
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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<frank> can you help me install GTA3?
<knightmare> first, shut down all programs you aren't using
frank has quit IRC. (Quit)
<knightmare> ...

Okay, I got this from Bash, but this was mostly a good topic that should keep going. This is also an example of a time when it's alright to double post.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Skype fun times
Ruto - Today 9:35 PM
> ewwwwwwww

Ruto - Today 9:36 PM
> my mom just asked if I could legally marry my cousin so I can get him citizenship

Ruto - Today 9:36 PM

Ruto - Today 9:36 PM
> no way

Ruto - Today 9:36 PM
> why does she have to ask me >_>

Winter - Today 9:47 PM
> wow

Dude (Alex Malarky) - Today 9:48 PM
> Nick would be devastated

Winter - Today 9:48 PM
> hahahahaha


I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Skype w/ Latios
[8:41:41 PM] Latios212: You should arrange some gen 6 music with one hand while hatching eggs with the other.
[8:42:14 PM] Dudeman: Oh, if I had the talent...
[8:42:21 PM] Dudeman: (actually, now that I think about it...)
[8:42:33 PM] Dudeman: (I can steer the bike with my left hand...)
[8:42:42 PM] Dudeman: (...and control the mouse with my right...)
[8:43:00 PM] Dudeman: (...and hit the keys with my nose...)
[8:43:02 PM] Latios212: (yeah! yeah!)
[8:43:19 PM] Dudeman: (...and turn the volume dial on my speakers with my tongue...)
[8:43:39 PM] Dudeman: (...while juggling chainsaws with my feet...)
[8:43:53 PM] Latios212: But your eyebrows will be free
[8:43:54 PM] Dudeman: (...while yodeling something from gen 3...)
[8:44:12 PM] Dudeman: (...and doing a Groucho Marx impression with my eyebrows...)
[8:44:21 PM] Latios212: Beard?
[8:44:34 PM] Dudeman: (you're lucky I actually have one)
[8:44:57 PM] Dudeman: (I already lit that on fire for the Blackbeard costume I wear for the whole procedure)
[8:45:06 PM] Latios212: ..........oh
[8:45:15 PM] Latios212: Well looks like you'll be multitasking enough
[8:45:37 PM] Dudeman: Oh, I'm also doing a quintuple bypass over skype.
[8:45:45 PM] Latios212: a what
[8:46:06 PM] Dudeman: Heart surgery. Very risky, very dangerous, very precise heart surgery.
[8:46:21 PM] Latios212: but why quintuple
[8:46:44 PM] Latios212: GOTCHA
[8:46:49 PM] Latios212: CUZ YOU HAVE A BIG HEART?
[8:47:12 PM] Dudeman: IT'S A MOUSE HEART
[8:47:20 PM] Latios212: oh
[8:47:24 PM] Latios212: that's small
[8:47:29 PM] Dudeman: All the more precise.
[8:47:33 PM] Dudeman: While arranging.
[8:47:35 PM] Dudeman: And biking.
[8:47:37 PM] Dudeman: And impersonating.
[8:47:40 PM] Dudeman: And juggling.
[8:47:53 PM] Latios212: and biking on a real bike
[8:48:02 PM] Dudeman: WHOOPS, FORGOT THAT ONE
[8:48:50 PM] Latios212: or handlebars
[8:49:30 PM] Dudeman: IT'S A UNICYCLE
[8:49:31 PM] Dudeman: I LIED
[8:49:35 PM] Dudeman: DOWNHILL
[8:49:36 PM] Latios212: a 2-wheeled unicycle?
[8:49:43 PM] Dudeman: Pffff. Duh.
[8:49:48 PM] Latios212: ok.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Quote from: DudemanA bird in the hand is worth a penny earned.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



You guys act like that's impressive.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


zunawe: is depreciating appreciation a thing?
[3:13 PM] blerp: it was horrible
[3:13 PM] blerp: is appreciating depreciation a thing?
[3:14 PM] emcee_mikey: well
[3:14 PM] emcee_mikey: I wouldn't enjoy it
[3:14 PM] emcee_mikey: but I would acknowledge it
[3:14 PM] emcee_mikey: sometimes magic cards depreciate in value
[3:14 PM] blerp: it's a kind of magic
[3:14 PM] zunawe: Is there a causation for the depreciation?
[3:15 PM] emcee_mikey: but sometimes they skyrocket in price and I'm glad I have them
[3:15 PM] emcee_mikey: tournament results usually
[3:15 PM] blerp: i hope this won't turn out in a difficult word thing where i need to use google's translations
[3:15 PM] zunawe: Nullification of the inflation you mean
[3:16 PM] emcee_mikey: I suppose you could call it that
[3:16 PM] zunawe: If you had the inclination, that is
[3:16 PM] emcee_mikey: is that supposed to be some sort of insinuation
[3:16 PM] blerp: does this even have a destination
[3:16 PM] zunawe: It's an instigation
[3:17 PM] emcee_mikey: thanks for that revelation


