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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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Just thought I'd post this.
[17:16]   <Zeta>   come my filthy stink children


[15:37:59]   <Dude>   :(
[15:42:54]   <MasterPenguin>   :P
[15:49:26]   <Gamer4250>   :|
[15:50:03]   <HugoMeister>   :)
[15:50:08]   <Zeta>   =D
[15:50:18]   <MasterPenguin>   =[
[15:50:47]   <HugoMeister>   congrats, we just had our first collective mood swing



picture one: yeah just making some of these guys know  :P
picture two: lol its perfect!


[21:11:14] <Dude> pl b 9
[21:11:14] <&BillyTheBot> Dude plays   Blue 9   to Billy
[21:11:14] <&BillyTheBot> Billy drew a card
[21:11:16] <&BillyTheBot> Billy plays   Blue Skip   and skips Dude to Billy
[21:11:18] <&BillyTheBot> Billy plays   Red Skip   and skips Dude to Billy
[21:11:20] <&BillyTheBot> Billy plays   Red Reverse   to Billy
[21:11:22] <&BillyTheBot> Billy plays   Yellow Reverse   to Billy
[21:11:24] * &BillyTheBot says Billy Has Uno!
[21:11:25] <Dude> WTF?
[21:11:27] <&BillyTheBot> Billy plays   Yellow 4   and Wins UNO!


pwnt by an uno bot.

me irl


[22:15]   <Gamer4250>   yes, I eat pasta at 10 PM
[22:15]   <Gamer4250>   every day
[22:16]   <Nakah>   I do at 1 a.m.
[22:16]   <PianoMasta7>   It's 1:16am dumb ass

I have no comment on this level of idiocy.

EDIT: But wait!  It continues!

[22:30]   <PianoMasta7>   Ya know what gamer? I hear you talking all this SHIT about websites, but you don't have ANY idea what it takes to make one, so i suggest you shut the fuck up
[22:30]   <Gamer4250>   dude
[22:30]   <Gamer4250>   your point makes no sense
[22:30]   <Nakah>   Piano you've been attacking gamer for hours now
[22:30]   <PianoMasta7>   Yes it does
[22:30]   <Gamer4250>   it's like saying I can't say a video game sucks because I don't know how to program
[22:30]   <PianoMasta7>   That's what I'm saying...
[22:30]   <Gamer4250>   this same argument has been brought up many times
[22:30]   <Gamer4250>   oh wait
[22:31]   <Gamer4250>   you actually think that?
[22:31]   <Gamer4250>   you think that I cant say this food is terrible because I don't know how to cook?
[22:31]   <PianoMasta7>   You can't program if you could make a million dollars for it
[22:31]   <PianoMasta7>   Yes
[22:31]   <PianoMasta7>   You don't know how to do something, don't talk shit
[22:32]   <Gamer4250>   -.-

me irl

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Posting this just begs for flame to burn wild, please think before posting...
Quote from: Gamer4250 on July 16, 2008, 10:23:04 PM[22:15]   <Gamer4250>   yes, I eat pasta at 10 PM
[22:15]   <Gamer4250>   every day
[22:16]   <Nakah>   I do at 1 a.m.
[22:16]   <PianoMasta7>   It's 1:16am dumb ass

I have no comment on this level of idiocy.

EDIT: But wait!  It continues!

[22:30]   <PianoMasta7>   Ya know what gamer? I hear you talking all this SHIT about websites, but you don't have ANY idea what it takes to make one, so i suggest you shut the fuck up
[22:30]   <Gamer4250>   dude
[22:30]   <Gamer4250>   your point makes no sense
[22:30]   <Nakah>   Piano you've been attacking gamer for hours now
[22:30]   <PianoMasta7>   Yes it does
[22:30]   <Gamer4250>   it's like saying I can't say a video game sucks because I don't know how to program
[22:30]   <PianoMasta7>   That's what I'm saying...
[22:30]   <Gamer4250>   this same argument has been brought up many times
[22:30]   <Gamer4250>   oh wait
[22:31]   <Gamer4250>   you actually think that?
[22:31]   <Gamer4250>   you think that I cant say this food is terrible because I don't know how to cook?
[22:31]   <PianoMasta7>   You can't program if you could make a million dollars for it
[22:31]   <PianoMasta7>   Yes
[22:31]   <PianoMasta7>   You don't know how to do something, don't talk shit
[22:32]   <Gamer4250>   -.-


