
21:20   Kman96   and I think they're pretty good.
21:20   Maestro-Host   The end, Mr. Kman, the end of TWG as you know it.
21:21   Kman96   you go first.
21:21   Kman96   lol
21:22   Maestro-Host   Well, I've got 2* (actually 3) ready to go.
21:22   Maestro-Host   Both have a key gimmick.
21:23   Kman96   uh oh
21:24   Maestro-Host   Yes, the first depends on one specific thing, the other doesn't and is ridiculously open ended.
21:24   Maestro-Host   In fact, I daresay it may be the very essence of frivolity.
21:25   Kman96   hahahaha, oh goodness
21:25   Maestro-Host   I'd give you a sneak preview, but I don't want to spoil a thing.
21:27   Kman96   oh I understand.
21:27   Kman96   care to hear what I'm planning to unveil?
21:27   Kman96   (once my post game is done, of course)
21:33   Kman96   herro?
21:33   Maestro-Host   Sorry, was called away.
21:33   Maestro-Host   What secrets do you have?
21:33   Kman96   oh, sorry
21:33   Kman96   ummm
21:33   Kman96   well I've got two planned.
21:34   Kman96   one is slightly simple, just a thought that popped in my head the other day
21:34   Kman96   a "TWG" themed TWG.
21:34   Kman96   Where the characters are US.
21:34   Kman96   as in, like our usernames are the characters,
21:34   Kman96   such as.
21:34   Kman96   Mashi, Verm and I could be wolves.
21:35   Kman96   but that doesn't necessarily mean that we would PLAY as wolves.
21:35   Kman96   that's just the character.
21:35   Kman96   I'm still debating whether I should give everyone Powers or not.
21:35   Maestro-Host   Huh.
21:35   Kman96   OH, and FSM is Miller 4sure.
21:35   Maestro-Host   That sounds like it might be a bit confusing.
21:36   Kman96   oh something else is the items.
21:36   Maestro-Host   Give us powers based on our playing styles, and you've got a deal.
21:36   Kman96   yeah, that's how it would work
21:36   Kman96   anyways, I've only thought of one item, and of course its based off of a member (however not a TWG player)
21:37   Kman96   the item is basically a vigi, but it's "Kefka", and its supposed to represent his ability to "perma-ban" users if he doesn't like them, ergo a vigi.
21:37   Maestro-Host   Ok, "I Kefka Jub."
21:37   Maestro-Host   Sounds fun.
21:38   Kman96   lol
21:38   Kman96   but that's the SIMPLE one.
21:38   Maestro-Host   FSM as a miller.
21:38   Kman96   The next one is absurdly fucked up
21:38   Kman96   i know i said that ^^^
21:38   Maestro-Host   Mashi as a Charismatic human.
21:38   Maestro-Host   Sounds pretty solid.
21:38   Kman96   It's still a work in progress- I haven't even written it down yet.
21:39   Kman96   anyways.
21:39   Maestro-Host   Well if you don't, I will.
21:39   Kman96   the next one is based off an absurd event in history which shows one of mankind's darkest moments
21:39   Kman96   :
21:39   Kman96   The Salem Witch Trials.
21:40   Kman96   More specifically, the novel The Crucible, by Arthur Miller.
21:40   Maestro-Host   Ah, which is basically TWG IRL.
21:40   Kman96   lol I KNOW!!!
21:40   Maestro-Host   That';s why I refer to man hunts as witch hunts.
21:40   Kman96   I was reading the book for my AP english class, and I just HAD to write something out.
21:41   Maestro-Host   It's a pretty good book.
21:41   Kman96   but its so insanely complicated and f-ed up that I don't think anyone would want to play except for just the insane madness of it.
21:41   Kman96   yes, the book is excellent.
21:41   Maestro-Host   I would.
21:41   Maestro-Host   I like the complicated s***.
21:41   Kman96   lol you don't even know what I'm about to say...
21:41   Maestro-Host   Have you seen my first game?
21:41   Kman96   brb lemme get it.
21:41   Kman96   no I haven't
21:41   Maestro-Host   Oh boy.
21:42   Kman96   ok
21:42   Kman96   here's the deal
21:42   Kman96   3 wolves.
21:43   Kman96   Abigail Williams- Master Wolf (seered Blue D: )
21:43   Kman96   Reverend Parris- Charismatic Wolf (votes count x2)
21:43   Kman96   (red)
21:43   Kman96   Mary Warren- told they are human (seered green)
21:43   Maestro-Host   Ooh, I've yet to play as a charismatic wolf.
