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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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You're awsm, ETF. <3
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


You're awsm too. <3


01[21:15] <Random_Koopa> Do I know you?
01[21:15] <Random_Koopa> Do you go to my school or something?
[21:15] <gzgregory> Me?
01[21:15] <Random_Koopa> Yeah.
[21:15] <gzgregory> I doubt it.
01[21:15] <Random_Koopa> What school do you go to
[21:15] <gzgregory> I live in Vancouver.
01[21:15] <Random_Koopa> too
[21:15] <gzgregory> Prince of Wales.
01[21:15] <Random_Koopa> ................
[21:15] <gzgregory> I'm assuming that's your school.
[21:15] <gzgregory> XD
[21:15] <Qew> wow
01[21:16] <Random_Koopa> Principal Burnham??
[21:16] <gzgregory> Yup.
01[21:16] <Random_Koopa> lmao
01[21:16] <Random_Koopa> you liar
[21:16] <HugoMeister> now make him come up with info!
[21:16] <gzgregory> Vices Coflin and Lauzon, unless I've forgotten something.
01[21:16] <Random_Koopa> yeah
01[21:17] <Random_Koopa> Coflin is a lady
01[21:17] <Random_Koopa> Lauzon is a guy
[21:17] <gzgregory> Yes...
[21:17] <gzgregory> ...
[21:17] <gzgregory> Well, this is unexpected.
[21:17] <gzgregory> Whoops, typed ... again -.-"
[21:17] <HugoMeister> ok now something that only a student could know!
[21:17] <HugoMeister> people who lead are easily found on a website
[21:17] <gzgregory> XD
[21:18] <Qew> like which toilets are safe to enter
[21:18] <Qew> which water fountain hits you in the eye
[21:18] <gzgregory> ...
[21:18] <gzgregory> ...
[21:18] <gzgregory> None of them -.-"
[21:18] <Qew> ok maybe that's just my school
01[21:18] <Random_Koopa> There was a jazz cabaret about a week ago
[21:18] <gzgregory> HOLY YEEHAW
[21:18] <gzgregory> Ms. Anderson was asking people in my class to go
01[21:18] <Random_Koopa> hahaha
01[21:18] <Random_Koopa> I didn
01[21:18] <Random_Koopa> 't
[21:18] <gzgregory> Me neither :P
[21:19] <gzgregory> Apparently she lost money doing it
[21:19] <gzgregory> Pretty fail.
01[21:19] <Random_Koopa> Really
[21:19] <gzgregory> Yup.
01[21:19] <Random_Koopa> I would expect that from her
[21:19] <gzgregory> Ikr.
01[21:19] <Random_Koopa> There is a Neil Simon play being produced soon too, I might go
[21:19] <gzgregory> Fools?
[21:19] <gzgregory> I'm not going XD
01[21:19] <Random_Koopa> Eh
01[21:19] <Random_Koopa> Plays are cool
[21:20] <gzgregory> I don't have time ;_;
[21:20] <gzgregory> I have a load of homework.
[21:20] <gzgregory> Typical of Ms. Phillips.
01[21:20] <Random_Koopa> Homework is for suckers
[21:20] <gzgregory> Give us a crapload of projects to do at home then don't do anything in class.
01[21:21] <Random_Koopa> I'd rather work at school and do nothing at home
01[21:21] <Random_Koopa> haha
[21:21] <gzgregory> Same here... but the teachers think otherwise, apparently -.-"
[21:21] <gzgregory> I still can't believe this.
01[21:21] <Random_Koopa> You know I don't really go to your school right.
[21:22] <gzgregory> The chances of it.... 0.00001%
[21:22] <gzgregory> Well.
[21:22] <gzgregory> Maybe you don't.
[21:22] <gzgregory> But oh well.
01[21:22] <Random_Koopa> Maybe I do. ;)
[21:22] <gzgregory> In that case, I have no idea how you got so much info about my school :P
[21:22] <gzgregory> Unless you went on the website.
[21:22] <gzgregory> AHA.
01[21:23] <Random_Koopa> I never use the website, the design/layout is so YEEHAW
[21:23] <gzgregory> You could have faked me out that way potentially.
[21:23] <gzgregory> Now I'm really suspicious XD
01[21:23] <Random_Koopa> ;-)
01[21:23] <Random_Koopa> brb
01[21:25] <Random_Koopa> back
