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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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Quote from: HugoMeister on August 27, 2008, 12:19:16 PMIn all honesty, the only reason I made such a big deal of it was to piss Gamer off, and to see what would happen. I pretty much succeeded. If anyone else had posted that, I wouldn't have cared. I felt this was my chance to get some "ass time" in. It made me happy getting to be an ass to the biggest ass on the forums most of the time. The warnings and moderated status was an added bonus.
So yeah, Deku, sorry about all this crap. It was pretty much for my own personal enjoyment.

I don't even care about that log anymore (well, I really never cared in the first place). Do what you see fit. Punish me if you want. I may deserve it, idk.

And also, for the future, can we get rid of all those posts about this? Pretend it never happened? I've had my fun. Now back to being a normal topic again please?

Bull.  Shit.


omg the Irc stats page!

"HarvMeister is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 4 people!
HarvMeister's faithful follower, Harvest, kicked about 1 people."

random quote from Harvest:  "are you really /that/ ugly?"

roflmao!  HarvMeister has quite a potty mouth. 1.1% words were foul language.
Harvest also makes sailors blush, 0.5% of the time.

Also, HarvMeister and Harvest are both me.


It caught me singing the Olympic Theme...


[17:58:27]   <master_gamer38>   Zeta, what did I do to make you horny?
[17:58:32]   <Zeta>   talking
[17:58:36]   <DarkestLove>   o.o
[17:58:39]   <HugoMeister>   oho
[17:58:42]   <HugoMeister>   you fox you
[17:59:17]   <master_gamer38>   Zeta, did you like it?
[17:59:21]   <Zeta>   Yes but i wish i'd gone winkie-snorting :)

*spit take*

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


[13:17]   -->|   HugoMeister ( has joined #nsm
[13:17]   =-=   Mode #nsm +o HugoMeister by ChanServ
[13:17]   <Gamer4250>   they'd be weirded out if they saw me watching a dancing anime chick over and over
[13:17]   <Zeta>   Hay HugoMeister whats goin on.
[13:17]   <Gamer4250>   ohay Hugo
[13:17]   <HugoMeister>   ...
[13:17]   <Gamer4250>   :P
[13:17]   <DarkestLove>   XD
[13:17]   =-=   Mode #nsm +b *!* by HugoMeister
[13:17]   =-=   YOU (Gamer4250) have been booted from #nsm by HugoMeister (HugoMeister)

Tell me again why he's staff.

me irl


Because you posted something that showed a guy holding his ass open, with a continual loop of "Hay I'm watching gay porn" playing, you can't close the window, much like rick-rolld, and then it starts emailing from your account, and probably other stuff that I don't know about, because I shut off my pc.

Do anything like that again, and I'm going to JaMaHa.

Edit: That's something that you just don't do. Seriously, my mum had just left for work, and my 7 year old sister had just gone upstairs. If I had clicked that any earlier, there would have been hell.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


<Dude> >_>
<@HugoMeister> T_T
<Dude> Click it
<DarkestLove> ^_______________________^
<Dude> NOW
<@HugoMeister> never
<Dude> Hah
<DarkestLove> It's not THAT bad...
<Dude> You're missing out
<DarkestLove> It's just a Japanese video with a girl counting 1, 2, 3
<@HugoMeister> harvest, masterpenguin: Do not unban him
<Dude> Haha
<Dude> Hugo
<Dude> You fell for it
<@HugoMeister> obviously
<@HugoMeister> NO
<Dude> NOWWWW@!@!!
<DarkestLove> It's not a shock site
<DarkestLove> It's a Japanese video
<Dude> Hugo: Don't you feel like a dick now?
<Dude> ^________^
<@HugoMeister> no i dont
<Dude> I win
<Dude> I'm still shocked that you won't click that link...
<DarkestLove> Trust me, it's not bad...
<DarkestLove> It's just a stupid pointless video
<Dude> >_>
<@MasterPenguin> Meh
<Dude> It's not stupic
<Dude> d
<DarkestLove> bue
<Dude> It's the best flash thing ever
<@MasterPenguin> You don't interfere with my bans, I'll just ignore all beeps and play my game
<DarkestLove> XD
<@HugoMeister> yay
<@HugoMeister> thank you
<DarkestLove> I set it so beeps make a sound
<&Zeta> thank you... thou
<DarkestLove> It makes...A...Beep sound
<Dude> Hugo: >_>
<@HugoMeister> what the hell is it
<Dude> alice singing...
<DarkestLove> How many times do I have to say
<DarkestLove> it
<DarkestLove> Back to battlezone
<DarkestLove> bge
<DarkestLove> bue
<DarkestLove> =/
<Dude> Meh
<Dude> I screwed that up didn
<Dude> t i?
<Dude> Damn
<Dude> Hugo: >_>
<@HugoMeister> DAH
<Dude> 9_9
<Dude> Just click it
<Dude> For me?
<@HugoMeister> if i click it will you shut up
<Dude> Mm'k
<@HugoMeister> but so help me god, if its anything shock...
<@HugoMeister> :D
<@HugoMeister> w00
<&Zeta> ^_^
<Dude> Don't you feel like a dick now?
<@HugoMeister> to you yes
<@HugoMeister> to gamer, no
<Dude> Thx
<@HugoMeister> sry :P


Wait, what?

Gamer linked Last Measure?


[17:20:22]   <Zeta>   Heh heh... Heh


<HugoMeister>   dude, you ignited the spark in me

JaMaHa: fuck yes

me irl


[20:15:27]   <Gamer4250>   what the fuck
[20:15:33]   <Gamer4250>   is with the spontaneous obsession
[20:16:45]   <Dude>   I think I did it...
[20:16:48]   <Dude>   I don't know
[20:16:58]   <HugoMeister>   dude, you ignited the spark in me
[20:17:04]   <Dude>   DAmn
[20:17:06]   <HugoMeister>   and i took out to this point :P

Over a "why sailor moon?" conversation. :P

So yeah. lol.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


<Gamer4250>   Zeta give %ruser a rape in the ass
<HugoMeister>   plz plz plz

me irl


[19:15:27]   <PianoMasta7>   I don't think so
[19:15:30]   <Zeta>   I DO think so.
[19:15:36]   <PianoMasta7>   orly Zeta...

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Epic Nakah-Zeta fight.

(10:30:44 PM) ***Nakah steals cookie
(10:30:50 PM) ***Nakah throws it at zeta
(10:30:54 PM) ***Zeta throws Nakah back with a turkjemenistien
(10:31:08 PM) ***Nakah kicks off the wall cand karate chops zeta
(10:31:12 PM) ***Zeta kicks Nakah back with a freaking hoodie

Zeta has...strange...weapons.


[13:54:27]   |<--   Oni-Link has left (Q:- OMFG I GONNA RUN AWAY NAO)
[13:54:36]   <Zeta>   this reminds me of my wedding night


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever