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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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<Dude> Davey
<Davey> Yeah, Dude?
<Davey> ...
<@HugoMeister> XD
* Davey dies...
<Davey> You sure know how to make a person die inside.
<Dude> :(
<Davey> Why am I crying?
<Dude> dude, I'm just as dead as you
<Dude> If not more
* Zazu stabs himself in the face.
<Davey> (11:08:04 PM) Davey: Why am I crying?
* Zazu wins the dead contest.
<Dude> I don't know
<Dude> Hmm
<Dude> For some reason I have a query up with Jama
<Dude> And now I don't
<Zazu> How informative.
<Zazu> !joke
<Dude> Indeed
<&Zeta> What do you think you could do with some hiccups?
<Zazu> Irritate everybody!
<Zazu> *hic*
<Dude> And Davey: That's the best freehand paint drawing I can do
<&Zeta> Become a spell.
<Zazu> OH!
<Zazu> I get it :
<Dude> I think
<Zazu> :)
<Dude> I did try and make a scab picture
<@HugoMeister> ...a scab?
<Dude> (Don't ask)
<@HugoMeister> why? XD
<@HugoMeister> too late
<@HugoMeister> i already did
<Dude> :P
<Dude> I was bored...
<Dude> It was like in...
<Qew> I has a picture of a scab, it looked like Australia so I took a picture of it >_> <_<
<Dude> Frosh?
<Dude> I dunno
<Dude> I meant in paint
<@HugoMeister> ...
<Zazu> Qew, that's really weird.
<Zazu> That's like... Hugo-weird.
<@HugoMeister> that is
<@HugoMeister> lol yay

Old logs YAY!


[20:56:06] <%Qew> lol
[21:16:36] * ~HugoMeister grabs qew by ear
[21:16:47] <@Dude> lol?
[21:16:53] <@Dude> What was lol?
[21:17:07] <%Qew> I wha
[21:17:20] <%Qew> oh right the riley thing
[21:17:24] <%Qew> :P he's not a sailor scout
[21:17:40] <@Dude> Ah
[21:17:51] * Riley was kicked by Dude (gtfo bitch)
[21:17:56] <%Qew> XD
[21:17:58] <%Qew> lol
[21:18:03] <%Qew> ok wasn't expecting that
[21:18:22] <@Dude> Sailor Mars doesn't like outsiders T_T
[21:18:39] <@Dude> anyway brb applesauce
[21:18:45] <~HugoMeister> XD
[21:18:50] <@Dude> ...what?
[21:18:58] <@Dude> I'm eating it here
[21:19:04] <@Dude> So technically, no brb
[21:19:17] <~HugoMeister> sailor mars: dont touch her applesauce bitch
[21:19:23] <@Dude> :D
[21:19:32] <@Dude> It's kinda tart though...
[21:19:37] <~HugoMeister> lol
[21:19:38] <@Dude> I'd rather have it sweeter
[21:19:40] * ~HugoMeister goes makes a demotivational poster
[21:19:47] <%Qew> XD
[21:20:12] <@Dude> Bleh
[21:20:17] <@Dude> Tastes like puke
[21:20:49] <@Dude> It's still better than Mott's
[21:20:56] * Riley ( has joined #SailorHQ
[21:20:58] <@Dude> Homemade <3
[21:21:17] <@Dude> Oh
[21:21:29] <@Dude> I made orange juice a few days ago
[21:21:37] <@Dude> It looked like carrot juice XD
[21:21:41] <@Dude> It was super sweet
[21:22:04] <@Dude> ...why am I still talking about food?
[21:22:09] <~HugoMeister>
[21:22:22] <@Dude> XD
[21:22:28] <~HugoMeister> i win