[21:25] <gzgregory> Welcome back.
01[21:25] <Random_Koopa> Thanks.
[21:25] <gzgregory> What's your name?
01[21:25] <Random_Koopa> Jason
01[21:25] <Random_Koopa> same as Lauzon >.>
[21:26] <gzgregory> mmm, I don't know a Jason "acts suspicious"
01[21:26] <Random_Koopa> Well I don't know a Greg
01[21:26] <Random_Koopa> but you probably go to my school
[21:27] <gzgregory> Well, there's probably a lot of Jasons in every school :P
[21:27] <ETFROXX> I don't know a Jason.
[21:27] <gzgregory> Well now you do.
01[21:27] <Random_Koopa> ;-)
01[21:28] <Random_Koopa> ETF always denies that she knows me ):
[21:28] <gzgregory> ...
[21:28] <ETFROXX> Can you blame me?
01[21:28] <Random_Koopa> No I completely understand
[21:28] <gzgregory> That's not a good sign.
01[21:28] <Random_Koopa> but even the truth hurts
[21:29] <gzgregory> Hey RK.
[21:29] <gzgregory> What's your last name then?
01[21:29] <Random_Koopa> It's because I'm so sexy and all of her friends would hit on me
01[21:29] <Random_Koopa> You'll stalk me
[21:29] <gzgregory> I might. ;)
[21:29] <ETFROXX> They so would.
[21:29] <Qew> RK: even the male friends!
01[21:29] <Random_Koopa> I'm definitely not saying
[21:29] <HugoMeister> well now he's not going to tell you....
[21:29] <gzgregory>
[21:29] <ETFROXX> Qew is right.
[21:29] <HugoMeister> hurr durr
[21:30] <ETFROXX> I have a lot of gay friends.
[21:30] <gzgregory> I have no idea how I'd stalk you with your name either.
[21:30] <gzgregory> There's probably a million people with your exact name.
[21:30] <gzgregory> Unless you told me your address or something.
01[21:30] <Random_Koopa> in Vancouver, Washington?
[21:30] <gzgregory> ...
01[21:30] <Random_Koopa> a million people named Jason blarghinsmarghin in one city?
[21:31] <gzgregory> Prince of Wales is in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
01[21:31] <Random_Koopa> @ETF: You have a lot of gay friends? You mean happy people?
[21:31] <gzgregory> HAHA.
06[21:31] * Qew doesn't feel very gay today :(
01[21:31] <Random_Koopa> So now you aren't lying...
01[21:31] <Random_Koopa> * now I know
06[21:31] * HugoMeister cough
01[21:31] <Random_Koopa> IT'S-A-ME I think you really do go to my school
[21:32] <gzgregory> ...why'd you say "vancouver, washington" then
[21:32] <ETFROXX> I thought Greg was in Canada.
[21:32] <ETFROXX> And RK.. wasn't.
[21:32] <gzgregory> I am.
[21:32] <HugoMeister> ok here's how we're going to solve this once and for all
[21:32] <HugoMeister> somebody is going to leave a single artifact in a disclosed location in the school
01[21:32] <Random_Koopa> Do you think the sword in the office-basilisk story is true? xD
[21:32] <ETFROXX> xD
[21:32] <HugoMeister> and the other person takes it and replaces it with a specific-response item
[21:33] <gzgregory> RK... I doubt it :P
[21:33] <HugoMeister> except one of you isnt allowed to like
[21:33] <HugoMeister> stay at that spot until the other guy comes to get it
[21:33] <HugoMeister> in that case the other one is allowed to totally kick you in the balls
01[21:33] <Random_Koopa> Then I'd be out in the cold for hours waiting for-
01[21:33] <Random_Koopa> um
[21:33] <Qew> XD
[21:33] <gzgregory> Hugo... I'd probably forget all about that in a day XD
01[21:33] <Random_Koopa> I'd totally beat Greg in a fight
[21:33] <gzgregory> RK.. you have no idea how strong I am or anything.
01[21:34] <Random_Koopa> But I don't think Greg would do that because he has REACH
01[21:34] <Random_Koopa> ;-)
[21:34] <gzgregory> XD
01[21:34] <Random_Koopa> I have an idea. Both of us will wear black and gold and stand outside the school entrance.
[21:35] <gzgregory> Er.
