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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


<HugoMeister>   and i dont do things like this unless im alone


me irl


Don't know if this is funny or not, but it's interesting:
15[20:21] <Oni-Link> !seen God
[20:21] <&Zeta> I found 139 matches to your query; please refine it to see any output.


And I present to you...


<Master_Gamer38>   Hugo is everyones showers
   <Master_Gamer38>   :3
   <Master_Gamer38>   Oh hugo
   <Master_Gamer38>   I like the new camera
   <Master_Gamer38>   its a lot quieter
   <HugoMeister>   it see's through your steam now
   <Master_Gamer38>   :D
   <Slusho>   weirdos
   <HugoMeister>   and i can go thermal too :3
   <Master_Gamer38>   :P
   <Master_Gamer38>   yeha i know
   <Master_Gamer38>   your horny devil
   <Master_Gamer38>   :3
   <HugoMeister>   i like when you dropped the soap last time
   <HugoMeister>   take your time pikcing it up
   <Master_Gamer38>   XD
   <Master_Gamer38>   i'll do it slower next time
   <HugoMeister>   ;)
   <Master_Gamer38>   and i will skip using a washcloth and just use my hands k ;)
   <HugoMeister>   XD
   <HugoMeister>   why dont we just skip soap
   <HugoMeister>   and go honey
   <HugoMeister>   stars going to get sum
   <HugoMeister>   and we all know it
   <Dude>   Speaking of showers...
   <HugoMeister>   dont say it
   <Dude>   SEe ya
   <HugoMeister>   D:
   <HugoMeister>   ugh
   * HugoMeister   stabs Dude
   <HugoMeister>   bleed
   <HugoMeister>   bleed i say!
   <Dude>   You were talking about it...
   <HugoMeister>   yeah but mg's sexy ;)
   <HugoMeister>   lol
   <Dude>   ...Hugo is being mean D:
   <HugoMeister>   oh hush
   <HugoMeister>   you know i luff you :3
   <HugoMeister>   i just luff mg with a camera
   <HugoMeister>   tis all
   <Slusho>   Hugo
   <Slusho>   this isn't #gay

<HugoMeister>   ugh, i must have slept on my back funny
   <Sauce>   You are the one who wanted it.

Slusho logged it.  We both agree that the true should be revealed.

me irl


[2009-02-09 13:09:23] <HugoMeister> brb
[2009-02-09 13:09:38] <Purple1222119> D:
[2009-02-09 13:09:40] <Purple1222119> :D
[2009-02-09 13:09:47] <Purple1222119> :O
[2009-02-09 13:09:51] <Purple1222119> :(
[2009-02-09 13:09:53] <Zeta> ARRRRRGH!
[2009-02-09 13:09:58] <Purple1222119> ...
[2009-02-09 13:10:03] <Purple1222119> Sorry

Zeta doesn't like spamming...
My Youtube! Featuring Orchestrations of Nintendo music and more!
Latest Tracks: Super Mario RPG & Superstar Saga HD ReMIX


[22:51:11]   -->|   Harvest ( has joined #nsm
[22:51:11]   =-=   Mode #nsm +o Harvest by chanserv
[22:51:15]   <Zeta>   Wasn't expecting Harvest!
[22:51:17]   * Zeta   hides
[22:51:17]   <Oni-Link>   Hey Harvest
[22:51:52]   <Oni-Link>   Harvest don't know a reason why I should give you my pic but might as well <link removed for Oni's comfort>
[22:52:01]   <Harvest>   oh shit
[22:52:02]   <Oni-Link>   Givin it to everyone else. :/
[22:52:08]   <Harvest>   I don't wanna click.
[22:52:13]   <Oni-Link>   scared
[22:52:19]   <Harvest>   It will smash my mental image of you.
[22:52:28]   <HugoMeister>   she has kitty ears though
[22:52:32]   <Oni-Link>   :3
[22:52:36]   <Oni-Link>   xp
[22:52:37]   <HugoMeister>   and in all reality
[22:52:40]   <Harvest>   woah
[22:52:40]   <HugoMeister>   she's not that bad :P
[22:52:41]   <Oni-Link>   What's the mental image?
[22:52:43]   <Harvest>   is that really you?
[22:52:47]   <Oni-Link>   Yes. >->
[22:52:50]   <Harvest>   HOT
[22:52:54]   <HugoMeister>   XD
[22:52:55]   <Harvest>   didn't smash image
[22:52:58]   <HugoMeister>   he'd tap that



Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


I'll have to ask Harvest for that link some time.

me irl


Quote from: Gamer4250 on February 15, 2009, 02:05:52 PMI'll have to ask Harvest for that link some time.

