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Started by KefkaticFanatic, February 22, 2008, 07:58:09 AM

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12:37   Yugikun   if we were to make a NSM themed TWG
12:37   Liggy   we haven't done one together!!!
12:37   bird   you're going to OD on TWGs liggy!
12:38   Mashi   lol
12:38   Liggy   (I was joking)
12:38   Yugikun   what player would match with each power?
12:38   bird   friends dont let friends design 4 twgs in a month-long period of time
12:38   bird   bds's power could be paranoia
12:38   bird   fank's power could be spewing nonsense
12:38   Liggy   bird
12:38   bird   bds's second power is
12:38   bird   bubbles' power is bein a girl
12:38   bird   liggy's power is math
12:38   Liggy   hey that's a llf joke
12:38   bird   maestro's power is pretentious literature
12:38   Liggy   on nsm my power is being lynched
12:39   bird   mashi's power is anime
12:39   Mashi   would i be a normal human
12:39   bird   i guess
12:39   Mashi   
12:39   Mashi   can i be haruhi
12:39   Yugikun   no my power\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
12:39   bird   ya
12:39   Liggy   sauce's power is bureaucracy
12:39   Yugikun   graah
12:39   Mashi   that means im god
12:39   Mashi   gl wuffs
12:39   bird   yugi's power is pretending to be bds
12:39   Mashi   lol
12:39   bird   idk
12:39   Yugikun   lol
12:39   Mashi   bird can you think of a 7 letter words using motgers
12:39   Liggy   wait
12:39   Liggy   what's nh's powers
12:39   bird   probably not!
12:40   bird   grotems
12:40   bird   totems that grow
12:40   bird   call within the next 10 minutes to double your grotems order
12:40   bird   plus we'll throw in a chia pet
12:40   bird   how's that


Quote from: Yugi on July 03, 2013, 07:41:19 PM12:38   bird   bds's second power is
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: Yugi on July 03, 2013, 07:41:19 PM12:38   bird   maestro's power is pretentious literature
Glad to know my tastes are recognized.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


[11:27:35 PM] Erich Goeckeritz: Dyslexic anagrams!
[11:27:44 PM] Dude: what
[11:28:32 PM] Erich Goeckeritz: Ayslexic Dnagrams
[11:28:51 PM] Erich Goeckeritz: Cyslexia Snagramd
[11:29:07 PM] Erich Goeckeritz: Snslexia Cyagramd
[11:29:31 PM] Erich Goeckeritz: Mdcyagrad Iasnslex
[11:29:44 PM] Erich Goeckeritz: Sounds like some serious drugs

concerto is blabbering about dyslexic anagrams someone stop him


[1:13:30 AM] Mashi: hey ruto could i get a pet bat
[1:13:41 AM] Mashi: is that legal
[1:15:39 AM] Ruto: can you tame them xD
[1:15:45 AM] Mashi: idk
[1:15:47 AM] Ruto: I thought they had rabies or something
[1:15:55 AM] Mashi: my pet is also part weapon
[1:16:01 AM] Mashi: for intruders
[1:16:14 AM] Ruto: ohh you meant a baseball bat?
[1:16:16 AM] Mashi: actually i would probably make some elaborate trap for intruders
[1:16:26 AM] Mashi: no but i would make that my pet too
[1:16:31 AM] Mashi: Good idea!!!
[1:17:12 AM] Jub3r7: Not all bats have rabies!!!
[1:17:22 AM] Jub3r7: Not all possums have rabies!!!
[1:17:35 AM] Mashi: I think the difficult part would be keeping it in a cage and it not freaking out.
[1:17:44 AM] Mashi: Because it relies on electricity signals or whatever.
[1:17:45 AM] Mashi: idk
[1:17:49 AM] Jub3r7: It would probably just hang upside down and be super chill
[1:18:01 AM] Jub3r7: and the moment you opened the cage it would start flipping out
[1:18:02 AM] Mashi: Maybe I could make a Faraday Cage.
[1:18:05 AM] Mashi: And then make my own signals.
[1:18:11 AM] Mashi: And it'll do all my bidding.
[1:18:13 AM] Mashi: Mwahahaha!!!
[1:18:15 AM] Jub3r7: You should make a Nic Cage
[1:18:25 AM] Jub3r7: then your cage can star in various action movies
[1:18:39 AM] Jub3r7: along with the bat
[1:18:41 AM] Mashi: looooooooool
[1:18:47 AM] Mashi: A+++++++++


