
oh god how did this get here I am not good with computer

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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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(11:35:29 PM) Skoops [] entered the room.
(11:36:00 PM) Skoops: Now leave me and my profile alone, Wry
(11:36:28 PM) Skoops left the room (quit: Client Quit).
(11:36:41 PM) [Wrydryn]: XD
(11:36:43 PM) VG: wat
(11:36:47 PM) [Wrydryn]:
(11:36:54 PM) [Wrydryn]: Look at his page views for today
(11:37:36 PM) VG: ah
(11:38:05 PM) [Wrydryn]: Hugo, etf, and I are playing mind games
(11:39:10 PM) HugoMeister: I don't know what you're talking about
(11:39:18 PM) HugoMeister: I'm just sitting here
(11:41:51 PM) [Wrydryn]: Me too :3



[19:38] <Jub> "WHY DO I SUCK SO MUCH DUDE?! D:"

Punctuation. More important than grammar.


[21:26:45]   ETFROXX   how was your day
[21:26:54]   HugoMeister   none too eventful.
[21:27:05]   ETFROXX   awsm
[21:27:14]   HugoMeister   this was pretty much today's highlight
[21:27:16]   HugoMeister
[21:27:23]   ETFROXX   I saw that
[21:27:25]   ETFROXX   it took me a while
[21:27:29]   ETFROXX   and then I was like
[21:27:36]   HugoMeister   I about died.
[21:28:52]   ETFROXX   I was scared
[21:29:46]   HugoMeister   how do you think damo would react
[21:30:32]   ETFROXX   he'd probably bring up something about the internet being scarring
[21:31:13]   HugoMeister   but its not the internet's fault that he would think its a dick
[21:31:23]   ETFROXX isn't?
[21:31:33]   ETFROXX   OH
[21:31:35]   ETFROXX   WOW
[21:31:37]   ETFROXX   IT'S HIS HAND
[21:31:43]   HugoMeister   LOL
[21:32:17]   HugoMeister   I don't even know what to say
[21:32:54]   ETFROXX   wow
[21:32:55]   ETFROXX   I
[21:32:55]   ETFROXX   wow


[20:03:44] Mike Hoang: what's a teevee?
[20:04:16] Ruto: xD
[20:04:42] Ruto: it's a box
[20:04:53] Mike Hoang: oh like cereal
[20:05:07] Ruto: but with electricity
[20:05:22] Mike Hoang: electric cereal doesn't sound like it would taste good
[20:05:23] Ruto: my pen was dying too -.-
[20:05:34] Ruto: lol you don't eat it
[20:05:38] Mike Hoang: oh
[20:05:40] Mike Hoang: that's lame
[20:05:43] Ruto: you watch it...somehow
[20:05:47] Mike Hoang: sounds stupid
[20:05:48] Ruto: yeah lol
[20:05:51] Mike Hoang: Mike Hoang goes back to his internet
I like food.


[15:37:14] <Vera> omg
[15:37:18] <Vera> heterochromia is so cool
[15:38:17] <Vera> omg i think my friend has heterochromia



The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Different things technically when talking specifics.

Heterochromia is just a general difference in the coloring of features such as hair, eyes, or skin. Ever see someone with a silver streak of hair? That's heterochromia probably and not just them coloring their hair.

Heterochromia iridium however is a difference of color in the eyes, thus the iridium part. It's really cool since you get the two different colors, but it can be just as subtle as it is outstanding in people. Kinda neat since I have central heterochromia in my eyes.




