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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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[16:44]   <NSMGuest>   rawr
[16:44]   <Zeta>   Sorry no, I'm still sore from last time.


me irl


Davey: (A little old but) Go ahead and save it as a .MIDI and try and open it...


Super Zombie

<Dude> I hate life and kill babies!

<PianoMasta7> I'm a gay little dweeb who won't achieve anything in life!


Just a few minutes ago

<Zeta> There are clowns living under my bed.
<DarkestLove> orly
<DarkestLove> ?
<Gooch> i wish my clown would stop staring at me from the foot of my bed
<DarkestLove> That's a shame

<Zeta> whoooo I'm naked


[23:47:58]   -->|   Sailor_Moon ( has joined #nsm
[23:48:01]   <Gooch>   can i be your Gooch?
[23:48:02]   <Sara>   O=
[23:48:09]   <Sailor_Moon>   I sell my used panties to old men online :D
[23:48:16]   <blah54>   ???
[23:48:17]   <Sara>   o.0
[23:48:22]   <HugoMeister>   XD
[23:48:24]   <Gooch>   !seen Salior_Moon
[23:48:25]   <Zeta>   Gooch, I don't remember seeing salior_moon.
[23:48:26]   <Sailor_Moon>   Do you want to buy some?
[23:48:36]   <HugoMeister>   lol this is awesome
[23:48:36]   <Sailor_Moon>   You know you do you sexy man
[23:48:36]   <Sara>   ....
[23:48:40]   <Gooch>   !seen Sailor_Moon
[23:48:41]   <Zeta>   Gooch, Sailor_Moon is right here!
[23:48:42]   <HugoMeister>   does anybody even get this reference?
[23:48:57]   * Sailor_Moon   gives Gooch her panties
[23:48:58]   <HugoMeister>   besides me and sailor moon obviously?
[23:49:02]   <Sailor_Moon>   These are free
[23:49:10]   <blah54>   im nvr on chat, so i dont understand at all
[23:49:14]   * Gooch   takes Sailor's panties
[23:49:24]   <Sara>   i.0
[23:49:27]   <Gooch>   who are you, exactly?
[23:49:28]   <Sailor_Moon>   You wanna wear them on your head?
[23:49:33]   <Sara>   o.0
[23:49:44]   <Sailor_Moon>   It'll make you even sexier then usual
[23:49:45]   <HugoMeister>   ..can i have some?
[23:49:45]   * Sara   leaves NSM
[23:49:53]   * Gooch   puts the panties over his head, but reconsiders halfway through
[23:49:54]   <HugoMeister>   i gots cash money
[23:50:05]   <Gooch>   hah, i got mine free
[23:50:06]   <Sailor_Moon>   $500
[23:50:13]   * HugoMeister   gives her the cash
[23:50:15]   <Gooch>   she likes me bestest
[23:50:17]   <HugoMeister>   where's my panties
[23:50:24]   <Sailor_Moon>   I'm a cheap bitch, you know?
[23:50:32]   <Gooch>   lol
[23:50:32]   <Sara>   ...
[23:50:37]   <HugoMeister>   ;D
[23:50:43]   * Sailor_Moon   gives HugoMeister her panties
[23:50:47]   <Sara>   I'll be back later >.>
[23:50:48]   <Gooch>   So, will you be /my/ sara?
[23:50:57]   <Sara>   ...
[23:50:57]   <HugoMeister>   ^_^
[23:51:00]   <Gooch>   after the pantie fest is over?
[23:51:03]   * HugoMeister   puts them on
[23:51:07]   <Sara>   Nu....
[23:51:08]   <HugoMeister>   SIDEWAYS
[23:51:11]   <--|   Sara has left #nsm
[23:51:13]   <Sailor_Moon>   Feels nice doesn't it
