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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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Quote from: Nakah on July 17, 2008, 12:28:24 PMAlso, way to cut out all of the other stuff to make the entire log focused on you. =p

That's my awaylog, that's what it's supposed to do.


Egnio: Just shuutt uuuppp. You weren't even in it until you just joined and thought you were so don't talk.


Quote from: PianoMasta7 on July 17, 2008, 01:44:43 PMEgnio: Just shuutt uuuppp. You weren't even in it until you just joined and thought you were so don't talk.

Still not responding. How amusing ;3
<Blizz>   [17:00:00] <Blizz> ♥ Harvest ♥


Quote from: PianoMasta7 on July 17, 2008, 11:19:11 AMDavey: weren't you banned from this site?

He left by himself for like a day.

Quote[23:12]   <Qew>   Zeta, I hear the economy's doing well, how's that going for you?
[23:12]   <Zeta>   A bush.

me irl

Concerto No.20 in D minor

*** Nakah is now known as Noah
*** HugoMeister is now known as Ark
*** Concerto is now known as God
*** Noah is now known as Nakah
*** Ark is now known as HugoMeister
*** God is now known as Concerto
*** HugoMeister is now known as random_monkey
*** random_monkey is now known as food
*** food is now known as HugoMeister


* Concerto pokes zeta
* Zeta punches concerto back with some niceness 
* Concerto is blown away by Zeta's punch
* Zeta is Concerto back with a repeat 
* Concerto is Zeta infinity
* Zeta is Concerto 
<Zeta> BOOM
<Concerto> O
<Concerto> M
<Concerto> G
<HugoMeister> ROFL
<Concerto> Zeta just totally beat science


<Qew> Zeta courtmartial Concerto with banzai
<Zeta> The concerto Being In Brig Bet!
<Zeta> Rules simple. Simply decide if you think I'll find Concerto innocent.
<Zeta> Place bets now! (!bet innocent and !bet guilty, one bet per person)
* Zeta throws Concerto in the brig to await charges 
<HugoMeister> !bet innocent
<Qew> !bet innocent ;)
<HugoMeister> i have a craving :3
<Sara287> !bet guilty
<Concerto> !bet guilty
<Zeta> come on, bet!
<Zeta> SNAP.
<Zeta> Betting ends!
<Zeta> Concerto, you are charged with setting fire to Lt Cmdr Tuvok, and existing.
<Zeta> You have been found innocent, have a nice day.
<Zeta> Congraturation go to big winner who are hugomeister. Well done! Glory and fame are yours!
<Qew> LOL

Last night.


* pumpy_heart hugs Zeta
<Zeta> =]
<Zeta> thansk
<Zeta> -_-
<pumpy_heart> your most welcome
<HugoMeister> ...
<pumpy_heart> oh
<pumpy_heart> ...
<HugoMeister> she misspelled it
<HugoMeister> <_<
<pumpy_heart> yep..
<pumpy_heart> maybe she isnt a bot...
* HugoMeister suspects divine intervention
<pumpy_heart> Zeta, are you a bot?
<Zeta> yes
<Zeta> Wait! i mean no.
<pumpy_heart> there is our answer


<iDOWN> Zeta, are you stupid? :D
<Zeta> Davey made me

WOOT. :]

* iDOWN throws a turnup at Zeta
* Zeta throws iDOWN back with a shit 
<HugoMeister> ....with a shit
<HugoMeister> nice
<iDOWN> xD
<Nakah> hahaha
<iDOWN> Zeta threw me with a shit. That hurt! D:
<Nakah> pwned

<Zeta> *boing*
<iDOWN> What are you boinging on, Zeta?
<Zeta> Coffee!
<iDOWN> xD Zeta is a coffee addict!
<HugoMeister> she's a simple one she is
<iDOWN> I love coffee.
* iDOWN gives Zeta coffee
<HugoMeister> i prefer hot tea
<Zeta> thansk
<Zeta> Mmmmm...
* Zeta drinks the coffee :-) 
<iDOWN> Wait for it....
<iDOWN> Zeta, boing!
<iDOWN> D:
<HugoMeister> whoa
<HugoMeister> i didnt know she drank the coffee...
* Zeta finishes the coffee 
<HugoMeister> i gave her coffee before =/
<Zeta> mmmm... thanks :)
<iDOWN> I win.
<iDOWN> Zeta likes me better than you, Hugo. xD
<HugoMeister> nonsense
<HugoMeister> Zeta, do you love me?
<Zeta> Omg yes.
<iDOWN> Zeta do you love me?
<Zeta> does it mean i get pie?
<iDOWN> Yes.
<HugoMeister> your love is only worth pie XD
* iDOWN gives Zeta pie.
<Zeta> :D
<Zeta> thanks iDOWN
* Zeta eats pie 
<iDOWN> At least she loves me. D:
<HugoMeister> true
<iDOWN> Zeta, do you love me more than Hugo?
<Zeta> Does it mean i get pie?
<iDOWN> Yes. :]
<HugoMeister> ..
<iDOWN> xD
<iDOWN> I think she love pie more than both of us. xD
<HugoMeister> rofl
<iDOWN> Zeta, what do you love more, me, Hugo, or pie?
<Zeta> a joint
<iDOWN> o.O
<HugoMeister> .   _.
<iDOWN> Zeta, why do you love joints?
<Zeta> don't look at me, i thought u were responsible for that
<iDOWN> Oh, yeah. xD
<HugoMeister> :P
* iDOWN slips Zeta a joint
* Zeta arrogants iDOWN in return 
<iDOWN> xD

<Zeta> What is your favourite colour?
<iDOWN> Blue. What is your favorite color, Zeta?
<Zeta> Pizza.


   <Qew>   Zeta, are there people about?
   <Qew>   goodbye, cruel, cruel world!!
   |<--   Qew has left (Q:- Qew)
   <Egg-knee-o>   ...
   -->|   Zeta (jamaha@49723648.6168D97F.2E5D10D.IP) has joined #nsm
<Blizz>   [17:00:00] <Blizz> ♥ Harvest ♥


[19:33:07]   -->|   Harvest ( has joined #nsm
[19:33:08]   =-=   Mode #nsm +o Harvest by ChanServ
[19:46:44]   <Zeta>   Oh good, Captain Adventure has arrived.



[07:18:18]   <Qew>   Zeta courtmartial Qew
[07:18:21]   * Zeta   throws Qew in the brig to await charges
[07:18:21]   <Qew>   WITH BANZAI
[07:18:23]   <Qew>   crap
[07:18:35]   <HugoMeister>   XD
[07:18:43]   <Qew>   Zeta courtmartial HugoMeister with banzai
[07:18:47]   <Zeta>   I'm sorry Sir, I already have someone in the brig - please try again later, or empty the Recycle Bin.
[07:18:51]   <Zeta>   Betting ends!
[07:18:53]   <Zeta>   Qew, you are charged with attempting to replicate the Kazon, and having sex on a PADD.
[07:18:54]   <Zeta>   You have been found guilty, and are sentenced to polish Captain Picard's head. And may God have mercy on your soul.
[07:18:54]   <HugoMeister>   .......
[07:18:55]   <Qew>   ...
[07:18:56]   <Zeta>   Congraturation go to big winner who are Hugomeister qew. Well done! Riches beyond your wildest dreams are yours to taking!
[07:18:59]   <HugoMeister>   betting ends?
[07:19:02]   <HugoMeister>   wtf?
[07:19:04]   <Sara287>   ....
[07:19:06]   <Qew>   help me, I'm scared

Um...I think we broke her. :P

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Quote from: HugoMeister on July 29, 2008, 04:29:15 AM[07:18:56]   <Zeta>   Congraturation go to big winner who are Hugomeister qew. Well done! Riches beyond your wildest dreams are yours to taking!

   The grammar here is atrocious.


* Purple1222119 tests Zeta with a test tube
* Zeta tests Purple1222119 
* Purple1222119 shows Zeta test results
* Zeta dsps Purple1222119 in return

Dsps? What the f-*epic explosion*
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[14:05:08]   <Lexonton>   I should and will just put pm7 on /ignore
[14:05:11]   <Lexonton>   THERE
[14:05:14]   <HugoMeister>   there
[14:05:15]   <Zeta>   :O
[14:05:16]   <Lexonton>   Better
[14:05:17]   <HugoMeister>   was that so hard?
[14:05:22]   <PianoMasta7>   haha
[14:05:24]   <Lexonton>   No
[14:05:27]   <Zeta>   I was curious to see when you'd shut up on your own... but it's been three hours now, Lexonton... THREE HOURS%#^£^$#*
[14:05:34]   <PianoMasta7>   XD XD XD XD
[14:05:35]   <HugoMeister>   ........................ ROFL

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


[16:05:50] <@HugoMeister> meh
[16:05:55] <@HugoMeister> my pc is slow
[16:05:57] <@HugoMeister> i cant help that
[16:06:16] <Dude> (Insert comment about "Slow" and PianoMasta7)
[16:06:24] <PianoMasta7> ?
[16:06:35] <Dude> ...XD
[16:06:45] <@HugoMeister> ...that was too perfect
[16:07:11] <PianoMasta7> I don't get it...


[16:02:26]   * Dude   attacks Dude with love
[16:02:31]   <Zeta>   Dude takes 476 damage from dude's 'love'. my precious
[16:02:38]   <HugoMeister>   love hurts :P


by the way dude: I don't get it? Come on...That was a joke