[11:17 PM] zunawe: Do you lack the motivation to come up with these rhymes?
[11:18 PM] zunawe: Shall we consider it a resignation from this game?
[11:18 PM] blerp: i actually just lack english word knowledgation
[11:18 PM] zunawe: Mikey, what's your judication?
[11:19 PM] blerp: this will become a hard conversation for me
[11:20 PM] emcee_mikey left the room.
[11:20 PM] zunawe: I feel a deceleration in the pace of this conversation.
[11:20 PM] zunawe: Oh no
[11:20 PM] blerp: i see an acceleration in the way mikey left the room
[11:20 PM] blerp: maybe he couldn't bear the information
[11:21 PM] zunawe: I suppose we'll have to consider it a resignation.
[11:21 PM] blerp: i quite liked the duration though


I dc'd, sorry guys :(


It is confirmed

[6:55 PM] trains: Well, you don't have a soul in the first place, so...
[6:55 PM] dudeman: HEY
[6:55 PM] dudeman: THAT'S
[6:55 PM] dudeman: ...true...
[6:56 PM] dudeman: What led you to that conclusion?

[6:56 PM] trains: Jokes.
[6:56 PM] dudeman: Ohhhhhhh.
[6:56 PM] braix: no it's obvious
[6:56 PM] braix: you have 7 letters in your name

[6:56 PM] dudeman: I think NSM may have rubbed off on me more than I'd like to admit. I wasn't always this sarcastic.
[6:57 PM] braix: 7 letters? 7 days in a week
[6:57 PM] braix: coincidence? I think not

[6:57 PM] dudeman: Ah, but that's just the name you know me by. You do not know my true name.
[6:57 PM] braix: if i'm right, your username should mean week for 7 days
[6:57 PM] trains: Yeah we do. It's Satan.
[6:57 PM] braix: week? weak.
[6:58 PM] braix: weak people have no muscles

[6:58 PM] dudeman: aw crap she found me out
[6:58 PM] braix: muscles is 6 letters, weak is 4
[6:58 PM] dudeman: quick, pack up Hell we have to evacuate
[6:58 PM] braix: 6-4 is 2
[6:58 PM] dudeman: There's only one of me.
[6:58 PM] dudeman: 2+1=3

[6:58 PM] braix: 2 days is what they give you to rest from school
[6:58 PM] dudeman: Triangles have three sides
[6:58 PM] dudeman: I am the Illuminati.
[6:59 PM] braix: because youre so weak you cant handle going to school with no breaks
[6:59 PM] braix: it just proves it
[6:59 PM] braix: it all makes sense
[6:59 PM] braix: you are the illuminati and you have no soul

[6:59 PM] trains: if you don't think too much
[6:59 PM] dudeman: I've thought it through so much I stopped thinking too much.
[7:00 PM] trains: which makes the most sense.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