[21:35] <ETFROXX> So wait.
[21:35] <ETFROXX> You guys might seriously go to the same school?
[21:35] <ETFROXX> >.>
01[21:35] <Random_Koopa> Yeah xD
[21:35] <ETFROXX> Oh my god.
01[21:35] <Random_Koopa> ETF is jelous
[21:35] <ETFROXX> You're not YEEHAW me?
01[21:35] <Random_Koopa> I hope not that'd be disgusting
[21:36] <gzgregory> XD
01[21:36] <Random_Koopa> I always thought Arbutus sounded like a Harry Potter name.
[21:36] <gzgregory> ...I didn't.
[21:36] <gzgregory> It's this really weird looking tree.
01[21:37] <Random_Koopa>
[21:37] <gzgregory> ...yes
01[21:37] <Random_Koopa> It's the neighborhood that I live in. Prince of Wales is in it
[21:38] <gzgregory> It's ALSO a weird looking tree.
01[21:38] <Random_Koopa> I guess
01[21:38] <Random_Koopa> haha
[21:38] <gzgregory> What's your full name? :P
01[21:39] <Random_Koopa> STOP. TRYING. TO. STALK. ME.
[21:39] <gzgregory> XD
[21:39] <gzgregory> ...wait, do you have facebook?
[21:39] <winterkid09> ..
01[21:39] <Random_Koopa> ._.
[21:40] <gzgregory> WHAAT?
01[21:40] <Random_Koopa> Alright where did you go to elementary school?
[21:40] <gzgregory> Trafalgar, how about you?
01[21:40] <Random_Koopa> Oh, I went to Carnarvon
[21:41] <gzgregory> It says that Carnarvon used to be trafalgar's annex
01[21:41] <Random_Koopa> I heard Trafalgar has a lot of foreign exchange students. Did you ever meet anybody from some exotic place?
01[21:41] <Random_Koopa> Yeah that's true
[21:42] <gzgregory> Er... not really?
[21:42] <gzgregory> A bunch of greek people, I guess?
01[21:42] <Random_Koopa> It become a real school in the 60's or something
01[21:42] <Random_Koopa> Greek people 8)
[21:42] <gzgregory> :P
01[21:43] <Random_Koopa> Well this has been a weird night
[21:43] <gzgregory> Yes. -.-"
[21:43] <winterkid09> Jason blarghinsmarghin
01[21:44] <Random_Koopa> Yeah>?
01[21:44] <Random_Koopa> * ?
[21:44] <winterkid09> seriously
[21:44] <gzgregory> RK, you're connected from the USA.
[21:44] <gzgregory> Just saying.
01[21:44] <Random_Koopa> What
[21:45] <gzgregory> Hehe.
[21:45] <winterkid09> aren't you too?
03[21:45] * Looking up Random_Koopa user info...
[21:45] <ETFROXX> ..
06[21:45] * ETFROXX facedesk
[21:45] <HugoMeister> ...
[21:45] <gzgregory> I found your
[21:45] <gzgregory> ...
06[21:45] * gzgregory also facedesk
06[21:45] * Random_Koopa facedesk
03[21:46] * Wry ( has joined #lemmysland
[21:46] <winterkid09> would you please give me a break, I'm not an IP genius
[21:46] <gzgregory> Rk... LOOOL
[21:46] <gzgregory> Cirno, I din't use the IP.
[21:46] <winterkid09> nor have I been reading the conversation
[21:46] <ETFROXX> I thought it was common sense that Greg is from canada.
[21:46] <gzgregory> didn't*
[21:46] <HugoMeister> *common knowledge
[21:46] <winterkid09> GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
[21:46] <ETFROXX> Erm.
[21:46] <ETFROXX> That.
[21:46] <winterkid09> I DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING
[21:46] <gzgregory> I got it off of the nfnet page.
[21:46] <ETFROXX> Relax man.
01[21:46] <Random_Koopa> gzgreg is the biggest liar I've ever met
[21:46] <winterkid09> Maybe i was not there for the specific moment greg told us his location?
01[21:46] <Random_Koopa> Him and his 'IP addresses'
[21:46] <winterkid09> damn
[21:46] <gzgregory> Orly.
[21:46] <ETFROXX> Specific momet?
[21:47] <ETFROXX> It's mentioned all the time.
[21:47] <gzgregory>
[21:47] <ETFROXX> moment*
01[21:47] <Random_Koopa> Momet - isn't that some biblical demon or something?
[21:47] <ETFROXX> D:
01[21:47] <Random_Koopa> I've been hacked
[21:47] <HugoMeister> so you should just lol at it
[21:47] <winterkid09> I did not know about that site.
