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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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Quote from: Ruto on August 31, 2015, 09:58:25 PMMaybe you guys shouldn't post real names on the forum ._.

I don't mind. Since I haven't shown a photo or last name, you can't track me.  :P
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"


Where do you guys do the chat?
I like food.



Pianist Da Sootopolis

So this happened.
themariopianist left the room.
[6:07 PM] pianistdasootopolis: Alright, I'll be copying and pasting this to TMP's skype
[6:07 PM] pianistdasootopolis: So know that we'll have a record, Maya, m'kay?
[6:08 PM] mayastarr: Nice to see you to Pianist. :)
[6:08 PM] pianistdasootopolis: Well when you lied to everyone on the forums with two alternate characters,
[6:08 PM] pianistdasootopolis: I don't feel the need to be super formal and nice.
[6:08 PM] pianistdasootopolis: Sorry.
[6:09 PM] pianistdasootopolis: I'm still happy to hear what you have to say
[6:09 PM] mayastarr: yeah...i totally regeret that
[6:10 PM] pianistdasootopolis: So, tell us about who you actually are.
[6:10 PM] pianistdasootopolis: Was anything you said true?
[6:10 PM] mayastarr: actually, everything was true besides dream theater and cosmic prop
[6:11 PM] pianistdasootopolis: So why did you make them up?
[6:11 PM] pianistdasootopolis: Was it that you needed to get attention?
[6:12 PM] pianistdasootopolis: I'm just perplexed about why you, someone who was getting a ton of attention and sympathy once you made your Mayastarr account
[6:12 PM] pianistdasootopolis: Needed to make your first account, Cosmicprop, attack you, and then dreamtheater later
[6:13 PM] dudeman: She liked that feeling of us defending her.
[6:13 PM] mayastarr: It was that you guys accepted me for who I am and that kept me sane. I guess I enjoyed how you guys got my back.
[6:13 PM] dudeman: She wanted more of it, so she created an alternate to attack her so that we would defend her and make her feel better.
[6:13 PM] dudeman: That's how I understand it.
[6:13 PM] mayastarr: And I'm forever grateful.
[6:14 PM] pianistdasootopolis: So, may I ask why you came here?
[6:14 PM] mayastarr: TMP invited me here so we can talk.
[6:14 PM] pianistdasootopolis: What is there to discuss though?
[6:14 PM] dudeman: She wants your forgiveness.
[6:15 PM] pianistdasootopolis: Well then I'll answer that right now.
[6:15 PM] pianistdasootopolis: As of this moment, Maya, I still am not in a state where I'm willing to "forgive but not forget", as the saying goes.
[6:15 PM] pianistdasootopolis: Maybe sometime in the future I will be.
[6:16 PM] mayastarr: You don't have to forgive me. Just knowing how you took the time to come here, satisfies me. Thank you.
[6:17 PM] pianistdasootopolis: That said, I'm still more than happy to talk with you and such.
[6:17 PM] pianistdasootopolis: seeing as I have to hold TMP's spot until he comes back, I might as well make the best of it
[6:18 PM] mayastarr: Thank you.
[6:18 PM] pianistdasootopol
TL;DR- Mayastarr is apparently asking for everyone's forgiveness. Obviously she isn't coming back to the forums, but she may be around.
Hate to extend this drama longer than it has to be, but I figured that we can leave it here; she won't be coming back, but you can forgive her yourself if you so choose, and talk to her via other means than NSM.
what is shitpost


u realize it's just part 2 of the game, rite

me irl

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Yes, when Dudeman and I were discussing this over Skype, it became basically impossible when we both acknowledged that nothing Maya says is credible anymore.
So, I posted this here because it was worth noting for the people who want to give Maya the second/third/however many more chances.
what is shitpost


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on September 07, 2015, 08:08:21 PMu realize it's just part 2 of the game, rite
I was about to say this too.


dude: ok i can't check her
[5:44 PM] oasis: What's going on?
[5:44 PM] dude: but i don't think that's olimar
[5:44 PM] olimar12345: wanna see doodlebob?
[5:44 PM] blueflower999: He didn't skype message me
[5:45 PM] dude: i wanna see you
[5:45 PM] blueflower999: Or answer my question
[5:45 PM] olimar12345: and danielle strikes again......
[5:45 PM] olimar12345 left the room.
[5:45 PM] oasis: ?
[5:45 PM] dude: figured
[5:45 PM] blueflower999: UGH
[5:45 PM] blueflower999: Okay we are checking everyone now
[5:45 PM] latios: ...
[5:45 PM] latios: for real tho
[5:45 PM] blueflower999: Oasis would you mind something
[5:45 PM] oasis: What is it?
[5:46 PM] latios: ID, please
[5:46 PM] dude: ok
[5:46 PM] blueflower999: We need to verify you'er not ThatGamer :P
[5:46 PM] dude: i'm done
[5:46 PM] oasis: How can I do that?
[5:46 PM] blueflower999: Yeah Dude's clean
[5:46 PM] oasis: And nice one.
[5:46 PM] dude: :)
[5:46 PM] latios: Here's a way to check
[5:46 PM] blueflower999: PM me "hi" or something
[5:46 PM] latios: Click here
[5:46 PM] latios: view this topic:
[5:46 PM] blueflower999: Oh good idea Latios!
[5:47 PM] latios: comlpetely arbitrary topics yey
[5:47 PM] dude: lol
[5:47 PM] oasis: So I clicked it. Now what?
[5:47 PM] latios: ID check complete
[5:47 PM] latios: *ding*
[5:47 PM] blueflower999: Yay!
[5:47 PM] dude: Oh

Nice one Latios for thinking of this.
"I set my ATM card's number to "0001" because I'm number one!"


Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


We were talking about how we needed better ways to know if someone is legit, so he did something. I think he'd to a better job explaining. Latios, I mean.
"I set my ATM card's number to "0001" because I'm number one!"


Yeah, so that wasn't me .-.

I wasn't in the tinychat all day.

Fuck you, TG.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


oh so basically besides "skype me" we can also just do "here, look at this random topic" and then check Who's Online as an ID check.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!




Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Idk.....but I'm sure it wasn't TG.