[04:02:15] -!- Irssi: 33 new messages in awaylog:
21:34 #TWG: <~Nakah> Dude Hugo Jamaha Davey Nakah
21:34 #TWG: < Dude> Jama's not here
21:34 #TWG: < Davey> JaMaHa
21:34 #TWG: < Dude> JaMaHa is away: bed
22:52 #nsm: < PianoMasta7> I know more codes than JaMaHa
--- Day changed Thu Jul 17 2008
00:46 #nsm: < PianoMasta7> What time does JaMaHa usually wake up?
01:01 #TWG: <~Nakah> JaMaHa's listening =p
01:01 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> JaMaHa!!!
01:05 #nsm: <@HugoMeister> he wants to see when jama gets up XD
01:05 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> [02:10:48]I===IJaMaHa: idle for 9 hours, 2 minutes, 44 seconds (on since Saturday, July 12, 2008 3:14:07 AM)
01:09 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> JaMaHa's funnier and more active in the morning, huh?
01:09 #nsm: <@HugoMeister> jamaha's usually funny
01:17 <JaMaHa> identify ******
01:17 #nsm: <&Zeta> [JaMaHa] Awesomeness
01:17 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> Hello JaMaHa!!!!
01:38 #nsm: < Nakah_> Wake up Jamaha.
01:38 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> JaMaHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:42 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> JaMaHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:44 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> |JaMaHa wake up|
01:51 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> Just wait for JaMaHa...
01:58 #nsm: < Nakah_> Let's all show up at Jamaha's house
02:00 #nsm: < Nakah_> *typing from Jamaha's computer*
02:02 #nsm: < Nakah_> #JamahasWaitingRoom
02:02 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> come on JaMaHa....
02:06 #nsm: < Nakah_> We'll tell Jamaha you said hi
02:06 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> JaMaHa is the oldest here
02:07 #nsm: < Nakah_> Why don't you help Jamaha or something then?
02:10 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> [03:15:53]I===IJaMaHa: idle for 53 minutes, 29 seconds (on since Thursday, July 17, 2008 2:22:05 AM)
02:11 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> So JaMaHa IS here
02:24 #nsm: < Sara287> you know what would be funny? if jamaha were here just reading this stuff and laughed at you after you left
02:30 #nsm: <@HugoMeister> if you're here jamaha, you can talk now
02:30 #nsm: < Nakah> JaMaHa you sly goon you.
02:30 #nsm: < Sara287> you realize, once jamaha reads this, he'll think every one of us has serious mental disorders

Must be a new record.


LOL!!! That was all at 3:00am!!!  XD


Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on July 17, 2008, 01:36:36 AMPosting this just begs for flame to burn wild, please think before posting...

Have you not seen previous logs?  We ALL do this you know.

me irl


   <PianoMasta7>   Well well
   <Gamer4250>   hay
   <PianoMasta7>   Look who it is
   <Gamer4250>   Gamer4250?
   <PianoMasta7>   I hope you don't say anything mean to me
   <PianoMasta7>   or you're banned
   <Gamer4250>   Dude
   <PianoMasta7>   serisously
   <PianoMasta7>   I can ban you
   <Gamer4250>   you were the one who did everything yesterday
   <PianoMasta7>   I'm not even kidding
   <Gamer4250>   and of course you can ban me because you're an op
   <Gamer4250>   I can see right here
   <PianoMasta7>   Say one thing and you're out
   <PianoMasta7>   orly?
   <Gamer4250>   *sigh*
   <PianoMasta7>   Hm...
   <PianoMasta7>   ok
   <PianoMasta7>   hen
   <PianoMasta7>   Then
   <PianoMasta7>   You're gone
   <Gamer4250>   of course you aren't dumbass
   =-=   PianoMasta7 is now known as HugoMeister
   <Gamer4250>   -.-
   =-=   Mode #nsm +o HugoMeister by ChanServ
   <Gamer4250>   oh so he gave you his password?
   =-=   Mode #nsm +b *!* by HugoMeister
   =-=   Gamer4250 was booted from #nsm by HugoMeister (Good bye, have a nice hour)
   <JaMaHa>   What the hell?
   <Nakah>   Wow...
   =-=   HugoMeister is now known as PianoMasta7
   <PianoMasta7>   Told him to watch it

I like throwing lumber to the fire :D

Taking a mod account and using it to threaten people. Can't believe I once tried helping him.
<Blizz>   [17:00:00] <Blizz> ♥ Harvest ♥


What... The... FUCK?!