[21:47] <gzgregory> Oh really RK.
[21:47] <gzgregory> You could look me up too if you wanted to.
[21:48] <gzgregory> It actually says that I'm in Canada.
[21:48] <gzgregory> ... =gzgregory
01[21:48] <Random_Koopa> You probably edited it you damn dirty liar
[21:48] <gzgregory> How the heck would I do that?
[21:48] <gzgregory> You damn dirty liar.
03[21:48] * Kamek ( has joined #lemmysland
[21:48] <HugoMeister> censoring one swear to use another ftw
[21:49] <Kamek> Ha, censoring.
01[21:49] <Random_Koopa> @Hugo: what?
[21:49] <HugoMeister> at greg
01[21:49] <Random_Koopa> heck?
[21:49] <HugoMeister> "HOW THE HECK"
[21:49] <Kamek> I've dismembered one-thousand limbs today.
[21:49] <HugoMeister> "oh dam it"
03[21:49] * OperServ sets mode: +G
[21:49] <gzgregory> ...wut.
01[21:49] <Random_Koopa> ha
[21:49] <MG_Linux> :)
[21:49] <gzgregory> RK.
01[21:49] <Random_Koopa> Yeah?
[21:49] <gzgregory> You are CLEARLY in the USA.
[21:49] <gzgregory> There.
[21:50] <gzgregory> XD
01[21:50] <Random_Koopa> You are CLEARKY a dirty liar.
[21:50] <gzgregory> XD
[21:50] <gzgregory> Clearky.
01[21:50] <Random_Koopa> I'm aware what I said
01[21:50] <Random_Koopa> and I am sticking with it
[21:50] <gzgregory> Mhm.
01[21:50] <Random_Koopa> Guys - who do you believe? Me, or Satan himself, gzgreg?
[21:51] <ETFROXX> I'm in Switzerland.
[21:51] <gzgregory> ...
[21:51] <ETFROXX> Therefore, I'm neutral.
[21:51] <gzgregory> Not the gzgreg again -.-"
01[21:51] <Random_Koopa> D:
[21:51] <Wry> Clever
01[21:51] <Random_Koopa> ETF and her historical wisecracks
[21:51] <ETFROXX> ^_^b
01[21:51] <Random_Koopa> what a card
[21:51] <gzgregory> ETF, according to Nfnet- NOW I GET IT XD
[21:51] <ETFROXX> 9_9
01[21:52] <Random_Koopa> ETF do you believe me or gzgregory
[21:52] <ETFROXX> I think you're both full of piss and vinegar.
[21:52] <gzgregory> ...wut.
01[21:52] <Random_Koopa> I can live with that
01[21:52] <Random_Koopa> case closed
[21:52] <gzgregory> I can't.
06[21:52] * gzgregory throws up piss and vinegar
01[21:52] <Random_Koopa> ewww
[21:52] <gzgregory> Ahhhhh.
01[21:53] <Random_Koopa> Alright Hugo, do you believe gzgregory or myself?
[21:53] <HugoMeister> you seemed to know a lot more than greg did
[21:53] <HugoMeister> im with you <_<
01[21:53] <Random_Koopa> Aha!
[21:53] <gzgregory> HOW ABOUT WE JUST HAVE A ...wut.
02[21:53] * Kamek ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[21:54] <HugoMeister> also speaking as an NFNET official, sometimes the website gets wonky
[21:55] <gzgregory> [LINK]
01[21:55] <Random_Koopa> Swetha Yatham????
[21:56] <gzgregory> Mhm XD
[21:56] <ETFROXX> Gregory Zhang?
[21:56] <gzgregory> Yes.
[21:56] <ETFROXX> You're adorable.
01[21:56] <Random_Koopa> I don't see that...
01[21:56] <Random_Koopa> (his name)
[21:56] <gzgregory> ETF... lol.
[21:56] <ETFROXX> Y'know what I love?
[21:56] <ETFROXX> When you go to their page.
[21:56] <ETFROXX> And it's like.
[21:57] <HugoMeister> I know an asian whose last name is Zhang!
[21:57] <HugoMeister> im sure everybody does!
[21:57] <HugoMeister> they're everywhere.
[21:57] <ETFROXX> [LINK]
01[21:57] <Random_Koopa> WAIT A MINUTE
[21:57] <ETFROXX> I didn't 'till now.
[21:57] <gzgregory> There's 4 in the mini.
01[21:57] <Random_Koopa> ARE YOU RELATED TO GEORGE
[21:57] <Vera> Traumend and Ouverture?????????
[21:57] <Wry> Content not found o:
[21:57] <gzgregory> NO
[21:57] <Vera> I think Traumende meant dream.
[21:57] <Vera> I forget.
01[21:57] <Random_Koopa> Oh
[21:57] <gzgregory> Definitely not.
[21:57] <HugoMeister> Traum is dream
[21:57] <HugoMeister> Traumende is like
[21:57] <HugoMeister> the end of a dream