Did you hear about the guy who was cooled to absolute zero?
He's 0k now
I love Chemistry jokes.
They're in my element.
Helium walks into a bar and orders a drink, but the bartender says "sorry we don't serve noble gases here."
He doesn't react.
HeHe, that was pretty good!
You certainly seem like the alpha particle in this comedy act.
Do you know why Batman's favorite element is sodium???
Jerry, are you made of Copper Telluride? You're so CuTe with these jokes!
why are these emote things so big and also there is no hidden chemistry joke in this comment sorry
No, more jokes.
i can't spell mashi with element symbols
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate, Jerry!
: o
And don't go telling me that all the good Chemistry jokes Argon!!!
To give some advice, if you can't think of a good joke, just be like an atom and make up everything!
I'm staring at a periodic table but I can't even get a Lead on a joke
Are you made of arsenic???? Because if I tried to eat you I would probably die!!!!!!
I've been making jokes periodically, you need to make a few now.
That one was pretty hilarious actually, A+++.
I think I just remembered one
actually part of one let me remember the rest
Why are ____, ___, ____ considered the 3... doctor elements??? idk
let's see, there's Barium, Curium, and something else
there is no Silver lining to these jokes when I tell them
oh, helium, duh
Why are helium, curium, and barium considered the 3 medical elements???
Because if you can't helium or curium, you barium
I guess I'll tell you a Potassium joke now.
bad-um tsch
Are you oxygen??? Because if I force air out of my lungs instead of breathing normally, you come out instead of carbon dioxide. Did you know that????
i feel like that wasn't a joke
Nonjokes make good jokes.
I'll save copper for when we finish this conversation so I can say Cu later
Au, don't go!
blah I'm trying to come up with clever come backs but it's like
of course NOTl
Nitrogen oxygen and thallium but where did the l come from
my lack of good chemistry jokes is probably getting pretty borium
wait borium isn't an element
Tm is for Thulium
What's the atomic number?
im trying really hard okay
its okay im struggling to think of one too
okay i got one
what are the four gangster elements
Aluminum, Carbon, Polonium, Neon
together they are AlCaPoNe
But they have to run when polonium doubles itself
because then the PoPo's gonna be after them
Wait, sorry, brb in 10 minutes
that's ok
Back, sorry about that!
two deer walk out of a gay bar, one turns to the other and says "man, i can't believe i blew thirty bucks in there".
i didn't come up with that one but
jerry i think were done
wait oxygen magnesium
Maybe not!!!
I suppose that one was salty though.


I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


[3:23:47 AM] Ruto: mashiiii read chat logs
[3:23:48 AM] Ruto: :D
[3:24:55 AM] Mashi: I'm on it!!!
[3:25:17 AM] Mashi: loooooool
[3:25:30 AM] Ruto: xD
[3:25:37 AM] Mashi: A+++++++++


KefkaticFanatic reveals his true colours!!!

[9:38:52 PM | Removed 9:39:10 PM] Dude: This message has been removed.
[9:38:53 PM] Dude: OH
[9:38:54 PM] Dude: WAIT
[9:39:04 PM] Dude: shit
[9:39:14 PM] Nick Morello: ???
[9:39:18 PM] Nick Morello: ff6 -> indian
[9:39:18 PM] Dude: nothing
[9:39:19 PM] Nick Morello: ????
[9:39:26 PM] Dude: Mentioned kefka
[9:39:30 PM] Dude: it's your screen name
[9:39:31 PM] Mashi: kefka looks very indian
[9:39:37 PM] Dude: idk
[9:39:37 PM] Mashi: i can confirm it
[9:39:42 PM] Dude: whatevs
[9:39:44 PM] Mashi: hes part of a secret indiant occult
[9:39:44 PM] Nick Morello: oh
[9:39:45 PM] Nick Morello: wtf
[9:39:46 PM] Nick Morello: no im not
[9:39:47 PM] Nick Morello: lmao
[9:40:06 PM] Mashi: hes my partner sometimes when we play ludo
[9:40:24 PM] Dude: where's kefka
[9:40:28 PM] Dude: I need her
[9:40:36 PM] Mashi: kefka doodle needs you
[9:40:36 PM] Nick Morello: here
[9:40:39 PM] Dude: ok
[9:40:40 PM] Mashi: hi kefkaaa
[9:40:40 PM] Dude: So
[9:40:44 PM] Dude: I need some yaoi
[9:40:51 PM] Dude: any recommendations?
[9:40:52 PM] Nick Morello: I'm  here
[9:41:05 PM] Mashi: looooool
[9:41:16 PM] Nick Morello: I read mostly yaoiiiiii on ffnet
[9:41:24 PM] Dude: ffnet?