[23:51:14]   <Sailor_Moon>   ?
[23:51:19]   <Gooch>   i dont have a clue how that would work
[23:51:32]   <Sailor_Moon>   I just had my period so they're nice and bloody
[23:51:41]   <HugoMeister>   O:
[23:51:47]   <HugoMeister>   im truly a girl now ^_^
[23:51:48]   <Sailor_Moon>   I hope you like them
[23:51:53]   * Gooch   THROWS THEM AWAY AS FAST AS HE CAN!!!
[23:51:56]   <Sailor_Moon>   Indeed you are
[23:52:03]   <HugoMeister>   they smell of fish, have you been wiping front to back?
[23:52:09]   * Gooch   has red wings
[23:52:11]   <Sailor_Moon>   Nope
[23:52:16]   <Sailor_Moon>   Nice and fresh
[23:52:18]   <HugoMeister>   you dirty dirty girl
[23:52:24]   * Gooch   cringes at this conversation
[23:52:25]   <Sailor_Moon>   *Tee hee
[23:52:55]   <Gooch>   i love how we're talking about this after we just took police-hood away from someone for doing the same thin
[23:53:08]   <HugoMeister>   for having his period XD
[23:53:17]   <Sailor_Moon>   Oh, there was a trial?
[23:53:18]   <Gooch>   lol
[23:53:25]   <Sailor_Moon>   That poor person...
[23:53:28]   <Gooch>   yeah, you just missed it...i think
[23:53:29]   <Sailor_Moon>   I feel bad for him
[23:53:34]   <HugoMeister>   you should give him some panties
[23:53:39]   <Sailor_Moon>   Yeah
[23:53:43]   <HugoMeister>   ill give them to him for you :P
[23:53:43]   <Sailor_Moon>   I'll leave them for him
[23:53:46]   <HugoMeister>   ok
[23:53:47]   <Sailor_Moon>   Ok
[23:53:48]   <Gooch>   i have a inkling suspicion she's Davey
[23:53:48]   <HugoMeister>   that works
[23:54:04]   <Gooch>   because we never said trial
[23:54:13]   <HugoMeister>   :|
[23:54:15]   * Sailor_Moon   gives HugoMeister her panties for the person from the trial or whatever
[23:54:26]   <HugoMeister>   *sniff*
[23:54:29]   <HugoMeister>   ^_^;
[23:54:32]   <Gooch>   yeah, she's someone who was here just recently
[23:54:35]   <Zeta>   ^_^
[23:54:48]   * Gooch   smiles at Zeta
[23:54:51]   * Zeta   chances Gooch in return. my precious
[23:54:52]   <Sailor_Moon>   Zeta, would you like one of my panties?
[23:54:55]   <Zeta>   Ooh yes please, I've had a pseudonym for so long it's boring me.
[23:55:05]   <HugoMeister>   lol ok charades over
[23:55:05]   <Gooch>   ^_^
[23:55:07]   * Sailor_Moon   gives Zeta her panties
[23:55:10]   <Zeta>   Do I want this?
[23:55:17]   <Sailor_Moon>   You sure do
[23:55:22]   <HugoMeister>   gooch, sailor moon is not davey
[23:55:26]   <HugoMeister>   but she is someone
[23:55:28]   <HugoMeister>   i know who :P
[23:55:35]   <HugoMeister>   from the very beginning lol
[23:55:35]   <Gooch>   who?
[23:55:41]   <Sailor_Moon>   Iz ooooold
[23:55:47]   <HugoMeister>   tis dude
[23:55:50]   <HugoMeister>   right?
[23:55:51]   <Sailor_Moon>   :D
[23:55:52]   <HugoMeister>   :P
[23:55:54]   =-=   Sailor_Moon is now known as Dude
[23:55:59]   <HugoMeister>   that was epic
[23:56:02]   <Gooch>   I'm wearing DUDE PANTIES
[23:56:04]   <HugoMeister>   robot chicken ftw
[23:56:07]   <Dude>   Indeed