[21:58] <HugoMeister> and ouverture is overture :P
[21:58] <gzgregory> Is that enough proof? -.-"
[21:58] <Vera> I never would have guessed.
01[21:58] <Random_Koopa> you guys should hang out
[21:58] <Vera> Dank Herr Hugo!
[21:58] <HugoMeister> Mashi does it have an e at the end?
[21:58] <HugoMeister> or umlauts?
01[21:58] <Random_Koopa> Anyway Gregory you created that page, made a million fake facebooks, added them, just to prove a point?
[21:58] <gzgregory> Oh really.
[21:58] <Vera> Umm.
[21:58] <Vera> What has an e at the end?
[21:58] <gzgregory> How the heck would I have friends in the "prince of wales" network then?
[21:58] <HugoMeister> Traumend
[21:59] <Vera> Yes.
[21:59] <HugoMeister> its it Trau(umlaut) or Traumende
[21:59] <HugoMeister> ok
[21:59] <HugoMeister> then you're good
[21:59] <HugoMeister> the other meaning would be dreaming
01[21:59] <Random_Koopa> Simple forgery/faking/impostery
[21:59] <gzgregory> ...
01[21:59] <Random_Koopa> Just give it up everyone knows you are lying!
[22:00] <gzgregory> How would I even have had time to make about 100 facebook accounts, add all those pictures, and then make this fake group and add them all to it and ON TOP OF THAT make them say stuff on my profile and make up some stuff to put on the page?
01[22:00] <Random_Koopa> You tell me.
[22:01] <gzgregory> Geez/
[22:01] <gzgregory> Are you doing this just to piss me off?
01[22:01] <Random_Koopa> No?
06[22:01] * gzgregory facepalms
02[22:01] * Shadow_Cpu ( Quit (Ping timeout)
01[22:01] <Random_Koopa> Today some guy posted a video on my facebook wall
01[22:01] <Random_Koopa> I don't know him
03[22:02] * Shadow_Cpu ( has joined #lemmysland
01[22:02] <Random_Koopa> he told me I look like a skateboarder, picked up a bible, said it was the ghetto bible, and read aloud "Don't cut yo balls on yo board yo"
02[22:02] * Vera ( Quit (Ping timeout)
01[22:03] <Random_Koopa> You know, some people should build a palm into their desk, so when they are really really exasperated thay can say 'facedeskpalm'
01[22:03] <Random_Koopa> * they
[22:03] <Qew> make sure it's soft to reduce injury ^_^
[22:03] <gzgregory> ...
[22:03] <gzgregory> CAN WE HAVE A VOTE HERE?
01[22:03] <Random_Koopa> Yes!
[22:04] <Wry> A concussion is the best part though
01[22:04] <Random_Koopa> We already know-
01[22:04] <Random_Koopa> Yes it is.
01[22:04] <Random_Koopa> We already know ETF is neutral as Switzerland and Hugo is on my side.
[22:04] <gzgregory> So.
01[22:04] <Random_Koopa> Me - 1 / You - 0 / Neutralitzerland - 1
[22:04] <Wry> What's going on?
01[22:05] <Random_Koopa> You missed a big debate/discussion
[22:05] <gzgregory> Look up.
[22:05] <Wry> I think Saved By the Bell is more important
01[22:05] <Random_Koopa> ...Okay.
01[22:06] <Random_Koopa> Me - 1 / You - 0 / Neutral - 1 / Saved by the Bell - 1
[22:06] <gzgregory> ...
[22:06] <gzgregory> This vote fails.
[22:06] <Wry> Technically it's neutral
01[22:06] <Random_Koopa> Wait Wry - Zach, Slater, or Screech?
[22:06] <Wry> Totally Screech
01[22:07] <Random_Koopa> I know right
01[22:07] <Random_Koopa> We need more people to vote, though
01[22:07] <Random_Koopa> Qew, who do you believe, me or gzgregory?
01[22:07] <Random_Koopa> :D
[22:07] <Qew> I believe predators need to stand still so I can facehug them
[22:08] <Qew> I mean RK
01[22:08] <Random_Koopa> Yes!
01[22:08] <Random_Koopa> Me - 2 / You - 0 / Neutral - 1 / Saved by the Bell - 1
[22:08] <gzgregory> ...
[22:08] <gzgregory> Wow.
01[22:08] <Random_Koopa> That's everybody that was listening.
[22:08] <gzgregory> Even with that load of Facebook proof.
01[22:08] <Random_Koopa> No hard feelings, right?
[22:09] <gzgregory> ...