[9:41:39 PM] Mashi: lololololololololololol
[9:41:44 PM] Mashi: [9:41 PM] Nick Morello:

<<< I read mostly yaoiiiiii on ffnet
[9:41:50 PM] Mashi: it is now forever
[9:41:52 PM] Nick Morello: noo
[9:41:54 PM] Dude: i mean like manga
[9:42:08 PM] Dude: literature is for noobs
[9:42:08 PM] Nick Morello: i click whatever looks hot
[9:42:18 PM] Dude: I don't read!
[9:42:21 PM] Dude: Bleh
[9:42:21 PM] Dude: Ok
[9:42:31 PM] Dude: What is hot in her opinion?
[9:42:40 PM] Nick Morello: also eating buns so speaking erratic
[9:42:50 PM] Nick Morello: aryanshipping
[9:43:53 PM] Nick Morello: ashxgary
[9:43:54 PM] Nick Morello: ashxbrock
[9:43:58 PM] Nick Morello: o gawds y
[9:43:59 PM] Dude: OH YES
[9:44:02 PM] Dude: YES
[9:44:06 PM] Dude: Ok
[9:44:07 PM] Dude: That works
[9:44:09 PM] Dude: Thank you!~
[9:44:14 PM] Nick Morello: palletshipping!!
[9:44:17 PM] Nick Morello: what have I done
[9:44:24 PM] Dude: I forgot about pokemon
[9:44:34 PM] Erich Goeckeritz: ........  ._.
[9:44:35 PM] Nick Morello: ._______________________.
[9:44:35 PM] Dude: TO PAHEAL
[9:44:41 PM] Dude: *woosh*
[9:44:53 PM] Dude: oh
[9:44:59 PM] Dude: does she like linkxganondorf?
[9:45:25 PM] Nick Morello: she likes linkxdarklink
[9:45:33 PM] Dude: well that's no fun.
[9:45:44 PM] Dude: :(
[9:45:54 PM] Nick Morello: nothing like doppelganger sex
[9:45:58 PM] Dude: lol
[9:46:00 PM] Nick Morello: .________________________________________________________________.
[9:46:10 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Isn't that technically just masturbation?
[9:46:32 PM] Dude: also
[9:46:35 PM] Dude: [9:42 PM] Nick Morello:

<<< aryanshippingi googled that
[9:46:50 PM] Dude: all that came up was shipping sites
[9:46:52 PM] Nick Morello: not if you use other things than hands
[9:46:54 PM] Dude: and not the relationshipping kind
[9:46:57 PM] Dude: the other kind
[9:47:04 PM] Dude: like
[9:47:06 PM] Dude: packages
[9:47:09 PM] Dude: and boxes
[9:47:10 PM] Dude: and bags
[9:47:11 PM] Nick Morello: "packages"
[9:47:13 PM] Nick Morello: "bags"
[9:47:26 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: The official mail service of the Third Reich.
[9:47:32 PM] Dude: XD
[9:47:47 PM] Nick Morello: I'll put youuuu in a bag #nickmorello
[9:47:52 PM] Nick Morello: wat D:
[9:47:59 PM] Dude:
[9:49:00 PM] Erich Goeckeritz: I'm afraid to click on any link that's been posted for the past half hour
[9:49:08 PM] Dude: it's just a freight thing
[9:49:09 PM] Dude: it's ok
[9:49:21 PM] Erich Goeckeritz: That's a big boat
[9:49:26 PM] Dude: ;)
[9:49:40 PM] Erich Goeckeritz: I'd love to get inside of that boat
[9:52:05 PM] Dude: so
[9:52:09 PM] Dude: OH
[9:52:16 PM] Dude: Have you watched Free! yet kef?
[9:53:12 PM] Mashi: is that the one about the hot swimmers
[9:53:23 PM] Dude: yeah
[9:53:43 PM] Mashi: theyre really hot

[9:58:09 PM] Dude: my reaction to most of the swimming scenes:

[9:58:35 PM] Mashi: doodle whos the best character
[9:58:41 PM] Dude: makoto
[9:58:43 PM] Nick Morello: it's mostly text

[10:02:37 PM] Nick Morello:
[10:02:38 PM] Nick Morello: o lawd
[10:03:35 PM] Dude: that's pretty sexy kef

[10:12:53 PM] Mashi: lol
[10:13:08 PM] Mashi: Time to post the log of Kefka talking about yaoi!!!


what is this treachery


me irl


Quote from: Mashi on July 19, 2013, 07:35:43 PM[9:45:54 PM] Nick Morello: nothing like doppelganger sex
[9:46:10 PM] Zachary "Maestro" Loy: Isn't that technically just masturbation?

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


[24.7.2013 20.23.26] manio: in the miiverse
[24.7.2013 20.23.30] manio: you can say FUCK
[24.7.2013 20.23.43] manio: but not jesus
[24.7.2013 20.26.40] Ruto: loool
[24.7.2013 20.26.49] Ruto: tried saying god or satan?
[24.7.2013 20.28.13] manio: ill try now
[24.7.2013 20.28.21] manio: this is redicilous
[24.7.2013 20.28.50] manio: GOD DOESNT WORK
[24.7.2013 20.29.07] manio: SATAN DOES WORK

go nintendo


^That is so weird.


Lol I got that idea when I remembered you couldn't do the same in Soul Calibur create a character xD

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on July 19, 2013, 07:44:01 PMwhat is this treachery



I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


I think ash x brock was called boulder shipping.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]