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Aww, you didn't post my "The_Ninja" part, but, anyways, 'tis time to sleep, for real, see youz peeples 2day.


Fine.  ::)

I'll edit out the stuff that doesnt matter.

[00:00:04] -->| Sara ( has joined #nsm
[00:00:17] <Sara> Is it safe now? >.>
[00:00:29] <The_Ninja> will you be my sara now that im a Ninja?
[00:00:38] <Sara> ...
[00:00:45] <Sara> X3
[00:00:55] <HugoMeister> yes
[00:00:56] <HugoMeister> its safe now
[00:00:58] <The_Ninja> shh, its not safe here
[00:01:05] <Sara> ...
[00:01:23] <The_Ninja> let me take you to a dark and undisclosed location
[00:01:33] <Sara> o.0
[00:01:52] * The_Ninja takes Sara to a Dark, Safe, Undisclosed area
[00:01:59] <Sara> O=
[00:02:02] <The_Ninja> now where sorta all alone
[00:02:09] * Sara poofs away
[00:02:15] <The_Ninja> Shh, its not safe here
[00:02:21] <Sara> >.>
[00:02:23] <Sara> <.<
[00:02:24] * The_Ninja takes Sara back to the chat room
[00:02:34] <The_Ninja> i think its safe here
[00:04:13] <Sara>
[00:04:19] <Sara> Tyrant rocks XD
[00:04:30] <Sara> ;~;
[00:04:36] <The_Ninja> Tyrant???? 'Tis not safe here
[00:04:40] <HugoMeister> XD
[00:04:42] * The_Ninja takes Sara away again
[00:04:45] <Sara> >.>
[00:04:52] <HugoMeister> the ninja knows best
[00:04:54] <HugoMeister> shh
[00:04:59] <The_Ninja> shh
[00:05:14] * The_Ninja puts Sara in a "bag of holding"
[00:05:15] <Sara> Tyrant's smilez pic still makes me laugh X3
[00:05:19] <Sara> ...
[00:05:26] <Sara> I can't breath in here D:
[00:05:30] <HugoMeister> O:
[00:05:33] <HugoMeister> quick!
[00:05:35] <HugoMeister> let her out!
[00:05:36] <The_Ninja> A /SMILING/ tyrant
[00:05:39] * The_Ninja lets her out
[00:05:43] <Sara> ^o^
[00:05:45] * Dude takes her in
[00:05:53] * The_Ninja takes her back
[00:06:00] * The_Ninja cuts Dude again and again
[00:06:02] <Dude> SHE'S MINE!
[00:06:10] <Sara> >.>
[00:06:11] <Sara> <.<
[ 00:06:27] * The_Ninja chops of Dudes arm so he cant put himself in any leadership position
[00:06:33] * The_Ninja puts the arm in his bag of holding
[00:06:34] <Dude> NOOOO
[00:07:24] <The_Ninja> Shh
[00:08:16] * The_Ninja caresses his sara
[00:08:33] <Sara> @-@
[00:09:58] * The_Ninja pats dude on the back with his arm
[00:10:01] <Dude> ...
[00:10:08] * The_Ninja puts the arm back ing the bag
[00:10:15] <Sara> But.. I'm not.
[00:10:21] <Sara> X3
[00:10:28] <The_Ninja> but shes MY gothing waitress
[00:10:30] <Sara> Nighto
[00:10:33] <Sara> ...
[00:10:41] <Sara> I'm nobody's!
[ 00:10:54] <The_Ninja> dont be foolish
[00:11:05] <Sara> Except /maybe/ Rock's.
[00:11:18] <The_Ninja> A Rock???? 'tis not safe here
[00:11:23] <Sara> ...
[00:11:33] <Sara> I love Rock D:
[00:11:33] * The_Ninja takes Sara to his house in Kentucky
[00:11:37] <Sara> ...
[00:11:48] * The_Ninja puts her on the roof
[00:12:01] * The_Ninja shackles her to the chimney for safety
[00:12:09] <Sara> @-@
[00:12:15] <The_Ninja> g'night everyone, tis time to sleep
[00:12:25] <The_Ninja> im going to bed for real
[00:12:29] <Sara> Night.
[00:12:38] <The_Ninja> g'night my sara
[00:12:47] <Sara> I AM NOT /YOUR/ SARA
[00:12:50] |<-- The_Ninja has left (Q:- I'll unlock you in the morning)
[00:12:54] <Sara> ...
[00:12:57] <Sara> ;~;

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


looking back on that now, i realize that was only funny when i was about to fall asleep, but im happy its here either way.



[14:16:49]   <DarkestLove>   !seen HugoMeister
[14:16:52]   <Zeta>   HugoMeister ( was last seen quitting from #nsm 13 hours, 13 minutes ago stating (Q:- *jiggles*).

Just thought that was a little log worthy...Don't know why...


<Zeta> , you man the tractor beam, i'll pump the cows full of human sewage

need more be said?


[22:14:00] <&Zeta> I have already stuffed my normal human belly with delicious human filth that i could not eat another bite.
[22:14:02] <DarkestLove> Yes I know
[22:14:06] <DarkestLove> W
[22:14:08] <DarkestLove> T
[22:14:09] <Dude> ...Zeta?
[22:14:10] <DarkestLove> H
[22:14:16] <&Zeta> omg yes

Super Zombie

That's a Zim quote btw. And the sailor moon chat is nasty! Dude, you are a sick, sick person.


Wait a sec... Hugo, you never gave Davey those panties! ::)


No Dude panties for me thanks, I just had a serving of his mom's panties!~ (TWO!) XD this one is also just a random joke.

Super Zombie

Quote from: DaveyTheRebel on August 14, 2008, 03:03:34 PMNo Dude panties for me thanks, I just had a serving of his mom's panties!~ (TWO!) XD this one is also just a random joke.

Eww! Dude's mom is 70! jk