I still say I go to PW :P


Text conversation between me and Margaret from last night. Was having so much fun.


Lololol the more I think about catholics the weirder we get

U should totally convert


Just walk up to ur parents and say, hey guys guess what im now a buddhist and Im gonna go live in a cave and be a monk

Omg ur a genius! Now u may have to rescue me when they put me in a straitjacket, is tht a problem?

Nah ill visit sometime

How kind, your visits will be the highlight of my existence

Of course it will :)

Unless they deem my insanity too dangerous for u to be around me of course

tht would be hialrious

Especially because you're at least as insane as I am

Oh the irony

"Sorry, he randomly attacks would not be safe to approach him" I can see u going "oh too bad" and leaving

Lol no I would just fall over laughing

But you'd come in to see me anyway of course

Nah, id just wait till they let u out side for a few minutes and throw rocks at u

What is it with you and throwing rocks at me? And that would cause me to get angry and attack you

Aww uk u could never attack me :)

I doubt it would make a difference if I attacked everyone else, but I guess that's true


I doubt it would make a difference even if I wouldn't attack u, because if I attacked everyone else id still be dangerous

But u wouldn't be mad at everyine else cause I was the one throwing rocks

I think tht since I couldn't attack u I would take it out on everyone else

No I think the conundrum would cure ur insanity and then u would ask to leave and they would say no and keep u for testing

Where's the happy ending there?