[22:36:21] <+Dude> [22:35:45] <~HugoMeister> good night
[22:36:21] <+Dude> [22:35:52] <@Dude> night
[22:36:21] <+Dude> [22:36:02] * ~HugoMeister ( Quit (Q:- G'Night.)
[22:36:21] <+Dude> [22:36:03] <@Dude> Good night sweet prince 9_9
[22:36:21] <+Dude> [22:36:05] <@Dude> DAMNIT
[22:36:28] <+Dude> I missed him D:


[22:37:01] <+Dude> Hey PM7!
[22:37:15] <PianoMasta7> Hey Dude!
[22:37:16] <+Dude> Hi!
[22:37:17] <Liin> lol
[22:37:23] <PianoMasta7> The hell?
[22:37:30] <+Dude> HIGH FIVE! :D
[22:37:44] * +Dude extends his hand in the effort of giving a high five
[22:38:28] * +Dude is still waiting for that long awaited high five
[22:38:53] <+Dude> Hey PM7!
[22:39:17] <+Dude> PM7!
[22:39:26] <PianoMasta7> Hey Dick!
[22:39:27] <PianoMasta7> *Dude
[22:39:38] <+Dude> I want that high five!
[22:39:56] * Liin wants a hug D:
[22:40:13] <+Dude> I'll give you a hug once PM7 gives me a high five!
[22:40:30] <Liin> Do it PianoMasta7 ! D:
[22:40:34] <+Dude> ------------------------------------               <---this said HIGH FIVE! but it won't show up on the forums
[22:40:34] <+Dude> ------------------------------------
[22:40:34] <+Dude> ------------------------------------
[22:40:34] <+Dude> ------------------------------------
[22:40:34] <+Dude> ------------------------------------
[22:40:38] * PianoMasta7 gives you a high face
[22:40:57] <+Dude> THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH
[22:41:06] <+Dude> Let's do it again!
[22:41:10] <+Dude> HIGH FIVE!
[22:41:32] <+Dude> Hey PM7!
[22:41:57] <+Dude> PM7
[22:42:11] <+Dude> HIGH FIVE NAO
[22:42:42] <+Dude> PM7
[22:42:46] <+Dude> PM7
[22:42:47] <+Dude> PM7
[22:42:47] <+Dude> PM7
[22:42:47] <+Dude> PM7
[22:42:47] <+Dude> HIGH FIVE NAO
[22:42:59] <+Dude> D:
[22:43:07] * +Dude is very sad face
[22:43:10] <PianoMasta7> NO. I'M ABOUT TO TELL SOMEONE SOMETHING NO ONE ELSE KNOWS (won't rejoin from kick btw)
[22:43:13] <PianoMasta7> oohh
[22:43:14] <PianoMasta7> No kick
[22:43:16] <PianoMasta7> :)
[22:43:16] <Liin> PianoMasta7: D: you're not gonna hug him?
[22:43:31] <+Dude> *high five
[22:43:57] <Liin> PianoMasta7: ...I mean high five him so he can hug me?
[22:44:32] <PianoMasta7> highfiving is the worst form of male greeting
[22:44:39] <+Dude> TOO BAD
[22:44:44] <+Dude> HIGH FIVE!
[22:45:22] <+Dude> Don't make me increase the amount!!!!
[22:45:34] <+Dude> ...FINE
[22:45:36] <+Dude> HIGH SIX
[22:45:39] <+Dude> MUAHAHAHA
[22:45:48] <+Dude> NAO
[22:46:10] <Liin> Hmmm I've been wondering... is MrSparkle like.... idk who?
[22:46:36] <+Dude> PM7: If type all caps and get kicked I'll leave
[22:47:13] <+Dude> ...PM7: If you don't I'll just keep bugging you
[22:47:53] <+Dude> PM7!
[22:48:22] <+Dude> PM7!
[22:48:41] <+Dude> ...PM7!
[22:48:59] <+Dude> ...Did you /ignore me yet?
[22:49:06] <+Dude> Meh
[22:49:08] <Liin> PianoMasta7: How's it going?
[22:49:11] <+Dude> I'm done anyway

It's fun to make him mad


He is called PMS for a reason!


me irl


(23:59:59) Erich.: And you should also go to bed
(17.05.2009 00:00:00) Erich.: now

Concerto, master of timing.