[2:13 PM] dude entered the room.
[2:13 PM] themariopianist entered the room.
[2:13 PM] trains entered the room.
[2:13 PM] blueflower999 entered the room.
[2:13 PM] blerp entered the room.
[2:13 PM] dreamtheater123 entered the room.
[2:13 PM] pianistds entered the room.
*Type /help for a list of commands.*
[2:13 PM] dude: now get
[2:13 PM] pianistds: Right, condoning suicide is something we all should do.
[2:13 PM] mayastarr: Dude you're here?!
[2:13 PM] mayastarr: YAY!!!
[2:13 PM] dude: yes
[2:13 PM] pianistds: Oh welcome back. She is.
[2:13 PM] themariopianist: Because you suggested someone should kill themselves. In no way is that right.
[2:13 PM] pianistds: He is, I mean.
[2:13 PM] mayastarr: CHOOO CHOOOO!
[2:13 PM] trains: Hey there!
*This is your new chat color.*
[2:13 PM] mayastarr: when i saw dude here, i just had to enter in here?
[2:13 PM] trains: You sure you don't want to go to TMP's?
[2:13 PM] mayastarr: not as long as dude is here!
[2:13 PM] trains: We could get Dude there too!
[2:13 PM] dreamtheater123: look who's back.....
[2:13 PM] dude: I'll give him 3 min to leave
[2:14 PM] pianistds: Have you PMed Ruto, dude?
[2:14 PM] dude: then i'll get ruto
[2:14 PM] mayastarr: *groans*
[2:14 PM] dude: not yet
[2:14 PM] dude: lazy
[2:14 PM] pianistds: Alright XD
[2:14 PM] dreamtheater123: alright maya, vent your anger out
[2:14 PM] dreamtheater123: where were you?
[2:14 PM] trains: Maya, I'll PM Dude.
[2:14 PM] dreamtheater123: oh yeah....satan's bitch?
[2:14 PM] trains: We can go somewhere else.
[2:14 PM] dreamtheater123: hell?
[2:14 PM] dude: hm
[2:14 PM] dude: he's annoying
[2:14 PM] mayastarr: *growls*
[2:14 PM] trains: And DT, please. Shut up.
[2:14 PM] mayastarr: you don't know when to quit do you?
[2:14 PM] dude: i'll grab ruto
[2:14 PM] dreamtheater123: i thought you hated her dude
[2:15 PM] pianistds: Yeah, please do. We'll entertain the idiot.
[2:15 PM] pianistds: Dude has this lovely thing
[2:15 PM] pianistds: Called empathy
[2:15 PM] dreamtheater123: i read the topic where you shouted at her, guilt shaming her
[2:15 PM] dreamtheater123: you are the idiot
[2:15 PM] trains: They got over that.
[2:15 PM] pianistds: Even for people she doesn't necessarily like.
[2:15 PM] pianistds: Oh, I hadn't realized.
[2:15 PM] mayastarr: SAY SHIT TO ME BUT NOT TO THEM
[2:15 PM] dreamtheater123: very well
[2:15 PM] dude: ok if i don't agree with someone i just say that
[2:16 PM] dude: i don't tell them to kill themselfs
[2:16 PM] dude: ves
[2:16 PM] dude: shit
[2:16 PM] dreamtheater123: i feel pity for your dad
[2:16 PM] dreamtheater123: he has to raise a BRAT
[2:16 PM] dude: i pity
[2:16 PM] dude: you
[2:16 PM] dude: damn lag
[2:16 PM] themariopianist: Fuck you, don't call her that!
[2:16 PM] dreamtheater123: what if he ends up killing himself?
[2:16 PM] dreamtheater123: because he hates you
[2:16 PM] trains: He won't.
[2:16 PM] dude: he doesn't ._.
[2:16 PM] trains: And he doesn't hate her.
[2:16 PM] dude: why would he
[2:16 PM] themariopianist: He wouldn't dare, a dad that hates her daughter wouldn't take her to Paris.
[2:16 PM] pianistds: You're the only who's hated right now.
[2:16 PM] mayastarr: MY DAD WILL NEVER DO THAT
[2:17 PM] dreamtheater123: but your mom did didnt she?
[2:17 PM] dreamtheater123: kill herself because she hates you?
[2:17 PM] dude: not really
[2:17 PM] themariopianist: That is not what happened at all.
[2:17 PM] trains: No.
[2:17 PM] pianistds: Nope. And the only reason you're bringing that up
[2:17 PM] pianistds: Is to attempt to anger her.
[2:17 PM] trains: That's obviously the absolute opposite.
[2:17 PM] pianistds: So kindly shut the fuck up ^.^
[2:17 PM] dude: damnit
[2:17 PM] dude: why is ruto away
[2:17 PM] pianistds: Maya.
[2:17 PM] pianistds: Relax.
[2:17 PM] trains: Maya, go to the other place.
[2:17 PM] dreamtheater123: your mom killed herself!
[2:17 PM] pianistds: Maybe we should all leave.
[2:18 PM] trains: Please.
[2:18 PM] dreamtheater123: im dy8ing of laughter
