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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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Kays I'll stop. Iz creeping meself out nao too. D:
Quote from: Slow
Quote from: manio
I love taking wiener schnitzel in my mouth
Quote from: Kefka
cooperating anal
Quote from: ZeldaFanmy dream is to get a quote in someone's sig someday


There's only 4 years, 4 days difference between them.
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn



xD How much is it from me to Saria?

Three years, eight months, and twenty-eight days...

lol so that would make Mashi three months and six days older than me.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Ruto: Sooner or later, the stress will get to ya. Not to mention, raiding fridges, lack of sleep from various things :D
Nick: Fuu
Nick: Good work convincing me that having kids would be good
Nick: :P
Ruto: :P :P :P sarcasm, huh? well maybe kids can be rewarding? like as can holders or something

me irl


Hey, I have married friends that tell me this.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


I decided to tell Mashi the story of God and Satan, I have a feeling DRP will greatly enjoy this:

[1:19 AM] sfk:You see, god and Satan used to be bros
[1:19 AM] vera: I need to read the Bible.
[1:19 AM] tri: oh boy...
[1:19 AM] vera: I know that.
[1:20 AM] ruto: I studied it in the context of justice...
[1:20 AM] vera: Satan was a very devout follower of God.
[1:20 AM] vera: But then Adam was created.
[1:20 AM] vera: And God payed him more attention.
[1:20 AM] tri: Not quite
[1:20 AM] sfk: They'd help each land tens, like, every night at the bar in Heaven
[1:20 AM] tri: Satan was jealous of God
[1:20 AM] vera: Hmm?
[1:20 AM] sfk: but one day Satan decided to make Michaelangelo his new wingman
[1:20 AM] sfk: errrrrr
[1:21 AM] sfk: was that his name

[1:21 AM] vera: Is the story really that different in the Bible?
[1:21 AM] tri: Michael
[1:21 AM] tri: I think
[1:21 AM] sfk: it was just Michael? okay well anyways
[1:21 AM] ruto: lol we started with leviticus...
[1:21 AM] ruto: genesis wasn't really more than a historical context
[1:21 AM] vera: I always believed that the Qur'an and Bible had few discrepencies about Satan's beginnings
[1:22 AM] ruto: I think they're all just ideas
[1:22 AM] vera: THAT WOULD BE SO COOL.
[1:22 AM] ruto: xD...
[1:22 AM] vera: Catholicism is the coolest sect in Christianity.
[1:22 AM] vera: y/n?
[1:22 AM] ruto: what you're catholic?
[1:22 AM] vera: Muslim.
[1:22 AM] tri: I'm protestant
[1:22 AM] ruto: lol XD
[1:22 AM] vera: Protestantism can go colonise.
[1:23 AM] tri: I'm not in Europe -.-
[1:23 AM] vera: Unless you're Dutch.
[1:23 AM] vera: Then you don't really care.
[1:23 AM] tri: Fine then
[1:23 AM] tri: SFK, go on
[1:23 AM] vera: SFK, become the next Pope and rewrite the Bible.
[1:23 AM] sfk: crap where was I? Oh right
[1:23 AM] ruto: dunno, doesn't catholicism disapprove of birth control?
[1:24 AM] vera: And rename it "The Adventures of Jesus and Friends".
[1:24 AM] ruto: I mean...I don't want to have 10 kids...
[1:24 AM] vera: And make people have southern accents like Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer.
[1:24 AM] sfk: so further more, Satan broke Bro Code beligerently by sleeping with God's mom
[1:24 AM] vera: Just because it's not disapproved doesn't mean you have to have a lot of kids!
[1:24 AM] sfk: a bad move by mr.  Satan

[1:25 AM] ruto: dunno, depends on how attractive the husband is...
[1:25 AM] ruto: XD
[1:25 AM] sfk: so then God was all "WTF BRO!"
[1:25 AM] sfk: now God had memerized punishments for breaking Bro Code back and forth
[1:26 AM] sfk: and knew such a violation could not solved simply by having Satan help God move stuff into
[1:26 AM] sfk: his new waterfront apartment in Seattle

[1:26 AM] ruto: bahh I'm going to get ready for bed xD (not sleeping yet though)...just because I realize
[1:26 AM] ruto: that I put off b/c of the sister crap
[1:26 AM] sfk: so he decided to declare war on Satan
[1:26 AM] ruto: I should just have enough energy to work hard tm
[1:27 AM] vera: Okay then.
[1:27 AM] sfk: now Satan and his Bros went in with guns a blazin
[1:27 AM] vera: Good night, Ruto!
[1:27 AM] vera: At least consider growing longer hair!
[1:27 AM] vera: I'm sure dahans would like that!
[1:27 AM] sfk: but they were simply no match for God and all his Bros including his new wingman Michael,
[1:27 AM] sfk: who decided Satan was a total dick and stopped hanging out with him

[1:27 AM] sfk: BY RUTO!
[1:27 AM] ruto left the room.
[1:27 AM] sfk: BYE*
[1:28 AM] sfk: anyways
[1:28 AM] sfk: so anyways God and his bros totally kicked Satan's ass and made Satan so ugly, he would
[1:29 AM] sfk: only be able to land fat chicks til the end of his days.
[1:29 AM] sfk: THE END

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Fat sis is dating Satan?!?!?
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


No, silly. Fat sis IS Satan.


Quote from: SuperFireKirby on September 25, 2011, 09:07:06 AMI decided to tell Mashi the story of God and Satan, I have a feeling DRP will greatly enjoy this:
I did... very much so...

I always love humor and levity about my religion. it's always a break from the stuff at mass and stuff (yes I am Catholic -- therefore Mashi should think I'm awesome because of it)


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: SuperFireKirby on September 25, 2011, 09:07:06 AM[1:23 AM] vera: SFK, become the next Pope and rewrite the Bible.
[1:24 AM] vera: And rename it "The Adventures of Jesus and Friends".

[1:23 AM] ruto: dunno, doesn't catholicism disapprove of birth control?
[1:24 AM] ruto: I mean...I don't want to have 10 kids...
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


© Saria [she made me]

me irl


Since when does Kefka get told what to do by a 10 year old?


He doesn't; Saria isn't ten.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.