21:43   Kman96   Specials:
21:44   Kman96   John Proctor- Guardian (blue)
21:44   Kman96   Reverend John Hale- Seer (blue)
21:44   Kman96   Deputy Governor Danforth- Seer #2 (Red)
21:44   Kman96   Here's the deal with the 2 seers:
21:45   Maestro-Host   A red seer, that's new.
21:46   Kman96   Neither of them will know which seer they are, however, Deputy Governor Danforth will be given false results ( between Red, Green, Blue, so a 1/3 chance of being right)
21:46   Maestro-Host   Ouch.
21:46   Kman96   Humans: (all seered green)
21:47   Kman96   Susanna Walcott
21:47   Kman96   Rebecca Nurse
21:47   Kman96   Thomas Putnam
21:47   Kman96   Elizabeth Proctor
21:47   Kman96   Giles Corey
21:47   Kman96   Sarah Good
21:47   Maestro-Host   Hmm.
21:47   Kman96   Now, you may be asking: "Why are they placed where they are??"
21:48   Maestro-Host   The two seers seems like it'd only cause problems for the humans.
21:48   Kman96   As I will answer that.
21:48   Kman96   starting with the wolves,
21:49   Kman96   Abigail (as you know) is the bitch that causes it all, and because she is viewed as achild and everybodt blieves her, she is revered and so as such seered blue (like as a seer is sought as a leader)
21:49   Maestro-Host   Oh I get the characterizations.
21:50   Maestro-Host   You don't need to explain those to me.
21:50   Kman96   Reverend Parris is red because although he means well, he simply pushes on the witch trials, disbelieving in anyone who tries to sort him out (more persistence=more votes)
21:50   Kman96   oh...
21:50   Maestro-Host   I read the book too.
21:50   Maestro-Host   In fact, it's on my shelf right now.
21:51   Maestro-Host   Actually, that'd make for a great Opera...
21:51   Maestro-Host   Manfield! Prepare to take notes!
21:51   Kman96   well basically the red seer (danforth) is because since he has intentions to end all the witch trials (and almost does) he sees people not for who they are but what they've done (ergo a wrong seering.)
21:52   Maestro-Host   Yes, but.
21:52   Kman96   by what they've done I mean what he's seen of them
21:52   Kman96   like, he thought the children never llied because they were children. (wtf?)
21:53   Maestro-Host   By having two seers, while both could be right at once, with a Master wolf who could also claim as Seer, could cause nothing but problems for the humans.
21:53   Kman96   yeah...
21:53   Kman96   see I hadn't sorted out all the problems.
21:54   Kman96   the only thing this one has over the other one is that I wrote it down.
21:54   Maestro-Host   You have one true seer, with all the right info; the false seer, who has a 33% chance of being right; and a Wolf who doesn't need to be right and pretend to be Danforth.
21:54   Maestro-Host   That confusion alone will allow the wolves to steamroll the humans for an easy win.
21:54   Kman96   but the seers won't know who's who.
21:55   Kman96   should I tell the seers who the other seer is?
21:55   Maestro-Host   Exactly, since the seers only see colors.
21:55   Kman96   not their role, but who their partner is?
21:55   Maestro-Host   No, because then it defeats the pyrpose.
21:55   Kman96   got it. wasnt sure
21:55   Kman96   OH
21:55   Kman96   phase is about to end
21:55   Kman96   ^^^
21:55   Maestro-Host   There's still 24 hours.
21:55   Kman96   WHAT
21:56   Maestro-Host   Night phases are double this game, remember?
21:56   Kman96   oh -_-
21:56   Kman96   I forgot
21:56   Kman96   damn it
21:56   Maestro-Host   Anyway.
21:56   Kman96   lol my bad, sorry
21:56   Maestro-Host   The concept is good, very strong.
21:57   Maestro-Host   I like the idea of the two seers.
21:57   Maestro-Host   One right, the other not-so-right.
21:57   Kman96   thanks!
21:57   Kman96   but I definitely think that the Blue-Red-Green wolf combination will be hell for the humans...
21:58   Kman96   also- any ideas for items??
21:58   Maestro-Host   I think the game busy enough without them.
21:58   Maestro-Host   How about this.
21:59   Maestro-Host   Instead of Danforth getting 33% percent chace of a correct seering, he gets a 33% chance at being able to seer at all?
21:59   Maestro-Host   Like he sends his bid, the dice is cast, and whatever happens, happens.