[19:46:55] * gzgregory (Blahblahblahblahblah) Quit (Q:- ajax IRC Client)
[19:56:22] * Nighthawk (Blahblahblahblahblah) Quit (Q:- ajax IRC Client)
[20:00:48] * @Magnesium (Blahblahblahblahblah) Quit (Q:- No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
[20:01:52] <Dude> DON'T LEAVE MEEE
[20:01:52] * Master_Gamer38 (Blahblahblahblahblah) has joined #twg
[20:01:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Master_Gamer38
[20:01:57] <Dude> HOLY SHIT
[20:02:09] <Dude> XD


I've seen a German shepherd with Heterochromia before. One blue eye, one yellowish eye, was really awesome actually.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


[7:20:29 PM] Ruto: I also haven't had a good opp[ortunity] to say twss yet -.-
[7:21:20 PM] shado: :P
[7:21:38 PM] shado: I can't believe how you can fit that in there
[7:21:41 PM] shado: (waiting)
[7:21:49 PM] Ruto: D:
[7:22:08 PM] Ruto: ohh XD heyyy that doesn't count!
[7:22:14 PM] shado: pff
[7:22:14 PM] Ruto: you did that on purpose xD
[7:22:14 PM] shado: you suck
[7:22:22 PM] Ruto: okay I was too slow
[7:22:28 PM] shado: :|
[7:22:30 PM] Ruto: but next time I'll get it
[7:22:37 PM] shado: twss
[7:23:13 PM] Ruto: heyyy  :'(
[7:23:33 PM] shado: (devil)

I'll get it next time, I swear -.-

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Vera   ETF, Whirr is here.
   Vera   I helped bring him here.
   [Wrydryn]   lol, I saw the post on NSM really
   [Wrydryn]   Go check
   Vera   no i led you there whirr
   Vera   ur a lyir
   [Wrydryn]   9_9
   Deathykloak   whirr
   [Wrydryn]   I also got a text too
   Ultra-Sauce   wyrda
   Vera   whose garments of the legs are experiencing an intense amount of heat causing them to disintegrate into ash
   [Wrydryn]   Hi guys
   [Wrydryn]   What?
   Nighthawk   what
   Vera   his pants are on fire
   HugoMeister   because he's a liar
   Vera   hugo gets it
   HugoMeister   his plants are for hire
   Vera   hes cool
   Vera   ya
   Ultra-Sauce   i'll hire all his plants
   Ultra-Sauce   for my new business
   Ultra-Sauce   i want to appeal to a more eco-friendly audience
   Ultra-Sauce   so those plants will help
   [Wrydryn]   I was going to say that Hugo :(
HugoMeister   sux
   Nighthawk   no way there are people at home depot who need you to hire them
   Nighthawk   way more than his plants
Ultra-Sauce   i want these plants though they look like hard workers
   Ultra-Sauce   i value that in my plant employees


[21:19:36]   Chzo   Black card is: "The class field trip was completely ruined by ____."
[21:19:38]   Chzo   1. The class field trip was completely ruined by Binging and purging.
[21:19:39]   Chzo   2. The class field trip was completely ruined by Pixelated bukkake.
[21:19:41]   Chzo   3. The class field trip was completely ruined by Nicolas Cage.
[21:19:42]   Chzo   4. The class field trip was completely ruined by The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.
[21:19:44]   Chzo   5. The class field trip was completely ruined by The Underground Railroad.
[21:19:45]   Chzo   6. The class field trip was completely ruined by ETFROXX.
[21:19:47]   Chzo   7. The class field trip was completely ruined by Pedophiles.
[21:19:48]   Chzo   Beelzebub: Please make your decision now using the '!pick <number>' command.
[21:19:51]   ETFROXX   ...
[21:19:52]   ETFROXX   D:
[21:20:03]   You   6 and 7 are only different in terms of plurality.
[21:20:06]   FUCKTOPUS   how didn't you.
[21:20:07]   ETFROXX   ...
[21:20:09]   ETFROXX   OH SURE
[21:20:09]   [Wrydryn]   lol
[21:20:10]   ETFROXX   TURN 18
[21:20:13]   Aerdan   You++


Quote from: ETFROXX on April 23, 2012, 07:24:48 PM[21:19:41]   Chzo   3. The class field trip was completely ruined by Nicolas Cage.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I cannot stand Nicolas Cage as a person
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]