Chat logs

Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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...yeah you need to leave the internet until you gain a common knowledge of anything anyone should know.

me irl


I wasn't questioning your input, rather than why there was a swastika and a hammer and sickle in the topic. Calm yourself.


Because Hugo's a nazi and Harvest's a communist.

MP and Jamaha still need representation.


I'm certainly more Nazi than I am Communist.


me irl


Two ops are Nazis? Fascist uprising in the chat room?


No worries, though. The JaMaHian empire shall prevail.


Well of course JaMaHa is the Führer.

I am simply the Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel.

While Hugo is the Oberstgruppenführer.



lol, this isn't from the chat, but it was a convo I had on Omegle. The person gets really mad at me ::)

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Pika Pika!
Stranger: pooka pooka
You: Pikachu!!
Stranger: aww
Stranger: he is soo cutr
Stranger: cute
You: Pika Pika!!!
Stranger: sooo
Stranger: what kind of music do you like
You: I want to be
You: the very best
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: well reggae is the best
You: That no one ever was!
Stranger: u like that
You: Duh, Duh, Duh Duh!
Stranger: check that
Stranger: good reggae
You: To catch them is my real quest
You: To train them is my cause!
You: I will travel
You: Across this land
You: Searching far and wide
Stranger: dude
Stranger: are you like mentally retarted?
You: These Pokemon
Stranger: honestly
You: To understand
You: pokemon!
Stranger: dude
Stranger: get alife
You: Pika Pika!
Stranger: dude
Stranger: forreal
Stranger: do you have any friends?
Stranger: obviously not
Stranger: haha
You: Pikachu!
You: Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!
You: Pika Pika!
Stranger: ddude
Stranger: you are soo gay
Stranger: god damn son
You: *Pikachu uses thunderbolt*
Stranger: wow
Stranger: peace dawg

::) He doesn't like me.

Also, Omegle ( is a website were it just connects you with a random person and you can talk to each other. You can pretty much talk about whatever because as soon as you disconnect you never talk to the person again  :P


wow, I gotta try it sometime. Your pokemon rant was epic. 8/10 points.

Sir Awesomesauce

We need a topic dedicated to Omegle conversations.
They're epic.
You should read my post, it's probably above this.



Thanks for making one.


[16:19:20] -MemoServ- You have a new memo from master_gamer38.
[16:19:20] -MemoServ- Type /msg MemoServ READ 1 to read it.
[16:51:36] -> *memoserv* read 1
[16:51:37] -MemoServ- Memo 1 from master_gamer38 (Apr 21 23:19:53 2009 CEST).  To delete, type: /msg MemoServ DEL 1
[16:51:38] -MemoServ- I lost the game

It's not really a chat log, but it's a log and it's kinda worth putting here.