21:59   Kman96   that's good, thats good.
22:00   Kman96   should he still not know who he is?
22:01   Maestro-Host   No, neither of the seers should know their roles, but they do know their partner.
22:01   Kman96   got it.
22:01   Kman96   writing this shit down....
22:02   Maestro-Host   But make it to where they don't know until Night 2, for kicks.
22:02   Kman96   they don't know their PARTNER until night six?
22:02   Kman96   2*
22:02   Kman96   I totes wrote six for kix
22:02   Kman96   lol -_-
22:04   Maestro-Host   Yeah, but only after they send in seerings.
22:04   Kman96   ok
22:04   Kman96   that could be interesting
22:05   Maestro-Host   I just got wo fantastic ideas for TWGs!
22:05   Maestro-Host   two*
22:05   Kman96   they're not mine, are they?
22:05   Maestro-Host   Nope.
22:06   Maestro-Host   The first is another Super TWG.
22:06   Maestro-Host   Like the one you're playing.
22:06   Kman96   oh boy
22:06   Kman96   I didn't know it was a SUPER TWG
22:06   Kman96   !!!
22:07   Maestro-Host   That's because this is the first game to use that title, this game's genre is a Super TWG, since everybody has powers.
22:07   Maestro-Host   I came up with it.
22:07   Maestro-Host   Vera was a witness.
22:07   Kman96   hahaha
22:08   Maestro-Host   He was, I came up with it when I first showed him this game.
22:08   Maestro-Host   In this very chat.
22:09   Maestro-Host   Ah, a historic day indeed.
22:09   Maestro-Host   Get it?
22:09   Maestro-Host   Historic?!?!?!?
22:09   Maestro-Host   Bahahahahaha.
22:10   Kman96   oh sorry, I was away
22:10   Kman96   BAHAHAHAHA
22:11   Kman96   I get it
22:11   Maestro-Host   Anyway, my other other new game is based on famous Composers.
22:11   Maestro-Host   Because I'm a huge nerd.
22:12   Kman96   hey- depending on if I know them or not- my interest is perked.
22:13   Kman96   you mean like Bach, Beethoven, Strauss, Mozart, Chobin, etc...?
22:13   Kman96   ...or is it Chopin?
22:16   Maestro-Host   Chopin, and yes.
22:16   Maestro-Host   With the Blue Trio being Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven.
22:16   Kman96   D:
22:16   Kman96   *excitement ensues*
22:16   Kman96   do tell!
22:16   Maestro-Host   I'm debating whether or not to have it 12 players, or 16...
22:17   Kman96   16?!?
22:17   Kman96   HOLY WTF
22:17   Maestro-Host   There's nothing of it yet, it's just an idea right now.
22:17   Kman96   sometimes we can barely get 11! lol
22:17   Maestro-Host   Come back tomorrow and I'll have something to show for it.
22:17   Maestro-Host   I know.
22:17   Maestro-Host   But every now an then we get some fresh meat.
22:18   Kman96   I have this haunting feeling that Mashi is simply watching us talk and not saying a word- just being a creeper.
22:18   Maestro-Host   So by the time this rolls around for sign-ups, I'
22:18   Kman96   yeah, that's true
22:18   Maestro-Host   m confident we'll have players.
22:18   Maestro-Host   I'm not sure who should be the wolves, but I have a few ideas.
22:19   Maestro-Host   Besides, I'll create 2 versions, one 12 and the other 16.
22:19   Kman96   ah
22:19   Kman96   boy scout
22:19   Kman96   be prepared
22:20   Maestro-Host   One of my finished game is very much the same, but both versions are drastically different.
22:20   Kman96   I'm sure.
22:21   Kman96   alright, I have severly enjoyed this conversation- I loved discussing ideas of TWG's with you, but ice cream is calling me, and I must flee to sit in front of the TV.
22:21   Kman96   so I will chat with you later!
22:22   Maestro-Host   Alright.
22:22   Kman96   should I post this in "Chat logs" ?
22:22   Maestro-Host   Later.
22:22   Maestro-Host   If you want.
22:22   Kman96   meh idk
22:22   Maestro-Host   It'd finally make me famous.
22:22   Maestro-Host   THis is just the exposure I need.
22:22   Kman96   well then I'll do it for you, then ;) discussing TWG ideas.

Party Hard!


I love the idea of using the players as the characters, but itll be funny to see who you'd choose as the wolves. Also, maestro why do all your games have to be so confusing with all the historical people? @-@