Hugo, I hope you didn't give him your password. Or in any case, PMS, you shouldn't use a STAFF power. FOR CHRIST'S SAKE IF THE MODS STAND BY AND LET THIS HAPPEN WITHOUT PUNISHMENT I...

I don't know anymore...

this just made me too angry...

Well I can damn sure say I am never going on IRC when PMS is online.

[EDIT] I found out he is banned from IRC. *happy dance*


Davey: weren't you banned from this site? So why the fuck are you still here?


Don't worry, Davey. Hugo did nothing. Just because PianoMasta found his password on a log he thought it was correct to threaten people with it.

And yes, he was banned. Bet he'll be unbanned in less than a week, but meh. Seeing how he didn't pay attention to the content on your post means that he knows he has no arguments :P
<Blizz>   [17:00:00] <Blizz> ♥ Harvest ♥


Quote from: JaMaHa on July 17, 2008, 02:39:55 AM[04:02:15] -!- Irssi: 33 new messages in awaylog:
21:34 #TWG: <~Nakah> Dude Hugo Jamaha Davey Nakah
21:34 #TWG: < Dude> Jama's not here
21:34 #TWG: < Davey> JaMaHa
21:34 #TWG: < Dude> JaMaHa is away: bed
22:52 #nsm: < PianoMasta7> I know more codes than JaMaHa
--- Day changed Thu Jul 17 2008
00:46 #nsm: < PianoMasta7> What time does JaMaHa usually wake up?
01:01 #TWG: <~Nakah> JaMaHa's listening =p
01:01 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> JaMaHa!!!
01:05 #nsm: <@HugoMeister> he wants to see when jama gets up XD
01:05 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> [02:10:48]I===IJaMaHa: idle for 9 hours, 2 minutes, 44 seconds (on since Saturday, July 12, 2008 3:14:07 AM)
01:09 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> JaMaHa's funnier and more active in the morning, huh?
01:09 #nsm: <@HugoMeister> jamaha's usually funny
01:17 <JaMaHa> identify ******
01:17 #nsm: <&Zeta> [JaMaHa] Awesomeness
01:17 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> Hello JaMaHa!!!!
01:38 #nsm: < Nakah_> Wake up Jamaha.
01:38 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> JaMaHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:42 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> JaMaHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:44 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> |JaMaHa wake up|
01:51 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> Just wait for JaMaHa...
01:58 #nsm: < Nakah_> Let's all show up at Jamaha's house
02:00 #nsm: < Nakah_> *typing from Jamaha's computer*
02:02 #nsm: < Nakah_> #JamahasWaitingRoom
02:02 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> come on JaMaHa....
02:06 #nsm: < Nakah_> We'll tell Jamaha you said hi
02:06 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> JaMaHa is the oldest here
02:07 #nsm: < Nakah_> Why don't you help Jamaha or something then?
02:10 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> [03:15:53]I===IJaMaHa: idle for 53 minutes, 29 seconds (on since Thursday, July 17, 2008 2:22:05 AM)
02:11 #nsm: < FireTeamDelta> So JaMaHa IS here
02:24 #nsm: < Sara287> you know what would be funny? if jamaha were here just reading this stuff and laughed at you after you left
02:30 #nsm: <@HugoMeister> if you're here jamaha, you can talk now
02:30 #nsm: < Nakah> JaMaHa you sly goon you.
02:30 #nsm: < Sara287> you realize, once jamaha reads this, he'll think every one of us has serious mental disorders

Must be a new record.

   I like how it looks like I'm serious in the chat.

   Also, way to cut out all of the other stuff to make the entire log focused on you. =p