[2:18 PM] mayastarr: SHE DIDNT KILL HERSELFF!!!!!
[2:18 PM] pianistds: Your grammar is the only thing dying here.
[2:18 PM] trains: Wow, DT.
[2:18 PM] mayastarr: SHE FUCKING DIDNT
[2:18 PM] mayastarr: SHE DIDNT
[2:18 PM] mayastarr: YOU WORTHLESS
[2:18 PM] mayastarr: CUNT
[2:18 PM] themariopianist: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! SHE DID NOT!
*Please don't spam/flood the chat.*
*Please don't spam/flood the chat.*
[2:18 PM] mayastarr: FUCK
[2:18 PM] mayastarr: YOU
[2:18 PM] dude: ok texted her
[2:18 PM] trains: She didn't kill herself.
[2:18 PM] mayastarr: FUCK YOU
[2:18 PM] mayastarr: I FUCKING HATE YOU
[2:18 PM] dude: weeee
[2:18 PM] pianistds: Random question, who is NSm knight?
[2:18 PM] trains: Maya, go away from him.
[2:18 PM] trains: It's K-Night
[2:18 PM] dude: k-night prolly
[2:18 PM] pianistds: Oh okay.
[2:18 PM] dreamtheater123: now will you kill yourself?
[2:18 PM] trains: No.
[2:18 PM] dude: stop
[2:18 PM] trains: She won't.
[2:18 PM] mayastarr: I WIL DO ANYTHING
[2:18 PM] themariopianist: MAYA
[2:18 PM] mayastarr: ANY FUCKING THING
[2:19 PM] pianistds: No, she will not.
[2:19 PM] trains: Don't you dare, Maya.
[2:19 PM] mayastarr: YOU PICE OF SHIT
[2:19 PM] themariopianist: All you have to do to get away
[2:19 PM] trains: All you have to do is leave.
[2:19 PM] pianistds: Maya, if you just want to be away from him
[2:19 PM] dude: maya just ignore
[2:19 PM] pianistds: Just leave the chat
[2:19 PM] themariopianist: IS LEAVE THE CHAT ROOM
[2:19 PM] mayastarr: IF I LEAVE, I LOSE
[2:19 PM] mayastarr: I WILL NOT LET HIM WIN
[2:19 PM] dude: click his name
[2:19 PM] themariopianist: NO YOU DON'T
[2:19 PM] trains: No, you don't.
[2:19 PM] dude: there's a think that says ignore
[2:19 PM] pianistds: You can't win with someone like this.
[2:19 PM] dreamtheater123: well well look at pride getting to you
[2:19 PM] trains: We can bash him for you.
[2:19 PM] dreamtheater123: :)
[2:19 PM] dude: thing
[2:19 PM] dude: hul
[2:19 PM] dude: MAYA
[2:19 PM] trains: Maya, ignore him.
[2:19 PM] pianistds: It's literally impossible because he's impossible to comprehend basic facts.
[2:20 PM] mayastarr: yes i am
[2:20 PM] nsm_knight: wow dt you really are a piece of shit, aren't you
[2:20 PM] dude: ok
[2:20 PM] pianistds: unable, rather, to comprehend basic fact
[2:20 PM] mayastarr: fine, i will ignore him.
[2:20 PM] mayastarr: good bye forever hopefully
[2:20 PM] dude: yay
[2:20 PM] trains: Yes!
[2:20 PM] dude: I will too
[2:20 PM] themariopianist: Yay!
*You are now ignoring dreamtheater123.*
[2:20 PM] dude: done
[2:20 PM] pianistds: Alright, ignore him
[2:20 PM] themariopianist: Everyone ignore DT!
[2:20 PM] trains: Let's all.
[2:20 PM] themariopianist: That piece of crap is outta here!
[2:20 PM] pianistds: I've also reported him
[2:20 PM] dude: (sun)
[2:20 PM] mayastarr: my mother is not in hell right? she didn't die because of me? my dad won't kill himself? please no
[2:20 PM] trains: No.
[2:20 PM] pianistds: You all should do the same, 8 reports is hella suspicious.
[2:20 PM] themariopianist: No. none of that is true.
[2:21 PM] pianistds: None of that's true.
[2:21 PM] trains: Your mother is in heaven.
[2:21 PM] themariopianist: I also reported.
[2:21 PM] trains: She's proud of you.
[2:21 PM] dude: k
[2:21 PM] trains: And your father is too.
[2:21 PM] themariopianist: And she wants you to live a long, happy life.
[2:21 PM] trains: Everyone here does
[2:21 PM] themariopianist

Oh please help me. I've never bee this angry before....
Hero of Trains is the BEST! Love you girl!


*whistles for Concerto*


why is DT even still around after that shit like


Trolls feed on the reactions they can evoke from other people.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on August 28, 2015, 02:37:37 PMTrolls feed on the reactions they can evoke from other people.

if you're talking to me, I'm well aware, I meant more like why wasn't he instantly banned from chat after last night