You wont be getting it.





Was a joke in the first place, but Oni was all "hay want to see it".

At least I'm not like Trondheim, who goes and asks her to add his myspace the second as he sees the picture.

EDIT: lulz
<Harvest>   I can't wait til she posts nude pics.

me irl

Super Zombie

<HugoMeister>   I thought i was gay


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever

Super Zombie

<Slusho>   giving masturbation lessons are we zeta?
<Zeta>   yes and i wont stop till my throat bounces off!

That's not even what I meant...

<Oni-Link> It makes me uncomfortable when you want to know "if I was masturbating"
<Harvest> omg
<Harvest> were you?

        <HugoMeister>   Zeta give slusho a hug
   * Zeta   snoofles slusho
   * Slusho   snoofles zeta
   <HugoMeister>   ;)
   * Zeta   snoofles Slusho back with an hero
   <Slusho>   SNOOFLE FRENZY!
   <HugoMeister>   snoofle *orgy
   * Slusho   snoofles Zeta back with an hero
   <Zeta>   Snoofle *orgy... snorgy.
   * Zeta   doors Slusho in return
   <HugoMeister>   SNORGY
   <Slusho>   YES!
   <Slusho>   SNORGY!!!!!!!
   <HugoMeister>   XD
   <HugoMeister>   SNORGY FOR ALL!
   <Slusho>   new inside joke created!

Super Zombie

-->|   Liz ( has joined #nsm
   <Zeta>   lol l@@k its liz
   <kotor>   Hey Liz
   <Slusho>   hey
   <Liz>   hi
   <LiiN>   Liz?
   <LiiN>   Hi
   <Liz>   hello
   <Liz>   how's it going liin
   <Liz>   (Someone's myspace profile was posted. Left out for privacy.)
   <Liz>   check me out
   <Slusho>   this person is obviously trying to trick us!
   <Liz>   lol no i'm not
   <HugoMeister>   ....
   <HugoMeister>   XD
   <HugoMeister>   you are such a fag XD
   <Slusho>   they could have just searched that name and gotten that site!
   <Liz>   wow slusho, I hate you!
   <Liz>   even if you are extremely sexy
   <Slusho>   admit it!
   <Liz>   ok I'm really a 40 year old molester
   <HugoMeister>   "who's that sexy man in the darkness" <_<
   <Liz>   are you happy!?
   <HugoMeister>   :P
   <--|   Liz has left #nsm
   <Zeta>   What a strange person.
   <Slusho>   see?
   <Slusho>   I told you!
   <Zeta>   only with spud
   <kotor>   haha
   <Slusho>   you could have been molested!
   <HugoMeister>   we could have, thank you for saving us slusho XD
   <LiiN>   WTF? who was Liz?
   <HugoMeister>   some molester
   <HugoMeister>   slusho saved you you know
   <LiiN>   Saved me?
   <HugoMeister>   indeed
   <Slusho>   yes
   <LiiN>   How?
   <Slusho>   But no applause is necessary.
   <HugoMeister>   he made that evil evil liz leave
   <Slusho>   By screaming "Molester no molesting!"
   <Slusho>   and swiper
   <Slusho>   I mean molester
   <Slusho>   was like "ah man!"
   <HugoMeister>   *snap*
   <HugoMeister>   *flee*
   <Slusho>   he/she was out to molest
   <Slusho>   That's pretty much how I remember it.
   <HugoMeister>   luckily we had our map
   <Slusho>   XD
   <HugoMeister>   to tell us where to run
   <HugoMeister>   first
   <HugoMeister>   we have to walk through the /scary/ tunnel
   <HugoMeister>   THEN
   <HugoMeister>   we climb over the /tall/ mountain
   <HugoMeister>   and then we reach the gates of Hell
   <HugoMeister>   fun
        <HugoMeister>   OM NOM NOM NOM DELICIOSO

        <Slusho>   I LOVE YOU
   <Oni-Link>   Seriously?
   <Slusho>   NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!