[14:36:57] <PianoMasta7> It's called the Meat House. heh heh. It's like...The most epic food ever



[15:51:11] <~Nick> oh kinda random, but your 'no' thing reminded me of it; im taking a college japanese class in the fall :3
[15:51:19] <~Nick> i officially got my transcript for it, so im in
[15:51:20] <@Dude> Lol awesome
[15:51:28] <@Dude> Also: Fuck you :(
[15:51:33] <~Nick> D:
[15:51:37] <~Nick> how bout i teach you as i learn? :D
[15:51:43] <@Dude> Sure.
[15:51:49] <@Dude> Hooray!
[15:51:50] <~Nick> :3
[15:51:51] <@Dude> Win win!
[15:51:54] <@Dude> Err
[15:51:58] <@Dude> Win/win!
[15:52:00] <@Dude> Or 1?
[15:52:08] * ~Nick shrugs
[15:52:09] <@Dude> Win divided by win = 1?
[15:52:20] <@Dude> MAAAAATH YAYYYY
[15:52:21] <~Nick> LOL
[15:53:26] <~Nick> what happens when we divide win by 0?
[15:54:07] <@Dude> OH SHIT NO
[15:54:17] <@Dude> *world explodes*
[15:54:31] <~Nick> the portal to fail hell opens XD
[15:54:45] <@Dude> OH FUCK NOOOOO
[15:55:02] <@Dude> NOOOOOO *falls into portal thing*
[15:55:06] <~Nick> *a bunch of NSM ppl get sucked in*
[15:55:11] <~Nick> *they get spit back out*
[15:55:19] <~Nick> *BIG BOOMING VOICE* we dont want them
[15:55:22] <@Dude> LOL

Nick is a friend of mine who comes here every now and then.


Wait wtf, I'm taking a college Japanese class soon.

me irl


I wish I had the actual log but something like

from #tsrocson

<Arch> now everytime I see him naked I won't be able to stop thinking about those lizards or stop laughing
<Rock> I think we just ruined Archie's sex life





me irl


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever



Quote from: DaveyTheRebel on July 27, 2009, 02:04:11 AMTrolling ETF.txt

Lulz ensued.
And you wonder why people hate you. You make me sick.


Quote from: Dude on July 27, 2009, 10:38:27 AM
Quote from: DaveyTheRebel on July 27, 2009, 02:04:11 AMTrolling ETF.txt

Lulz ensued.
And you wonder why people hate you. You make me sick.
Just as planned
Actually I don't wonder. And this was intentional trolling. You got trolled from me trolling someone? Pretty sweet if you ask me.


[00:58:13] <Dude> Oh
[00:58:15] <Dude> Funny story
[00:58:17] <Dude> So
[00:58:35] <Dude> The first week or so at my job, this girl came up to me
[00:58:50] <Dude> (I work at a grocery store)
[00:58:51] <Dude> So yeah
[00:58:52] <Dude> Anyway
[00:58:58] <Dude> She's ugly as hell
[00:59:18] <Dude> And she's like "Do you want to be my *snort* boyfriend?"
[00:59:32] <Dude> I'm like "..."
[00:59:36] <@HugoMeister> XD
[00:59:54] <Dude> She even put her number in my cell phone >_<
[01:00:04] <Dude> The entire time I'm like "..."
[01:00:19] <@HugoMeister> XD
[01:00:31] <Dude> And now she keeps coming back to bug me
[01:00:45] <Dude> Her ex-boyfriend used to work where I do
[01:00:49] <Dude> So yeah
[01:01:15] <Dude> [/story]
[01:01:31] <kotor> pimp
[01:01:43] <Dude> ...wat