Who said there was one? Lol I suppose they could abduct me and we could be labrats together

We could be labrats together? Lol such a happy ending, margaret

Well fine what would ur happy ending be?

It would not involve me being in an insane asylum, or a labrat. The rest is open for suggestion.

:P ur no fun

Ok fine we can all be lab rats and they can perform horrid tests on us which would eventually result in a painfully slow death, if tht would make u happy. And don't stick ur tongue at me

well what if they just shot us up with drugs to see what we'd do? And I will stick my tounge out at u and u will get over it

Nope never it is not allowed. And in tht case the results would most likely be interesting, though I don't know why the subjects would have to be insane people

It would be awesome

How would us being injected with drugs tht might make us act weird (or weirder) be awesome?
Out of curiosity I mean. Because im kind of curious to know where you'll take this.

It would be so much fun

Okay if u say so

U dont think getting high with me would be fun?

It would be the best time of my life of course

It would

Well now I just need to announce the buddha thing to my parents to start this...I think I will go wake them up

u eager to get started?

Oh totally I cannot wait to get high as a result of wanting to be a monk and attacking people who throw rocks

Im sure u cant, I do crazy stuff when im high jk si do u think u'd be the nervous one or the oddly calm one?

Well considering how worked up I am usually, probably the calm one just to contrast with my brain

Lol yeah and id be the one freakin out and grabbing ur arm thinking we were gonna die and u would just look over and say, "margaret, chill, just look at the pretty colors and everything will be ok"

Oh yes totally you've been known to freak out and think we're going to die while something weird is happening, and I always have to tell u not to freak out.

And I totally grab onto u all the time

Yep always, its because u always cling to me for emotional support

oh yes totally
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I remember conversations like that before I had my first phone and before I got texting.... it was on AIM... I still have the chat logs from that... my first high school crush... haha


in llf

[13:22:13]   -->|   TheKingDedede ( has joined #lemmysland
[13:22:16]   <Vera>   hi i'm shinku, i'm german, but i act british, and speak japanese
[13:22:19]   <TheKingDedede>   I have come to take over your chat!
[13:22:22]   <HugoMeister>   XD
[13:22:24]   <Vera>   Watch Overture last.
[13:22:55]   <Kyoni>   oh god


[13:22:36]   <Qew>   um shadowkirby
[13:22:38]   <Qew>   we need your help
[13:22:45]   <Qew>   [13:22:19] <TheKingDedede> I have come to take over your chat!
[13:22:50]   <HugoMeister>   ahahah
[13:22:56]   <shadowkirby>   imma go now
[13:22:59]   <shadowkirby>   bai
[13:23:00]   |<--   shadowkirby has left (Q:- NSM Chatroom)
[13:23:01]   <Qew>   NO
[13:23:06]   <KefkaticFanatic>   lol
[13:23:07]   <Qew>   ALL IS LOST
[13:23:11]   <Dude>   lmao



I didn;t get it cause I wasn't paying attention to LLF xD



[13:42:37] <Raymondbl> Zeta, where is VgV?
[13:42:42] <&Zeta> in the toilet
[13:42:46] <Dude-Vocaloid_stuff> XD
[13:42:48] <Raymondbl> lmao


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever

Super Zombie

Slow, Gregory, does the term "Too long, did not read," mean anything to you?


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


My phone is a brick.
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


<Vera>   I've played TWG, I know what not and what not to do in these situations. :P
<Jub3r7>   But you don't actually know /what/ to do in these situations? lololololololol.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: Jub3r7 on April 29, 2011, 02:51:01 PM<Vera>   I've played TWG, I know what not and what not to do in these situations. :P
<Jub3r7>   But you don't actually know /what/ to do in these situations? lololololololol.
I laughed so hard.
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


[15:17] <KefkaticFanatic> Zeta what is inhugospants?
[15:17] <&Zeta> Mp3!
[15:18] <KefkaticFanatic> ...
[15:18] <@HugoMeister> all the pirates want in my pants.
[15:18] <@HugoMeister> ;) ;) ;)

me irl